Barbie Jo Evening with Friends

By Barbie Jo

Published on Dec 25, 2007



Barbie Jo's Evening with Friends Services Rendered

This story is a fantasy story, and with all fantasies we can imagine that no evil exists. That means no disease, so with no disease to transfer to someone else, no need for protection. Remember it is a fantasy world, in the real world evil and disease exists. Protect yourself.

Friday Night

After work I picked up the pictures and went home to get ready. I got the call from Wanda this afternoon at work. She first apologized for kicking me out of her house last Saturday night, Halloween, without letting me clean the cum off my face. Knowing that I would have had to walk home like that in my 4 inch pumps. That's why she also kicked John out, so he could pick me up. "Besides," she said, "I got so horny watching you get fucked by Peter and John on the pool table that I had to fuck Peter right away, I couldn't wait." She told me the reason she waited till this afternoon to call, she wants me to wear completely different clothes than what I wore on Saturday and she wanted to make sure I didn't have time to buy any. She suspected I didn't buy the clothes at the used clothing store like I said and figured rightly that I had a full wardrobe already, also to make sure I wear shoes with a higher heel than the 4 inch pumps I had on last Saturday night. "Since you were able to walk so well in them all night long, I know you have something with a higher heel that you can walk in, you bitch," she giggled.

Let me give a little background history if you haven't read the story, `Another Halloween Story.' I'm an accountant and at 5ft 5in, 120lbs with blond hair and very little body hair, I look quite feminine. Also I'm a closet cross dresser, have been since I was 14. At least I was till last Saturday night, when I finally lived out my fantasy and dressed up as a sexy woman for Halloween. Now at least Wanda, Peter and John know the truth. I'm not sure if Dave knows, he shouldn't unless Wanda told him. Dave is Wanda's brother and as of last Saturday at least, he thought Barbie Jo was a female that worked with Wanda, and that he wanted to take her out on a date.

So, I got the pictures that Wanda took of me (Barbie Jo), Peter and John from the photo shop showing me on the pool table in a very compromising position. The way I figured, the photo shop guy probably assumed I was the guy taking the pictures of 2 guys having sex with a woman, probably even made a set for himself. That got me twitching in my pants thinking some stranger had pictures of me getting fucked by 2 guys on a pool table.

When I got home I immediately took a bath with lots of scented lotion. I did a complete shave of what little body hair I had, I left a short little patch of pubes above my cock in the shape of a heart. Then after the bath I put on my `face'. Next came my clothes, a black lacey bra held my glue-on silicone breasts. With a little latex and makeup around the edges that meet the body and with the glue, they can support themselves without a bra and look quite real with lovely perky nipples. Matching black panties and garter belt that did a nice job of hiding my cock. I like to wear my panties outside my garter belt so the panties can come off without removing the garter and stockings. In order to keep my underwear consistent, I added black sheer stockings. My top was a red satin blouse and short black miniskirt. Wanda was right; I did have a pair of shoes higher than the 4 inch black pumps. I put on my white 5 inch open toe shoes with ankle strap. Since they were open toe I also painted my toes bright red and after I was dressed I added my glue-on nails also painted red. I know Wanda wanted everything different from last Saturday, but there really isn't a sexier color than bright red for nails. I left the long nails till last because once their on, your pretty helpless in what you can do with your fingers. Last was my short black leather jacket, this was the only jacket I had because all my dressing as Barbie Jo was done in my apartment and I didn't have much of a need for jackets, although I guess that's going to change.

This time I drove my car over to their place, if I was going to be kicked out again with my face covered in cum at least I wouldn't have to walk down the street like that. I have a manual transmission car and I can drive it perfectly in heels because many times I have driven with my heels on and no one knows that I'm wearing a pair of sexy high heeled shoes. I like going for drives in the country while wearing my heels, finding a deserted logging road or trail and going for a quick walk down it wearing my heels with my regular male clothes. It gets me so horny knowing I could walk around a corner and meet someone. There I'd be, a guy wearing jeans and a pair of sexy high heel woman's shoes.

