
By Art Thomas

Published on Dec 17, 2000


Note: I do not condone breaking federal or state laws such as making illegal copies of copyrighted videos. In Chapter 1 I wrote that the fictitious characters were going to do just that. Let's face it, *it happens! Also, mention of commercial products is done to add realism; I do not personally endorse any of them.


Chapter 2

Barry kept his hand on me all the way to the parking lot, letting it slide down my arm and guiding me along by the elbow. It felt so good having him do that. I didn't want it to stop and walked very slowly in order to extend the contact as long as I could. He, on the other hand, must have been anxious to get going because his grip tightened on my arm forcing me to move faster.

"Am I going too fast for you?" he asked with concern.

"No," I laughed, "your hand feels so good and I want to keep it there as long as I can." Oh hell, I thought, why'd I say that? Now he knows for sure that I want more than a casual acquaintance. However he continued to hold me firmly in his grasp but did slow down a bit.

"OK," he replied, "we'll take it easy. I'm the touchy-feely type and like to maintain some kind of body contact every chance I get."

What he just said told me that here is a very sensitive and loving person. My body seemed to naturally move closer to him so that we were touching at other parts and the warmth he exuded was absolutely intoxicating. I thought we had better get to my car quickly or I'm going to pass out from desire!

"My car's right here," he said pointing to a sleek, new bright red Chrysler Sebring Convertible. It was a beautiful automobile, putting my old '91 Dodge to shame. "You can ride with me. It's not far and I will bring you back here to pick up your car," he explained.

I hesitated for a second; what was I getting myself into? Was I ready for anything that might evolve from this? Thank goodness I showered and put on clean underwear this morning!

We got into his car and took off heading away from the direction of my home. In just a few minutes we pulled into an apartment building parking lot. The apartment complex was one of the nicer ones in this area and I remarked what a good neighborhood he lived in.

"Yeah, I like living in McLean. It's close enough to the big city but still far enough away that you get the feeling that your in a small town."

Small town? McLean? He's got to be kidding! I stole a glance to see if he was smiling but he seemed to be dead serious about it. "Are you from a small town originally?" I asked, wondering about his midwestern accent.

"Yep. I was born in Ripon, Wisconsin. We lived there until I was 10 years old and then moved to Germany. My Dad was career Army so we moved around a lot."

"Is that how you came to be in the D.C. area?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, kinda. I went to Virginia Tech and was going to move to Washington state after I graduated. Wanted to work for Bill Gates at Microsoft. But I got another job offer and decided to stay here."

"Oh. What kind of work do you do?"

"Well, I, ah, am sorta' with the government," he hesitatingly explained. "I can't really say exactly where I work or who I work for except that it is a very good job with excellent pay and benefits. I'm in computers," he finished putting an end to any further questions about his job.

What's so secretive about his job? I wondered. Oh well, if he can't tell me anymore then I won't press him for more information. "Well, this is certainly a nice place you have," I remarked as we entered his apartment on the ground floor. "Did you decorate this?" It was stunningly beautiful in a masculine way and yet showed some female touches as well.

"Er, uh, well no," he stammered. "My fiance designed it for me."

My whole world came shattering to earth at my feet. I felt as if he had hit me with a ten-ton sledgehammer. Fiance! But wait! Didn't he say that he backed out of the marriage at the last minute? Two days before the wedding, he said.

"She did this before you were supposed to get married?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah. She was an Interior Decorator and did a pretty good job, don't you think?"

"She certainly did!" I responded with emphasis. "You were very fortunate to have someone do such a professional job."

"And the best part was that she got all the materials and labor at cost," he said laughing. "That was another reason why she was so mad after I stopped the wedding plans. She had spent a lot of time fixing this place up. Can I get you something to drink?"

"OK," I hesitated. "That beer you mentioned would be fine."

"What do you like? I've got Bud, Coors Light, Fosters and Corona."

"Fosters is fine. I like Australian beer, even though it is made in Canada," I said laughing.

