
By Art Thomas

Published on Dec 19, 2000



Chapter 3

Barry's actions caught me completely by surprise and for a moment my body went rigid as he lifted me to his breast. Then, when he told me to show him the way to my bedroom, I relaxed and smiled, knowing that this is what I have been dreaming and fantasizing about for a long time. I reached my arms around his neck and pulled myself up to his face. We began a long, deep kiss. My cock was as stiff as I've ever felt it and I was afraid that I would shoot my wad before we even got undressed. "Oh my God!" I moaned. "I've wanted this for so long. Take me, Barry. Make love to me, please" I pleaded. I pointed to the bedroom and he soon deposited me on my king size bed.

He began unbuttoning his shirt and revealed a massive muscular chest without any hair. After throwing the shirt in a corner, he reached down and started taking my shirt off. "Now you," he said huskily. I sat there immobile, allowing him to do whatever he wanted to my body. I was so taken my his manliness and aggressive manner that I couldn't refuse him anything. He pulled my shirt and undershirt over my head and threw them towards his own discarded clothing. He stood there a minute or two, just looking at me.

"I never realized that the male body could be so beautiful," he whispered and reached out and carressed my chest and arms. I was afraid that my chest hair would be a turn-off but he seemed to relish in running his fingers through it. "Jennie made me shave off my hair," he admitted. "But, I really like a man with hair on his chest. It turns me on!"

"And I like the man who is smooth and muscular," I said looking into those two mystifying blue pools of his. "You have the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen. I will never tire of just staring into them, getting completing lost in their mystique."

Barry's shy grin and slight blush told me that he was just a boy at heart.

My boy.

The one that I never had. The one that I had resigned myself to never being able to have as my own. My heart wanted to burst with the love and adoration I was feeling for this young man who has so completely stolen my heart in just a few short hours.

He started unbuckling his belt. I reached out and stopped him with my hands on his. "Please, let me."

With tremoring hands, I continued to undress my boy. His jeans were the old button style and I had more than a little bit of trouble getting the fly open. I could feel his swelling manhood beneath my fingers as I struggled with the buttons. My hands continued to shake as I confirmed my earlier suspicions about his endowment. Sweat was pouring off my face as I reached the final button and pulled the faded denim down his legs. He was wearing white cotton briefs and the growing mass within pulsed with energy, trying to be free. Then I totally lost it and pulled his bulging crotch to my face, inhaling the odor while crushing my lips to the cotton covered beast within. The rapture I felt was so overpowering that I nearly fainted. His hands reached under my arms and pulled me up. First a tender kiss and then he knelt and undid my belt and zipper, allowing my pants to fall to the floor.

My fully hard and leaking cock poked it's head out of my boxers. Without hesitating his tongue snaked out of his mouth and swiped at the precum that was leaking out. My mind went into delirium. Not realizing what I was doing, my hips pushed forward trying to impale his lips on my spear. His mouth opened enough to allow entry and the warmth and moisture sent me into orbit

"Oh God! Oh my God" I hissed as my thrusts into his oral cavity became more violent. Then, without even knowing what was happening, the orgasm overtook my being and I spasmed a torrent of semen into his mouth. It came on so fast that Barry was unprepared and gagged and coughed, spewing semen all over himself and me.

Suddenly, realizing what had happened, he grasped me in his strong arms and cried, "Oh Tommy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

I cut him off. "No! It's my fault. I didn't realize I was so close. Please forgive me. I should have warned you that I was coming. It's just that I didn't know until it happened. Oh, look at you, you're a mess!" With that I started laughing so hard that I fell back across the bed. Barry looked so forlorn, standing up thinking that he had done something wrong. I couldn't help laughing over the expression on his face. Reaching up, I pulled the cum sodden boy down on top of me and enveloped him in my arms.

With his weight on me and me gasping for air, Barry rolled us over so that he was on the bottom. I lifted my head and again gazed into those blue orbs. "I love you" I whispered as my mouth covered his.

The kiss was tender and deep, lasting several minutes. Pulling back, I laid my head on his chest, heaving a contented sigh.

