Baseball God

By moc.loa@88ntaeH

Published on Apr 14, 2008


This story is semi-fiction. The names have been changed To keep the peoples' Identity secret. This is a fantasy/semi-Fiction.

Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. Please write: BJ at, I would love to hear if you like my story.

Baseball God Chapter 2

After I realized what was about to happen to me, I took a second look at the boys before me, I recognized all ten of them, luckily none were on the Varsity team with me, it seems the group was mainly comprised of freshman and junior varsity team members.

Hey Alex, you bring that item I asked for?

Oh, yeah here you go, why exactly did you want this?

Well see about 20 minutes ago, I gave my little bitch here a Viagra, which should kick in very soon, and see he is going to want to cum, but we can't have that, so this will keep him from cumming as well as keep him from stimulating his boy-clit.

Wait what exactly is that, asked David

This my friend is what is called the 10 gates of hell, said Tyler

What, Said David

It's a male chastity belt dumb ass, Said Nick

Exactly, said Tyler, now David, Nick, and Alex, hold him while I get this on him.

Keep that thing away from, get away, stop, please stop, don't do this let me go please, please just let me go, Help Me someone PLEASE HELP ME, I yelled as I struggled to get free from my captives.

Will someone grab that gag and fix it on him, asked Tyler

Next thing I knew I had a ball gag in my mouth, as I hear the clicking of locks being closed, and the belt being securely fastened in play, as the flow of any cum being able to leave my ball being now impossible, and I could surely feel the Viagra kicking in.

There now that is better, sorry guys guess we will have to break him in first, said Tyler

Well we brought everything else in and put it in the basement already, said Alex

Great, Hey Ben and Todd, un-hook his collar and Bring him down stairs in about five minutes, Said Tyler

Sure said Todd and Ben in unison.

Ok, everyone else with me.

My heart started to race as I realized my life would never be the same.

Those five minutes passed by quicker than Christmas; though I was not anxious I was curious about what was going to happen to me, though I was not going to give up without a fight.

As Ben and Todd, pulled me up in there grips, I was stronger than both of them, but their combined strength would probably be too much but I have to try, so I use all my will and force and push them both down as I make a break for the door, though I am naked I don't care at least I'll be free.

Hey Guys, we lost him, catch him, he making a run for the main floor, yells Todd.

I found myself on the main floor and just as I saw the front door I was tackled to the ground by Nick and Alex.

Now, Mike you signed a contract, a legal contract, which says you will serve me until I see fit to release you from service. Now I guess we will have to chain you up like the bitch that you are, because we can't have you running off anywhere and getting yourself hurt, guys bring him downstairs, says Tyler

I was dragged downstairs to find it to be a huge well furnished room, though along a wall there where these weird looking objects, especially a box with what looked like a switch and a hole just big enough for a head to sit through, just than I was pulled up to the other side of the room right next to a sofa, where a chain hook was buried into the wall, and just than my collar was attached to the chain and I was dropped next to the sofa.

Now, Mike this chain is long enough to reach anywhere on this sofa as well as the chairs opposite it, also from here on out you will never be called Mike again, except you will respond to either, faggot, bitch, slave, or cumsquat, you got that bitch, asked Tyler

Fuck you asshole, I yelled.

Well I guess we will need to teach you some manners for your masters, boys what do you say we put him in the box.

Next thing I knew I was unhooked from the chain and being lifted by four guys, remember that box that had a hole just big for a head, well the top opened and split in two, first thing I noticed was the base of the box looked like it was laced in a sheet of metal, the next thing I noticed was an 8'' rubber dildo with about half an inch of metal on the tip.

Please, Tyler, Don't do this, I've never had anything up my ass, I'm a virgin, please Tyler, Please. Wait guys, Says Tyler, he grabs a jar off the table, slides on a glove and pulls out a glob and rubs it in on my ball, ass crack and hole.

What is that stuff, I asked?

Well bitch, what this does is makes you horny. It also makes your balls produce twice the amount of cum. Oh right boys lube up the dildo; his ass is ready with this stuff, Said Tyler

Please Tyler, Don't do this to me, Please, I pleaded, but it had no effect, next thing I know, is I am being lowered into the box, and once my hole mad contact with the dildo, the boys holding me pushed me all the way down without any easing on it or anything, I screamed out in agonizing pain. After I was settled into the box, my legs where pulled through two holes I had not noticed, and the top of the box was replaced.

Now bitch, you see this switch, let us just say you don't want to know what happens when this switch is turned on, now you are going to beg these nice boys to show mercy and pity on you and allow you to suck their cocks, if you do not you will see what happens when this switch is turned on, you got that bitch.

Yes I get it, I said

And another thing bitch, all you responses are to have our proper titles announced in them, as to me you should respond as Master Tyler, you got it bitch.

Fuck You Tyler, I said

Tyler than flips the switch and all of a sudden I feel an electric charge being flowed through my entire lower body and especially on the end of the dildo creating an excruciating pain in my hole and causing my cock to stick straight up, wanting release.

Stop please, stop, Tyler, Please, I begged

I'm Sorry I didn't quite hear that, Tyler Said

Please, Stop it, Master Tyler, Please, I begged again.

See that wasn't so hard, now was it, Tyler Said, now this has two settings, one to cause pain, the other to cause pleasure, if you are a good little boy we might be persuaded to switch it on pleasure and let it cause you to cum, but if you are bad than you will be punished do you understand.

Yes Master Tyler, I understand, I said, though I couldn't believe I actually said those words, but the damage was done and they now knew they had me, though I was locked in a box with a dildo up my ass, they already had me, but now they know my mind is broken to their will, the only thing is can I still fight it.

This is Chapter 2 of 6; I don't know how quickly they will come out. Suggestions and Comments Welcomed, send to BJ at

Next: Chapter 3

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