Barneys Weekend in Brighton

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on Dec 13, 2022



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional, though hopefully plausible, and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

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Hope you enjoy


Barney's Weekend in Brighton


Having had a great time in the famous British seaside resort's only leather bar in the summer, red- headed Londoner, Alan heads off to Brighton for a weekend break, despite it being out of season. After discovering on his walk from the station, that his favourite venue has closed in the intervening months, he settles into his tiny hotel room, goes out for a meal and spends his first night cruising the nearby gay pub and disco dressed in his biker gear.

But when the only guy who catches his eye takes flight, he decides to cut his losses and have an early night, in the hope that Saturday might have something better to offer. However, a chance encounter on his walk back to his hotel along the rain-drenched promenade, results in him stumbling across just the sort of man and the sort of sex he was looking for. A happenstance that succeeds in transforming his weekend break into one that he will never forget!

  1. Friends Reunited

Filled with the bonhomie which follows a great orgasm, the pair welcomed the newcomer as though he were an old friend, while presenting me with the problem that he actually was my old friend - plus a well-known gossip that I was none too keen on finding out about my taste for SM sex and liking for the role of sub!

To my horror, the Pakistani replied with a chuckle, "Sure! Yer can fuck him while I tek a shower if yer like!" and coolly placed the end of my leash into my former buddy's hand.

"Looks like you're going to get fucked again, slut!" the Latin guy chortled in my ear before awarding me a slap on the arse as a parting shot. "I'd love to stay and watch, but I've got other things planned for today!" he added, squeezing past the new arrival to head back to his room.

"Damn!" I cussed to myself, maybe I'd have got away with hiding my head in the darkness while the others were still around but I could hardly do so if I was going to get fucked one on one!

"Mek sure yer behave yerself and do as yer teld!" Thomas warned me, as my former buddy sat down on the bench the Latino had just vacated.

"Al be back for 'im after," he added to the stranger he had proved so willing to share me with, adding as an afterthought, "Mek sure yer use a rubber if yer fuck im!" in what might be considered a show of affection but, more likely, an assertion of his ownership.

He then slammed the cubicle door shut behind him, leaving us shrouded in darkness.

Wordlessly, Mark sidled across to the bench where the chef had been sitting, spread his legs wide and slowly wound the leash around his palm, reeling me in bit by bit until my head was positioned opposite his groin.

With my hands still cuffed together I was in no position to offer any resistance and shuffled closer toward him on my knees with my head bowed in the slim hope that he still might not recognise me amidst the gloom.

But, at least for the moment, Mark's gaze was not focussed on my face, but on another part of my anatomy, namely my cock, which he had noticed was rock-hard, despite my recent spit-roasting, as a result of how turned on I was by the casual way I was being passed from one guy to the next, along with the chef giving him permission to do whatever he liked with me!

"Ah!" I gasped, apprehensively as my former pal wrapped his fist tightly around my shaft and, after taking a measure of its rigidity, gave it a succession of rapid up and down tugs to wrench back my foreskin to fully expose my cock's purple tip. But he didn't stop there! He then, began slapping it from side to side with the front and rear of his fingers and when it immediately sprang back to the vertical harder than ever, increased both the frequency and ferocity of his blows!

Despite the pain, I found my predicament so humiliating that my cock refused to go down and just kept bouncing back as though eager to receive more punishment.

Plainly amused by how excited I remained, and my determination not to cry out, despite his rough treatment of me, he went on to slide his hand beneath my scrotum to gather up my balls in his palm. Then, whilst maintaining tight hold of both my collar and leash, proceeded to gradually tighten his grip around them until I started to squirm.

I had no idea Mark was into sex this rough! Though I had experienced similar things in the past from doms, this was not something that I especially enjoyed. But if I continued to make no protest, who knew what further indignities I might have to suffer! More worrying still, with my eyes at crotch level I could tell Mark was getting off on what he was doing to me, as beneath his towel I could see that he too was now sporting an erection.

Although not the handsomest of guys, at college my buddy had been rumoured to be very well- endowed, I recollected. The size of the tent stretching out the towel between his legs appeared to confirm this! But his next move wasn't to set me to work sucking his dick.

"Lick my feet!" he demanded instead, forcing my head down to the floor so rapidly that I thought I would fall flat on my face, only for my head to be brought to an abrupt halt a few inches above his hair-coated toes by the collar encircling my neck.

"Kiss 'em first!" he demanded.

