
By fat uk

Published on Jul 24, 2007


Usual stuff. Do not read if you are not old enough.

Contains strong adult language and scenes of a sexual nature between males. If offended, please do not read any further.

Please, do not distribute in any way without my permission first.

Please give feedback and enjoy the story.

All my stories can be found on my website at

Different Points of View!

I tell the story from the different points of view of the two main characters. The subtitle tells you from which point of view it is. Hope you enjoy.

James' POV

I woke up early the next morning to go out with my family. I thought about the night before and was wondering if it was real or not. The smell of Glen's dick on my hand and the taste of his cum on my tongue told me it was. I wanted to go round to his house and suck him again and make the most of having the opportunity to be with a man rather than spend the day with my family. I comforted myself knowing that I would be seeing him at work tonight instead. I imagined turning up to work early and sucking him off behind the bar before opening time, having him spray his sperm in my face and on my lips again so I could eat it. I was hard and jerked off before getting up.

Glen's POV

I woke up next day and instantly remembered having James' lips around my cock before I showered his face with my jizz. I wished he was here in bed with me; I couldn't wait to see him again. I had waited so long, nearly 18 months, and now I had the opportunity to have him sexually, I was made to wait. I was gutted. I got up as I had to go to work to get the pub ready for that night. It would be busy with it being Bank Holiday the day after, so people did not have to go work or University. That meant James did not have to either, so he could stay at mine tonight. I wanted him too badly. I wanted to have him in bed without distraction so we could take our time. I also thought he would be more susceptible to getting fucked if we had privacy, more than what we could get in a pub. I checked my condom and lube stock, I had enough condoms but was running low on lube. I decided I needed more as I would have to use a lot more lube with James and his virgin hole. On entering the pub I saw the bar area where I sucked him off on my knees before he kneeled between mine and sucked on my cock like a baby on a bottle. My prick stirred again at the thought of it. I checked my order list once more, to make sure I made no mistakes as I had been distracted by the handsome young boy I would be fooling around with again tonight. I went in the cellar and checked what we needed.

To get to the cellar, I had to descend some steps that brought me to a small corridor. Two doors lead of it, one to the area where the pumps, barrels and coolers were kept, where as the other was a store room. Behind the store room was the boiler room, which could only be reached by going through the store room. I started thinking about that being a good place to get privacy with James if we ever needed it before or after work. It was large, open, lighted well and warm. I started thinking of him being naked down there, lying on his back with his legs pulled back to reveal his hole for my probing dick. I saw him gasping as the head of my prick penetrated his hole before burying itself to the root in his anus. I got hard, so I pulled out my dick and stroked it there and then, cumming over one of the Guinness barrels.

After doing what I had to to get the place ready for tonight, I left the pub and headed into town. It was more anonymous than my local pharmacy. I went into Boots and over to the condom section, grabbing a tube of KY before going home to put it with the rest of my lube and condoms. My plan was to get James in my bed and on my cock by the end of the night.

James POV

I got ready for work earlier than I usually did. My plan was to go there early as Glen often did and find some time to get his meat in my mouth. I walked to work and got there a little sweaty and red faced, but ok. I was half an hour early and I went inside as it was unlocked. Glen was at the end of the bar where it curved due to the L-shape of the room. I only knew he was there as I heard him moving bottles round. I locked the door using the bolt and went behind the bar and popped round the corner. Glen turned when he saw me and gave me a big grin. "Hi there," he said, before looking around the bar and seeing it empty, adding "sexy". I felt my ears go red and my cheeks even more so. "Hi there" I replied. Glen came over to me and said "Come here" and pulled me in to a kiss. I immediately kissed him back while fondling his cock. I was hungry for his dick and knew I didn't have to worry about him being upset at me fondling him anymore. I wanted to fondle him every time I saw him while I worked here in the last 18 months, and now I could. He grinned at me and surveyed the pub again. "Be careful or someone will see us" he said. "Not if we go back here" and I walked to the end of the bar, which was not visible from the door or front windows.

"Well, someone can come in",

"Nah, I bolted the door". I said.

"You are keen aren't you?!"

