Basso Profundo

By moc.loa@niymauK

Published on Feb 23, 2000


Boy-Bands : Basso Profundo; Chapter 1

Legalities: This story is completely fictitious. I do not know any of the members of the band N'sync. Until I hear it from their lips I will continue to believe that they are straight! This story will be dealing with gay themes; if you are too young to be here, "Go Away", if you are offended by gay themes, "What the hell are you doing in this section of Nifty??"

Authors Note: This is not my first story, but it is the first one that has a character that is based on a real famous person. Please be nice with your comments. Also just so you know this will be a slow moving story, both in the fact that it will not be 'Slam bam thank you Sam' and in the fact that it takes me about two weeks to come up with a chapter, and then I have to edit, so you can expect the next installment sometime in the middle of March. (But don't hold me to this; I am notorious for not being punctual.) E-mail me if you want to tell me what you think, and FYI flames will be laughed at, and the best ones may be included in the story as fan mail! ;-)

Basso Profundo Chapter 1

The sun shone through the window and hit me square in the eyes; I put my hand up to block the offending light. I sit up and reach for the itinerary on the bedside table, "Oh God. 8:00 Am. is too early to get up." Whenever I spend any time with *N'sync I wake up each morning, and go to bed each night not knowing what city I'm in.

"Lance, hon. What is today's date?"

"Mphs." Was his only response, as he rolled over and spoke into the pillows.

"Pillow taste good?"


"You had better not be whining! I'll have to get you if you are." I whispered.

At my (not so idle) threat Lance quickly pulled himself into the fetal position.

"Don't worry baby. It's too early to start a tickle fight." I reassured him.

Lance sighed in relief and relaxed his body. 'Ah, the perfect opportunity.' The bottom of Lance's tee shirt had slid up a few inches from the waistband of his gray CK boxer-briefs. I leaned in and slowly slid my tongue across the top edge of his underwear and skin.

He started to giggle as I slid my tongue up his side. With a thud Lance tumbled out of bed.

"You are so going to get it Brett!"

"Yeah, big words Blondie..." Before I could even finish my taunt Lance had leapt up and pounced on me.

I barely put up any defense; I just interlocked our fingers so he couldn't tickle me. Our little 'war' was soon downgraded into a make-out session. Lance lay on top of me with our arm out to the side, fingers still interlocked.

"Um, I love the taste of your lips."

"Even with my morning breath?" Lance asked a little shocked.

"Lance, if I can kiss you after a luau I can handle a little morning breath." I rolled him over so I was on top. " I am a vegetarian remember?"

He got a goofy little grin on his face.

"In fact I could kiss every single bit of you." I continued.

"Uhn, forever?" he sighed.

"Okay you two. The CHEESE LEVEL just went through the roof!" Justin called from the doorway of the penthouse suite.

"Voyeurism Justin? How kinky!"

Lance started to giggle, as Justin turned crimson.

"Justin. Calm down, I was joking," I said laughing. "You southern church boys are soooo easy!"

"Hey. Poofu over there might be easy, but I'm not."

Now it was Lances turn to turn bright red. "Justin..."

"Justin, get your mind out of MY gutter. I meant easy to embarrass."

Lance freed one of his hands and put it around my neck drawing me into a kiss. He nibbled slightly on my lower lip before I pressed my lips tight against his. After about a minute Lance broke our kiss and looked over at Justin who was still standing in the doorway. "Justin, you know I love ya Bro, but close the door and get out!"

"Sorry Lance, but we have an interview in half an hour and then we need to go to the concert hall for sound check and rehearsal."


"No cursing Brett!" Lance scolded me.

"Sorry babe." I sighed and raised myself up a little and looked into Lances green eyes. "I suppose I should let you get up then, huh?"

"Yeah." He sighed. We both shifted positions and started to get up.

"Okay Justin, we're up. Now close the door." Lance called out as we rolled out of bed.

"See ya guys in a bit." He replied, finally closing the door.

As soon as Lance heard the click of the door he practically tackled me in an embrace and we fell back onto the bed; he was smothering me in little kisses that were like the soft tickle of a feather.

"Don't ever stop!" I sighed quietly.

"Don't worry Brett. I won't." Lance whispered, just as he started to nibble my earlobe.