"Now suck each one, worm!" he added the moment I complied, raising his right foot from the floor and pressing the end of his big-toe up against my lips. It seemed Mark too had also learned a thing or two about SM sex since we had last met as well!

"Good boy!" he commented ironically, patting me on the head after I had encompassed every digit from both of his feet in my mouth and sucked it clean.

"Now try them all!" he added, attempting to squeeze the whole front to his foot inside my mouth in one go!

With me dribbling saliva from both sides of my mouth, which had been stretched as wide as the painted one of a clown, I had vainly attempted to take all his toes inside at once, but failed. Frustrated by this, Mark instead pressed my head down to the floor beneath the sole of his right foot and instead contented himself with having me lick it from heel to toe.

Only when both feet had been fully laundered, did he eventually tire of this particular form of humiliation and wrapped my leash around one of the bench stanchions so that my head was pinned down to the floor. With my rear up in the air, my former buddy was now free to examine my arse at close quarters.

Newly fucked, my hole was already coated with lube, making it easy for him to penetrate me by sliding a couple of his fingers slowly in and out. But when he attempted to squeeze in a third, I started to squirm.

"Ever been fisted?" he chuckled in response to my whimpers, whilst prising his trio of digits inside me as far down as they would go, clearly relishing the sound of my moans as, like with my mouth, he strove to stretch this hole beyond its previous limit.

I prayed he was teasing me and not about to carry out his threat. But save from protesting and thereby revealing my identity, there was little else I could do to prevent him from enlarging my hole still further.

"Shame I haven't got a butt-plug with me to stretch your pussy even wider!" I heard Mark whisper, "I have an extra-large cock you see," he added boastfully, "So you'll need opening up a bit before I fuck you!"

As if to verify what he'd said was true, he unfastened the leash from the bench, dragged my head up from the floor and thrust his cock up against my lips until I parted them. Although less thick than the Pakistani's, it was as lengthy as had been rumoured and was soon hitting the back of my throat as he slid it in and out.

In no mood to accept any reluctance from the freshly fucked sub he had stumbled upon crawling around on his knees on the sauna floor - especially when he was unable to resist - Mark persisted in ramming his cock further and further down my throat until I finally lost control of my gagging reflex. On the verge of choking, I backed away from his groin slumped to the floor and brought up the chef's spunk I had just swallowed, all over his feet.

"You filthy slut!" Mark muttered angrily, as I coughed and spluttered, heaved once more, and finally swallowed to attempt to clear my burning throat. Although he gave me time to recover and didn't attempt to prise his cock into my mouth a second time, once I was done, he meanly prised my head down to his feet.

"Lick it up!" he demanded.

I felt him tug on his cock as he watched me reluctantly sick out my tongue to lick up the chef's cold spunk from his toes, despite it now being seasoned with a hint of vomit.

Such was his excitement that once I'd submitted to his demand he didn't wait until my task was fully complete before he hauled me up by the ear and draped my naked body over his knee to award me a different punishment. Holding my head down by the collar, he cupped both my arse cheeks covetously in his palm before laying the first slaps with the flat of his hand on my defenceless butt. Although fisting may not have been one of his interests, spanking apparently was!

After pounding away merrily for a minute or more he held off for a moment to examine the state of my arse, only to resume again afterwards, this time belting me much harder! As I whimpered and struggled to avoid his blows, I began to think maybe Mark had recognised me after all and that this was payback for all the sins I'd committed against him back in our college days.

I knew he'd always been envious of my greater sexual success compared with his own and may still have held a grudge against me for always turning his own advances toward me down flat. Maybe my constant boasting about my sexual conquests had upset him - especially given I had done the same again that very morning?

Or maybe he was getting revenge for all the boyfriends I'd stolen from him? I vaguely recollected he had been very cut up about discovering me in his bed with one particular guy he was sweet on... but that was all water under the bridge, wasn't it?

Whether this was the reason, or because he just liked inflicting pain on pathetic subs such as myself, or more likely both, Mark didn't let up until he had reduced me to whimpering and pleading for mercy!

"Do it right this time!" he threatened, after offloading me onto my knees and thrusting his cock back in my face, "or you'll be getting some more!"

Desperate to please him, I wrapped my lips around his dick, which now seemed even bigger than ever, and took it down my throat as far as it would go. He began to thrust his hips up to meet me as I contritely sucked his cock in earnest, my sole focus now to bring him to orgasm as quickly as possible - my own member having long since shrunk to the size of that of a pre-pubescent boy as a result of the spanking.