I arrived at their place and knocked on the door, Wanda opened it and let out a whistle, "you look some fucking hot," she said. She looked just as hot all dressed up with a tight spandex short dress on. She let me in and followed behind me as we went to the living room. "Dam girl, I wish I could walk like that in heels that high," she said. Peter was sitting on the sofa and was looking fine all dressed up too. There was a bottle of champagne on ice sitting on the coffee table next to a mirror with a bunch of coke already done up in lines. "Have a seat," Wanda said, after taking my jacket and directed me to sit between Peter and her.

Peter just sat there, never said a word yet. Once I sat down, I turned to look at him, he was just sitting there with his mouth open, finally he blurted, "my fuck you are one hot looking woman!"

Wanda said, "yeah, yeah, you've been saying that all week, get the pretty lady a drink, what I want to see are the pictures." I reached in my purse, pulled them out and handed them to Wanda. "And the negatives," she said holding out her hand.

As I gave them to her, Peter asked. "What else do you carry in your purse?"

"Never you mind," I said, but he grabbed it and started looking into it. Wanda said it wasn't polite to look in a woman's purse as Peter was taking things out and putting them on the table.

First my makeup kit, lipstick, my driver's license. "You would have a hard time explaining this," he laughed. The last thing he pulled out he held up and said, "what's this?"

Wanda laughed, "lubrication, what are you planning on doing with that tonight, huh?" I turned beet red, didn't say anything, just grabbed my champagne and was about to chug it when Wanda put her hand up and said, "a toast first." They picked up their glasses and Wanda said. "To an interesting future and a new relationship with a new found friend."

We drank our champagne and Peter handed me a straw saying, "ladies first." I bent down and did a big line of coke.

After we finished the coke, Wanda started looking at the pictures, oohing and ahhing and passing them around. They were very explicit, showing me getting fucked at both ends while kneeling on the pool table and finally with my face covered in cum. Fortunately, with the makeup and wig, you couldn't tell it was me. Barbie Jo, yes, but not the real me, or was Barbie Jo the real me.

Wanda then told me what the plans were for tonight, we were going out to dinner and then some drinks. I started to protest, I was still nervous about going out in public. Halloween was one thing, but this was an ordinary night, well you know what I mean. Wanda and Peter again pointed out I have no trouble passing as a woman. The only thing I have to worry about is attracting attention because I'm so hot looking. That didn't help ease my fears, just made me horny. We finished off the bottle of champagne, did a bunch more coke and left for dinner. "We're taking your car," Wanda said, "so us girls can ride up front."

Wanda made reservations at a fancy restaurant where rich snobby older people go. Our table wasn't ready so we had a few drinks in the bar while waiting. Finally the waiter led us to our table, as the three of us walked through, everybody turned to look. The waiter held our chairs as we sat down, I turned to Wanda and said, "everybody is staring at us, I'm freaking."

"Just relax, their only looking at 3 young sexy people enviously," she said. Nothing else happened at dinner, we had a lovely meal, Peter paid the bill and we left for the lounge.

The lounge was packed as usual, as we walked through both Wanda and I had our behinds grabbed and fondled, we found a table and sat down. I asked Wanda if getting your bum grabbed is normal. "All the time in crowded places, it's something you're going to have to get used to," she said with a grin. Her comment had a tone of permanence. We had a few drinks, Peter was paying for everything. I could get used to this part I thought. Suddenly Peter and Wanda got up to dance, Wanda looked at me with a big grin on her face and I new what was going to happen.

Sitting there alone terrified, it didn't take very long at all for the inevitable to happen. A guy came up and asked me to dance, I said no, then another and another, this place was a meat market. The next guy wouldn't take no for an answer, he kept at it, finally I said yes. Oh no, I thought as we walked to the dance floor, because I'm thinking, he is kind of cute. We started dancing just as the song ended and a slow one started. He put his arms around me and pulled me close to him. Even with my heels on he was still taller than me, so I had to stretch a little to get my head nuzzled on his shoulder. This lifted my skirt up a little, I must have been quite a site from behind, nothing but leg. I could feel his cock getting hard as he was rubbing it against me, and I wasn't pulling away. I looked over and saw Wanda and Peter dancing, she saw me and gave me a wink. After a couple of dances we went back to our seats.

