Barbarian Boy

By Colin Baxter

Published on Feb 6, 2023


Here is Chapter 7 of the saga of a young Barbarian Boy who sets out on a quest to prove himself as a warrior. Although brave and courageous he is inexperienced in the ways of the World, and unaware that a boy as beautiful as he could get himself into all kinds of strangely erotic adventures. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you have any ideas about things that could happen to Torin please drop me an email. I'm very excited to have this story published on Nifty. I'm a long time fan of this fine website, so if you enjoy reading this or any other of the stories posted here please consider donating to help keep it running. Donations can be made here

This chapter is again heavily influenced by the previously mentioned open source smut resource known as The Outlands Tumblr.

After the ordeal with two lusty trolls Torin, the handsome muscular barbarian boy, seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep. Con, the burly hedge mage, was unable to rouse the young warrior. So he loaded the unconscious muscle boy into the back of his covered wagon. Nuala, the boy's horse, gave the hedge mage a suspicious look but followed along behind the cart as Con urged the mules pulling it, on down the road from the mountain pass, into some lush looking farmland.

Con was familiar with this region. The men who farmed the land tended to be easy marks for a traveling snake oil salesman such as he. However, the cunning hedge mage had little interest in earning a few coins selling balms and tinctures to a bunch of ignorant rednecks. He was focused on a much bigger payday. Once the road reached the plain the hedge mage kept his eyes open for an unmarked, little used track that led to the west.

The track was protected by a ward. If you did not know that there was a track leading off the North Road, and what to look for to locate it, your gaze would simply brush past it without recognizing that there was anything there at all.

About an hour along the westward leading track the wagon began to pass through fields where strange looking leafy plants were being cultivated. Although there was not a breath of wind, the leaves of the plants seemed to quiver and flutter, and waves of tremulous movement seemed to ripple out eerily across the fields.

Each plant also bore a single curiously phallic flower. The purple petals with lurid pink veins curled into tubes and ended in a bulbous pink tip. Each blossom drooped pendulously from its stem, and every one was secured with a loop of twine to a thin stake driven into the soil. The stakes also held a small cup attached just below the blossom, which collected crystal clear droplets of nectar that seeped stickily from the pink tip.

The brawny hedge mage knew the crop to be lustleaf plants. A most valuable herb, from which could be harvested numerous medicinal byproducts. For example, for an older man experiencing difficulties in the bedroom, a peck of the ground-up, dried leaf sniffed like snuff from the back of the hand, could restore his virility for several hours.

A little of the dried leaf could be mixed with tobacco and smoked in a pipe to induce a deliriously sensual stupor for a night.

The tiniest drop of the nectar collected from the blossoms would act as a powerful hallucinogen that accentuated the carnal desires of the imbiber, and the sticky substance was much prized by pleasure seekers, sensualists, sybarites and libertines throughout the realm.

Normally lustleaf was very rare and grew only in very secluded locations. However, the burly hedge mage knew the man who grew the only closely guarded cultivated crop of the plant, and would occasionally have secret dealings with him.

The crop was protected by powerful spells and wards. Any attempt by a potential thief to step into the field and steal a plant would result in them being paralyzed, and they would, sometime later find themselves back on the North Road some distance from the track, with no memory of where they had been, or what they had seen.

Con glanced into the back of his wagon to make sure that the handsome barbarian boy was still sleeping. He could not afford for the boy to wake up just yet. His nefarious plan depended on it.

At last the hedge mage saw his destination ahead. A large and quite impressive looking stone farmhouse, with various outbuildings behind it. As he drew the wagon to a halt a figure emerged through the heavy ironwood door at the front of the farmhouse. Dressed in a long white robe the man also wore a leather apron of the kind favored by an Alchemist, and supple leather gloves.

He was tall and thin, with a patrician nose, and well trimmed greying beard. Although he was smiling, his eyes were cold and hard.

