Basso Profundo

By moc.loa@niymauK

Published on Mar 24, 2000


Basso Profundo: Chapter 2


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If you picked any frowns than may I suggest you go to another site. (Or at least not get caught, if you are underage.) This is a work of fiction. I do not know any of the people, famous or otherwise, in this story. To the best of my knowledge all of the members of *Nsync are heterosexual, and unless I hear it from them that they aren't I will continue to believe them to be straight.

Authors Note

Just so you know this will be a slow moving story, both in how fast I can get it written, and in the fact that it won't be "SLAM-BAM-THANK-YOU-SAM." Also this story is copyrighted, and the author retains all rights, if you want to save it that is okay, but only if it is not altered in any way, you may also share it with others, but again it cannot be altered in any way shape or form and credit must be given to me. E-mail me any comment, good or bad, but try to keep them constructive.

Lance: Chapter 2

I sat down on the couch in the greenroom with a plop. The boys had two or three songs left to sing, I had watched most of the concert but came backstage early. I knew I would only have a few minutes with Lance before the press and fans with backstage passes would invade en mass.


"How much time?"

"The boys are just starting the finale. Then there will be two encore songs. They'll be back here in like fifteen minutes."

"Thanks for the heads up Dave." I got up off the couch and headed for the boys dressing room.

"Thank you Atlanta," Yelled JC into the mike.

"We love you guys," Justin called out.

The roar of the crowd was deafening as the five members of *Nsync left the stage and headed for their dressing room.


"Yeah Chris?"

"Where's Busta?"

"In the dressing room with Brett."


Busta was squirming in my arms. " Busta, ya got to stop moving or this isn't going to work!"


"Shhhh, here come the boys."

The door opened and in walked Chris, then Lance, Joey, Justin and then JC.

"Heads-up Chris," I called out and tossed him a water bottle.

"Wha..." Chris caught the water bottle and looked at me a little funny.

"Duck and cover Lance." Lance quickly moved out of the way and Chris finally figured out what I was up to. I squeezed my water bottle as hard as I could and hit Joey square in the face with a blast of cold water.

Chris sprang into action and got both JC and Justin in the crotch before they could figure out what was happening.

Lance was laughing at the confused looks on his friends' faces as he made his way to the mini fridge in the corner. Seeing Lance laughing Chris started to take aim.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I said while holding my water bottle over Busta's head.

"That's just low Brett."

"All's fair in love and war Chris."

Lance had armed himself and was standing near Chris now; he winked at me slyly and I put Busta down on the ground.

"Don't worry I wouldn't have done anything to Busta. What kind of monster do you think I am?"

I quickly made my move and both Lance and I hit Chris with streams of water.

"Okay you guys, the press is waiting in the greenroom..." Dave looked around at the four wet boys and the dry Lance and I. "Alrighty then, Lance get to the green room. The rest of you change quickly and join him ASAP." Dave left the room mumbling something under his breath.

"You'd think that we got him wet from that attitude." Said JC.

"Brett, you coming?" Asked Lance.

"Nope, I'm going to take Busta for a walk then I'll join you."

"Oh. Alright then." Lance shuffled off to meet the press.

"Thanks for taking Busta for a walk Brett."

"No big Chris, but actually I already walked him, earlier."

"Than why did you lie to Scoop?" Asked JC with rising ire in his voice. JC was very protective of his band-mates.

"Cause I needed to talk to you guys alone about something." I said as I walked over and closed the door.

Lance stood in front of the horde of media folks. All of them were trying to get his attention, calling out questions at random. Lance put his hands in the air and in a deep loud voice called out, "Okay everybody, QUIET. I will answer your questions, but please lets be civilized and orderly about this."

The room was silent for a moment before the questions started up again, but this time in an orderly fashion.

"Where are the rest of the guys?"

"They're changing and will be out in a few."

"Lance, are you all happy with the move to Jive?"

"Yes we are very happy with the move. It has allowed us greater creativity and involvement with the music."

"What's the next single to be released?"

"Well, we haven't come to a final decision on that yet."

"What are you guys doing to promote the release of the new album?"

"Well there is a week of MTV stuff, the usual photo shoots, interviews, oh and we are going to be on Saturday Night Live."

Joey walked into the room, "Have no fear everyone, I am here," he declared to the room before moving to stand next to Lance.

"Joey, where are the rest of the guys?"

"What! Lance and I aren't enough for you jackals? That's it you have to leave now!!" Joey looked around, "Security, Security! I guess what they say is true; 'good help IS hard to find.'