"Yeah" I replied. I started undoing the belt of his jeans and then the button, he kissed me a few times, but let me concentrate on getting his pants down. I unzipped the jeans, and grabbing hold of them and his boxers, I pulled them down as I kneeled. His cock bounced in front of my nose. It was semi hard and getting harder. It smelled clean, he must have showered before coming out. It was perhaps 5 inches long at this point and as thick as two fingers. He looked down at me as I took it in my mouth. It tasted the same, though not as strong, as last night, probably as he had not been sweating from working behind the bar all night.

I started sucking his cock, working it in from 3 to 4 inches in my mouth. I tried a bit more, it was okay, but I found it better to stick between 3 and 4. I had seen guys online take a huge cock all the way, and knew it was because they swallowed, but I wasn't ready for that yet. I was ready for his cum though.

I had my hands resting on his thighs again. I sucked and licked his cock until he said "Gonna cum big lad!".

I transferred my hands on to his bum and felt him tense his cheeks a little before he pulled his cock out and came on my face and grunted each time. I forced my mouth on to his cock to get the last few squirts and then licked it clean. I then got the rest of his sperm from around my face and on to my tongue. I savoured the taste, wanting more.

"Thanks big lad" he said to me as grabbed his jeans from around his ankles and pulled them up.

He kissed me when I stood up and hugged me closely. He squeezed my bum and asked me if I wanted to stay at his tonight. I agreed straight away. I wanted him to let me suck him some more. I hoped he would. He started to rub my cock and I felt it grow to its four inches in my boxers. He rubbed me through the denim for about two minutes and he continued to kiss me and explore my body with his left hand, especially under my shirt. He rubbed my belly and paid particular attention to my nipples and tits.

As he stroked them I tingled and it made the feeling in my dick more intense. I came soon after in my boxers. I had to rest my hands on Glen's shoulders as I came and I closed my eyes, so I guessed he knew I had cum as he slowly stopped stroking. He then reached in to my boxers and felt my cock, which as still hard and felt along to my cock. He gathered up the cum from the tip and rubbed it in to my balls. He didn't stop grinning the whole time he did it. "I'll clean them off tonight for you" he said, before winking at me, kissing me once more and he went to open up. I poured myself a pint in hopes of cooling down. I was sweating already.

Glen's POV

I opened up the bar after James' sucked me off. I was happily surprised when he came in and immediately wanted to suck my cock. I figured he was as horny as any other 20 year old, and now he could have some form of sex he was making the most of it. I loved watching my cum shoot on to his face and lips, and how he licked it up and made appreciative sounds as he swallowed. I could smell his cum on my fingers, but I desired to keep it there. During the night, when I had chance to, as we were so busy, I smelled them and immediately thought of the young lad at the other end of the bar, chuckling loudly at stupid jokes and hitching up his jeans every 10 minutes. Why didn't he get a belt?! I don't know, but I enjoyed the view of his boxers it gave me. Tonight he was wearing white ones, so at least the cum would not show up as much when he got his mum to wash them. I kept stealing glances at him all night.

When there was the usual lull at 9 o'clock, I went over to him and started cracking jokes and the usual quotes from the Simpsons. He laughed loudly and chuckled, which made his belly and tits rise and fall. The jiggling made me stir. We acted almost the same as we always did. I suppose not much had to change considering how well we got on before, and with everyone already saying we acted like we were going out.

At last orders, the usual rush began as everyone got their last pint for the night. It meant we were even more rushed than we had been all night. We could only serve one person at once but that hardly registered with some of the punters. The last bell went and I told the staff to finish serving who they were already serving then stop. If they wanted a pint, they should have come before last orders. Simple as that, though one guy didn't see it like that. He started arguing with James, saying he wanted serving, he had been waiting and James was too slow to get to him. Apparently, this guy's argument was "You best fucking serve me now". Fuck that, I got mad; I hated people if they ever spoke to him like that. He would not hurt a fly, and this was the brotherly part of me taking over. I went up to the guy and told him to fuck off, get out and not come back. If he had a problem with it, he could talk to me, someone who ain't 20 and not afraid to tell him where to go. He soon did. James thanked me; I could tell the guy had shaken him. I winked at him and said, "Thank me later". I had an idea how he could.