"Con my old friend," the man said, reaching out a gloved hand. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Come now Carandini," Con scolded. "You knew I was coming as soon as I turned off the North Road."

"Indeed so," Carandini conceded, withdrawing his offered hand. "But still pleasant to see you nevertheless." Although the man's expression indicated no such pleasure.

"And what is the purpose of your visit?" The Alchemist asked.

"I carry a rare and valuable cargo which I believe will be of interest to you." the unscrupulous hedge mage replied.

Con ushered the Alchemist to the wagon where Torin still lay slumbering. Stretched out on his back, clad only in a tiny triangle of chainmail at his groin, the muscular barbarian boy's lithe body was displayed to perfection. The fine features of his face looked so peaceful, the broad chest rose and fell with each restful breath. His tanned and toned belly was stretched enticingly taut. The muscular thighs were spread open slightly giving a tantalizing glimpse of what lay beneath the links of mail.

Cardini the Alchemist was stunned by the beauty of the boy that lay spread out before him. Such a fine young specimen would be invaluable to him. However, not wanting to show his hand, he played down his interest in the handsome young warrior.

"He's a little frail... and young. Don't think he'd last more than a day." He suggested.

"Ah, Cardini my friend," Con replied. "If only you had seen what I have seen."

"The first day I came across this boy I had him bent over a log and fucked him senseless," Con explained.

"The second day, the boy survived an infestation of cock leeches which would have left any other man a mindless husk." he continued.

"I've seen this slut fucked by a Grizzly Bear, and skewered like a hog on a spit, by a pair of lusty trolls." Con added.

"Any of these would have ended a lesser man's life, but still this boy lives." He finished.

The Alchemist didn't believe a word of the fanciful tale the cunning hedge mage wove for one moment. Yet he could tell that the young barbarian was virile and healthy.

"I'll give you ten gold for him." The Alchemist suggested.

"Come now friend," Con scoffed. "He's worth at least 50."

"20." Cardini countered.

"40" said the treacherous hedge mage.

"25 and not a gold piece more," Cardini offered.

"30 and I'll throw in the boy's horse," said Con.

"Done," the Alchemist agreed, taking off a glove, spitting on his palm and offering his hand to the traitorous scoundrel.

The pair shook hands, and Con helped the Alchemist carry the still slumbering boy to one of the outbuildings.

Nuala snorted with concern as she watched her boy being taken away. She didn't trust the uncouth hedge mage as far as she could kick him, but this new man made her extremely uneasy. His eyes were cold and uncaring, his manner aloof and indifferent.

After some time the pair emerged again from the outbuilding and walked together towards the stone farmhouse, then after a longer while, the hedge mage stumbled out again, clearly a little intoxicated, and jingling a small leather pouch containing 30 gold pieces. He climbed aboard his wagon, flicked the reins, and the obedient mules turned the cart around and headed back in the direction from which they had come.

Torin stirred. His eyes flickered open. Still befuddled from his long sleep, he looked around himself in confusion. The last thing he remembered was him and Con reaching the head of the mountain pass, and settling down for the night in a circle of stones.

Now, somehow, he found himself lying in a stone built room lined with cabinets and shelves containing all kinds of beakers and bottles and jars. Some were empty, some contained all varieties and colors of liquids and powders. Others, the larger ones, contained strange looking creatures often with a myriad of tentacles, or far too many eyes, apparently preserved in alcohol.

Torin tried to move, but found himself unable to. Looking down his body he realized that he was lying splayed out on a square, padded leather table. His wrists were secured to the two corners at his head by leather straps that had just enough play in them to allow him to bend his elbows a little. His ankles were likewise secured to the corners at the foot end, and since the table was not long enough for him to stretch out fully, his knees were bent and his legs spread wide. His shoulders were supported by the edge of the table, but his head was not, so he had to strain his neck to look down the length of his muscular torso, and this also caused the rippling muscles of his belly to be drawn tight.