Another couple drinks and the guy was back when a slow song started. We went to dance some more and he was rubbing his cock against me again. This time he was also rubbing my back and moving down to my bum. The liquor and coke was getting to me, not to mention the whole evening in general, I didn't stop him, I just moved in closer and started rubbing his bum! The slow song ended and a fast one started but we just kept slow dancing holding each other close. He asked me my name. I told him, "Barbie Jo." He asked me if I wanted to get out of here and go somewhere else, I kind of knew where he had in mind. I told him, "I'm here with my girlfriend and her husband."

He said, "just go and apologize and say you're leaving with someone, they won't mind, they probably want to be alone anyway." I actually considered it for a moment, but then I remembered that he doesn't know I'm a guy and when he found out it would very likely get ugly.

I said, "no, I couldn't." He started kissing me and again I didn't back away, I kissed him back. We were standing there in the middle of the dance floor during a fast dance, making out hungrily. After awhile I broke it off with him and said, "I have to go to the ladies room." Like a gentleman he walked me to the ladies room and said he would wait for me. I said, "you don't have to do that, you know us girls, I could be in there awhile freshening up, besides you know where to find me."

I gave him another kiss and went in. Once inside I went into a stall, pulled my panties down and sat down to pee. Sitting there I wondered what I was doing, could I really have left with a stranger to basically have sex with him? A little someone inside me said, "abso fucking lutely, but he would have to know I'm a guy," I said to myself. I got up and went to the mirror to freshen up, redid my lipstick as it was a mess and went back to our table. Back at our table Wanda asked me my new boy friends name. "I don't know," I said, realizing I just made out with a guy and I didn't even know his name.

"Well it looked like you sure knew the inside of his mouth and did a pretty good job identifying the shape of his ass," she laughed. Peter still hasn't said much to me, he is still confused about all this Barbie Jo stuff since he's known me as a heterosexual guy for years. We've been best friends, did all kinds of things together, even fucking a couple of women in his car. Sometimes, when I've worn shorts he made joking comments about me having sexy legs, because I really do have woman's legs.

My dance' partner came over to the table and again asked me if I wanted to leave with him. I said no, I couldn't, he asked if he could have my phone number. I thought for a second but the guy thing' came back to me, "sure, but I don't have a pen or paper," I said.

"I have a pen," Wanda said with a grin, and handed it to me, the guy slid his arm in front of me with a big smile. I wrote the number on his arm and handed the pen back to Wanda and gave her a stern look.

He gave me another long kiss and a big hug and said, "I'll be talking to you," and left. I couldn't help staring at his bum one last time as he walked away.

Wanda interrupted my dream by saying, "I noticed, that wasn't your phone number that you wrote on his arm."

"Of course not, do you think I'm crazy?" I said.

She leaned over and whispered, "if he knew you were a guy, would you have given him the right number?" I didn't say anything, I just smiled. "Thought so," she said, "well I'm glad you didn't go with him because it's time to leave and you belong to us this evening," she grinned.

When we got in the car, Wanda slid over to me as best she could considering the bucket seats with a console between them. Put her arm around my neck and gave me a kiss, "to our place my little sex slave girl," she said. I looked in the mirror at Peter and he just shrugged with a smile on his face. The whole way home Wanda kept stroking my stocking covered leg.

We arrived at the house and Wanda started undressing Peter before we even got inside, by the time he got to the sofa he was completely naked, a trail of his clothes led from the door. Wanda sat him down on the sofa and had me sit on one side of him and she sat on the other side. "Here's the ground rules Barbie Jo," she said. "Your ass and mouth belong to Peter, your tongue belongs to me, your tiny girly clitty is yours, I don't want to even see it so keep your panties on."