We finished washing the glasses and waited for the staff to leave before getting ready to go. At the door, I took James in to a bear hug and asked my big lad how he was doing. He smirked back "Alright" and I French kissed him while he wriggled in my arms, and his tongue squirmed in my mouth. I could taste the pork scratchings he had been eating at break. "Let go now my jeans are falling" he told me. We locked up and got in the car. I was feeling nervous, like it was the first time I was taking a guy home. The first time I did that I was 19 and I had the same feeling now, a little sickly, nervous, scared but also excited.

Already James was eager for my cock, he was smiling impishly as he rubbed my crotch as I drove. I told him to stop as he was distracting, but not too forcefully, I didn't really want him to stop. I soon had a bulge in my pants. We pulled up. Luckily my house mate was staying the night at his mates; he had text me to let me know. We went inside. "Fancy a drink?" I said as I grabbed a bottle of coke from the fridge. "Nah," he said, "I want that" and James was pointing at my crotch. He went to undo my belt, but I stopped him and said "Let's go upstairs." He quickly turned and almost ran up there, I chuckled to myself. His almost childish enthusiasm made me feel all warm for him.

I followed him up, taking the coke with us. I always found sex thirsty. I got to my room to find him stripping. He was kicking his shoes off as he took his shirt off. I watched him from the door and smiled. He just had to breathe in to let his jeans fall. He then kicked them off. He was breathing heavy from his sprint up the stairs and seemed a little out of breath. I walked over to him before he removed his boxers. I caught his hand as the tuft of pubic hair began to show above the elastic of his underwear.

"Leave them on a sec" I said.

"Ok," he said before kissing me.

I kissed back and reached round his round waist to feel his bum through his boxers. I loved boxers on a chubby boy. I could see the line of his bum in the mirror behind us. The material was thin so they had to stretch across his round globes and I could see the colour of the flesh underneath. Nice view, I thought. I stepped back at looked at him standing nearly naked, almost vulnerable in front of me. His belly over hung almost half way down to his dick. A small bulge was at the front of his boxers and I could see a little flesh between the buttons. His hips were wide and his thighs thick, with hair all down his legs and up his belly. His tits were pert and his nipples and stiff as ever. A breath taking sight for me.

I then stripped off, though I got completely naked. James took this as a sign he could to, so quickly pulled his boxers down to his ankles, bending as he did so. In the mirror behind him, I could see his tight sphincter as he did so. I wanted to plunge my cock in their tonight. I took the boy over the bed and caressed his body all over. I climbed on top of him, though used my elbows to stop myself crushing him. Our bellies pressed together and the head of my crotch was under his apron, rubbing itself against his skin when I moved. I found if I rubbed his nipples he would close his eyes and almost purr. When I sucked them, he wriggled underneath me and moaned. I loved it hen he did that, so I did it a lot. It made his cock hard as a rock and he dribbled precum from under his foreskin.

James' POV

I loved it as Glen sucked my nipple, especially my left one. It seemed more sensitive than my right. It was intense, like when you carry on wanking after you have cum so you feel like you may piss if you don't stop.

While I wriggled under him, I felt the head of his cock under my belly, but he then took it with his left hand and adjusted it under himself so it rested between my legs, it dug in a little but felt nice. I kept feeling the urge to lift my legs and get it on my bum. I had thought about fucking, and figured I would try it with Glen, but not so soon, so I kept my legs down. I heard it hurt a lot when you first tried it, so was not looking forward to it. I had pushed a soapy finger in my bum when I was in the bath before, and once used an old toothbrush. It had felt a little weird, nice but weird. I figured a cock would feel a hundred times better, once it stopped hurting. Glen kept adjusting his cock to go between my legs whenever it came out. He would run his hand down my thigh before that and raise my leg a little, but not much. I had a feeling he wanted me to show him my hole, but I kept putting my leg back down.