"Fosters is made in Canada? You're shitting me! I thought it was imported from Australia."

"Well, it's still my favorite, even though it's brewed in Canada. I like most Canadian beers, too"

He brought the beers back from the kitchen and went to his communications center by the front window and started to turn different components on. "I'll get the video started so we can relax. Do you want to watch it while it's recording?"

"Sure. That'll be great. I haven't seen it for several years," I said with some trepidation in my voice. When I saw this movie the last time the homosexual scenes really turned me on and I was afraid that I'd get a hard-on in front of Barry.

But my fears were relieved when he said "I always get hard during the hot sex scenes in this flick. Hope you don't mind."

Mind? I should mind seeing this hunk hard and watching guys make out on the screen? It was my fantasy come true! "Oh no," I quickly blurted out, "I don't mind. I probably will too."

He looked at me and a huge grin crossed his face. "That's nice," he said seductively. "I didn't want to be the only one being aroused." This time he blushed and I knew then that this was going to be something very memorable.

He finished what he was doing and came to the couch where I was sitting and sat beside me, almost close enough to be touching, but not quite. Picking up the remote he pressed a few buttons and I heard the VCR's begin. We sat there watching the credits scroll down the screen and the first few scenes of Oscar Wilde's visit to the American West. Actually, the movie starts pretty slow and soon we were squirming around, waiting for the good stuff to show.

"I think Stephen Fry does a good job, don't you?" I said trying to make conversation.

"Sure do. But my favorite is Jude Law as Bosie. He's a hot hunk!" As Barry said this he placed his hand on my thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze.

My gasp startled him and he quickly withdrew, mumbling "Sorry."

"Oh no!" I cried. "I was just startled. I like the feel of you touching me. Like you, I'm also a touchy-feely kind of person." I turned to look at him and our faces drew close. He was leaning down toward my upturned face as our lips lightly touched. "Oh yes!" I gasped, clutching his manly torso closer to me. His moans told me that he too was caught up in the moment of passion and he pressed his lips hard against mine. My lips parted and our tongues clashed as the sparks flew. Moaning constantly, he engulfed me in his massive arms, crushing me to his body.

"Oh Tommy," he kept moaning, "Oh Tommy, I need this so bad." Tears were streaming down his face and he collapsed on top of me, sobbing like a baby. "Forgive me, forgive me," he kept repeating. "I'm sorry, Tommy, I'm sorry."

Wrapping my arms around his big frame, I cuddled him to my chest. "Don't be sorry," I cooed. "It's all right, my sweet."

He kept sobbing, gasping out words like "I shouldn't" and "I can't...they'll find out." I wondered what he was talking about but right now I had my boy in my arms and I wasn't going to let go. There must be some deep, dark secret about Barry that he couldn't reveal. We stayed clutching each other until he quieted down and let out a big sigh, like he had just gotten rid of a heavy burden.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, so softly that I could barely hear him speak. "I shouldn't have come on to you like that. It's not fair to you."

"Why?" I questioned. "What do you mean? I loved it! It's been a very long time since I've held a boy in my arms and it is wonderful!" I gushed kissing his cheek and pulling him back into my arms.

"But, I can't," he repeated. "If they ever find out I'll be fired and blacklisted. You don't know how powerful they are. They could even take me away someplace and nobody would ever find me." The terror in his voice caused fear to crawl up my spine.

"Who could do this? Someone at your job? How can they be so powerful to do something like that? Tell me, my love. Who are you talking about?"

"My boss, my job, you just don't know" he whispered. "They might even have this apartment bugged. I can't take the chance." He was whispering in my ear so softly that I had to strain to hear.

Suddenly he jumped up and grabbed my arm pulling me to the door. "What's the matter? What are you doing?" I was scared at this action, so unlike him. This was a very frightened young man and I decided quickly to go along with him thinking that maybe I could help him in some way. If he had a problem I was willing to do what I could to help but he still wouldn't tell me what it was. As we left the apartment I said "The video..."

