Barbarian Boy

By Colin Baxter

Published on Feb 20, 2023


Here is Chapter 9 of the saga of a young Barbarian Boy who sets out on a quest to prove himself as a warrior. Although brave and courageous he is inexperienced in the ways of the World, and unaware that a boy as beautiful as he could get himself into all kinds of strangely erotic adventures. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you have any ideas about things that could happen to Torin please drop me an email. I'm very excited to have this story published on Nifty. I'm a long time fan of this fine website, so if you enjoy reading this or any other of the stories posted here please consider donating to help keep it running. Donations can be made here

In the farmland that Torin and Gryla had been traveling through, the aged Seer was viewed with suspicion and mistrust. Superstitious men always seem to fear wise women. However, the pair were soon to pass into the lands of the Wolf Clan who, much like Torin's own Bear Clan, treated their elders with respect. The Seer knew that she was sure to receive a warm welcome when she passed through their lands.

When Gryla told Torin about the Wolf Clan he was a little apprehensive. Would the nagging feelings of inadequacy that troubled him when surrounded by his own clan be magnified amongst an unfamiliar clan? Perhaps he would have been more concerned if the unscrupulous Alchemist had not enchanted the boy to believe that his shiny silver codpiece was nothing out of the ordinary.

It wasn't long before they encountered their first member of the Wolf Clan, a young warrior around Torin's age who was hunting rabbits. The boy was perhaps half a foot taller than Torin, and sturdier with broader shoulders and bulging muscles everywhere. His hair was long and dark, almost black, tied in a ponytail which reached the middle of his back. He was wearing a hardened leather cuirass, fashioned to mimic the muscular torso that lay beneath, soft leather britches that came down to the knee, and his feet were bare. The Wolf Clan believed that it was important to stay connected with the earth, and so they never wore boots.

"Greetings Grandmother," The boy hailed the travelers "Gryla the Seer is always welcome in the lands of the Wolf Clan".

"Greetings Ulfred of the Wolf Clan." Gryla responded. "This is my new traveling companion, Torin of the Bear Clan."

Ulfred regarded Torin with curiosity. The boy was extraordinarily beautiful for a warrior of the Bear Clan. He had met a few of the clan before, and they had all been big, brawny and hairy. This boy was lean, sleek and smooth, and dressed in a most unusual fashion. The young warrior of the Wolf Clan had heard tales of the Two-Spirited, those who possessed both the spirit of a man and the spirit of a woman, but until now he had never met one.

Torin sensed that the ruggedly handsome young warrior of the Wolf Clan was studying him. It felt like he was being intimately examined. Yet rather than stirring up his usual insecurities, the barbarian boy felt a twinge of excitement like a fluttering in his belly, and he blushed bashfully.

For his part, although he had only just met the boy, Ulfred felt protective towards Torin. He had heard that it was acceptable for Two-Spirited boys to pair with another warrior, and he already felt some kind of bond with the beautiful barbarian boy,

"Well met, Torin of the Bear Clan." Ulfred said, reaching out and grasping the boy's forearm.

Torin returned the grip and found himself looking into the deep brown eyes of the warrior. The grip lasted longer than was usual, and the pair felt something intense pass between them.

Gryla smiled to herself, then broke the spell. "Perhaps you would take us to your Chief?" She asked.

Ulfred let go of Torin's arm. "Of course, Grandmother," he replied, leaping onto the back of his own horse and leading the way to the Wolf Clan's village.

The Wolf Clan's village was surrounded by a high wooden palisade, and huge heavy wooden gates stood open and gave access to the travelers.

Ulfred led Torin and Gryla to the meeting hall, and there they found a huge powerful looking warrior with long dark hair and a beard separated into several braids, wearing a long cloak with a fur collar.

"Father, we have visitors." Ulfred greeted the man.

Torin was surprised to find out that like him, Ulfred was the son of the Chief. Perhaps that was why he felt such an affinity with the young warrior of the Wolf Clan.

"Welcome Seer." The man growled as he turned towards the travelers. Then his eyes fixed on Torin. The barbarian boy felt the man's gaze seem to penetrate his very soul.

"... and who is this young warrior?" The chief inquired.

