Barneys Weekend in Brighton

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on Oct 29, 2022



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy


Barney's Weekend in Brighton


Having had a great time in the famous British seaside resort's only leather bar in the summer, red- headed Londoner, Alan heads off to Brighton for a weekend break, despite it being out of season. After discovering on his walk from the station, that his favourite venue has closed in the intervening months, he settles into his tiny hotel room, goes out for a meal and spends his first night cruising the nearby gay pub and disco dressed in his biker gear.

But when the only guy who catches his eye takes flight, he decides to cut his losses and have an early night, in the hope that Saturday might have something better to offer. However, a chance encounter on his walk back to his hotel along the rain-drenched promenade, results in him stumbling across just the sort of man and the sort of sex he was looking for. A happenstance that succeeds in transforming his weekend break into one that he will never forget!

Chapter 2 - Gay SM for Beginners

As Thomas's excitement grew, he pulled open his fly and pushed me down to my knees to suck his dick. But no sooner had I enveloped its circumcised head in my mouth than we heard the wail of a police siren in the distance, getting gradually louder.

"Shit!" the Pakistani exclaimed, abruptly pulling his cock away from my mouth and hastily zipping up his fly.

Following his lead, I hurriedly rose to my feet and straightening up my clothes, so that by the time the police car sped past us we were both looking respectable again.

But as its siren faded away, rather than resume where we had left off, I informed a chastened Thomas that we were now only two minutes away from my hotel and that if he could hold his fire that long, the facilities there were slightly superior to those of the seafront shelter.

"Okay!" he concurred with a grunt and followed me away from the windswept promenade, down the side-street that led to my hotel and then up the stairs to my attic bedroom.

As soon as the door closed behind us it was as though a starting gun had been fired.

Despite my attempts to slow down the undressing process, Thomas's superior strength meant I was fighting a losing battle and he rapidly succeeded in achieving what he'd attempted to do out in the street and in the shelter! I was rapidly relieved of every stitch I was wearing.

Having me completely naked while he remained fully dressed, I found incredibly horny and immediately sprouted an erection, but to my dismay, without even pausing to take a breath, he just as speedily pulled off his own clothes.

I managed to slow him down a little by kissing him on the lips but my advances were quickly brushed aside. I would have loved to have slowly undressed the Pakistani so I could savour his beauty and demonstrate my willingness to worship him, but his pent-up frustration meant all was revealed at once.

He had lovely brown skin with a covering of fine black hair coating his arms and legs, his torso was wonderfully smooth, his stocky body, firm and muscular. But before I was able to admire him fully, I was pushed down onto my knees.

His dick was fat, perfectly-formed and fully erect. Would I suck it please? He gave the orders and I happily complied!

But I had been sucking him for little more than a minute, than he demanded we move on! Could he fuck me please? Did I have a condom?

No sooner had I extracted the necessary equipment from my pants pocket, than he had me positioned me over the side of the bed and had brutally prised his cock inside me.

A few seconds later he had come!

Afterwards, I hastily cleaned us both up using the pack of tissues I habitually carried around in my jacket pocket (yes, I was once a boy scout and still prided myself on always being prepared) then lay awkwardly by his side on top of the single bed.

While he savoured the release of orgasm, I took the opportunity to explore and stroke the smooth hardness of his body. When he raised no objection, I was emboldened to shower his arms and back with kisses.

I gradually eased myself downwards until I reached his two perfect formed brown buns. Prising them apart with my fingers, I discovered Thomas's perfectly formed and virginally-tight anus. Instinctively I sank my nose between his buttocks.

Reassured by the smell of soap, I gently ran my tongue along his entire crack and then began to ease its tip into his closed bud.

Alarmed at being penetrated albeit with my tongue, Thomas clamped his buttocks tight shut.

Annoyed, I eased myself back up to his head and mischievously whispered in his ear, was it okay for me to fuck him now?

"Am the oni one who'll be doing any fucking!" he fired back at me.

Clearly, I had touched a raw nerve. The guy might crave sex with men but saw himself exclusively as a top!

"What yer want to lick mi arse for anyhow - yer dirty bastard?" he demanded, clearly upset that I should even contemplate such a thing.

"Yer shud bi grateful am willin to fuck yer at all!"

"Can I suck your cock some more and wank myself off then?" I enquired?

"No, yer can cum wi mi cock up yer arse or noratall!"

My teasing had only succeeded in provoking him to anger. Despite just having cum, my riling him quickly turned his thoughts back to sex and he rapidly returned to fucking me again, determined to put me in my place.