"Leave it," he said. "It'll finish recording and rewind on it's own. We need to go someplace safe where we can talk. I shouldn't get you involved but I'm at my wits end and don't know where to turn." He hurriedly pulled me to his car and jumped in, starting it and began backing out before I was fully inside.

"What..." I began but he held up his hand motioning me to be silent. What is going on here? I wondered. What can be so bad that he can't even talk in the car. Surely 'they' don't have it bugged too! And who are 'they'? I couldn't imagine anyone so powerful as to cause this strong young man to tremble in fear of being caught in another man's arms.

We drove straight back the way we came and he pulled back into the Barnes & Noble parking lot. Stopping in a spot near where he had parked earlier, he got out motioning for me to follow. He locked his car using the remote unit and started walking away from it. As I followed him I noticed that he was heading straight for my Dodge.

Standing at the passenger's door, he said "Let's get away from here and go to your place. I need to think and you need an explanation for all of this." Well, that's something positive, I thought.

I drove us to my place which was a townhouse about six miles from the bookstore. Not a word was spoken during the trip and as we got to my front door I unlocked it. Entering my three bedroom house, he went straight into the living room and sat on the couch, signaling me to come and sit beside him. We sat there for several minutes without a word as he obviously struggled with the words that he wanted to use.

"I'm so sorry, Tommy, that I got you involved in my personal problems," he began. "When I saw you pull into the parking lot at the bookstore and walk in the door, I hoped that you would come into the coffee shop. You seemed to be the kind of person who I wanted to be with. And then when you did actually come into the coffeee shop and our eyes met I was certain that you were the one. Wait, let me finish before you start the questions." I nodded, and he went on. "When you were looking me over and spilling your soup I figured it was because you were interested in me. I decided then that I wanted to be with you. Not just for companionship but, I hoped, for a lot more. You see, I'm gay." He paused to let that sink in. I waited. "I've denied it all my life and when I was about to get married I decided that I just couldn't go on living a lie. So I told Jennie, my fiance, how I felt and she went off the deep end. She was furious that I had let her believe all along that I was straight and also caused her to spend a lot of money on wedding plans and clothes. I really don't blame her and I even offered to pay for everything that she had bought. But she stormed out of my life and said she never wanted to see me again. Actually, I was relieved because she could have held me accountable for a lot more than just the wedding costs."

I put my arms around him and said "Barry, I haven't done anything with a boy, or man, since I was a teenager but I know now that I too want to be with you for much more than just companionship." His face lit up and he drew me to him, planting another kiss on my eager lips. Because of his height he nearly kissed my nose. We laughed but soon got back to hugging and kissing, as though we were long lost lovers.

"Before this gets too heated up and we end up on your bed I must tell you something." I nodded and stayed still, gazing into those beautiful blue eyes. "You must never reveal this to anyone. OK?" I nodded. A shiver went up my spine, dreading what might be coming. "I told you that I work with computers." Again I nodded, acknowledging what he had told me earlier. "The thing is, I work in computers at the CIA." This last was whispered so that I had to tilt my ear toward his mouth. "It's extremely secretive," he continued in a whisper, "and if they ever find out that I'm gay they would get rid of me in an instant! They are very squeemish, especially after the leaks by a high level official a few years ago." I remembered the headlines about that one. "They have bugged everyone's office and even some homes. That's why I was so afraid to say anything at my place. It could be bugged as well."

My eyes were wide and unbelieving at what I was hearing. "But, this is America. They can't do that without some kind of court order, can they?" I questioned.

"Believe me, my friend, they have the means to do it and the backing by the highest levels of government. We're talking national security and they would go to any means to keep our country's secrets safe."

I leaned back against the sofa cushions and contemplated what I had just heard. Barry turned to me and looked me in the eyes. "But, I am tired of jacking off every night to satisfy my needs. I need a man!" With that he stood, leaned over and picked me up in his arms like I was a feather, and asked "Where's your bedroom?"

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