Baseball God

By moc.loa@88ntaeH

Published on Apr 11, 2008


This story is semi-fiction. The names have been changed To keep the peoples' Identity secret. This is a fantasy/semi-Fiction.

Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. Please write: BJ at, I would love to hear if you like my story.

Baseball God

Let me start out by telling you a little about myself, I'm Mike, I'm 17, and I'm 5'9'' tall, I have black hair, brown eyes, and the body of an athlete. I play baseball for my High School, it is my senior year, and I was deemed captain at the end of last season, also I have known I was gay since I was 13, and I started looking at boys differently, and I knew I liked it.

This story begins after the first baseball practice of the season, after the cuts, and the Varsity and JV rosters were decided, I played catcher as well as Pitched and played outfield, for starting I was usually catching, coach decided to bring up this kid, who was a freshman last year, and was on the freshman team last year, all the way up to varsity, just because of his pitching, I of course told coach, I would decide if it's worth it, so I put him on the mound, and I got in position behind the plate, once I looked at him I was stunned, there he was, a 6'5'', dusty blond hair, hazel blue eyes baseball god.

"Hey Mike, Mike, MIKE," yelled Tyler.

What, I said

You ready man, Tyler said.

Yeah, pitch away kid, I yelled back.

He laughed and waited for the sign, I wanted to see his curve, so I gave the sign, no sooner had I blinked I saw him wind up and release, smack is what you hear as the ball slams into my glove.

Damn, where'd you learn that, I asked.

My dad taught me all about sub-pitching, responded Tyler.

Well I got back down, and decide to run him through a few more curves, breaker, slider, and a few knuckle balls, I saved fast balls till last. As he was showing small sign of fatigue I decide to take 3 fast balls, so I yelled three more to him, and gave a 1 sign and readied my mitt, and the pain came, 1, ow, 2 ow, and on the third I swear I heard a bone break, as I was walking back...

So what you think, asked Coach

Ok first, he's alright, and second, I think he broke my hand with his fastball I said.

I took of my glove and messaged my hand, and soon the pain was gone, after practice was over I decided to head into the weight room for my after practice lifting, I pulled out my captain key, which gave me access to all school athletic facilities, and punched in my disarm code for the alarm, I walked across the weight room to the locker room unlocked the door and walked in, I took off my practice jersey and shirt, pulled off my cleats and socks, and my pants, so all I was wearing was my jockstrap and slider shorts, as I was about to head back out to the weight room when I heard the locker room door slam shut, I looked over and their he was, the Baseball God, Tyler.

Hey Mike you care if I do some lifting with you, asked Tyler with a smile.

Damn that smile makes me say yes to anything, it's like hypnotizing or something.

Hello, Earth to Mike, anyone there, asked Tyler.

What, oh yeah sure man, I could always use a spotter, you spot me and I'll spot you.

He started to get undressed down to his slider shorts, only thing is Tyler only pitches, so he doesn't need slider shorts, so he went all the way down to his Jockstrap, if I wasn't mesmerized before I sure was now, there he was less than 3 feet from me, that nicely toned body, complete with excellent biceps, powerful looking legs, six pack abs that you could probably break a walnut on and of course the is the strap, which had to be a special made strap, cause this thing was huge.

I was snapped back to reality when he slammed a locker shut, and we headed out into the weight, we started with lat pulls, sit ups, leg extensions, leg curls, squats, and decided to end with bench pressing, little did I know that after this my life was about to change extremely.

We started chatting, about many things, though we focused generally on baseball, somehow the subject turned to girls and sex, all my hope and dreams went down the hole, basically we talked about how many girlfriends we have had, how many girls we've laid, than out of nowhere Tyler jumps the gun.

You're gay aren't you mike, asked Tyler

What you mean, man, I've had plenty of girl friends, and I've fucked plenty of girls as well, what the hell have we been talking about, I responded.

Dude, you are a terrible liar, not only do you act like a virgin, you've been looking at my package every chance you get, like now you can't take your eye's off it, Tyler said.

