
By Art Thomas

Published on May 1, 2001


Barry was just stepping into the shower as I entered the bathroom. "Got room for one more?" I grinned as he held the shower door open for me. I reached for his shoulders and brought my naked body into full contact with his. Our kiss was slow and soft at first, but became more intense as we ground our bodies against each other while our tongues dueled for supremacy.

We both moaned our pleasure, causing even more frantic thrusting of groin against groin. Pulling out of his mouth I whispered, "I want you in me. Please take me now."

"I do want to make love to you but I'm afraid I'll hurt you," he said with anguish in his voice.

"You could never hurt me. I want you so bad that I would die if you didn't take me. Just be slow and easy and it will be ok."

He pressed my back against the shower wall and lifted me up with his strong arms. My legs responded automatically by spreading and entwining themselves around his waist. I felt his rigid tool poking at my backside. Reaching down under my butt I grasped his engorged rod and put it at my hole. I tried to relax as he slowly lowered me onto his spear. The first penetration sent streaks of pain shooting through my asshole and I gasped for air at the sudden torture of my tender anus. He stopped and I tried relaxing more. As I let my body sag onto his pole I felt the head invade my sphincter and I knew that this is what I had been wanting all my life. Ever so slowly he let my stretched opening encompass his huge penis. I felt like a tree stump was being jammed into me and I squirmed to be more comfortable.

He let me adjust to his stiffness and, relaxing even more, I began feeling a pleasure that is indescribable. Maybe it was because I had wanted this so badly. Or maybe it was because I was totally in love with this man who so completely captured my heart. Most likely it was a combination of both; but all I could comprehend at that moment was being loved by the most wonderful person I have ever known. An overwhelming feeling of love and rapture filled my body. Slowly, Barry began moving his lower body, causing his lovestick to move in and out of me. His movements, going a little faster with each thrust, made my feelings change from rapture to pure lust. I wanted to help him with this rape of my body and squeezed my legs harder, forcing my anus to contract. Barry's moans told me that what I was doing was giving him pleasure and I tried to increase the muscular contractions on his enormous prick. My own limp dick had again become tumescent and I pressed it against his abdomen, wanting to penetrate his body with my intense passion. Grunting and groaning, moaning and gasping, we fucked each other until I felt my balls rising into my body. Barry's cock swelled in my ass and I knew that we were close to climax. "I love you!" I cried out as the orgasm took hold of my every nerve and the cum gushed forth from my cock. The contractions of my anus brought him to climax at nearly the same moment and I knew he was filling me with his seed. His thrusts never seemed to end as he forced his swollen cock deeper and deeper into my canal. We were two animals in heat, satiating our lust like primitive beasts.

I became aware of pain in my arms and legs from the intense lovemaking.

I let them drop and Barry slowly lowered me to the shower floor. We laid there in each others arms, water cascading down on our heads. He looked in my eyes, placed both hands on my cheeks and pulled me into a long, tender kiss. "I love you so much," he whispered as we continued to recover from the passion that had engulfed us.

"Oh Barry" I gushed "I love you too. Very, very much my dear boy." Tears poured from his eyes and as he wept he placed his head on my shoulder.

"It's ok, my sweet" I said. "You are home now with me and I'll never let anything happen to you." Little did I realize what I had let myself in for as these words left my mouth.

After Barry cried all the tears that he had, we got up and out of the shower and dried each other off. Silently, we moved to the bedroom and put on only our shorts. I grasped his hand and pulled him along with me as I went towards the kitchen to prepare our dinner. Barry still hadn't said a word and just sat at the table watching me as I grilled the steaks and fixed a salad. I put some frozen french fries in the oven and pretty soon we were enjoying a delicious meal. I opened a bottle of Merlot and the robust red wine permeated our bodies, giving us a soft mellow feeling.

"Tommy," he started saying, "I shouldn't get you involved. It's just too dangerous. There's no telling what 'they' would do to you if they found out that we were lovers. I could not live with myself if I thought that 'they' would hurt you, or worse," he said as another sob ripped through his body.

"We will do this together," I said. "I will not abandon you just because there may be danger in it for me. You are my life now. I have nothing else to live for. So let's just decide right here and now that no matter what happens, we are in this together."

"I do want to continue seeing you, Tommy. I don't think I could stand it if we were forced to part. But I also don't want you to get hurt. Oh God! What can we do?" he sobbed.

"No matter what happens, I will always love you," I said. "And we will work this out. Together. You just wait and see. Nothing is so bad that there isn't a solution somewhere."

Barry looked silently at me, his eyes reflecting an anguish that I hadn't noticed earlier. "What is it, my love?" I asked.

"There's something else. Something that I wasn't going to tell you. But now, you are so important to me that I must tell you about it. I really don't know how to begin..." he choked.

"What is it? Tell me and I will do everything I can to help, no matter how bad it is." I pleaded with my eyes. "Please, don't be afraid. You are no longer alone in this. We can work it out together."

Barry hesitated, then began talking in a soft voice. "Last week I was so lonely for male companionship that I decided to go to a gay bar. I dressed so that I wouldn't be recognized if I saw anyone from the 'company.'