"Joey, why did you dye your hair?"

"Why not?"

"Why red?" Asked a 'reporter' from BOP Magazine.

Joey leaned in and whispered in lances ear, 'Oh the tough questions.' Joey turned back to the reporters, "Because I would look silly as a blonde. Besides we have two blondes in the group already, but we don't have a red-head."

The rest of the guys walked in then and the question answer session continued.

I stood in the hall outside the green room talking on my cell phone.

"Madelyn, is everything all set?"


"Yes that's right."


"Uh-huh, the plan is go!" I clicked my phone shut, picked Busta up off the floor and entered the room.

The order that Lance had established before now reverted back into a deafening cacophony with the arrival of the entire band, and the fans with backstage passes.

Lance looked at me with an exasperated grimace on his face. I winked at him and brought my fingers up to my lips.

Lance quickly covered his ears and motions the rest of the boys to do the same.

I inhaled and then exhaled a long, loud, shrill, ear-piercing whistle.

There was silence, with the exception of Busta barking. "Okay folks, lets all behave like civilized human beings. No one will get an answer to their questions if the boys can't hear what you are asking." I said while petting Busta trying to quiet him down.

"Who are you?" One of the reporters asked me.

"Nobody special just a friend of the band."

"Didn't I see you at the Hawaii New Years concert?" Asked a different reporter. I think she was from MTV, but I'm not sure.

"I don't know. Did you?"

"So are you traveling with The Band?" She asked.

In the nicest voice possible, with NO Sarcasm I replied, "Why are you asking me questions? Your readers and viewers don't care about me, they want info on *Nsync." I went and handed Busta to Chris, then left the greenroom.

"So guys, who was that?" She asked?

"Like he said, a friend of ours." Joey replied to the impertinent reporter. Lance ducked behind the rest of the guys and followed me to the dressing room. "What was that about Brett?" Lance asked with concern on his face.

"I just don't want to jeopardize your future. We don't want to end up on the cover of the grocery store tabloids. If reporters see me too often then they will start asking questions. I know I shouldn't have called any attention to myself, but you looked like you needed help."

"Don't worry about that..."

"You shouldn't have followed me." I sat down in a chair and hung my head a little. "I don't know why my answer didn't work, usually it does."

"That is my concern not yours..."

"I can't help it. I don't want to jeopardize the bands success. I won't let it get to the point of where you might have to choose between two things you care about. I have been in that position before and I know that I'll loose if you have to choose between me and your music and best friends."

"Care about, is that what you think we have." Lance said starting to get a little angry sounding.

"No. Yes. I don't know, it's just... I know what I'm feeling, but I didn't want to be presumptuous..." Lance cut me off, "Well you're right no to presume anything."

My heart sank a little, no not just a little, a lot. I had thought we had something. My eyes glazed over, but I was determined not to let him see me cry. Nobody sees me cry.

"Because I don't care for you." Lance said in a mocking tone. "I think I'm starting to fall in love with you." Lance smiled.

I gave him an evil stare, or at least the best one I could manage after his little joke. "James Lance Bass." I got up and walked over and poked him in the chest with my index finger. "You are such a jerk! Well in case you didn't realize it I think, no, I know I am falling in love with you!"

Lance leaned in and kissed me on the lips. "Baby."

"Lance, you need to get back to the greenroom. You don't want to disappoint your fans. Now get your cute ass back to work."

"But I don't wanna." He whined.

"Git, I'll still be here when you are done."

The rest of the night was uneventful; we went back to the hotel a few hours later.

"Night boys, don't do anything I wouldn't do." JC called to Lance and I as we were all going into our respective rooms.

"Well what fun is that?" I called out as Lance slid our keycard into the door.

"Brett, I think I know what I want tonight."

"Hon, I want it too, but tonight isn't the night. Lets just cuddle up, go to sleep, and in the morning I have a special surprise for you."

(The next morning)

"Brett. Brett? Where are you?" Lance looked all around the suite and couldn't find him anywhere. "Guys, has anyone seen Brett?" He called out the door into the living room.

To be continued...

Author's note: I hope you like this installment; please email me any comments, good or bad. I was a little unsure of where to end it. I thought of ending at the end of the press conference, but it didn't seem climactic (get your minds out of my gutter) enough. I hope to have the next chapter out by the second week of April, but that all depends on how school is going. TTFN, Kuamyin.

Next: Chapter 3

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