Baseball God

By moc.loa@88ntaeH

Published on May 14, 2008


This story is semi-fiction. The names have been changed To keep the peoples' Identity secret. This is a fantasy/semi-Fiction.

Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. Please write: BJ at, I would love to hear if you like my story.

Baseball God Chapter 3

Once I realized what I had said, I realized that I had dug a hole, which I may not be able to fill in. I heard a door slam shut, and sound of footsteps on steps and the next thing I know is there is three more team mates coming down the stairs, the only thing is they were my team mates from my team, now joining the group was Adam, Michael, and Eric, three Varsity baseball starters, and three boys I beat for the captaincy, which none of them ever forgot.

Wow, I have to say Tyler I wasn't sure if you was serious saying you had Mike tied up in your basement, Said Adam.

Yeah Dude, totally true, and he's a pretty damn good cocksucker too, just needs a bit improvement on his manors toward his superiors but we are working on that, said Tyler.

Dude what is this thing you have him in, asked Eric.

This is what we call the box, and our little boy here was just learning what it is for, haven't we little Mike, asked Tyler.

Yes, I said with a glare.

Tyler bent down and flipped the switch, "I'm sorry I don't think I heard you right bitch," said Tyler

Yes Master Tyler, I have found what it is for, I said.

And What is that, asked Eric

If I disobey, I will be punished, and the box is meant for that, master Eric, sir.

I kinda like that, said Eric

What, asked Michael

Being called master, by a faggot bitch, said Eric.

Well it gets better, even though I found this bitch out, I'm willing to share him, and the first one who gets him is Todd, for being the last game mvp, enjoy buddy you earned it, here's the key to the box, but I would suggest getting a rim job or even better have him suck your cock, I guarantee it is worth it, we'll leave you alone, come on guys lets head up stairs for a bit.

Thanks Guys, I'll be sure to make it worth my while, Todd said as he smiled and waved the guys upstairs, after he heard the door close, Todd's tone and attitude completely changed, he walked over turned the switch off and unlocked the box. I tried to get up but stumbled, Todd quickly grabbed my arm and helped me out of the box, I felt this form of relief as I was lifted off the dildo. I wanted to run, I wanted to beat him down and run, but I could barely stand, let alone get away from him, but he was also showing me compassion and mercy he was trying to help me but why.

Why you doing this Master Todd, I asked.

Doing what, responded Todd

Helping me, not using me like everyone else wants to, like you was told I was good for Master Todd, I said

Ok First stop calling me that mike, I'm Todd, you friend Todd, I'm not your master, I'm your friend, and second I would never use you, I would do whatever you would consent, Said Todd

Yeah but what if they find out you was being nice to me, plus the only way you'll keep getting me is if you play good or get on Tyler's good side, I said

Well I've been MVP 7 games in a row, and as for being on Tyler's good side, I'm confidant I'm pretty good there, said Todd

Yeah but why the change in attitude and show of mercy and compassion towards me, I asked.

Well Mike I've always known you was different, and I always knew I was different too, see Mike I'm......... I'm........ I'm a bisexual, said Todd.

Wait your Bi, what the hell, I never knew and I could never tell, said Mike.

Yeah well unlike you I didn't go around looking at other guys crotches, and sucking the biggest prick on the team's cock in the weight room, but I do have some good news for you, you humiliation is only between all you've seen here, after that you will only be called to service others who Tyler seems fit or the MVP, but now times almost up and they'll be coming back down soon, so I can either jack of and cum on you or if you feel up to it you can do something with me, Todd asked.

Well I've been told I give great head, so no shame there, I said as I pushed Todd onto the coach and got on the floor between his legs and saw my treat before me a nice 7.5'' hard cock already leaking precum, I quickly devoured it in one move and started the exquisite moans of Todd.

Damn, You're right you are good, I think better than me, oh damn, suck it fuck, I'm already getting close, shit suck it babe, oh fuck yeah here it come, take it if you want damn, said Todd

I took his cock out of my mouth and started pumping it fast I wanted his cum, but I wanted it on my face I wanted to make sure he was safe when they came down stairs, and just as he shot I heard the sound of feet on the stairs and next thing I know is I'm being pulled my collar to the wall with the chain and re-hooked.

Damn Todd, you surely know how to use a fag, damn he's covered in you cum, and look he's leaking like a running faucet, I told you guys he was a faggot bitch, ok boys head up I got to tell my bitch some stuff I'll be up in a bit, said Tyler.

As everyone left Tyler walked over to a sink picked up a silver bowl and filled it with water and walked over and put it in front of me.

Thirsty Bitch, He asked.

Yes Master Tyler sir, I said

What do we say than bitch, said Tyler

Master Tyler sir may I please have some water sir to quench my thirst sir please sir, I said as I lowered my head in shame.

Good Boy said Tyler as he loosened the slack in the chain allowing me to lower my head to the bowl, which I did and started to lap up water with my tongue.

Now I'm going to go up stairs and entertain my guest and if I hear anything from you down here I will put you in the box for 8 hours with it on, Said Tyler as he walked over to a shelf and picked up a video cam and removed a tape and replaced it with a new one. I think the guys wouldn't mind watching some of what Todd put you through tonight, He said as he waved a tape in his hand as he went up stairs.

All of a sudden I had a stabbing pain in my stomach, I couldn't warn Todd, and I couldn't help him, all I could do is hope Todd see's what going to happen and stop it before it does.


Hey Guys I brought the tape up, said Tyler.

What Tape, asked Eric.

From down stairs I set a camera on a shelf down there to tape the bitch and I figured we'd watch to see what Todd did with it, Where is that fucker by the way, asked Tyler.

I think he went to the bathroom, just pop it in he won't give a shit he was the one who did it, he knows what's on it, said Alex

Tyler popped the tape in and turned the TV on first thing they see is Todd waving them out of the room, than he goes over and unlocks the box letting Mike out and helping him up, and than the hear the dooming words of Todd as he outs himself unknowingly to them all. Tyler turns it off rewinds a few seconds and presses stop just as Todd walks into the room.

Hey Guys what's up, asked Todd.

Oh nothing man, hey by the way how's Heather doing, asked Eric.

Oh we broke up about a month ago dude, she was to clingy and shit, said Todd. Really, didn't you tell me last weekend you couldn't hang cause you was going out on a date, asked Ben.

Or on spring break you couldn't go to the beach because you had plans to go to Heather family's cabin for the week, asked Alex.

How about yesterday when you said you just fucked her the night before for the 7th time in 3 weeks, asked David.

Save your breath Todd, we know, said Tyler as he hit play , and showed Todd what they had all just watched, where he outed himself to them all.

So big deal I'm bi, so what, I like both guys and girls, big deal, said Todd.

Well boys it look like it's our lucky night, it looks like we now have 2 bitch boys to tend too grab him.

Oh hell no, I ain't no fag and I ain't no bitch boy, said Todd as he backed out of the room, he tried to make a run for it but was quickly tackled by Alex, Todd pushed him off and stood up, he threw a punch and hit Alex square in the jaw. Next thing Todd feels is a hard blow to his head and hitting the floor. ...

I'm brought out of my sleep in the basement to the noise of feet on the stairs, I look up to see Ben, Alex, Eric and Tyler caring a limp body, it's not until they drop him on the floor I realize it's Todd, bound naked, with a black eye, bloody fat lip and cum all over his body.

Looks like you get some company tonight bitch, now you two play nice, said Tyler as he went upstairs, tomorrow is going to be a huge, huge day for you both, he said as he laughed.

Suggestions and Comments to, love to hear what you think. BJ

Next: Chapter 4

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