Baseball God

By moc.loa@88ntaeH

Published on Jun 28, 2008


This story is semi-fiction. The names have been changed To keep the peoples' Identity secret. This is a fantasy/semi-Fiction.

Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. Please write: BJ at, I would love to hear if you like my story.

Baseball God Chapter 5

I sit there in the box, still wondering why I did what I did, but I guess it would be because I didn't want to see Todd put through this, something has stirred inside me, since the first time he showed mercy, even though it put him where he is now, I still feel it was my fault he was about to be punished.

"Why did you do that for me," Todd asked.

"Because it was my fault," I said.

"Clearly not, I'm the one who resisted," Todd said.

"But if you didn't help me, you wouldn't be down here right now," I said.

"Damn, seeing you like this is really making me horny," Todd said.

"Well get use to being horny, cause we won't be cumming any time soon," I said.

"Is there no way to cum with this thing on," Todd asked.

"Nope, all we can do is pee," I said laughing.

"Damn, your smile makes you look so damn cute," Todd said.

"You're lucky I'm in this box little boy," I said.

"Why's that," Todd asked.

"Cause I would so hurt you for calling me cute," I said.

Todd brought his face to mine, "But you are cute," he said as he locked his lips to mine, and for that moment I felt I was in heaven, as Todd pulled away from the kiss that felt it lasted milliseconds, I felt a rush of volts from the box and than it turned off, I looked at the clock and read that the four hours had passed and Todd was instructed to release me, and we were to each put on a thong, grab the double ended dildo and go upstairs to a party Tyler has decided to throw, using us as the entertainment.

As we each decided on our thongs and pulled them on, finding it difficult while wearing the chastity belts, Todd than grabbed the dildo and we ascended the stairs. Once we emerged from the basement we found the house packed with member from our schools athletic teams, and members of athletic teams of schools in our area, once we realized we both tried to hid our faces along with our exposed body, but that was quickly stopped when Tyler walked over and attached a leash to each of our collars and pointed to the floor, we looked at each other and reluctantly sunk to floor. We realized as we were paraded around the house by leash, that we wouldn't be able to face these people ever again.

"Don't worry bitches," Tyler said, "No one here is going to out you, why do that, and it would only take away what we hold over you."

As he finished his sentence we saw what we were to be the entertainment on there were two weight benches lined up evenly opposite each other. We quickly knew what order was next and moved before Tyler could order us. After we took our position, we were tied down, so we wouldn't move.

"Now if you boys are good today and if you do as you're told and service everyone to outstanding orgasms, than we may be persuaded to remove the chastity belts for school next week," Tyler said.

"But first it looks like your guy's asses are a little lonely," Adam said as he shoved the double ended dildo up each of our asses, we both screamed out in pain as he used no lube, but our screams were muffled as Tyler's cock was shoved in my throat as Adam shoved his cock in Todd's.

As we sucked on our masters' cock, I could feel Todd moving back, trying to get more of the dildo in him, and as he did so, he shoved more of the dildo up my ass causing me to moan, giving more pleasure to Tyler, and as we continued we could see guys lining up as they removed there pants to reveal no cock under 7 inches long, and as Tyler cummed in my throat and pulled out, it was quickly replaced by another cock, when I looked up it was the captain of our rival baseball team, and as he looked down he grinned, I quickly realized why as I felt a warm liquid hit the back of my throat, I began to swallow in haste as I swallowed his piss.

"Some how I always knew you were a fag Mike, I always saw you steeling looks at my crotch, now look at you, branded as a bitch, a dildo shoved up your ass, drinking my piss, sucking my cock, and taking orders from my cousin," Said Max.

All I could do is look away as I realized how far I had let myself be humiliated.

"Look at me when your sucking my cock faggot, I want to see those bitch boy eyes as you savor every inch of my hot jock cock," Max said.

I raised my eyes to look straight at his face, and he had a grin that was so evil, it sent chills through my body, I than looked at the line behind and saw his entire team, and I knew I was in for a world of hurt.

"Hey Ty, any way my team and I could use the bitch to ourselves for a couple hours in private," asked Max

"Dude, because you're my cousin I'll give you a discount $100 bucks for 3 hours," said Tyler.

"Sweet," Max said as he handed the money over to Tyler and grabbed my leash, to lead me to one of the vacant rooms upstairs. "Don't worry about your pussy hole bitch it will soon be filled with a real mans cock," said Max.

"Hey Max, if he disobeys, hesitates to a command, or does anything wrong, you let me know, and you also have permission to punish him for anything as well," Tyler yelled up the stairs.

As I was pulled to the door, I saw everyone from Max's team lined up holding there belts, "If you stop once before you get to the end you'll have to go back to the beginning and start all over, now stay," Max said as a command as he walked to the end of the line, once there he picked p a frat paddle and pointed to the ground and yelled, "Heel."

I quickly began to walk on all fours toward him in a haste pace, once I got there he smacked my ass 5 times with his paddle, "That's how many belts you missed, every time you miss a belt I'll double the count and add the previous amount missed, now go back and start over," Max said.

I crawled back over to the start of the line, Max, pointed at the floor again and Yelled, "Heel," I quickly crawled towards him, hoping I didn't miss any belts on the way, Once I reached Max, he motioned with a finger for me to turn around, and after I did he spoke, "It seems like you missed 6 belts that time, so that's 12, add five, what's your total bitch," Max asked.

"Twelve sir," I said.

"Correct bitch," Max said as he let loose on my ass, after he had finished, I crawled back to the beginning, as he motioned to the floor with the paddle; I began my crawl, this time very slowly making sure not to miss a smack from a belt, as I reached the end, Tears were falling from my cheeks as I kept my head lowered in shame.

