Basso Profundo

By moc.loa@niymauK

Published on May 30, 2000



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Do you like long romantic walks on the beach?

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If you picked any frowns than may I suggest you go to another site. (Or at least not get caught, if you are underage.) This is a work of fiction. I do not know any of the people, famous or otherwise, in this story. To the best of my knowledge all of the members of *Nsync are heterosexual, and unless I hear it from them that they aren't I will continue to believe them to be straight.

Authors Note

Just so you know this will be a slow moving story, both in how fast I can get it written, and in the fact that it won't be "SLAM-BAM-THANK-YOU-SAM." Also this story is copyrighted, and the author retains all rights, if you want to save it that is okay, but only if it is not altered in any way, you may also share it with others, but again it cannot be altered in any way shape or form and credit must be given to me. E-mail me any comment, good or bad, but try to keep them constructive.

Okay, now that the legal blah is out of the way... I am sorry that this has taken me so long to get out, actually I had it written a month ago, but no one has been emailing me so I didn't post it. Also there will be sex in the NEXT chapter, but I won't post that chapter unless someone, anyone emails me wanting me to post it. The best stories to check out are: 'Dreams of a Guardian Angel, Lance in Shinning Amour, My Big Break, Justin's Dark Angel, Set You Free, and Hearts Combining.' Check them out.


"Night boys, don't do anything I wouldn't do." JC called to Lance and I as we were all going into our respective rooms.

"Well what fun is that?" I called out as Lance slid our keycard into the door.

"Brett, I think I know what I want tonight."

"Hon, I want it too, but tonight isn't the night. Lets just cuddle up, go to sleep, and in the morning I have a special surprise for you."

(The next morning)

"Brett. Brett? Where are you?" Lance looked all around the suite and couldn't find him anywhere. "Guys, has anyone seen Brett?" He called out the door into the living room.

And now on with the show...

Lance ran all around the suite looking for Brett. "JC, have you seen Brett?"

But there was no one in JC's room, nor was there anyone in Chris or Joey's rooms. Lance entered Justin's room, expecting to also find it empty. But Justin was there, sitting on his bed holding two long-stem red roses and an envelope.

"I was wondering how long you were going to sleep."

"Where is everyone Justin, what's going on?"

"Think of it as a treasure hunt, sort of." Justin said, handing Lance the roses and envelope. "You have to follow the trail to find Brett."

Justin walked out of the room as Lance opened the envelope,

Hey Babe,

I have had this planned for a bit, but because of your 'little joke' yesterday, I decided to make things a little tougher.

To find your surprise, and me you need to follow the trail. 'Go downstairs to the limo. It's time for a drive.'

PS. You need to collect all the roses and your band mates along the way.

Love Ya. L

"You ready?" Justin called from the door holding one of Lance's Duffel bags.

"I guess. Where are we going?"

"Nice try. I'm not saying anything."

"Not even a little hint. PPPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE."

"Yeah right. Follow me."

Lance followed Justin out of the suite and into the elevator.

"Press the button for the garage."

"Can I have my bag Curly?"


"Why not?"


"Cause why?"

"Cause I said so, so there." 'DING' the elevator doors opened. "Now get in the Limo." Justin said as he put Lance's bag in the trunk.

Lance climbed into the backseat of the limo and came face to face with a sleeping JC.

"Okay let's bounce," Justin called to the driver. "Hey JC... WAKE UP."

"Wha...huh." JC mumbled opening his eyes.

"Sleep much?"

"It's boring here in the car. At least you had a TV."

"So do you dope." Justin reached over to a console and revealed a TV behind the door.

"Okay, whatever." JC responded as Justin laughed. "Lance?"

Lance had been watching the two with mild bemusement. "Yeah?"

"Penny for your thoughts."

"Just wondering how long you two have been married."


"I mean you guys bicker like an old married couple."

"Whatever Scoop, you're the only one into guys." JC said.

"I don't know about that, Joey and Justin seem to enjoy popping in on me and Brett just a little to much."


"Oh come on Curley, I've seen ya checking out my man."

"So he's good looking, that doesn't mean I want to do him."


"Okay so I wouldn't mind giving Devon Sawa a hot oil massage, but I like girls too!"

"EW too much information."

"JC, how many times have we all listened to you talking about some girl, turnabout is fair play." Lance reprimanded.

"ANYWAY JC, don't you have something to give Lance?"

"Oh yeah, my bad." JC said reaching into a bag and pulling out two long stem roses and another envelope.


"What's up Justin?" Lance asked.

"This whole thing is just so romantic, I wish someone would go to this much trouble for me."


"I bet Devon would be romantic, you should call him."

"Fuck off JC."