Torin's bulging biceps strained as he pulled at his bindings, the twin veins that bisected the muscles standing out and swelling as he did so, but to know avail.

How did he get here? He wondered. Where was Con? Would his friend come to help him?

At that moment a tall thin man entered the room, admiring once again the stunningly beautiful boy that lay spread out before him.

"Ah! I see you are awake," said the Alchemist. "I imagine you are wondering how you got here, Yes?"

"Who are you," Torin demanded, "Why am I restrained, and where is my friend Con?"

"Oh, dear boy," Cardini responded with a feigned look of pity. "That man was not your friend. In fact it was he that sold you to me."

"You're lying," Torin spat, "He wouldn't do that. I am not property to be bought and sold."

"Yet here we are," said Cardini. "I have you, and your "friend" has the 30 gold pieces I paid for you."

Torin's face flushed with anger. Could it be true? Could the hedge mage have traded him for gold, as if he was nothing more than one of the man Con's potions? The young warrior snarled. If it was true, he resolved to hunt down the traitorous scoundrel and kill him.

Cardini watched the mixture of emotions flicker across the trusting young boy's face. For a moment he wondered what fun could be had if he let the barbarian boy go, and followed the young warrior as he tracked down the conniving hedge mage.

It was tempting. The Alchemist had no liking for the slippery snake oil salesman, but the boy was worth far more to him here.

As is the want of villainous people throughout time, and across all infinite worlds, Cardini the pitiless Alchemist enjoyed nothing more than to explain his nefarious intentions to his victim before he proceeded with them, and so he indulged himself with a lengthy exposition.

He explained to Torin about the rare and valuable nature of the lustleaf plant. How its properties were prized by the rich and depraved members of the higher echelons of society. He explained that he was the only person who had ever succeeded in cultivating the plant.

Most importantly he told Torin that he, Cardini, the greatest Alchemist that ever lived, had discovered that in order to grow the finest most profitable crop of lustleaf, it required the collecting of the seed of a healthy young man, preferably in the prime of their youth, which would be mixed with the mulch that helped propagate the potent properties of the peculiar plant.

Of course he left out the part of his tale in which he masturbated over the first lustleaf plant he had successfully cultivated after accidentally getting some of its sap on his hand, and being driven almost insane by the carnal compulsion that resulted. Which, of course, is why he now always wore gloves.

Ultimately the odious Alchemist explained to Torin the fate that awaited him. Over the next and likely final days of the barbarian boy's young life he would be milked incessantly until his balls ran dry. By which time he would either be driven insane, or drained of all his youthful vitality and expire.

The slew of angry cursing that burst forth from the boy prompted Cardini, who despite his chosen vocation remained somewhat prudish, to tie a cleave gag around the boy's head. Thus muffling Torin's protestations.

In the course of all his alchemical research Cardini had come across the writings of a lecherous old practitioner of sex magic. The wicked wanton wizard had conceived a conjuration that created what he had called a "Cum Bubble", although Cardini preferred his own more refined term "Sperm Sphere."

The spell created a transparent floating bubble that was attracted to the heat and libidinous arousal of a man's erection. Once it located its quarry it would envelop it, allowing the prick to penetrate its outer skin, then seal the phallus inside. The unlucky victim would then be subjected to hours of intolerable stimulation, milking them of their seed until the sphere was weighed down with cum. It would then detach itself and return to whoever had conjured it.

This was the spell that the obnoxious Alchemist used for the first stage of harvesting the seed of the virile young men who helped fertilize his crop.

Perhaps because of his anger, or possibly the peril which he perceived himself to be in, Torin's manhood was decidedly unaroused. Fortunately the Alchemist had a solution for that. He used the heel of his hand to force the boy's mouth closed, then with the fingers of the same hand he pinched Torin's nostrils closed. He waited until Torin was red in the face and the veins in his neck were bulging, then before he let go he held a small phial of lustleaf powder under the boy's nose. When Cardini let go, Torin gulped a breath of fresh air and inhaled a puff of the perfidious powder.