"Okay you two," Joey stormed into the room. "We don't have time for this. He grabbed Lance and I by our waists and started to drag us towards the bathroom.

"Let us go!" We both demanded.

"No Way. If Scoop can't pry himself away from you to get ready, I'll just have to get you two ready together."

Joey got us into the bathroom and kicked the door shut behind him. He let go of me, but kept himself strategically in front of the door blocking my escape.

"Joey, please don't do this." I pleaded as he pulled Lances' tee shirt off over his head in one quick gesture.

"Why not Brett? You've seen each other naked, and I don't care what you look like naked, so what's the problem?"

"No we haven't Joey."

"He's kidding, right Lance?"

"Nope." I reached over to the tub and grabbed a towel and a bathrobe. "You get ready, we'll be outside." I handed Lance the towel and put the robe on.

I closed the bathroom door behind us, and headed out to the patio.

"I'm confused Brett."

"There a shocker!" I smirked.

"No I am serious." Joey said. From the look on his face I could tell he really was confused. "You flew to Hawaii over New Years, and traveled with us to Atlanta, and I know that you don't let us pay for your plane tickets. You always sit in First Class with us, and I know that is expensive. You must have spent like over eight thousand dollars. And you're not getting any nookie. I find that hard to believe."

"Joey we might be sleeping together, but we aren't SLEEPING TOGETHER. And I have the money, and I'll spend it however I want to."

"You know I don't care if you guys are fucking."

"Joey!" I said rather exasperated, "Do you see and condom wrappers?"

"Well no...."

"No buts Joey. Neither of us is dumb enough to practice unsafe sex."

"So what is going on with you two? Why aren't you having sex?"

"I can only speak definitively for myself, but I think I know Lances reasons too. We want something more than just a physical relationship. He wants to make sure I'm not just a 'Star Fucker' and I don't want to be just another notch on the tour bus bunk post."

Joey just stood there.

"Do ya get it Joe? Do you get that we're completely satisfied without 'the nook'."

"Oh, yeah. I mean that sounds reasonable, I was just trying to think if Scoop's bedpost has any notches." He grinned.

"I should beat you silly with the cushion of the chair, but you probably would go flying over the railing." I looked to see if he could tell I was joking. He could. "So I guess I'll refrain."

"Yeah right, you probably hit like a girl."

"You asked for it 'super-freak'," I yelled as I grabbed the pillow and started to maul him. "Now you're going to get it."

Just then Chris walked by the doorway. "Chris. Help me, he's going to beat me to death!"

"Go for it Brett. I'm sure he deserves it." He laughed.

"TRAITOR! Okay Brett I give, but I was unarmed so it wasn't fair."

"Yeah, yeah. Get over it."

"Just one question though, what did you mean by the way you said you guys were 'completely satisfied'?"

"Give me your hand."


"Give me your hand and close your eyes."

"Whoa Brett, you know I'm straight, right?"

"Get over yourself Joey. Neither of our hands will ever go bellow our chests. And remember, the brain is the most important sex organ."

"Deep dude."

"You can thank Dr. Ruth for that, I didn't come up with it."

"Okay," Joey relented sticking out his hand and closing his eyes.

I took his hand in both of mine and started to slowly massage it. I rubbed small circles into his palm with my fingers while my thumbs gently glided over the top of his hand.

I kneaded the skin of his palm deeply, rubbing my thumbs over the tight muscles. I started with his pinkie finger and encircled it in my hand. I slowly and softly cracked each joint. "Take a deep breath; inhale for six counts and then exhale for eight."

"Okay, now again, inhale, exhale. Can you feel the heat from the sun on your shoulders?


"Isn't it relaxing?"

"Yeah sort of."

I slowly continue the hand massage, but I start to focus on some pressure points. "Feel good now?"


Just as Joey starts his response I quickly put pressure on one specific point. Joey goes weak in the knees, and slumps against the railing.

"Whoa, man what was that?"

"That's just the start of the good stuff, hang on there's more coming... Okay Joey, this is where you have to use your imagination. I am not going to actually do any of this stuff to you. I have to modify things a bit cause you're straight."

I take a deep breath. "Alright Joey, because I don't know your tastes whenever I say 'me' I want you to picture the girl of your dreams, or whomever you want."

