Baseball Lawn Boy

By JWW 4

Published on Feb 1, 2003



Summer's are hot. Summer's in the south are especially hot, and this one was proving to be no different. It was a scorcher.

I had only been home a few weeks from college when my folks decided to attend a medical conference in Europe. This left me at home alone for a week. Free at last. I was used to total freedom at school. Being back home was getting to be a little stifling. Mom had laid out a "to Do" list before they left for the airport. So far, I had already taken care of everything. The only thing left was to hang around and pay the new lawn guy. Our last lawn man moved to Florida to retire. I had only seen the new one once. He seemed nice enough.

I was just polishing off a bowl of Peanut Butter Crunch when I heard the truck pull up. I glanced out the window just to double check. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the right lawn truck. The right lawn equipment. Very different lawn guy.

I recognized him. He was Logan, the star pitcher for my college baseball team. He was a year ahead of me. I had actually tutored him through his biology course last semester.

He was gorgeous. Standing 6' and weighing in at a very nice solid 180 pounds, I don't think there was any fat on him. He had a nice square cut jaw and the greenest eyes I had ever seen. Blond curly hair - just a little on the long side. And that smile. Ahhh. Sitting next to him during our study sessions, I often found it very hard to concentrate on mitochondria and electron transport chain. My boxers were becoming a little uncomfortable just thinking about it. And here he was in my yard; at my house.

He was wearing a green tank top that hugged every curve of every muscle of his upper body and a pair of cut-off chinos. He was even more beautiful than I had imagined.

He obviously had spent a little time outside. His body was a golden tan. The curves of the muscles in his arms and legs were already beginning to glisten with a layer of sweat.

I didn't want to appear over-eager so I waited and watched him for awhile. I stood in awe as I watched him start to mow the back yard. The uncomfortable sensation in my shorts had become a full blown throbbing hard on.

After about an hour of watching this god work in the yard, I walked outside and asked if he wanted to take a break and maybe get something to drink. He was as surprised to see me as I had been to see him. Apparently, his dad had moved into town during our last semester. Logan was covering the lawn duties while his dad was out of town.

By this time, the tight green tank top was soaked through with his sweat.

"I'm way too much of a mess to come inside," Logan said. "Why don't I just sit out here by the pool. Maybe soak my feet for a little while."

I returned shortly with a couple of glasses of ice water.

"This is a really nice place you've got here"

"Thanks. It's not so bad. Mom and dad are away for a conference so I've been hanging out by myself all week," I replied.

"Nice to have all this to yourself. I'd be out here by this pool everyday, I think." Logan continued to eye the pool. By this time we were sitting side by side on the edge of the pool with our feet dangling in the water.

"Feel free to use the pool to cool down if you want. Won't bother me. I was thinking of going for a swim anyway."

"Thanks, but all I've got are the clothes I came in."

"No worries. I've got something I'm sure. Half the time I just jump in naked anyway."

I froze as that last sentence left my mouth. I can't believe I just said that. I must sounds like such an idiot now.

Logan glanced at me. "Hmmm. Naked, huh? Bet the water would feel great right about now. I'll go if you will," he said with a wink.

He must be kidding. Logan wanted to go skinny-dipping. How on earth was I going to hide the stiffness which was currently being covered by my shorts. There would be no hiding my excitement.

Before I could even reply, Logan was standing up and removing his tank top. I almost let out a moan just watching him. He had a smooth chest with defined pecs and a six pack like I had never seen before. All of it a golden tan. Then he dropped his shorts. What a beautiful, beautiful man. He had a perfectly round butt - also tanned. And I caught a quick glimpse of a thick rod ... at least 6 inches soft.

I scrambled out of my clothes as quickly as I could. When I turned around to dive in, Logan was staring at me from the shallow end with a grin on his face.

"Nice," he said with another wink. "Come on in. The water's great."

I dove in and surfaced not too far from Logan. The coolness of the water was doing nothing to calm down the throbbing between my legs.

Logan was walking towards me. "So you do this often?"

"Do what? Swim naked?"

"Try and seduce the lawn man into swimming naked?"

"Hahaha. Not hardly. Haven't met a lawn man I wanted to seduce before today."

By this time Logan was right in front of me. He reached his left arm around my waist and pulled me up next to him. I could feel his full hard 7 inches against my leg. And he could feel mine against his.

Logan looked at me. "I have wanted to get together with you since our tutoring sessions last semester. I just wasn't sure if you would be into it. Plus, being on the baseball team I had to be careful. I thought today I might take a chance. I could tell from the bulge in your shorts earlier that you were probably going to be into it."

This was surreal. The guy I had wanted also wanted me. I couldn't believe this was happening.

I slid my hands across his chest as I leaned in to kiss him. Our lips met and my knees about gave out on me. The passion was overwhelming. I had kissed guys before but never like this. Our tongues rolled across each other and massaged each other. My hand slid around to his back and down to the perfectly round globes of his ass. As I got to his butt and I started massaging gently, I could hear him let out a soft gasp and moan.

My mouth and tongue trailed down his neck to his right nipple. I begin to massage it with my tongue and gently nibble at it. His moaning had become louder. His back arched.

While my tongue worked it's way over to his left nipple, my hands drifted around the bumps of his six pack and down to a fully erect thick 7 inch rod.

It was warm and throbbing. My right hand wrapped around his shaft while the left began to knead his sac. I could feel Logan's body trembling against mine.

His hands were all over me. I could feel him playing with my nipples. They slid down my own six pack and down between my legs. My breath caught in my throat as his hands reached around my sack and cock. This was sensory overload in the shallow end.