Soon, I had had enough of having my nipples sucked and wanted him to put his cock in my mouth. I began to push him on to his side, and when he went over, then on to his back. I then wriggled down his body until I was kneeling between his legs. I smelled the musk from his balls and started to lick the head of his cock and suck the foreskin, taking the precum in my throat. I took the cock as far as I could and then sucked it, hoping to make him cum quickly. However, he seemed to last ages, and soon my jaw was aching, though I ignored it and kept sucking. Glen kept making moaning sounds and saying how great I was, occasionally ruffling my hair and stroking my head and cheeks. I had pushed my hands under his legs, which he lifted up so his knees were facing the ceiling and his feet were flat on the bed. I had rested my hand on his belly and rubbed it. He seemed to love that, and he confirmed it when he started saying "How did ya know that get's me going?" It was rhetorical of course, thank god, as I did not wanna release his dick from between my lips. He did, however, after another couple of minutes.

Glen POV

I took my cock from James mouth and sat up; he got on his knees and looked at me like a puppy wanting his toy back. It made me think he loved cock like no other guy I had met before, but I wanted to fuck, and now.

"Do you wanna try fucking?" I asked.

"Well, not really. I heard it hurts" He said to me.

"No, it can, but if done right then it shouldn't. If it hurts then you are going to fast." I told him reassuringly.


"Yeah, we will go at your pace, use lots of lube and you're in charge!" I told him. He reluctantly agreed. I thought that once we got going, he would enjoy it, so I continued despite his reservation.

I went in to the condom and lube stash I kept under my bed and pulled out a condom and the new tube of KY I bought earlier in the day.

"Ok, you sure you're ok with this? We can stop now if you want." I said.

"No, we can try, but go easy ok, and slow."

I instructed him to get on all fours at the edge of the bed. He did so, and I warned him I was to squirt lube on his hole and that it would be a little cold. He moved away from the tube of lube when the first squirt went on, so I rubbed his hole to get it warm. He seemed to enjoy the rubbing. I did not push in; I wanted to get him a little more relaxed first. I noticed his balls were pulled up tight to his body so were easily accessible in this position. I rubbed his balls with my free hand and he moaned a little. His face was lowered into the duvet and I could him the muffling. I then pushed my index finger into his hole up to the first knuckle and kept it there. He was very tight! A true virgin hole! He did not move away from me though when I pushed my finger in, so I decided he was ok. I continued stroking his balls, and licked them from time to time. I could still taste his cum that I rubbed into them behind the bar earlier in the night. After several minutes, I pushed my index in slowly to the next knuckle. I heard him gasp a little, I asked if he was ok and he said "Yeah, just wait there a sec".

"Ok, carry on" He said. Great, I thought, he is prepared to try this properly, so I squirted more lube on my finger and his hole before pushing in. My finger was soon all the way in. I left it in all the way for several minutes before pulling it out to the second knuckle and pushing back in. James moaned as I did. My heart leapt; if I took this slow I could just fuck him tonight!

James POV

Glen began to fuck my arse with his index finger very slowly. It didn't hurt at all, except when he first started. But soon, he was slipping in and out of me with ease from the feel of it. I felt another squirt of lube on my hole and Glen said "Ready for the middle finger?" I nodded as best I could with my face in the mattress. He took it slow, thankfully, as it hurt a little with the finger being thicker, especially at the bottom of it near his hand. He was fat after all, so it was fatter at the bottom of his middle finger. I could look under my belly and between my legs as it reached the bed, so I decided to just close my eyes and enjoy it if I could. I felt my arse getting looser for Glen's fingers, so decided to begin pushing back a little as I had seen guys on porn movies do when getting fucked. Hs finger suddenly slipped over a spot in my arse, my prostate I guess, and a tingle went up from my crotch to my stomach. It felt nice.

"Okay, two fingers now, you ready?" Glen Said.

I nodded again. I felt another squirt of lube on my hole and the first knuckle of Glen's index finger insert in my anus again. It must have been tight as it was a little uncomfortable but not painful. Though the attempt to get the second knuckle in was, I pulled away a little and told Glen to wait. He did so, without argument or pause. I knew then I could trust him completely. I wanted to be fucked now as he seemed to really want to and it did look enjoyable. I also wanted to please this man, who looked after me somewhat and made me feel good about myself. I felt I owed him. I was a little worried about the size of his dick though. It was 8 inches and thick! I decided slow and steady would do the trick. It did. After more lube and 10 minutes of slowly taking Glen's cock in my hole, it was all the way in.

