Basement Buddy

Published on Aug 24, 2006



Months had passed. Cleve was working hard. It's what he promised his Dad he'd do. And if the grades were impressive, his Dad said he's pay for University.

Until then it was community college and Cleve intended to get far better grades then he did in high school.

Using the money he made that summer, Cleve paid for his own fees and supplies. His Dad didn't require this but Cleve was determined to impress the man.

He had been studying, really studying. He asked for extra credit work and had been sitting in the library almost daily researching for the papers he had to write. Weekends, he worked one day at his former summer job.

Tired as he was, Cleve felt he was making progress. He was really learning and test scores reflected that too.

"Hey, late again?" The man spoke to Cleve as he walked down the hallway.

"Yea Sir, it's ok gotta do it" Cleve said smiling at the man. He was older, tall, bald with hair on the sides of his head.

"Don't say sir to me I'm on the janitor here" the man said.

Cleve stopped walking.


"I said I'm only the janitor" the man repeated. He was older then Cleve's Dad maybe even his grandfather's age.

"I've been taught to say SIR to grownups" Cleve said realizing that may sound childish since he was not old enough to be considered an adult himself...or at least a young adult.

"Nice to hear, not too many kids here feel that way" The man said coninuing to sweep the floor.

"Beside, nothing wrong with being a janitor...I bet we make one hell of a mess around here" Cleve said "it's nice to see plce be kept clean, really"

The man stopped "You're serious aren't you" he said.

"Yea, I didn't mean to sound patronizing, I just thought you said and--"

"Nice thank you. I appreciate it. My names Jessie" the man stuck out his hand and Cleve shook it.

"Wanna smoke? I mean something relaxing" Jessie said making the sign of someone smoking a joint.

"You mean, uh where can we?"

The basement was hot at first as they walked past the big pipes and huge boilers. Then things cooled off as they moved into a small office.

"Cool" Cleve said "This is a great get away"

"Yea I usually get in a few hours nap time here when I get done, then finish up and go home just as you kids are showing up" Jessie said. He pulled off the overalls he was wearing. His boxers and tee shirt revealed a decent shaped body despite his age.

"Hope you don't mind, Gotta fight that heat down here, You can strip down too" Jessie said as he retreived a box from under the desk.

"That's cool" Cleve said as he pulled his shirt off. He was alrady wearing shorts and the wife beater shirt he wore under his shirt was comfortable.

They smoked passing the joint back and forth.

Cleve found himself venting and telling Jessie everything.

"Sounds like you're doing the right thing, but a boy like you needs to relax once in awhile what do you do to relax?" Jessie said.

Cleve, now stoned answered honestly "Well I jack off as much as possible and when I can find a guy willing have sex with him".

Jessie didnt' respond at first.

"Sorry didn't mean to tell you all that. Hope you don't mind gay guys" Cleve said. He had been having sex with other guys since he was fifteen. Summer camp, Bible shool weekends and occasional hookups in high school confimed to him that he was indeed gay.

Cleve got used to it, not knowing if he was indeed gay or bi. "I might be into girls later I don't know" he confessed to Marsh one of his close friends.

He read about guys his age suffering in the closet. But Cleve didn't suffer. He just took it for granted he was gay at least at that point in life.

"No problem, gay myself" Jessie said.

Cleve looked at the older man.

"Really, I didn't get you down here for that though" the man added.

"I know" Cleve said though the thought didn't enter his head until then.

"What about you?" Cleve said passing the joint back to the man.

Jessie told him about his life, his deceased lover, his own parents, his former career and his current job that bridged financial ruin and his plans to go back to school for another career.

"Hey do these damn problems ever stop?" Cleve asked realizing the man had just as many problems as he did.

"No that's life..that's why you gotta find time and ways to relax and enjoyyourself when you can" Jessie said.

Cleve nodded and then stood. He peeled his shirt off and unbuckled the belt on his shorts.

"What are you doing?" Jessie said as he watched.

"Doing what you said" Cleve said as he stepped out of his shorts and peeled his jockeys off.

"You don't have to do that" Jessie said.

Cleve moved his naked body close to the man. He knelt and opened the man's fly.

"You like older men?" Jessie asked as Cleve licked his hardening cock.

It was as Cleve stripped won to put on the overalls his boss handed him. They were going to shovel the garbage heap that day the first weekend he was at his Uncle's farm.

"Better take everything off so you can stay clean, we'll shower later" the man said as Cleve stripped naked. He blushed red as his erection revealed his arousal.

"Guess we better do something else before going to work" The man said grabbing the boys cock.

Not only was his first sex with another man wonderful, so was the summer job. For the first time Cleve had a man to talk to, learn from and feel like he could say anything.

"Yea love men" Cleve answered Jessie "Do you like kids like me?"

Jessie smiled reaching for an dresting his hand on Cleve's bare butt.

"Well I like young MEN not kids" Jessie smiled.

Cleve woke up in the man's arms as the morning class bells were being tested.

"Don't worry, that's just the bell testing, classes don't start for another hour or so" Jessie said kissing Cleve on the forehead.

Cleve stood up stretching as Jessie watched him.

"Feel better?" Jessie said.

"Shit I feel fantastic, you were right, gotta take time to relax more often" Cleve said.

"Well you can come visit me whenever you want." Jessie said standing to put on his own clothing.

They had fucked and slept most of the they would more nights throughout the school year.

And Cleve made even better grades.

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