Turned on by seeing my spirit was broken, soon afterwards Mark wrested his cock away from my jaws to tug on it himself and then dragged by head upwards so he could see my spunk and vomit spattered face as he wanked-off.

"Stick out your tongue, Alan!" he demanded, "Did you think I didn't know it was you?"

The malicious grin on his face told me that he had recognised me from the very start and, despite our polite breakfast-time conversation, still harboured any number of grudges against me. Stumbling across me being publicly spit-roasted in the sauna by the Pakistani and the Latino guy, had given him the opportunity to take his revenge on me for my rejection of his advances and my success in seducing his potential boyfriends. An opportunity which he had grabbed with both hands!

"If only I'd known you were into kinky stuff like this, back in our college days," he muttered wistfully, "I could have been fucking you every which way, every day of the week ... and have invited my rugger pals to join in at the weekends!"

"But I didn't fancy you then and I don't now!" I felt like replying, but realised saying this was unlikely to get him to treat me any better or release me from his clutches any sooner, "Plus, my sexual tastes in my twenties had been far more conventional!" Which may also have explained why I had such difficulty hanging onto a boyfriend for very long during my student years. So, I kept my thoughts to myself and lowered my eyes in shame, despite thinking the chances of him keeping our unexpected Brighton encounter to himself were around zero.

However, so aroused did my college buddy become by his vengeful thoughts and the sight of his former rival so totally humiliated, that instead of attempting to fuck me, he settled instead for having me lick his pendulous balls while he set about upping the pace of his wanking.

Once they were covered in my saliva, he lowered the pre-cum coated head of his glistening dick to my face and pasted a snail trail all over my unforgivably handsome features. Then, as his excitement continued to build, slid down the bench onto his back, raised his legs into the air and directed my soiled face into the crack of his arse.

"Lick it!" he demanded.

Realising this was the only way I was likely to succeed in bringing our encounter to an end without getting fucked or fisted by him, I did as I was directed and within seconds of my tongue lapping the perimeter of his hole, Mark was crying out in pleasure and shooting a deluge of hot cum all over my head and body.

No doubt hearing his cries of satisfaction from the nearby shower, moments later, the sauna door was thrown wide open and Thomas burst in.

"Shite!" was his only comment, when he saw the state I was in.

The next thing I knew I was being dragged out into the corridor by the leash.

With my wrists still manacled together, I shook my head like a dog to dislodge some of my former "buddy's" semen from my face before risking opening my eyes.

The chef looked a bit dishevelled, I guessed he must have dressed quickly after his shower, when he worked out what the sounds reverberating through the walls from the sauna must be.

I hung my head once again as he inspected me in the light of the hallway. Naked but for my collar, with my arms still pinioned behind my back, I was in no position to protect my modesty. My face was flushed from the heat, my arse cheeks were aglow from the spanking and my balls were also red and swollen from the slaps they'd received. My dick had shrunk to nothing, skulking in my pubes as though seeking to avoid any further punishment. Plus, a layer of fresh cum was mingling with my sweat and slowly trickling down from my head to cover the rest of my body as it slowly liquefied.

The Latin guy, who had no doubt also overheard the sounds of me being spanked, emerged from his room at this moment, dressed smartly with a bag slung over his shoulder. He exchanged glances with my former buddy as he made his exit from the sauna cabin and both of them broke into fits of laughter as they witnessed me being dragged back to my room like a disobedient dog by the disgruntled Pakistani.

Their glee only increased further, when halfway along the corridor I had to face the added indignity of having to stand aside to allow a group of newly arrived guests, with their luggage in tow, pass by me when they reached the top of the stairs between the sauna and my room. While I imagined Mark sharing the details of our encounter with all my old college friends, along the lines of:

"He's turned into a complete slut and an exhibitionist - he just can't get enough cock! When I saw him he was wearing a dog collar and handcuffs and being led around on a leash by a Pakistani guy! I watched him getting fucked at both ends and being given a spanking in front of a whole crowd of guys!"

However, my newly arrived fellow guests, excited by what they had witnessed, began gossiping about me for very different reasons:

"I told you! This is definitely the place to stay in Brighton!" I overheard one of the newcomers exclaim to his companions, as my handsome Pakistani chef, escorted me back into my room and closed the door behind us.

The management should be paying me to stay here, I thought!

To be continued...

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A free PDF version of the whole story is available by email from the authour at

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Next: Chapter 5

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