Glen had put a condom over his knob and rolled it down to the root before he had put his cock against my sphincter. He slowly put pressure on my hole until it gave way an allowed him to begin entering. There was a sudden sharp pain in my arse as he got nearer the back, the thicker part of the head of his cock. I told him to stop and he did so, pulling out a little, the pain subsided. More lube and patience got it in. He placed his cock at the entrance to me and started pushing firmly. I felt my muscle try to hold him there, but after a few seconds it relented and allowed his prick to break through. I asked him to stop, it began to feel uncomfortable, but he told me he would stay where he was else I would not learn to take it. It took me about a minute before I felt I could allow him to proceed.

"Ok, keep going. BUT slowly" I told Glen.

"No problem. You're in charge remeber," he said, "God I can't wait for this, you're so sexy"

He pushed a little more and then suddenly I felt my hole contract a little. His head had entered and i needn't have to be stretched so wide. It felt like a relief and I thought "This is it. I have a cock inside!" Glen began to massage my neck and stroke my back. I guess he was trying to get me to relax as he penetrated my sphincter. His hand was a felt a little wet and sticky as he had not cleaned it off thoroughly after applying lube to my arse and finger fucking me. I didn't mind though, I was just focusing on what was happening behind and inside me.

After another squirt of lube directly on to his cock, Glen pushed another inch or meat inside me and waited while the ache subsided in anus. I was doing well, he told me.

Another inch and it didn't hurt as much as before, so I only needed perhaps 5 seconds before I said, "Push more in to me". Glen obliged and began to push more and more very slowly, expecting me to tell him to stop, but I didn't. I gritted my teeth at the discomfort as I felt 8 inches infiltrate my arse.

"I am all the way in now big lad" Glen told me, failing to hide his glee. I looked back at him and he had a hungry look on his face as he looked down at what I imagined to be just his pubic fat pressing between my crack. I must admit, I liked the image.

The pain soon subsided and I began to feel the other sensations from being impaled on Glen's dick. The pressure being placed on my balls was immense, or at least felt that way. He had hit my prostate and got in pretty far. There was warmth coming from all the blood in his cock which I felt on the walls of my arse, and I felt full. That is the best way I could describe it. It felt like I was holding in a shit, but it was pleasurable.

Glen POV

Wow, my cock was buried in the arse of this young handsome boy kneeling on my bed. My fantasy had come true. I was looking down on my cock, and could only see about 2 or 3 cm before it was swallowed by James and his warm opening. I was eager to start pounding but I knew with being a virgin that was too much to ask at first, so I slowly pulled back out, perhaps and inch or two, and pushed slowly back in. James grunted a little and I felt his muscle contract a little. It had an almost vice-like grip on my meat. It was warm in there too; I could feel it coming though the latex.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, just a little sore" he said.

"It is okay, it will soon pass. Always hurts a little when you first start" I said.

I slowly began to fuck him. At first, Pulled back about half an inch then pushed back. James shuddered a little. I asked if he was okay and he said "Yeah, just a little sore. Don't do more than that for awhile."

I did as he wanted and just fucked him slowly and gently. He said after a couple of minutes that I could start "taking it out a little more," so I increasing the length I pulled out, from half an inch to an inch, then two, then three. I stroked at the different lengths for perhaps a minute at a time. Around four inches, James began to shuddered and moan a little as it hurt, so I went back to three inches for a little longer before trying again. It worked and he was soon moaning a little and telling me it felt nice. I never took more than 5 inches out though, as I wanted to keep his anus from contracting as it tried to push me out. I figured keeping some length in would make it so that I was less likely to fall out. However, I got carried away at one point and pulled out to far.

"Fuck" I said as I came out.

"You done?" James asked as he looked back at me.

"No, just came out. You want me to carry on." His reply was an enthusiastic nod.

I took hold of my dick, which was slick with lube. There was no sign of shit, so that was good. I put it back on his hole and pushed it back in. There was little resistance.

