
By Greg Pine

Published on Jul 31, 2018


The next morning I eased into the seat of our river patrol raft. The seat was thin, barely big enough to sit comfortably. My package hung off the front of the seat in my shorts. I pried open the elastic with my thumb to peep in and verify their contents. "Mmmmm" I thought to myself, satisfied with what I saw. My pale bits were dangling below my dark bush, still caked with white powder - my ranger partner's dried sperm - which I had tenderly extracted last night by the fire. I loved the thought of my sack bouncing in my shorts as we crossed the rapids, grinding his sperm all over it. I would have to try my hardest not to get splashed so it wouldn't wash away. I would also have to try my hardest not sport a raging erection for the rest of the trip.

"So, Mr. Grumpypants" Dave finally broke the silence.

"I'm not grumpy!" I said.

"Well you aren't exactly sunny!" He teased.

"I'm just waking up." I defended.

"Waking up?! It's nearly lunchtime!" He laughed.

"I'm a slow riser." I groaned.

"Ok Mr. Slow Riser, it's our last day. The valley is safe from scumbags once again." He said sarcastically. We had seen no one in our days except some rafting tourists and their guides. No poachers or pyromaniacs.

"So what's next for you after this one?" He asked.

"Probably just hold the fort at home till my next mission, I guess. Might see if Mendocino Forest has any posts available." I said.

"Mendocino??" He groaned. "Aw that one's so boring. I applied to Yosemite and Zion!"

I chuckled. "So did everyone else. It would be super tough to get in with only a year experience."

"Aw you're too negative. It's all about the power of positive thinking!" He said.

"Yeah you're positive thinking is going to meet the granite wall of reality." I scoffed.

We pulled onto a shallow beach near a public parking lot where I'd stowed my jeep for the week. Our excursion was over. He started deflating the raft and I carried our packs to my jeep. We had to drop off the equipment at the main station, fill out paperwork, and head our separate ways. We climbed into my jeep, he leaned back in the passenger seat and soaked up the radiating heat with a relaxed smile.

"Ah this is nice. I could sit here forever." He sighed as I put the car in reverse and hit the road.

The roads out of the canyon were long and winding with majestic views. Different eons of rock were distinguishable as the peaks dropped into valleys. He seemed to be resting, as I wanted to. We were both exhausted from our trip. I would glance over from time to time and admire the interplay of sun and shadows on his face.

We pulled into the main station which was attached to a campground to drop off the gear owned by the park service, like the raft and oars. I knew a goodbye was coming soon. Stalking me like a predator. I couldn't avoid it, but I futilely wanted to delay it.

"Well I'm just going to rinse off before I head out. So I guess..."

"Yeah that sounds good, I'm pretty grimey, too." He cut me off before I could say "I'll see you later".

We lugged our bags to the shower house which was a rustic old brown shack, with showers that were nothing more than pipes coming straight out of the wall in little stone cubbies. That's the park service for you, cheap but functional. It was empty, and he shamelessly and single mindedly stripped, flinging his clothes all over the wooden bench. I slowly undressed, letting him get ahead of me.

I checked to make sure he was already around the corner and a frantic urge came over me. His bag was open and his clothes were strewn everywhere. I could see his underwear and shorts but I grabbed one of his worn, brown, collared ranger shirts which was damp around the neck and pits. I swapped it for one of mine, thank god we both wore medium. He'd never notice.

Naked, I strode into the shower next to his. Only a small stone wall was between us that came up to our waists. He was already soaping his pits and gave out a massive "aaaahhhh" that the whole campground might have heard. This forced me to remember that now people could hear us, unlike our secluded patrol. I was on guard that some blundering tourist could stumble in and ruin our peace.

The suds ran down his neck and shoulders, then following the lines carved by his biceps. He certainly had bigger shoulders and arms than me. But my pecs were a little wider, and my short dark chest hair went higher up my pecs, almost to my neck. His chest hair was lighter and only hung from the bottom of his pecs.

I heard the metallic squeak of his shower turning off, and the slaps of his feet as he went to the mirror. Rummaging and then an electronic whirr. I finished my shower to see him naked in front of the mirror buzzing his week old scruff down with a trimmer. He started to trim his head but looked liked he was struggling. I walked behind him only wearing a towel.

"Dave, let me fix that for you." I said. I casually pinched the trimmers out of his hand and he let go.

I set the trimmer to 1 and grabbed his warm trapezius muscle, which swooped down from his neck to his shoulder. I was a few inches taller than him and felt powerful behind him with my hand on his shoulder. He looked peacefully at me through the mirror as I firmly traced the back of his head until it looked and felt like sandpaper.

He reached back and touched his head with his fingertips. "Nice, just how I like it." He took back his clippers. "I can get you if you want."

This surprised me but I just stood there breathing in my towel. The hair on my chest and head were still damp from the shower. He put his hand on my collarbone and touched the clippers to my chin. Where was he going with this? I felt him trace all along my jaw and cheeks. I glanced in the mirror, he was carving away all my scruff except for my mustache. I had never worn only a mustache in my life, I could barely recognize myself. But the fact that he made me this way meant it was now special. I stroked the edges of my lips' hair.