She then proceeded to pour some coke out, but she didn't spread it into lines. She took a pinch and pulled her dress down over her tit and put the coke on top of her tit. Peter bent down and snorted it up. She did the same thing again and motioned me to snort it. I put my hands on Peter's thigh and leaned over his naked body and up my nose it went. Then she told me to make sure I got everything by licking her breast. I happily agreed by licking and sucking all of her tit. She then took another pinch, reached over, undid the top couple of buttons of my blouse, pulled down my bra and put the coke on my fake breast. Peter bent over and snorted it up, then licked and sucked my titty. The next pinch went on the head of Peter's hard cock, right on top between his pee slit and the crown. She bent down and snorted it up, then licked and sucked the head of his cock for a minute. She did the same thing again and looked at me with a big grin and said, "your turn."

I bent down and put my nose to Peter's cock head and inhaled strongly, then I started licking his cock a few strokes and engulfed it. "That's it girl, suck that cock good, and show my man a good time," she said as she started kissing him. This went on for about 10 minutes, I was furiously sucking and bobbing my head up and down on his beautiful hard cock. Then Wanda pulled my head off his cock and gave me a big wet sloppy kiss with lots of tongue. She broke off and cooed, "share?" I nodded yes and we both went back down on Peter's cock, I got on the floor between his legs for more comfort.

We were both licking his shaft and Wanda said, "you work the balls, I'll work the cock." I spread his legs out further for better access and went down on his balls, licking then sucking each one into my mouth. This went on for awhile when Peter, who was already moaning quite a bit, grunted that he was about to cum. Wanda immediately pushed my head away and stopped sucking herself, "oh no you don't, not yet, we have plenty of time before you shoot that big fat cannon off, just keep building up that charge," she said with a grin. "Besides, it's time for another line and a drink, be a dear and get us some, Pete honey," she said.

He got up and went to the kitchen and both Wanda and I watched his bum ripple as he walked away from us. Wanda saw me staring and smiled, she said "Peter and I have always talked about a threesome, problem was we couldn't agree on the sex of the third person. I wanted another guy of course and Peter wanted a woman." She kept spreading out lines and continued, "now I'm not totally put off by the idea of another woman. I've got my fantasies too. My biggest one is having my clit licked by another woman at the same time that my pussy is stuffed by Peter's cock. But that same woman stealing my man is not an option." She did a line and handed me the straw, "and it seems that even though Peter was dead against another guy for obvious hetero reasons and he doesn't want another guy fucking me, he seems quite enamored with Barbie Jo," she said.

Peter came back into the living room, his hard cock leading the way looking like some kind of probe sweeping the room searching for something to fuck as it swayed back and forth. I was sitting on the edge of the sofa mesmerized by the image of him walking toward us. He walked right up and as he handed Wanda her drink, his cock slapped me in the face. We all started laughing, he handed my drink to me and I said, "I don't think my drink is mixed enough." Peter was still standing right in front of me, I grabbed his cock and stuck the head into my drink and used it as a stir stick. I pulled it out, took a drink and said, "that's much better." Then I wrapped my lips around his cock head and sucked the remaining bit of my drink off it. I pulled my head away and licked my lips seductively.

Wanda started clapping and said. "Bravo, well done, I think my drink needs to be stirred as well," motioned Peter over and did the same thing. Peter sat down and did his line as Wanda said, "as I was saying, we wanted a third person and it appears you Barbie Jo, is the perfect compromise." Then she said, "now drink up everybody, we have more fucking to do." We finished our drinks in record time. Wanda peeled off her panties, climbed up on Peter and sat in his lap with her back to him, Peter's cock under her, sticking straight out. "There you go Barbie Jo, Peter's cock and my pussy. We paid for you, we get to cum, you do not. You're basically our whore for the evening, get to work."