"Father, this is Torin of the Bear Clan." Ulfred replied.

"Torin? The youngest son of the Bear Clan's chief?"

"I bring greetings from my father, Otho, Chief of the Bear Clan." Torin responded in the formal manner appropriate to the meeting of the Chieftains of two of the Great Barbarian Clans.

"By the Gods, the last time I saw you, you were no taller than my knee." said Ulfric, Chief of the Wolf Clan rather less formally, grabbing the boy by the shoulders.

"You have certainly grown... some." The chief stated, with a hint of humor in his voice. Ulfric looked the boy up and down with a predatory stare. The young warrior was almost too pretty. His lithe tightly muscled frame and the curious way he was dressed emphasized a certain wickedly wanton appeal.

Ulfric recalled a boy like Torin that he had known when he himself was no older than the boy before him. That boy had been Two-Spirited and Ulfric had bonded with him. The pair had been inseparable, hunting together, sparring with each other, and even sharing a bed, where Ulfric had satisfied the cravings that Two-Spirited boys fall victim to.

Yet, as is often the case with Two-Spirited boys, his childhood friend had felt the need to constantly prove himself. He became reckless when hunting and would often challenge others to a fight for no reason. In the end the impetuous boy had left the clan in search of fame and fortune, and Ulfric had never heard from him again. Sometimes Ulfric wished that he had gone with the boy on his adventures.

That evening the Meeting Hall was filled with warriors of the Wolf Clan. A wild boar was roasting over a fire pit, and flagons of ale were raised to toast the son of the Chief of the Bear Clan. Gryla the aged Seer had challenged a group of the younger warriors to a drinking game and was currently drinking them under the table.

Ulfric, Ulfred and Torin were huddled together in conversation. The young barbarian boy was explaining why he was travelling north, to confront the evil sorcerer in his stone tower in the barren lands. The Chief of the Wolf Clan was immediately stricken with a sense of foreboding. This boy was so much like his own childhood friend, and Ulfric feared for him.

"Nothing good will come from this quest which you have set yourself." Ulfric told Torin, but he knew his words would go unheeded by the impulsive young warrior. He had seen it before. So instead, he encouraged the boy to stay as long as he liked with the Wolf Clan, thinking that he would send his fastest rider south to seek out the Bear Clan and warn his old friend Otho, Chief of the Bear Clan, what his youngest son planned to do.

That night, as Torin slept soundly, he had a strange dream, and close by, Ulfred, son of the Chief of the Wolf Clan, dreamed a peculiar dream as well. Stranger still was that both boys shared the same dream.

It was still dark when Torin heard the door to the room where he slept creak open. A shadowy figure crept into the room. The young Barbarian Boy sat up , the blanket sliding off his lean and toned torso, upper arms flexing, supporting him as he leaned back a little and tightened his rippling belly muscles..

"Who's there?" Torin whispered.

The figure moved into a beam of moonlight coming through a half shuttered window.

"It's me. Ulfred." the figure announced softly.

Torin could just make out the handsome boy's face in the semi-darkness, and he furrowed his brow, curious to know what the Chief's son wanted.

"I...uh! I wanted to talk to you." Ulfred stuttered. "Alone." he clarified.

"Okay." replied Torin, still confused.

"I've never met someone like you before." said Ulfred. "You know... a Two-Spirited boy."

"Two-Spirited?" The young barbarian had never heard the term. "What do you mean?"

"You are so beautiful. Your body is so lean and smooth." Ulfred continued. "It's obvious you have two spirits."

"I don't understand." The young barbarian was still none the wiser.

"The way you look... The way you dress." Ulfred gestured at the shiny silver codpiece that lay beside the boy's cot. "You have two spirits... Both a man's spirit and that of a woman" he explained.

"What?" Torin queried. How could he have two spirits? He was a man, but then his insecurities came flooding back. Could Ulfred be right? Is that why he looked the way he did?

"It's OK Torin." Ulfred placed a hand on the smaller boy's bare shoulder and a shiver ran down Torin's spine. "I can help you."

Ulfred moved closer, and Torin realized that the strapping young warrior was completely naked. He caught a glimpse of what looked like a hefty cock nestled between the boy's muscular thighs, and he reflexively licked his plump pink lips.