I had been close to cumming when I first started wanting to fuck James, hence stopping him from sucking me to fruition. However, I had come back from the edge as it took so long to get inside him and start fucking, so I was able to continue for quite awhile and he seemed to enjoy it. He was moaning a little, almost whimpering, with each in-stroke. The noises turned me on to fuck, so I was soon ready to cum. "Ok, I am gonna cum" I said. James nodded and began to grunt as my cock swelled in his hole and pumped my sperm in to the end of the sheath. I was sweating a little but felt that I should carry on. I felt that now I was inside him, I should make the most of it. I definitely wanted to, there was no doubt about that, but I also wanted to continue so that James could relax more now that he had got used to me in there.

"Shall I stay inside you?" I said.

James POV

I nodded for him to do so. I liked the feeling of him in my arse. It felt full and warm. His meat had been stroking the inside of my colon for the past 30 minutes and it felt great. Glen was resting, placing a hand on the small of my back and pulling his cock out a little, to inspect I guess, before pushing back in. I had relaxed a little, definitely.

Glen was soon rested and started fucking me again after asking my permission. I was ready to go again too. Glen fucked me faster this time and pulled out a little farther, but was still cautious not to fuck too hard. My virgin hole could only take so much. It had slackened its grip on his dick so he could stroke more easily. I enjoyed it much more this time and even stroked my cock. I came not long before Glen did, and he dumped another load of jizz in the condom while still inside me.

I felt empty when he pulled out, but also felt really great as I had just been fucked by a man! I was no longer a virgin and was chuffed with it. I could not stop smiling.

Glen's POV

James had cum on my bed while I was fucking him. Seeing him reach under his belly to find his cock, which had gone stiff as I fucked him, meant I soon came too. I had come twice in his arse, but in to a condom. I had always wore condoms, but felt that with him being a virgin I didn't have to, we would be both safe, but I didn't want to ask so soon and scare him off. I pulled out of him and he noted how empty his arse now felt. He suddenly got up and headed for the bathroom, returning a few minutes later. He said he had a sudden urge to shit, which is normal I told him. He also saw a bit o blood, so I told him that was normal too, especially the first time. He wasn't hurting anyway. I hugged him and thanked him for letting me fuck. He giggled and sheepishly said "it's OK. I enjoyed it too."

I had placed the condom on the bedside cabinet. I went to the toilet to pee and clean up and when I came back it was empty. I looked at James and he looked away.

"Have you drank that?"

"He looked nervous, and replied "yes..." quietly.

I joined him on the bed and laughed, putting my arm around him, pulling him close and kissing his forehead and then hugging tightly with both arms. He cheered up when he realised I was not mad or disgusted. He certainly enjoyed his cum! I was happy to have a cock loving, cum guzzler as a lover, and told him so!

James POV

I was relieved when Glen as not put when he found out I had drained the condom. I had just been lying on the bed, still naked and touching my hole to see if it was ok. I felt the stickiness of cum and lube, and just a tiny amount of blood. I saw the condom and had wished it had been dumped inside my arse or my mouth, and I wanted cum! I knew Glen would have emptied hiss balls so I decided it was the best way to get it. I just wanted cum, I could not explain it. Ever since I tasted my own I had enjoyed the taste and texture, but eating Glen's was something else. I just couldn't get enough. So I picked the condom up and held the bubble at the end that held the cum with my finger and tip it upside down in my mouth. The cum was cold but still tasty and enjoyable. I imagined I could feel it swimming down my throat and into my belly. That is when Glen came back in. Thankfully, he just laughed and gave me a hug, then called me a cum guzzler. I just laughed with relief that he didn't mind.

After watching a movie, finishing the bottle of coke, I tried to suck Glen again, though he said he was spent as I had guessed he would be. I kept going though for a while, just absent mindedly sucking on it like a lollipop and enjoying the taste, despite the smell and slippiness from the condom. We then did some more kissing before going to sleep. I stayed in the bed with Glen, both still naked from when we fucked. I kept checking my arse, it didn't hurt and there seemed to be no blood, but I still felt empty back there. I slept with my back to Glen's big hairy belly and he had his arm reaching over me to my even bigger belly and feeling his scratchy pubes against my crack. He kept reaching up and tickling my nipples though, making me giggle each time, which just encouraged him.