I smiled and said, "Well this is new. Might take some getting used to." As I took the clippers back out of his hand, my palm gracing over his fingers. I pretended to move the clippers to his crotch to see if he'd recoil but he called my bluff.

I got a look of determination and squatted down in a baseball catcher's pose. I paused for about ten seconds looking up at him with his privates in front of my face. I had already gotten to admire them twice, and only once while he was awake. But my god I could admire them every day. I saw his throat swallow heavily. Once the window for him to protest had closed I started trimming his crotch and inner thighs to about half an inch. He looked slightly concerned when I grabbed a razor but didn't say anything.

With my fingertips I massaged his sack with warm suds and began ultra carefully chipping away at his nut hairs. His nuts grew slippery and under my particular artistry they were soon completely smooth like two swinging eggs. I didn't look up to see if he was amused or horrified. I suppose I didn't care.

God his balls were beautiful, I was drawn to them, they were steaming and magnetic. They were so relaxed from the hot water that the skin was like silk. I sucked a little bit on his sack and opened my lips. The skin easily flowed into my mouth and then his two fleshy eggs after that. He drew air through his teeth.

His sack floated on my tongue with a blanket of spit on them. I caressed them like the precious jewels the were. After all they carried the DNA of this unique, sunny paragon of a man. The only source of it in the world. He was his balls.

I wonder what he thought as his wet cherries slipped under my bristly upper lip, under the hairs he just trimmed, and disappeared. Looking down and seeing his ranger co worker's eyes lost in wonder and a mouth full of testicles.

I needn't wonder long as he brushed some of my dark, wet hair off my forehead and said, "d-damn buddy..". He kept his hand on my forehead and his thumb massaged my temple. Then he laid his swole meat next to my nose, it landed with a quiet slap. It curved upwards onto my forehead, his frenulum rubbed my left eyebrow.

He started massaging himself and I felt his nuts tighten and pump. He threw back his head and his adam's apple vibrated in the air, amplifying the hum of his throat. It was glorious to witness this man's primal moment, his mating cry.

The splooge landed on the floor, maybe he didn't want to get me dirty since we just showered. I released his balls, and they swung out slobbery. He paused, looked like he wanted to turn around, but didn't. Maybe he was afraid of being caught. I probably looked pitiful, squatting on my haunches, with a shiny dick aching in the air.

But he squatted down to match my stance and put his face in front of my face, his balls were spent and his dick was starting to soften, but still swung prominently between his legs. His light brown eyes were glistening. There was a still a wet blonde tuft of hair curling over his forehead.

He shook his and said, "You know you're pretty intense, Scott."

He used his thumb to wipe some spit off my chin and then caught my waving rod out of the air. He held it while he slowly put his lips on the corner of my mouth, at the edge of the mustache he just put on me.. It seemed like he just wanted to hold there, letting the minute vibrations of our muscles create the tiniest amount of friction. Somehow this slow peck was more intimate than kissing. The torture of it caused me to start roping the floor with white streams while he held on to me.

He stood up and grabbed some paper towels. "What's all this Scott? You know we're supposed to Leave No Trace?" he whispered, fake tutting at all of the male fluids, ball hair, and beards we splattered onto the damp stone floor.

We finished getting ready. Some dad from the campground stomped in and looked confused. He looked around and then went to the urinal. If he had intruded one minute earlier he would have seen two naked park rangers sperming onto a pubey camp shower floor. Oops. I think we cleaned it all, but maybe a part of me did want someone to see our profane nest. He might have smelled our exchange though. Cum is fragrant. I stifled a smile to keep decorum.

Our goodbye in the parking lot was erratic. Here it comes, my gut clenched. That feeling of loss that chasing my infatuations always lead to. Unfortunately I had gotten used to this.

"So that was fun." I offered.

"For sure man!" He matched.

"Maybe we'll get posted to the same park again." I hoped aloud.

"That would be awesome! We had a great time. I'll let you know where I go next." He seemed chipper but not gushing. I'm not sure why I expected him to be though.

"No, like I had a really, really good time." I repeated.

"Yeah you already said that Scott." He shifted the weight on his legs.

I felt whiny and vulnerable. I stared at him for too long waiting for anything besides his cute smirk, but that's all he gave me. I sighed, figuring that's all I was going to get. "So you need a ride anywhere?" I choked out.

"I have a ride coming, but you're a good guy for offering." He said.

"Alright, cool, well see ya Dave." I surrendered.

As I was turning back to my jeep he came closer and put his hand on my chest. "Look we'll stay in touch okay?" He said quietly. Then he gave me a strong hug that made me wheeze for air. I had already assigned my arms to hang defeatedly and didn't hug back initially. But I found the strength to coil and squeeze him.

As I drove away I saw him leaning against a tree with his eyes closed. He was smiling in the glow of the sun.

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Next: Chapter 4

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