Hey news flash, it's a foot from my face, and your spotting me kind of hard not to see it, I said.

True, but you are also hard, Tyler pointed out.

Just than I looked down and saw my cock straining in it's cotton prison, but obviously showing me hard and Horny, I probably turned a new shade of red, as I realized I was found out, by the new baseball hot shot go figure. Hey Dude, it's cool, said Tyler

Really, I mean, your okay with having a gay team mate especially that being your team captain, I said.

Sure, it's a new time

Wow, thanks man, hey your not going to tell anyone are you?

Hey I can keep a secret for a price.

A price

Yeah, a price

What do you mean by a price

Well lets just say for starters, you are going to do the unthinkable and make a next year junior your successor as team captain.

You gotta be joking, right

No faggot, you are going to do it, or else the school will find out your little secret.

You got no proof; it's your word against mine, and my word carries way more weight around here.

Well that would be true if this wasn't on this shelf,

Just than Tyler pulled a tape recorder from the shelf near by and hit the stop button.

See, I told you I had proof, so now who will be you successor as Team Captain.

You will, I mumbled

What was that, I'm sorry I couldn't hear that?

You Will

Good, now that that is settled on to the second part of the price.

What else could you want from me

Well this little bit of recording can be used to buy me many things from you.

You mean black mail me for


What the fuck dude.

Don't talk back to me faggot

Hey, stop calling me that I am a... slam

All of a sudden I fell like a sack of potatoes and passed out.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, though I was on a bed, a very comfortable bed, I tried to get up but was quickly pulled back by a chain, I than realized that I was totally naked, shaved except for my hair on my head, and a collar around my neck.

Just than Tyler walked in still wearing his jockstrap, he walked over with a glass of water.

Thirsty he asked


Well here

As he was putting the glass to my mouth he pushed a little white pill in my mouth and poured the water in, before I could spit the pill out.

What the fuck dude, what the hell was that.

You'll see

Fuck you dude, unlock this collar let me go.

I'm sorry but no, see the other part of me keeping your secret is you are going to obey my every whim, and that means shutting the hell up right now.

Fuck you dude, tell the school, I'll still be...

Just as I was mid sentenced Tyler decided to remove his jockstrap, and I was stunned, there it was a beautiful cut 9" cock.

So I take it you like what you see


Well if you want this you have to beg

No way dude, I am not a dog

Just than Tyler decided to grab his cock and wave it around.

Damn, it is so beautiful and yummy looking, maybe I could, no, no I can't beg for cock, if I stoop that low it would lead to worse things, I thought to myself

Come on you know you want it


What was that

Please let me suck you cock Tyler

He straddled my chest and said, Come on you'll have to do better than that.

Please Tyler, Please Let me suck you gorgeous cock

I don't know, promise do as I say


Whenever, Wherever I say

Yes, Just please let me suck your cock, Please

Well aren't we pushy, oh wait, you're hard, you're turned on by this

Yes, please let me suck your cock, Please

Just sign this paper here.

Fine, . . . there, now please let me suck your cock please

Of course you can suck my cock, Bitch

Tyler than rams his cock down my throat and causes me to star gagging

Just relax your throat bitch, take it all in.

Just than the door opened and in walked half the baseball team

Hey fellas be with you in a few minutes, just fucking my bitches mouth.

All of a sudden I felt my whole known life go out the window; just than I looked over to the paper I signed and read the first few lines,

I the under signed here by relinquish all known rights of my own and that of my body to Tyler X, my new master,

Just I finished reading I felt Tyler cock swell and than his hot teen juice flooded my mouth and throat, though it grew to be to much and I soon had it leaking out, just as he pulled out I hear the shuffling of feet and the noise of Zippers.

Ok guys it 50 bucks for a fuck, and 75 bucks for a blow job, money before service, also satisfaction is guaranteed.

This is Chapter 1 of 6, I don't know how quickly they will come out. Suggestions and Comments Welcomed, send to BJ at

Next: Chapter 2

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