"Good job bitch, you didn't miss a single one and it only took you 3 tries," Max said as he grabbed my leash, "Now it's time for some revenge," as he said that I felt a sharp pain shoot up from my groin, after a couple foots in rapid succession made contact with my balls, and I fell into the fetal position, both my arms and legs were grabbed and I was carried into a room, where my arms and legs were both tied to a headboard of a bed leaving my ass in the air spread eagled, but enough room for a guy to get in front of my face and feed me there cocks.

"Like I said bitch it's time for some revenge for 4 years you have beaten us in the playoffs, keeping us from going to state, well this year your going to agree to through the game against us or else," Max said.

I stayed silent.

"Listen faggot, if you stay quiet it won't help, so either agree or else," Max Said

I stayed silent.

"Last chance bitch," He said, but once he realized I wasn't going to say anything, he grabbed a key and unlocked the lock holding the ring cage over my cock, he pulled it off, and than applied two icy hot patches to my shaft and replaced the ring cage and the lock, as I screamed out in agony, a gag was placed in my mouth muffling all noise, he than grabbed a bottle of Ben-gay and placed the nozzle over my hole and squeezed the bottle empty into my hole, and than pushed a but plug in after it, I continued to scream out in pain through the gag.

"See what you get when you disobey," said Max, "Now I'm going to remove the gag, I want you to beg for mercy and than I want you to beg for cock, cause we know you want it, and maybe we won't put this entire tube of Ben-gay on your balls," He said as he held up a tube of Ben-gay.

I Shook my head in agreement, and as he removed the gag I did as told, "Please sir Master Max, Please show mercy on a poor fagot bitch like me, I know I deserve everything I am getting but please sir please show mercy, and Sir please Master Max, please let me suck you cock sir, your real mans jock cock sir, please sir, please show mercy sir and let me suck your cock, please Master Max sir," I said with hope, as I saw him hand the tube to another team mate, he unlatched my legs only to re-tie them to the bed posts, he than straddled my chest.

"Open up fag, you look like your thirsty, time to quench that thirst," and as the last word left Max's mouth he began pissing, bad aim at first, for the first few seconds he sprayed my hair, face, and eventually landing his stream in my mouth, and I begin to gulp in haste making sure to get it all, because I didn't want any reason for him use that tube on my balls.

"Good Boy, drink up now, you'll need plenty of fluids," Max said as he started to laugh, "Damn BJ, you are so fucking pathetic, I think I'll have to ask Tyler if we can have you at our school next Friday, it is annual athlete lift day, all our schools athletes lift that day with no faculty supervision, all the captains are responsible, but I think we could find a use for you."

As he finished peeing he pushed his cock all the way into my mouth all the way to his pubes, "I'm going to fuck your mouth bitch, if your teeth touch my dick or if I don't get pleasure from it, well you know what will happen," Max said as he began to pump in and out of my mouth. As he continued fucking my face I felt a cold sensation on my balls, an than I looked up into Max's face and saw him grinning that evil grin again, "I did say maybe we wouldn't, I didn't say we wouldn't at all," Max said as he busted out laughing. I felt the sting that came associated with the substance being applied to my balls, I than looked over and saw someone pull out a piece of saran wrap and felt it wrapped around my balls, making sure to keep a good glob of the Ben-gay sitting on my balls, making sure I endure pain for disobeying.

"Now when I pull out of your mouth you have 5 seconds to say whatever you want to say and than I will put the gag in your mouth," Max said as his breathing quickened, as he was about to reach his climax, and once he did, he filled my mouth and throat with 7 good size spurts and than pulled out, I quickly remembered what he had said, and knew what I needed to say.

"I agree to throw the tournament game, Master Max sir," I said quickly before he had replaced the gag in my mouth.

"Good choice of words bitch boy," Said Max, "Well boys it looks like our time is up untie the bitch and let's go."

I was untied, pushed to the floor and tugged by the leash, but as I was being led downstairs I reached for the butt plug to remove it but was slapped in the ass by the paddle.

"You leave that in bitch," Max said.

We were greeted on the main floor by Alex, "Hey Max, Tyler said just take him downstairs and chain him up, we're all headed out to O'Malleys for steak, fucking sure works up an appetite," Alex said as he laughed.

I was pulled down the stairs by the leash, and hooked to the wall again; before they left us there to rest Max removed the gag from my mouth.

"Thank you master Max sir," I said instantly.

"Such a good bitch boy, too bad I have to tell Tyler you didn't listen at first," Max Said, as he laughed and walked up stairs.

After the door at the top of the stairs was closed I looked over and saw Todd peacefully sleeping, his chest and face covered in cum, I crawled over to him and started to clean him with my tongue, he didn't budge much until I gave close attention to his nipples.

"You better stop that," Todd said.

"Why should I," I asked.

The next week was pretty routine, Todd and I made sure no to mess up any instruction or command, every morning we would service Tyler, by noon the team was over at his house, by evening we were usually being gang banged, and than we would be chained up in the basement and start all over. It wasn't until Sunday night when we both had to be let go to go home, Tyler gave us our instructions for the week, and before he would remove the chastity belts, we had to agree, once we were let free, and the Chastity belts removed, Todd and I left Tyler's house, both in my car, for Todd wasn't even 16 yet. The thing I was worried about was school resumed tomorrow and Tyler still had not punished me for disobeying Max, when he had promised too, and Tyler always keeps his promises.

Comments, suggestions, or questions for the author can be sent to via either e-mail or instant message, thanks as always


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