
By jon white

Published on Nov 14, 2011


"I could happily stay embedded in thy warmth until the dawn breaketh, but how could a gentleman not respond to such a lady's request?"

"Then, Gallant Sire, I beg of thou, grant my wish, that I may sleep sound."

His head descended to her belly which was adorned by trails of precum. He started with the tiny lake in her navel, and licked up a few of the larger snail trails which led to her throbbing penis. She tasted like baklava. He could not fit her balls into his mouth, so he had to settle for giving them a good tonguewashing. Then to the prize: slowly, gently, he licked his way up her organ, spent extra time on her "g spot", pried her cock down from its vertical position and took the raging red cockhead into his mouth. She moaned and writhed as he changed from tender and gentle to a firm suction, trying to get her cock to deliver the last drop of delicious precum. Then he pursed his lips and "buzzed" as though he were blowing a horn. She let out a highpitched squeak and begain to squirm. She was so hot from her recent rectal experience that it wasn't long before: "Oh, Jaysus, I'm getting close...." So he switched from firm sucking to lightly

tonguing her piss slit and working down to the "g string", back and forth. "Oh, you Rat! I want to CUM! I need to cum. OH SHIT! Let me cum. Stop teasing! I'm so close.....MAKE ME CUM! Her abs were twitching, her legs were writhing, and then she howled: "Yeahhhh! OOOOHHhhhhhh!" The first spurt caught him when he was teasing her piss slit. He got a mouthfull of mostly clear precum. The second jet drenched his face and then he got far enough away to watch. He counted fourteen shots, between one and three feet in the air. Then the twitching and writhing stopped, the howls quieted, and she just lay there panting with her eyes closed. He was savoring her mouthful of precum and the thick white cum driping down his face.

"Wow, I counted fourteen squirts! Do you always shoot that much?"

"More or less I guess. I"m pretty out of it when I shoot and I don't count, but that seemed about average in volume but absolutely the greatest in total feeling." He crawled on top of her, slippery with jizz and they kissed long, tenderly, softly, sweetly and with a sense of completeness.

"How about it? I'm hungry. What do you say I throw a couple of burgers on the barbie and you stay for dinner? Your kitchen couldn't be organized yet and you havent't had time to get to the grocery store,"

"What a gentleman. But I suggest we get in the shower together. We seem somehow to have gotten a bit sticky.'

A Christmas Ale or two, a good dinner, and over coffee, she asked: "I still can't get over the feeling I had when you were sucking my clitty. That buzzing thing, I've never experienced that before. It really sent me over the top."

"Embrasure's pretty good, eh? I'm a hornist.", he said.

"You can't be the horniest, not after that afternoon!"

"No, silly, I blow a horn for a living. I'm the second principl of the french horn section of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra."

"You've got to be kidding. Meet the new assistant librarian of the Chicago! I'm also on the "taxi squad" for the 'cello section. I auditioned twice and they really wanted me to stay, hopefully in the 'cello section next year, but right now they don't have an opening so they asked me to take the librarian job and promised me fill in gigs as they come up this year. And I've got a spot in a nice chamber orchestra group to fill in some time and polish my skills. Small world, eh?"

"Not to be trite, but it sounds as though we may be making more sweet music together. I'm pooped, I'm sure you are too, and I know you haven't even unpacked sheets for your bed, so why don't you spend the night here?"

"What kind of a girl do you think I am? I've known you for seven hours and you expect me to sleep with you?" She laughed, and said, "OK, just let me pop next door and pick up a toothbrush and stuff. See you in a minute."

The clock read 7:24, sunlight was flooding the room, she was snoring lightly, in a ladylike fashion, but her cock was hard and making a tent in her nightie, which he gently lifted up. He was tenderly licking her "g string" when her eyes popped open. "Woof, I thought I was dreaming there for a minute.", she said.

He said: "I've been with a few guys, not many, I told you I'm picky, and I've never had anal sex. Never really wanted it. But you have the most beutiful dic... er, clitty, and for the first time in my life, I want to lose my virginity. Would you please, pretty please, take my precious cherry?"

"I'll seriously consider your request, but I need breakfst before I do anything else,"

"Geez, you are a typical woman. Gotta feed 'em before you can fuck 'em!"

"Assuming you have some bacon, eggs, and some milk I can whip up an omlette that will make you forget that erection, at least for the time being.", she said. And off to the kitchen they went.

Back in bed, she reached into her overnight bag and withdrew a "C" shaped thingy about an inch in thickness and four inches across. "You'll like this.", she said, "I'll slip it into your pooper and it will stimulate your prostate and your perineum, your 'taint', at the same time it's relaxing your sphincter." She put it gently in and then turned on the vibrator.

"Whee! I don't know if I want you to take it out. You'll have to be awfully good to top this!"

"You ain't felt nothin' yet, Jack. Just give me a minute to put a condom on my clitoris and lube up."

Her cockhead pressed against his pucker. Firmly, not hard. Gradually his sphincter relaxed and the oversized helmet popped in. He winced, but it didn't really hurt. She stopped, kissed the nape of his nexk, waited a minute and as he watched in the mirror, she slowly entered her full length. It felt wonderful and he reacked down for his penis but she slapped his hand away. "Oh, no!", she said, "I want that big kielbasa in my mouth the way you did yesterday. I want to know what you taste like." She slowly did the old inandout thing and was able to keep going for a good ten minutes with a few stops before she lunged forward and drove her cock in up to the hilt. He felt her "clitty" throb as she squirted for what seemed like minutes rather than seconds, and then she collapsed. "Oh God, that was good!" they said in unison, and then started laughing. That popped her unit out of his rosebud.

"I know you're going to think I'm nuts," he said, "but I feel this intense sensation of bonding, of my belonging to you, of a certainty we are forever connected. Weird. I've had guys cum all over me, and in my mouth dozens of times, but I've never felt like this before."

"I know exactly how you feel, but in my case it took a few days after his penis came in me before I had that 'inevitable closeness' feeling. Look at how your little dickie is dripping! Some looks cloudy, like maybe my clitty massaged your prostate a little. I'd better taste it to see." She licked the stream of juice from his shaft, then the glans. "A little of both. Too sweet for just precum. I think it's time I found out what your spouge tastes like." She was hungry and not in the mood for great subtlety and she attacked his unit with lips, tongue and hand. She really wanted to engulf the whole thing and then swallow, but gagged each time she got more than seven inches in her throat. He began to feel the "inevitable" stage, "Oh, I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna... Oh God, I'm gonna, gonna CUM!" and the hot cumwad raced down through his throbbing cock. "O, O, O,Ohhh, OH, UNnngh!" The jizz kept zzzzzipping through his glans. She was doing her level

best to swallow but his volume was too much too fast and a river of dickjuice flowed down her lips and dripped from her chin. She left his softening member and crawled up to plant a cummy french kiss on his smiling face.

"I'll get a little weirder on you some more. When I was a little boy, I asked my mother what love was. She said she coundn't explain it, but when I felt it, I'd know it. It's been less than a day since we met, but I know I'm in love. Weird, Never felt this before either."

"I can't top that, but I can tell you that I know with certainty, you are the man I knew someday would come along. How can that be after such a brief connection?"

She never did move into her new house, they sold both theri houses and moved into a larger one in Evanston after they adopted two foreign orphan girls and needed more space. Eight years later, she is firmly implanted in the 'cello section and he is principal of the horn section of The Chicago Symphony Orchestra. More importantly, they are more deeply in love than either one would have ever dreamed possible.


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