My tongue slid down the groove between his abs until my head was underwater and I could feel the mushroom cap of his cock against my lips. I slowly began to lick my tongue around its rim. I could feel Logan's hands running through my hair and down across my shoulders and back. I raised mt head out of the water for air. Once my lungs were sufficiently filled I dived back down taking his entire rod into my mouth. I could hear him shout out in pleasure.

I could feel his muscle growing firmer and thicker in my mouth. I start slowing sliding my full lips down the shaft and back up to his head. As sexy as it was to have this ballplayer in my mouth underwater, the need for breaks to get air was preventing any real rhythm from forming. With my next air break I stood up and reached around for his firm ass. As I lifted him up, his muscular legs wrapped around my waist and once again our lips and tongues met in long passionate kiss. I carried him to the side of the pool.

Once he was firmly planted on the edge of the pool I went back to work on his cock. As I quickened my up-and-down motion, I could feel him begin to thrust his pelvis up into my face causing his muscle to drive even further into the back of my throat. Logan had one hand planted firmly on the pool deck for balance. His other hand was cupping the back of my head. As his hips thrust into my face, his hand was making sure I stayed connected with his cock.

His moans were becoming louder. His thrusts were becoming harder and faster.

"Oh God! Oh God! You are so awesome!"

I plunged down on his dick as far as I could. I could feel the muscles in his body start to tense up.

He shouted, and let loose a stream of white liquid down my throat. Several streams actually. I had never tasted anything so wonderful in all my life.

I kept my mouth wrapped around his cock to make sure I didn't let any of his love juice escape.

His body finally began to relax. He laid back onto the pool deck. I released my mouth from between his legs and raised myself onto the pool side. I leaned over him and looked into his eyes. He was so beautiful lying there all tanned and sweaty and panting. I leaned down and softly kissed his partially opened mouth.

"That was so amazing. I have never felt anything like that before in my life. I didn't want to cum that soon. I wanted to wait until..."

"Wait until what?" I asked him.

"I wanted to cum while you were inside me," Logan replied.

This was a day of total auditory hallucinations. First, he wants to skinny dip with me. Then, he wants to make out with me. Now he's wanting me to fuck him. Could this day get any better???

"Who knows... maybe you'll cum again," I stated as my hand ran down across his semi-hard cock and under his sac. The tip of my finger was running around the edge of his hole. He let out another soft moan.

"Although, trying that on the pool deck could get somebody hurt. This stuff is nothing but concrete. Not the most comfortable. Or softest."

I stood up and offered my hand to help him stand. Hand in hand I led him over to lounge chair.

He laid down on his stomach. The sun glistened in the beads of water on his rounded rear. I just stood there for a moment... totally disbelieving this was happening to me.

With both hands I ran up the inner side of each thigh and spread them apart - just enough so my face would have room to work. I traced my tongue don his lower back, between the mounds of his bare beautiful ass until I could taste his puckered rose. I licked at it ever so slightly. Logan moaned his approval. I started sliding my tongue in and out out of his hole. With each moan from Logan I went in just a little bit farther. He was reaching around, pushing my head further into his butt.

"That feels so good. Give it to me. I want you inside me. I want to feel you inside me," Logan managed to get out between moans.

He wanted me inside of him. I was happy to oblige. After all, I had wanted to be inside him for almost 6 months now. I couldn't believe I was finally getting my chance.

I used a combination of pool water and saliva to lube up my very hard cock. I leaned over him. As I began to slide into him, he raised back on all fours into me. Suddenly, my meat was totally encapsulated in the warmth of his tight hot ass.

"Just leave it there for a minute. Let me get used to it. It's been awhile since I did this."

Yes sir. I could stay right here for as long as he needed me to.

After a blissful minute or two of massaging his ass while he became comfortable he was ready to go.

"Give it to me. Give it all to me," he managed to get out. He already sounded out of breath.

I began to pull out. Stopping with only my head still left inside of him. I slowly slid back into him until his ass was touching my crotch. I could feel his ass muscles tense up. This was driving him crazy. He wasn't alone. The first time his butt clenched I thought I would blow my wad right there.

I continued the rhythmic back and forth movement with my pelvis.

"Harder. Give it all to me."

Once again, I was happy to oblige.

I began to thrust harder and deeper. With each time I rammed inside him, I could feel his muscle tense up around me. I was in heaven.

I pulled out and rolled him over onto his back. I raised his right leg up onto my shoulder. I rammed the entire length of my seven inched back inside him. He yelled out.

I was becoming lost in the moment. I was moving faster and faster. Deeper and deeper. Harder and harder.

Logan was once again fully erect. I began to stroke his cock in sync with the ass pounding he was getting.

I could fill myself getting close to climax. I could tell from the expression on Logan's face that it wouldn't take much to push him over the edge.

"Fill me up. Fill up my ass. I want to feel you blow your huge wad inside me."

I suddenly was unable to contain myself. With a shout of pure pleasure and one massive thrust forward, I shot a river of white cream deep inside him. With each burst of liquid I could feel his body tense and clench around my meat. I continued to stroke his muscle. Just as my last stream entered him, he gasped and exploded with another volume of his own juices. They shot up almost to his chin.

I slowly slid out of him and dropped onto his heaving chest. I could feel the warmness of his liquid between our two bodies. For a moment, we laid there - simply breathing in rhythm with one another.

Finally, I raised my head up and looked into those deep green eyes.

"That was amazing, Logan. I have never felt anything like that before."

He leaned forward and we joined together in a long wet passionate kiss.

He pulled away from the kiss and grinned.

"I think I may have to tell dad that I can take care of this lawn all by myself."

Suddenly, I couldn't wait for the next time the lawn needed to be cut. This was going to turn out to be a good summer.

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