That little speech turned me on, I wasted no time. I got down on the floor between Peter's legs and dove in saying, "ladies first." There I was, on my knees, still wearing all my clothes, including my 5 inch open toed heels with ankle straps. With my blouse mostly unbuttoned and my fake tits hanging out over the top of my bra. I licked and sucked on her clit and pussy like there was no tomorrow, at the same time I was stroking like mad on Peter's cock. Then it was time for Peter, I shoved his cock into my mouth and settled in for a good long suck. While I was sucking on Peter's cock, I was using my nose to stimulate Wanda's clit, by the sounds of her moans it was working.

This went on for quite awhile when Wanda screamed, "I need cock now, shove that big hard cock into my pussy Barbie Jo." I did as I was told and slid it in. I did all the work, I used Peter's cock like a dildo and pumped it in and out of Wanda's pussy using his balls as a handle. Occasionally I would pull it all the way out and suck Wanda's pussy juice off it then shove it back in. Then I fulfilled Wanda's fantasy by licking and sucking on her clit while I pumped Peter's cock in and out of her pussy. This drove her wild, she started bucking and screaming. Soon she moaned, "oh my god I'm gonna cummm, I'm gonna cummmmm, unghhh."

She grabbed my head and ground her clit into my mouth. Suddenly she started shooting pussy juice into my face. I opened my mouth to catch it, she kept squirting it and screaming. It filled my mouth and when I closed my mouth to swallow it, my face was hosed down by more of it. I couldn't believe this, it was like a garden hose an inch from my face blasting me. I opened my mouth and it filled up again, such a sweet taste, it was heaven. This went on for I don't know how long, the whole time Peter kept pounding her, his balls slapping my chin. Finally her orgasm started to subside, she was only squirting little bursts of pussy juice now. I was again able to suck her clit into my mouth, this extended her orgasm and she started to buck again and also her pussy juice squirting intensified. I kept sucking her juices and swallowing. Again she started to calm down but I kept sucking on her clit. She grabbed my head and pulled me away saying, "enough," and kind of fell off Peter onto the sofa next to him.

She curled up into the fetal position, shaking, moaning and sobbing. This went on for a moment, then she finally murmured, "th, th, that was the most intense orgasm I ever had in my life, it wouldn't stop. I thought I was going to pass out, just give me a minute to calm down." She laid there moaning contentedly.

I looked at Peter's hard cock sticking straight up glistening with Wanda's pussy juices, I just had to have it. I grabbed it, shoved it into my mouth and frantically began sucking. It wasn't long before he said he was going to cum. I intensified my sucking and started to stroke his cock as well. Suddenly my face was slapped away and my fist pulled off his cock. Wanda was sitting back up now and said, "don't make him cum yet, he'll be no use to us after he cums, he can only cum once then he can't get it up again and usually falls asleep." Peter just groaned as I leaned back on my arms with a big smile on my face, still on the floor. Wanda looked at me, my hair and blouse was completely soaked from her pussy juice. My face was glistening and my mascara was a mess. "Did I do that," she asked?

"Uh huh, it was the wildest thing I ever saw," I said.

"Wow, well I've never had an orgasm like that before so I didn't know I could do that."

"Do what?" Peter asked as he finally came out of his haze. He didn't see it happen because he had his head behind Wanda and had his eyes closed while pounding away at Wanda's pussy.

"It was pretty intense," I said. "I probably drank a cup of pussy juice and had as much or more, pressure washed over my face. It even shot up my nose," I grinned.

"Well, we have to get you freshened up," Wanda breathlessly said. She took my hand and led me to the bathroom. In the bathroom, as she started to help me straighten up my makeup. She said, "that was fucking incredible, by far the most intense and longest orgasm I have ever had. Thank you so much Barbie Jo," she whispered, as she held my face in her hands and shoved her tongue in my mouth. We kissed and made out for several minutes as we both explored each others backsides with our hands.