This time he lay on top of me on the bed, prised my ass cheeks apart with his fingers and rammed his weapon in the general direction of my hole. It took him several tries before he eventually found it!

My arse was still tender from his previous assault as I was unused to being fucked. But despite my obvious discomfort, Thomas pounded his member into me with sadistic relish.

He was so much stronger than I was that I had little choice but to put a brave face on it and hope he came as quickly as he had the first-time-round! I was lucky, within minutes he had cum a second time!

Oblivious to my needs, he slipped his cock out of my weary hole and immediately drifted off to sleep.

I rushed outside to the loo to clean myself up and discovered my ass was sore and bleeding. When I returned, I found Thomas snoring contentedly ensconced in the middle of the narrow bed.

Feeling exhausted, with difficulty I squeezed in beside him but felt so uncomfortable that I toyed with the idea of waking him up and asking him to leave. But, fearing a violent response, I thought better of it and eventually fell into fitful slumbers.

Every time I woke, I checked my watch and when it finally reached seven-thirty I decided to get up and take a shower, leaving Thomas to sleep on.

Robbed by my guest of the bed I had paid for, I decided I would at least make sure that I claimed the breakfast that was included in the price of the room. I dressed and sneaked out again without disturbing him.

As I peered around the almost deserted hotel dining room, to my surprise I spotted a familiar face sitting at one of the breakfast tables.

"Mark! Is it you?" I asked him, increasingly sure that it was. "How are you? I haven't seen you in over ten years!"

I embraced my old college buddy and sat down beside him.

Over breakfast we had an enjoyable time catching up on our respective careers and reminiscing about old times.

He said he was in Brighton to go sailing, having arranged to meet up with some friends that afternoon who had agreed to help him sail a boat around the coast to Essex.

I jokily told him that I had been doing a bit of cruising myself and boasted that I had landed a beautiful Pakistani guy at the club the night before. "Tell me more!" he had demanded.

I was just about to begin my tale when who should walk in but the young Latin guy I had cruised in the pub! It was clear he recognised me, if only from the fact that he immediately turned his head away. He sat down at the table furthest from us. Still alone, I noted smugly.

I continued my story in a lower voice, though I noticed the Latin guy occasionally turn his head towards us as though he were straining to catch what I was saying.

For the sake of appearances, I pretended to my friend that I had played the active role in the encounter and mentioned nothing about the interest in SM sex that I had acquired in the years that had elapsed since I had met him last.

When he queried why I hadn't invited the guy to join me for breakfast I explained he had drunk too much the night before and I had left him in bed sleeping it off. Before he demanded any more details, I moved the conversation on to discussing his own love life.

Thirty minutes later, I bid him farewell and wished him a safe voyage. He encouraged me to have fun in return with a friendly wink.

When I re-entered my room, I found Thomas still sleeping peacefully. I sat on the sole wooden chair beside him and quietly read the gay magazines I'd picked up in the hotel foyer.

Once I'd read them, I turned to admire his handsome features and couldn't resist reaching out to touch the smooth softness of his face and downy black hairs covering his forearms. Very soon I had shifted onto the edge of the bed and was cradling his head in my arms. This finally roused him.

"Av got t'av a piss!" were his unromantic first words.

"Use the sink," I advised getting out of his way and then gazing longingly at his muscular rear as he rose from the bed naked to empty his bladder.

"Wot yer starin at? Tek yer clothes off an cum back t'bed wi me!" he demanded, getting back under the covers the moment he'd finished.

He watched as I hurriedly shuffled off my clothes, whilst tugging on his cock. By the time I'd finished undressing he was fully erect and wordlessly set me to work sucking him again by prising my head down to his groin. In his hung-over state he was much more benevolent than he had been the night before and lay back, content to let me worship his dick at my own pace, awarding me the occasional pat on the head to signal his approval.

I excitedly took advantage of the Pakistani's largesse and ran my hands over his silky brown thighs and smooth chest as I sucked him, my cock instantly hard. After being denied an orgasm before we slept, I was now even more horny than I had been when I'd first arrived at the resort and was desperate to cum. But recalling the chef's words from the night before, I realised his pleasure came first, so I quickly covered his dick with a condom and smeared it and my battered arse with a generous layer of lube.

Thomas seemed more than happy to let me get on with it, as I ignominiously squatted astride his thighs and aligned my hole with his dick. This time his cock glided painlessly inside me until my arse connected with his pelvis. I heaved a satisfied sigh as it filled me up and began to slowly ease myself up and down on his shaft while I continued to feast my eyes on the Pakistani chef's brand of masculine beauty.