It was foolish of me to go there but I was so lonely," he cried. "It was on the outskirts of Alexandria and I thought that I would be safe. I was having a beer at the bar when this good looking young guy came over and stood beside me. At first he didn't say anything, just stared at me. Then he asked me if I had a boyfriend. He had an accent. It sounded French. I said 'No, I did not have a boyfriend' and that I was only going to have one beer and then go home. He continued to ask me questions about what I did for a living and where I lived. I began getting nervous and thought that he was a foreign spy trying to get information about my job. But he seemed so nice and, like I said, he was real cute, with his French accent and all. He told me that his name was Pierre 'something or other.' I really couldn't understand him when he gave me his last name because there was a lot of noise from the jukebox which was nearby. He asked me to go with him to a booth where we could talk without so much noise. I was reluctant to go with him at first, not knowing what he wanted. Well, of course, I knew what he wanted, after all this was a gay bar. But his attitude seemed to be like he wanted more than just sex. So, I thought 'What the hell, what can he do here in a public place?' So I followed him to a booth in the corner, a good distance from the bar and the noise. When I sat down he sat beside me instead of across from me as I expected him to. He leaned into me and whispered that he thought that I was real cute and would like to 'do things' with me. His hand was on my thigh, caressing my leg and I was getting turned on. He was so sexy and I thought that maybe we could go to a motel and have sex and then I would go home and we'd never see each other again.

"Just then another guy came up to us and said 'Hi' to Pierre. I noticed an accent in this other guy's speech but it was different than Pierre's. I couldn't place it but thought he might be from Greece or one of the eastern Mediterranian countries. He was a tall, very handsome young man, about mid-twenties, like Pierre. Even though the light in the bar was very dim, I could see his eyes and they were so dark that I thought at first that he must be blind. But, of course, he came over and spoke to us so that couldn't be the case. He looked at me and then at Pierre as if expecting an introduction. Pierre quickly said that he was having a private conversation and that they could talk together later. It was very obvious that this other guy was disappointed that he was not introduced to me but he nodded his head and moved away.

"Pierre turned back to me and asked if I worked for the US Government. I hesitated and started to say that it was none of his business, but I felt that Pierre was asking because he needed help in some way. So I said 'Yes, I worked in our government.' Pierre then told me a strange story about how he met this guy from another country who was here with his embassy and that this guy wanted to defect to the US! I was flabbergasted and didn't know what to say. Pierre continued to tell me that this other guy was gay and he was afraid that if his embassy found out that they would send him back home where he would be persecuted and probably jailed, maybe even killed! I couldn't believe what I was hearing and wanted to get up and run out of that place. But Pierre was sitting so close to me that I was scrunched up against the wall and couldn't move. He continued to say that he wanted to help his friend because they were lovers and that he didn't want to lose him. I asked where his friend was and Pierre pointed across the room. The man he pointed to was the same guy who came to our table!

"I asked Pierre why his friend didn't just go to the State Department and ask for asylum. But Pierre said that he couldn't because the US State Department would do a background check on him and find out that he was gay and they would then turn him over to his own embassy. Pierre said that the only way to get him asylum to remain in the US was if he found an American who would say that his friend was a relative and wanted to stay with his cousin here in America for awhile. Then, after things would die down, this friend of Pierre's would ask to become a citizen. I asked Pierre where his friend was from. He looked at me and then away, not saying anything. Then in a voice so low that I could barely hear him he said 'He's Russian!'

"My gasp was so loud that the people in the booth next to us looked over at us. Then they smiled and giggled, thinking that we were doing 'things' to each other. As I thought about what Pierre had just told me, I was wondering what I should say next, when all of a sudden Pierre jumped up, grabbed my arm and said, 'Come on. Let's go outside and get some air.' He pulled me across the dance floor toward the exit. I noticed that he also waved at his friend who got up and followed us out the door. We continued to walk through the parking lot until we got to the farthest corner where there was very little light. I was getting fearful for my life and tried to pull away from Pierre but his grip on my arm was so tight that I couldn't. He told me not to worry, that he would not harm me in any way. He just wanted to help his lover.

"Standing there I heard footsteps and turned and saw his friend come into view. Pierre looked at me and asked my name. I didn't want to give my real name so I said it was Bill. Pierre then introduced his friend as Nicolai. "But I want to be called Nicholas," said Nicolai. "It doesn't sound so Russian" and he gave us a big grin. "So," said 'Nicholas', "will you help me?"

"I was speechless. What could I say? Here was a foreigner wanting asylum in my country and he's gay and a Russian to boot! 'What mess have I gotten myself into?' I thought. They both looked at me with pleading eyes. I could tell that they were scared that I would say no and walk away. I don't know why I did, but I said that I would see what I could do to help them. We decided to go to Pierre's house and discuss it further. As we drove to his house I found out that Pierre worked for Swissair and that Nicolai was a clerk at the Russian Embassy. However, I had a sneaking suspicion that 'Nicholas' was more than just a clerk! They said that they met six months ago at a gay bar and fell in love with each other.

"Driving along I glanced at my two new 'friends.' They were obviously in love from the way they held hands and looked at each other with loving eyes. How could I deny help to these lovers who only wanted to be together?

I knew that it would be difficult but I was determined to seek out ways to keep Nicolai here in America. And that's where we stand now. I'm supposed to get in touch with Pierre tomorrow to tell him something but I don't know what to say. I can't let Nicolai stay with me because, with all the surveillance on me, it wouldn't be long before they find him. And he can't stay with Pierre becasue Pierre's living with another Swissair employee. Besides, Pierre's house would be one of the first places 'they' would look when Nicolai turns up missing from his embassy. Of course, the Russians probably wouldn't want to make a big deal out of it and would very likely do all the investigating themselves without ever telling American authorities that one of their clerks is missing. I just don't know what to do."

My mouth was hanging open in disbelief as Barry related his tale. What started out earlier with what I thought was an innocent encounter with a gay young man has now become a tangled web. I still didn't realize what a complicated mess this could be. My first thought was to tell Barry to stop having any thing to do with these two foreigners and to let them handle their own problems. But I could tell that he really wanted to help them if he could. Obviously, there was only one way. Nicolai, or rather 'Nicholas', would have to come and stay with me! Oh God! I thought, what have I gotten myself into?

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