The next morning, I awoke to find Glen playing with my nipples and pushing his bloated cock in to my crack.

"Fancy being fucked again?" He said.

"Go on then" I said. I started getting up to get on all fours but Glen said just to stay on my side as I was. He fumbled behind me, and I heard the unwrapping of a condom and felt the cold lube on my cunt. He put his cock against my hole again and slowly pushed in, just like the night before. He slowly entered me and after 2 minutes we were slowly fucking, though at full length stroke this time! I was happy with myself for taking him more easily, and I was immediately enjoying being fucked by him on my side. He was also on his side, using his right arm, his left being under him, to stroke my belly, rub my nipples and fondled my genitals.

His dick slipped back and forth easily and it kept brushing over my prostate. I was moaning loudly, thankful his house mate was not in the house to hear. I felt the top of his thighs on the back of mine as he got all the way in. I enjoyed the feel of his scratchy pubes on my arse cheeks and how his hand rubbed my dick in time with his fucking.

Glen's POV

I woke up with a stiffy and I wanted to bury it in the first guy I had ever slept with. I am not talking about the first guy I had fucked; I had done that when I was 15, but the first guy I had actually slept with who wasn't just a mate on a sleepover. It felt great, just right and cosy. I was rubbing his cock as I fucked him and he loved it. My virgin big boy was taking a cock and he wanted it all! He lifted his right leg up, the one on top, and that gave me greater access to his hole. I pushed in a little further as I speeded up as I felt my cum bubbling in my balls. James had already cum; I felt it on my hand. I brought it too my lips and tasted it. Still as sweet as the first time. I had a little left on my finger so I put it to his lips. He hungrily sucked and licked my fingers clean. It turned me on to see him greedily eat his own cum. I was soon there.

"Here, get by my cock and swallow the cum" I said as I pulled out.

James quickly scrambled under the cover like a kid looking for presents as I pulled the condom off my knob and stroked my cock until I cum. His lips were eagerly waiting just above the shaft; I felt his warm breath there.

"Gonna cum" I grunted as the first glob shot from the end of my dick in to his mouth. He soon had his lips around my cock head and was swallowing it appreciatively.

Afterwards, I held him as he leaned over me to kiss me and then rested his head on my chest and placed his leg over my belly and cock. We talked for perhaps an hour. I asked how he felt when being fucked, did he enjoy it? Want to do it again? And how much he loved cum. He said he wanted all he could get from me, to which I beamed a huge smile at him. He was cock-hungry. We also did the usual, make gay jokes at each other, but based on what we had done this morning and the night before. I tingled each time he chuckled and giggled the same way he always did. I loved that. He was also red in the cheeks, though I guess he almost always was. He was fiddling with my chest hair and asking me about random stuff, like why I collected old records, often describing it as rubbish music and sad. The little git. I hugged him tight as punishment.

We decided he best go home as he normally got home early when he stayed out. I saw him of at the door, squeezing his arse cheeks as we walked down the stairs. He seemed to enjoy the attention. I kissed him goodbye before opening the door and waved him good bye. I arranged to meet him later to go into town for something to eat. I watched him leave, his jeans already falling down because of his lack of belt. Honestly, I thought, he should have got one by now! It made me chuckle though, and feel warm inside. He was still pretty young and I wanted to look after him. And I would if I could.

He turned to smile at me; his cheeks were already red, when he got to the corner, before walking on and disappearing from sight. He wanted to walk home, he said, rather than get a lift that I offered. He said he wanted time to think.

James POV

I walked home after Glen had fondled me at the door and waved me off. I decided to walk home to enjoy the feeling I had from staying the night with him before getting home, where I had to pretend nothing had happened. I kept thinking of Glen on the way home, how sexy he was, and how I enjoyed it when he went all big-brotherish on me and cared for me like one would. My hole still felt a little wet and warm from the fucking I had just done, and I could still smell his cock and cum, so I was happy. I went home to get ready for going out with him later.

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