Ulfred placed a hand over Torin's heart. "I feel a bond with you, Torin. Do you feel it too?" he asked.

The barbarian boy looked down bashfully. "Yes." he whispered.

Ulfred's hand slipped from Torin's chest, down his tight, toned abs and smooth groin to find Torin's tool, twitching and swelling as his pounding heart pumped blood into the pulsing prick. The handsome young warrior knelt on the smaller boy's cot, a knee on either side of his waist.

Torin looked up and came eye to eye with Ulfred's own rapidly growing erection. He looked further up the muscular warrior's rippling torso, each taut sinew highlighted in the beam of moonlight. The ruggedly handsome face was framed by long dark hair, released from its ponytail, and his deep brown eyes were clouded with lust.

Looking down at the beautiful barbarian boy it was as if Ulfred was suddenly possessed by the rapacious spirit of Takaani the Great Guardian Wolf. He grabbed Torin by the throat, and when the boy opened his mouth in surprise he thrust his hips forward and pushed between Torin's lips.

Torin coughed and spluttered, astonished by the unexpected intrusion. He reached forward and grabbed the back of Ulfred's thighs to try and better support himself, accidentally causing the cock to penetrate deeper into his throat as a consequence. Gurgling and gagging the boy's face reddened and tears welled up in his eyes.

Despite the distress Torin was experiencing his own prick was hard and throbbing, a part of him reveling in the abuse he was being subjected to.

Ulfred shuffled backwards on his knees, forcing Torin to get onto his hands and knees and crawl forwards in order to keep the more muscular boy's prong in his mouth. He looked up pleadingly into the eyes of the boy dominating him so skillfully, and thought he saw a flash of golden glow behind the pupils for a split second.

With an animalistic agility Ulfred withdrew his cock from Torin's mouth, and leaped over the smaller boy, spinning to face the beautiful boy's bubble butt. A single powerful thrust of his spit covered cock sppeared between the velvety cheeks, effortlessly forcing his way into the boy's fuck chute, eliciting a pained roar of anguish.

Ulfred's face was in shadow now but, as he began to fuck in and out of Torin's tight tortured ass lips, for a brief moment he leaned into the moonbeam again and it appeared that his gritted teeth had somehow transformed into fangs, his eyes burned with a fiery glow, and he howled with pleasure as he plowed in and out of Torin's overstretched hole.

Before long Torin was pushing back onto Ulfred's pulsing prick, trying to fuck himself deeper, and begging for more cock.

With one especially powerful thrust Ulfred bottomed out in the beseeching boy's bloated bowels, and all at once both boys reacted with shock as the base of Ulfred's pole swelled into a knot, locking him inside the smaller boy. Torin whimpered and winced as he felt the knot pull at his ass lips, but there was no way for it to gain release.

Ulfred wrapped his arms around Torin's chest and pulled him upright, stretching out the boy's taut, toned belly, and he began to pump his seed into the smaller boy's battered bowels. Volley after volley of cum blasted into the boy, scalding the tender walls of his tortured intestines. Such a flood of sticky semen surged into his guts that Torin's normally tight belly began to bulge obscenely.

Torin woke up with a start and reached down to feel his stomach. With a sigh of relief he found no bulge, just a pool of cooling creamy cum.

Nearby, Ulfred woke with a gasp, his own rippling belly slick with spunk, his eyes wide with the intensity of the dream, and for a brief moment a fiery glow flickered deep within them.

That morning Ulfred urgently sought out his father. He told Ulfric of the dream and explained that he believed he and Torin were bonded together, like an Alpha and his Omega.

"Father, I wish to accompany Torin on his journey North." Ulfred insisted. "I will protect him, and aid him on his quest."

Ulfric wanted to object, but he thought back to his childhood friend, and how he regretted not going with him, never knowing what had become of him, and so he reluctantly agreed to Ulfred's proposal.

When the Chief's son told Torin of his plan to go with him, Torin felt a flutter in the pit of his stomach. Images of last night's dream played through his mind, and one hand rested on his firm flat belly. Ulfred saw the gesture and a faint ember flickered to life in his eyes.

Next: Chapter 10

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