"Don't be a butt head." Lance admonished. "Justin wanting romance is perfectly normal."

"I was just joking, so anyway; what does the letter say?"

"It says 'See ya soon.' And there is a big letter J on the page."

"I wonder what it all means?"

"I don't know but we will find out soon enough." JC said.

"Brett didn't tell you?"

"He told us basically what he was doing, but the letters were sealed when we got them." Justin told Lance.

"So what's he doing?"

"Not telling."

"Me neither!"


"You're going to like it Lance, so shut up." JC said.

The Limo pulled up in front of a coffee shop and Joey, laden down with muffins, coffee, and of course two more roses and an envelope, got in.

The coffee and muffins were quickly divided up amongst the boys; then Lance opened Joeys' envelope.

'Don't fill up on junk food. I've got dinner all planned.

LY' Lance read out loud.

"Five more minutes boys." The driver called over the intercom.

"Wait a sec, we're just having brunch, it's too early for dinner."

"Five more minutes till we get to Chris, not till you see Brett." Joey said.

"So then you know where Brett is?"

"No." said Justin.

"Nope." JC

"No." replied Joey.

Lance peered out the window, "The airport?"

"Yeah genius. The airport."

"But we don't have our disguises, we'll be mobbed." Lance said, ignoring JC's sarcasm.

"Don't worry Scoop, we aren't going to the main terminal," Just as Justin said this the limo stopped in front of a shinny, black Gulfstream II.

The guys got out of the car and Chris and Busta greeted them from the doorway of the plane. "About time."

"Lance slept late." JC replied.

"This must have cost Brett a fortune to rent." Lance said.

"He didn't rent it," Chris answered. "He owns it."


The guys all grabbed seats as the pilot came out from the cockpit. "Hi guys, I'm Kirsten James, your pilot. We'll be taking off in a few moments and flying to Nashville, and then on to New York City, so get comfy and enjoy the flight."

"So why Nashville?" Lance asked.

"It's part of our agreement with Brett; we get you to your destination, and then we get to use the plane to go wherever we want. Chris said. "I am going to visit some friends in Nashville." Justin continued. "JC is going to Orlando and Joey and Chris are staying in New York." "What about our stuff at the hotel?" "You mean your stuff, one of the assistants is packing it up and shipping it back to your house." "Okay Justin, but if I find out my boxers are being auctioned off on EBAY, you are a dead man."

"Okay, change of subject." Chris interjected and handed Lance two more roses and another envelope.

'So you know dinner is involved, you know you are going to NYC, but that isn't you final destination. With the letter 'E' at the bottom of this page you have the word jelly, you will know when it comes into play. I'll see ya soon.

Time lapse

"Welcome to New York City" Kristen said over the intercom. After the plane had stopped Kristen came out of the cockpit. "Lance someone from security will meet you outside. JC we will leave for Orlando around five so you have a few hours, be prompt."

"Mr. Bass, please come with me your plane is waiting."

"Okay... See ya guys in a few days."

"Lance, wait. Don't forget your bag."

"Thanks JC."

"Scoop, you will need this too." Chris said handing him one last envelope.

"So where is my connecting flight?"

"The Concord is at terminal six, we'll take the underground tunnels to avoid people and you'll be there in five minutes." The security guard said.

Lance opened the last envelope from Chris and found his passport inside.

Time Lapse

"Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Paris." The captain announced.

Lance entered the airport not knowing what to expect. He scanned the crowd looking for a familiar face. He walked further into the airport reading the placards the limo drivers were holding up; but his name was not on any of them. Finally he saw something, at the end of the row was a woman holding up a sign that read 'Peanut Butter'.

Lance walked up to the lady and said, "Jelly."

"Hi lance, I'm Madeline, Brett's' assistant. Please follow me."

"Nice to meet you."

Madeline led lance to a waiting limo. "You probably have a bunch of questions."

"Just a few," Lance said with a touch of sarcasm. "What does Brett do; I mean he has his own plane, a personal assistant, this whole thing must have cost..." He trailed off realizing how crass that last comment sounded.

"Don't worry about it." Madeline laughed. "It's a reasonable question, he is on the board of quite a few international companies, but the bulk of the money comes from some oil fields he owns."

"When do I get to see him?"

"We are going to the Ritz, you'll see him in about an hour." Madeline looked out the window; "In fact we are at the hotel now."

Madeline directed Lance to the penthouse. "Why don't you take a bath, relax, and when you get out dress for dinner."

Lance took a relaxing bath, and when he entered the bedroom found a tuxedo waiting for him on the bed.

TBC, and hopefully the next chapter wont take me as long to get out. PLEASE email me with any questions, comments, words of praise and admiration, etc....


Next: Chapter 4

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