While we redid my makeup, she revealed that once before, when she was in college there were two guys she liked. She couldn't make up her mind which one to go out with and they were best friends. One night the three of them got together and before they knew it, they were all naked in bed. She was in a sixty nine with one of the guys, he was on his back and she was on her hands and knees on top. When the other guy started to fuck her from behind, the same thing happened when she orgasmed. She squirted her pussy juice all over the guy on the bottom. "But it was not as good as what you did to me tonight, your tongue is so much more skillful," she said with a big grin. To my amazement she sat down on the toilet and had a pee, as if I was just another girl. I guess by now, I pretty much was. "Promise me you won't tell Peter, he doesn't know I had a threesome with two guys."

"I won't," I promised, "this will just be between us girls." It felt so cool having this talk with Wanda, just a couple of girlfriends talking secrets about boys. I turned around, slid my panties down a bit and sat on the toilet and had a pee too. Wanda just stood there and watched me, with her arms folded and her satisfied looking grin. We finished up and went back to the living room where Peter was sitting in the middle of the sofa with his big beautiful cock standing at full attention.

"You girls were in there a long time," he said. "What were you doing?"

"Oh just girl talk, and it takes a lot of time for us girls to get beautiful for you," Wanda teased. "I see Mr. big stuff has been patiently waiting," she said as she playfully slapped his cock while sitting down next to him.

I curled up next to him on the other side and put my hand on his buffed peck and sensually slid it down to his cock, then began stroking it. Saying, "are we ever going to see that big gun shoot off tonight?"

"Ooo, careful hon. That things a time bomb, it's going to explode at the slightest touch," he moaned. "And it's going to blow any second if you keep doing what you're doing." I smiled at him, but didn't stop stroking. I watched his face closely and when I saw that he was about ready to cum, I stopped stroking and began to squeeze his cock. Precum started oozing out of his slit, I scooped it all up with my finger, wiped it on my lips, and leaned back with a seductive smile.

"Dirty," is all Wanda said as she turned, got on her hands and knees and hiked her dress up. Wiggled her bum in Peter's face and said, "fuck me." She gave me a wink and turned her head forward.

Peter climbed up behind her and quickly slid his cock into her pussy. I spread his legs apart and squeezed in between his legs on my back. Grabbed a pillow to lay my head on and was positioned perfectly to go back to work on Wanda's clit. Exactly in the position she described to me in the bathroom. Of course, I was also in a perfect position to accept Peter's cock in my mouth as an alternate fuck hole, sweet.

I was furiously sucking on Wanda's clit while Peter pounded away on her, his balls slapping my chin. I stopped sucking long enough to grunt, "careful Pete, don't you cum yet, let's make sure we give Wanda another great orgasm."

"Shut the fuck up, I can't wait," he screamed as he slammed his cock into my mouth and started to really face fuck me. I kept my nose up tight against her pussy to help her get off. Her moans told me it was working. As much as I enjoyed having his cock in my mouth, I pulled it out and shoved it back into Wanda's pussy so I could better use my tongue and lips on her clit. This lasted another minute or so, suddenly Peter's ass cheeks tensed up and he pumped in and out quicker. I could tell he was about to cum, so I began to suck on his balls. He clamped onto Wanda's hips, tensed up and spasmed as he shot his cum into her pussy while I suckled on his balls and massaged his ass.

When he was finished cumming, he pulled his cock out and I took it in my mouth, savoring his cum and Wanda's pussy juice. He then sat back against the far end of the sofa and watched me as I went to town on her pussy. I licked and sucked to my hearts content all of Peter's cum as it poured out of her pussy. What a great creampie, he had a big load saved up that he shot into her and I got it all. I was going mad on her pussy and she was grinding it into my face as she sat up and held on to my head. Once there was no more cum to suck out, I started on her clit again. I was sucking on it, stretching it right into my mouth, then licking it up and down. I couldn't breath, but I thought "what a way to go."