Almost immediately the young warrior's eyes glazed over and his cock sprang to full mast. Swiftly Cardini cast the spell that created the cum bubble, and it eagerly engulfed the captive's erection.

Torin descended into a torturous tumult of torrid fantasies. He was once again the slave of the Goblin King, his chaste young body subjected to an endless number of obscene atrocities.

He knelt before the Great Guardian Bear Spirit and suckled on the beast's enormous erection.

He gazed into the eyes of Gunnar, his childhood friend, and saw no kindness, tenderness or affection there, but only lust.

All of a sudden Torin was wrenched from his depraved delusions. Gasping for air he was slowly able to focus, and saw the evil alchemist standing over him with a translucent sphere half full of milky fluids held in his gloved hands.

"Not bad for your first day." Cardini sneered. "Get some rest. You are going to need it."

Torin woke up with a start. He saw a transparent bubble floating above him.

"No... please. not again." he begged.

Undeterred by the barbarian boy's beseeching, Cardini opened a small jar that contained two wriggling worms. With a pair of tweezers he withdrew one of the worms. A relative of the cock leech, these particular parasites were known as Nipple Grubs.

Cardini released the tweezers and dropped the first nipple grub onto the boy's heaving chest. There was a high pitched squeal as the bug realized that it felt the warmth of living flesh beneath it. Torin shivered as he felt the thing squirming on his sweaty skin.

The nasty little nipple grub sensed where it should go and slithered over towards its goal. Its tiny sucker opened wide and it settled itself over Torin's tit. The boy shuddered with erotic stimulation. The second grub plopped onto Torin's torso swiftly attaching itself to the unoccupied teat. Both grubs tiny teeth began to bite down onto the sensitive flesh.

Torin arched his back, his prick instantly plumping, and the bulging bladder descended over his stiffening shaft.

There was a cock in his mouth. A hot hard cock oozing sweet sticky juices, Torin opened his eyelids and looked up submissively into the deep dark pools of his childhood friend Gunnar's eyes.

He felt an infernal itch in his back passage, and begged the lecherous hedge mage to ease it.

He cowered on his hands and knees as a huge patriarchal presence towered above him.

Gradually the exhausted barbarian boy clawed his way back to consciousness, and the first thing he saw was an insidious empty bladder suspended over him.

"I can't... I can't," the defeated barbarian boy sobbed.

The uncaring Alchemist reached into an aquarium with his gloved hands and pulled out a slimy slithering eel. He placed the thing at the entrance to the boy's butthole. There was a brief blue spark and Torin's pucker twitched open just enough for the snake-like sneak to slip inside.

Torin's eyes opened wide and he screamed as a vicious voltaic charge pulsed through the boy's prostate and into the tender walls of his back passage. The electric pussy eel fed off the barbarian boy's arousal. The more excited Torin became, the more the eel was stimulated in return. It was a fiendish feedback loop of sizzling stimulation.

Gunnar sank his cock back into Torin's tortured throat, and behind him a shadowy figure pounded into the boy's prostate.

"Take my cock son," the shadow-man growled...

Torin's tormented body shivered and shook. His taut belly twitched. His reddened teary eyes cracked open and he whimpered pathetically.

Cardini the evil Alchemist was astonished. He had seven sperm spheres collected on his shelves. He had never seen any of his subjects survive so long. Perhaps he could keep this boy, and continue to use him to feed his plants.

Reluctantly though, he conceded that this was not an option. He left the boy alone, and walked out into the farmyard. Looking out across the fields of fluttering lustleaf plants he saw a shambling ancient grizzly bear standing amongst them.

The Alchemist bowed his head, turned on his heel and reentered the outbuilding in order to release Torin from his restraints.

Next: Chapter 8

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