Barry's growing penis was poking my stomach and it reminded me that he hadn't had release. Raising myself off of him, I pulled his briefs up over that enormous tool and down his legs. He was, as they say, 'to die for!' It must have been over eight inches and very thick. He was dripping precum and his inny belly button was filled with it. I licked it clean, tasting his sweet juice. My chin bumped the head of his cock as I continued to lick his abdomen clean. His moans were loud, bespeaking the state he was in. My tongue laved the rigid pole, up one side and down the other. I wanted to suck on his cum filled balls and moved my lips so that I could take them in my mouth. I couldn't fit both so I sucked first one and then the other. He had shaved the hair from his sack which made it much easier to roll them around in my mouth. His moans told me that what I was doing was something good so I kept at it. My toungue found his perineum. The aroma was heady but not unpleasant. I'd fantasized about rimming and made an immediate decision that this was to be it. My tongue, licking and laving, finally found his anus. I had pushed under him so that he was forced to raise his legs up over his head. I thought 'Go for it!' and plunged my tongue into his rosebud.

"Aaaaagggghhhhh" he screamed in ecstasy as I bore into him with my tongue. The taste was musky and not as bad as I had expected.

I saw Barry's hand grab his dick and commence to fly up and down. "Oh no you don't" I yelled and pushed his hand away. I grabbed his manpole and tried to fit my lips around the head. I barely could get his huge tool into my mouth. As my tongue swished around his dickhead, my hand wrapped around the base and I jacked him as I sucked. More moans and sighs told me that Barry was enjoying every second. Then his balls drew up tight to his body and I prepared myself for his eruption. It didn't take long and he shoved forward with his hips and started his ejaculation. He came and came, cum spewing out the sides of my mouth, falling down my chin onto his balls. And still he came! Finally, the flow of cream subsided and I reluctantly pulled off of his softening lovestick. I couldn't believe the amount he had come.

Ah youth! Wasted on the young!

I moved up his body and when our lips touched I opened my mouth, giving Barry a taste of his own juice. "Mmmmm" he moaned as his tongue washed the inside of my mouth. "That was the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you, my love."

"The pleasure was all mine," I grinned. "Well, almost all."

We lay there, me on top pressing my naked body down onto his. It seemed so natural, so right, to be laying there with him. 'Why did I wait so long?' I thought.

Noticing the shadows in the room, I glanced at the clock beside the bed: 5:37 it read. My stomach told me that it was starving. I lifted up to see that Barry was asleep so I tried very carefully to get off of him without waking him. But, I couldn't and he stirred. "What's going on?" he stammered, looking around. "Where am I...oh, Tommy!" His face lit up with that beatific smile.

"Hi lover," I smiled back at him. "Are you feeling ok, now?"

"Oh yeah. That was heaven! I never realized it could be ... I don't know how to describe it. You are the most wonderful person, Tommy. Thank you for giving me such exquisite pleasure."

"You mean that it was just so-so?" I kidded.

"Oh no!" he cried, "I meant it was..." I cut him off.

"I know. I was just kidding you. It was great for me too. No, more than just great. As you say, words cannot describe it."

"I'm getting pretty hungry," I announced. "My tummy says that I forgot to feed it at noon. You want to go out and get something to eat or should I cook something here? I've got some steaks in the freezer and we could just lay around here and enjoy the evening in our bitthday suits. What do you say?"

Barry's engaging smile said it all. "Laying around here with you in my arms sounds fine with me. Then later, maybe we can see what other pleasures we can give each other," he said with a wink and a kiss.

"You smooth talking orator," I joked, "you talked me right into it! You stay here while I go see what I can dig up. If you want a shower it's right in there," pointing to the bathroom.

"Thanks," he said, "I think I will. Why don't you join me?"

"I will but first let me get the steaks out and put them out to defrost. If they're still frozen after our shower, I'll quick defrost them in the microwave."

On my way to the kitchen, I ran the past six hours over in my mind. To think that just this morning I was bemoaning the fact that I was old and over-the-hill, believing that my chances for love were gone. And now I've found a young lover who, from what I could tell, loves me. Yes, this day does seem like a fairy tale (no pun intended!) but if it's a dream then I never want to wake up!

I placed the steaks on the counter and headed back toward the bedroom. I thought, this day turned out to be more than I could have imagined. I wonder what the night will be like?

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