Wanda started to moan, "don't stop, don't stop." Then tensed up and screamed "yessss, oh fuck, yessss," and started to squirt. I was already clamped to her pussy, so I took it all in my mouth. I started to swallow as much as I could, but it was more than I could take. I started to choke it out of my mouth and pushed her up a bit so I could take a breath. Her juices sprayed all over my face, I had my mouth opened wide to catch as much as I could.

Peter was watching, sat up and said, "holy fuck, what the hell is she doing?"

Finally she stopped squirting, but kept moaning and trembling. She draped herself down on the arm of the sofa with her head hanging limp over the edge like a rag doll. I tenderly and lovingly kissed and lapped at her quivering pussy for awhile longer. A couple minutes later she moaned, "oh my god, I'm cumming again!" She twitched and squirmed some more and clamped down on my head with her thighs in an orgasmic heaven. She didn't squirt this time, just a good basic orgasm. Eventually she stopped squeezing my head and just went limp again, moaning incoherently. I think she just kept repeating, "oh my fuck, oh my fuck," over and over again.

I slid out from under her and sat up. Peter exclaimed, "fuck, did she just pee all over you and you drank it up?"

"No, that's just pussy juice, it's her cum, sweet delicious cum," I said with a satisfied grin. "Well, I have to go and freshen up again," I said as I got up, adjusted my raging cock in my panties and sachet off to the bathroom. Once inside the bathroom, I thought about having a quick jerk, but thought better of it. I was enjoying the feeling of being the pleasure, not the pleasured. I fixed up my makeup and went back to the living room.

Walking out in my high heels that made my tight bum wiggle seductively, I stopped in my tracks. There was Wanda standing there in her high heels and spandex dress, with an obscenely large strap on dildo sticking out from under her dress. With an evil, wicked grin she said, "look what I got." She had ordered it from an online website as a joke. We sat down to have another drink. I kept staring at it as it lewdly pointed up in the air, sticking way out past her skirt. It was bigger than Peter's cock, and that was pretty big. I wondered what she had in mind for it, so I asked.

"I just thought we should all have a cock between our legs. But since Peter's is kinda useless now, and yours is going to stay in your panties, looks like I'm the only one with a hard on," she said. "Maybe I'll find a use for it. How bout you Peter?"

"No, I've told you before, you're not sticking that thing in me," He said.

She looked at me wickedly and wiggled her hips, making the dildo sway back and forth. "I, I, I don't know, it's pretty big, I don't think it will fit," I said nervously.

"Oh come on, remember we saw that tube of lube you have in your purse. What do you have that for anyway?" She teased. "Why don't you be a good little slut and bring it over here and rub some on my cock."

Like some kind of horny trance, I did as I was told and squatted on the floor between her legs. I lathered lots of lube on it while thinking what it was going to be like to have that thing up my bum. Wanda said, "that's a good girl, now crawl up and get on your hands and knees on the sofa."

I did as I was told, hiked my skirt up and Wanda positioned herself behind me and slid my panties to one side. "Now just relax and enjoy, I think you're going to love this," she cooed as she gently eased it in. It took a minute for the pain to ease up and she was very slow and careful. By the time she had it buried deep in my bum, it felt very fulfilling. She started slow, long strokes in and out, but soon began going faster. She was really banging away, burying that big fucking dildo, to the balls in my bum. It felt absolutely wonderful, I was in a daze. It was the hardest fucking I've had so far. I Know Wanda never bought the strap on as a joke. The way she was fucking me with it, she wanted to use it for what it was intended for all along. Probably wanted to use it on Peter, but he wouldn't let her. Oh well, his loss I thought as I slipped into bliss.

Peter eagerly watched this taking place and as a result was sporting a rather fine hard on. He got up and walked around the coffee table, standing at the end of the sofa with his hard cock poking me in the face. I didn't need any encouragement and opened my mouth. As Wanda slammed into me, she pushed me forward onto Peter's cock. This went on for some time, they had a good rhythm going. I was in a sexual frenzy, I had an orgasm building up just from my rock hard cock ever so slightly shifting against my panties and the dildo's head sliding past my colon. Wanda read my mind, leaned over my back and whispered, "I'll bet your ready to explode in your panties, aren't you?"