"Okay Brett," Joey says while still bracing himself against the railing. "Lets get going."

"Now some of these things I would actually do to Lance. Keep your eyes close, this is all fantasy, none of the questions will require an actual answer. And remember when I say 'me' picture whomever you want."

I leaned in closer and lowered my voice to just above a whisper. "I am walking us inside now. We are standing by the bed; I am unbuttoning your shirt. I'm slipping my fingers inside your shirt and pulling it off. Now I am kissing your neck, I'm slowly moving to your left shoulder."


"Shhhh!" I took Joey's left hand and placed it over my heart. "Can you feel my heart beating? Can you feel the warmth of my body?"


"Joey, be quiet!" I removed his hand from my chest and brought it up towards my lips. I kissed the back of his hand lightly; and then slowly reached out my tongue and pulled the underside of it along the length of his middle finger. When I reached the tip of his finger I pulled it into my mouth, sucking on it gently. I let his finger slip out of my mouth; I then exhaled my breath.

The air cooled as it hit the wet saliva on his finger. Goose bumps quickly formed all over his body as a chill ran up his spine.

I quickly sucked his finger back into my mouth, deep-throating his finger until I could feel it slide down the back of my throat. Just as quickly as I had taken his finger it, I let it out. I then leaned my head back in towards his ear and continued with the story. "Joey, I am slowly kissing my way back up your arm. I am back at your neck. Slowly I am running my tongue down the front of your chest. I move to your right nipple. Just like with your finger I slowly start licking concentric circles around the edge of your areolas. I lean in and gently bite your nipple.

I could hear the water of Lance's shower stop. "Okay Joey. That's all you get." I dropped his hand and stepped away from him. "Lance is done with his shower."

"That was..."

"It only gets better from there. I was having a bit of a hard time because I don't know what you were picturing."

"You didn't seem to be having any troubles."

"Okay babe, it's your turn to shower." Lance called out looking around the room for us. He finally noticed us out on the balcony. "What are you two doing?"

"Just giving Joey a taste of my relaxation special." I could see Lance's eyes cloud over with hurt and jealousy. I quickly walked over to him and whispered in his ear "Don't worry honey, he just got the PG-13 version."

My cheek was pressed against his and I could feel his muscles contract into a faint smile.

"If you EVER think of cheating on me, especially with one of my band mates, I'll kill you!"

"Don't worry, he may beg for more, but you are the only one who gets the X-Rated version."

"I won't be begging for more, but I must say that was quite an experience." Joey responded coming in from the balcony. "You are such a tease Brett, you start but don't finish" He joked

"Sorry babe, blondes just taste better!" I said just before I licked Lance's cheek

"Joey, Lance still has to get dressed so you have time to go back to your room and 'Take Care' of 'Little Joe'."

"Brett, you might have gotten me a little hot under the collar, but you weren't that good." Joey tossed back.

I pulled away from Lance and turned around to face Joey. "Well, from where I'm standing, you look at least a little hot and bothered." I said looking him up and down, letting my eyes come to rest on his crotch.

Joey glanced down and turned beet red, noticing the obvious protrusion of his erection. "Yeah, well...uhm..."

Lance laughed at Joey's obvious discomfort.

"Okay, okay. So you got me hot. Whatever man." Joey said stalking towards the door.

"Don't get in a snit over it Joey. It's no big deal. It doesn't mean you're gay. It just means I gave you a pleasurable physical experience."

"Your right Brett. It is no big deal, and I am not in a snit!" Joey called out as he started closing the door. "One last thing. I now know why Lance is satisfied with no 'nookie', but what are you getting?"

"That is for us to know, buster." Lance said as he shooed Joey out.

"I'm going to take my shower, you get dressed and I'll see you at the show tonight."

"You're not coming to the interview?" Lance asked giving me his sad puppy face.

"I have some business to take care of. Don't worry I'll see you in like four or five hours." I reassured him as I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. "Besides, if I show up too often the reporters might get curious; mind you I don't have any faith in the 'Tiger Beat' people, but Kurt Loder is a pretty sharp cookie."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But you will be at the concert right?"

"Of course Lance. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

I know this isn't a very interesting place to pause the story, but "Get over it." :) I hope you liked it so far, and remember the next part should be out the middle of March.

Next: Chapter 2

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