Thomas, in contrast, closed his eyes tight shut and moaned contentedly. Whether this was because he felt bashful at being admired and was uncertain how to respond to my lust-filled gaze, or because he was disgusted by the sight of me bouncing up and down on his prick whilst pumping my cock, I couldn't tell. However, this morning he seemed more placid and less anxious of his need to dominate me than he had the night before and happy to lie back and receive the adulation he deserved.

As I grew close to coming, my hole tightened around his dick and the chef's breathing quickened. He let out a loud groan that could mean only one thing - the bugger had come first yet again!

I carried on regardless and despite his fullness shrinking beneath the pressure, his dick remained just firm enough for me to achieve the type of climax that only comes from having something long and hard pressed up against your prostate. I cried out for joy as wave after wave of my own pent-up spunk spurted out of my cock and cascaded down over the handsome chef's smooth brown belly, until I was finally spent.

He opened his eyes and we exchanged grins, pausing to enjoy a moment of shared bliss before I eased his shrunken cock out of me. Business-like, I carefully peeled off the condom and cleaned us both up once more before snuggling up to Thomas's warm body and pulling the covers back over us. Immediately we fell into a contended doze.

When we awoke, Thomas was still in a mellow mood. "A told yer ad give yer pleasure," the twenty- odd year old announced proudly, in what he clearly considered to be his "sexy" voice.

"And you certainly did!" I confirmed, laying my head on the hunky chef's shoulder beneath the sheets and giving him an appreciative hug.

"Yer like bein fucked, don't yer?" he enquired, seemingly curious that a muscular older guy such as myself should be willing to play the passive role.

"I can go either way," I explained, "It depends on the guy. I don't mind being fucked by a guy who knows what he's doing."

"A dint cum too quick fo yer, did a?" the chef ventured in a moment of self-doubt, it seemed he hadn't completely forgotten everything that had transpired the night before!

"A bit more foreplay wouldn't have gone amiss!" I teased, seizing on his question as a pretext to explain that the sort of sex I was into - in the hope that maybe he'd be persuaded into experimenting along these lines later.

I got out of the bed, opened up my suitcase and took out the leather gear I had brought with me, which included a dog collar, a leash and a blindfold, then extracted the aforementioned handcuffs from the pocket I'd hidden them in.

"The beauty of S/M sex is that it can go on for hours before you finally reach a climax. It's not just about pain like most people think - it's about power, control and humiliation."

Thomas picked up each item doubtfully as I explained to him my version of what sub/dom sex was all about.

"Some guys like to dominate and some liked to be dominated and some of us like to do both! In an SM scene the dom has all the power and he gets to calls the shots - within agreed limits - he gets to do whatever he likes with his sub and the sub has to do whatever his dom tells him."

The chef looked at me blankly as though I were talking a foreign language.

"The sub guy gets off on being taken advantage of sexually but also on actively pleasing and worshipping his dom. He expects to have to suck cock and be fucked but knows the dom is also free to do whatever else he likes with him as well, which is what gives him a thrill!"

"Like what?" queried Thomas.

"For example, after getting him turned on by stripping and fondling him, before he gets ideas above his station, he demonstrates how inferior he is to him by making him not just suck his dick and lick his ass, but crawl around on his hands and knees like a dog and maybe lick his boots. If the sub likes it rough, he might also slap his cock and balls around, torture his nipples and spank his arse whilst calling him names and telling him he's a slut or not a real man. Some of these things a sub may enjoy and others he may not, but he's prepared to put up with them all, so long as he pleases his dom."

"Yer like avin t' wear a dog collar?" the chef queried.

"Yeh, I do!" I replied defiantly, "especially if it's in front of an audience or somewhere public where it might be seen by other gay guys. I loved it last night when you tried to fuck me in that shelter on the seafront. It's a shame that damn police car interrupted us when it did!"

"Yer liked that did yer!" Thomas commented with a chuckle, before abruptly changing the subject, "A need t'use't loo an 'ave a shower! Yer got a towel?"

In an act of subservience to my unexpected but very welcome guest, I handed him the bath towel that had been provided, having managed myself with the hand towel, and directed him to the shared bathroom down the hall.

As he wrapped it around him, I noticed that once again he was sporting a hard-on. Had what I was saying turned him on or was he just dying for a piss, I wondered.

I gave him the key and told him I'd wait there until he came back. As the door closed behind him, I clambered into bed, grateful to have it to myself for the first time and immediately drifted off to sleep.

To be continued...

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A free PDF version of the whole story is available by email from the authour at

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Next: Chapter 3

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