"Unghhhh," was all I could get out.

"Well, my little slut, since you were so good to me. I'm going to make you cum," she purred. With that she reached around and down between my legs. Touched the head of my big clitty through my panties and buried her dildo, pushing me forward so that Peter's cock went down my throat. I started gagging on his cock, at the same time a nuclear reaction was forming in my clitty. I was coughing, with spit drooling out of my mouth from the throat fucking. Spasming like crazy from the most intense orgasm of my life, I bucked and groaned as Wanda buried her dildo deep in my bum. The incredible sensations traveled from the tip of my clitty, through my balls, all the way to my bum. As I tensed up for all the pleasure, I ended up pulling muscles in my ribcage, my back and my hamstring. The pain was intense, but wonderful as the entire erotic stimulus coursed through my body.

I was still in a total sexual hypnosis when I heard the word, "switch." Suddenly I felt empty, like a light switch turning off, leaving me in darkness.

I sensed movement and then I felt my bum being filled again. The light came back on as I opened my eyes and saw Wanda leering at me. She said, "open wide." I did as commanded and she pushed her strap on dildo deep into my mouth. It had just come out of my bum, but I didn't care at this point, I was in another world. I did gag on the depth she shoved it and more spit came out. "Oops, sorry," she said, and pulled it out a bit. "Got a little carried away, this is so fucking hot."

I started to come back to reality a bit and determined that although the dildo was better than nothing. Having now had the real thing in both holes, I like the real cock better. I can feel the energy from Peter's cock surge through my body as he strokes in/out of my "pussy."

Wanda has had enough, she is sweating like crazy after a fierce workout and pulls out of my mouth. She walks around to Peter and puts her arms around him. He's still pounding away into me when she says, "so hon, how do you like our slutty little whore tonight? Has she been everything we thought she would be?"

"Fuck yeah," was all he could say as he kept the pace up.

"Are you going to cum again?"

"I'm going to fill her tight little ass full of cum," he grunted.

"Oh yeah baby, hear that slut, do you want your ass pumped full of cum?"

"Fill my pussy with cum," I yelled.

She started kissing him, encouraging him on. I could feel her hand between our legs massaging his balls. She said, "I can feel your pussy juice in your panties from when you came." She scooped some out and smeared it all over my face, she did this several times. My face was covered in my cum. She started rubbing my clitty, asking me if I want to cum again. I of course say yes and she really starts to massage my clitty through my panties. To my surprise, it doesn't take long and I can feel the familiar sensations running through my clitty again. I really start to moan now as another orgasm begins, I tense up as wave after wave of sexual pleasure surges through me.

This causes me to spasm my "pussy" and it makes Peter start his orgasm. So I can feel his cum filling me up and his cock pulsing in me. This extends my orgasm, keeping my "pussy" muscles spasming, which prolongs his orgasm and he keeps shooting in me. We're feeding off each other's orgasm, and it is a fantastic feeling. Wanda scoops more of my cum from my panties and continues to wipe it on my face. I crumple onto the sofa and Peter collapses on top of me, his cock still buried up my bum.

The next thing I know, the room is dark, Wanda is nowhere to be found, probably upstairs in bed. I'm still lying on the sofa and Peter is still on top of me, sound asleep. His cock is now flaccid but it is still slightly wedged up my bum. I can feel his cum dried to my balls and my face is caked with my dried cum. Peter's quite heavy on top of me, so I wiggle a little bit to get out from under him. I can feel his cock slide out of me finally. I don't know what time it is but his cock must have been up my bum for hours, kinky.

I'm now more comfortable, I have Peter's arm draped over me and his face is nuzzled in the back of my neck. I wiggle my bum back into his crotch, we're in a lovely spoon position. I fall back asleep reflecting on the past evening and how sexually wonderful it was.

Oh yeah, I'm also thinking about how Peter's cock is going to feel poking me in the bum, when he wakes up with morning wood!

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