Barbarian Boy

By Colin Baxter

Published on Feb 4, 2023


Here is Chapter 6 of the saga of a young Barbarian Boy who sets out on a quest to prove himself as a warrior. Although brave and courageous he is inexperienced in the ways of the World, and unaware that a boy as beautiful as he could get himself into all kinds of strangely erotic adventures. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you have any ideas about things that could happen to Torin please drop me an email. I'm very excited to have this story published on Nifty. I'm a long time fan of this fine website, so if you enjoy reading this or any other of the stories posted here please consider donating to help keep it running. Donations can be made here

It seemed strange to Con, the burly hedge mage, that his traveling companion Torin, the handsome muscular barbarian boy, was behaving as if nothing had happened during the night. Yet, Con had witnessed the lithe frame of the horny young hussy being soundly shagged by an enormous and ancient looking grizzly bear.

The boy wasn't even walking with a limp as would be expected after taking the wild beast's massive member up his tight little hole. He seemed to be totally oblivious to it.

For a boy who, just yesterday, had very nearly been turned into the mindless host to a pair of nasty little cock leeches, doomed to spend the rest of his life in a delirious orgasmic haze as the leeches fed off his creamy teen cum, Torin seemed remarkably cheerful that morning.

Still, the more Con got to know the apparently innocent, yet demonstrably slutty young barbarian boy, the more he wanted to see Torin ravished and ruined. Judging by what he had already witnessed, Con thought that he would most likely get his wish. Then again, there was always his fallback position, which would guarantee a nice little payday for the scheming hedge mage.

By late afternoon the travelers had crested the mountain pass, and were looking down onto the checkerboard landscape of farmland on the plains below. Beside the road large boulders had been arranged in a circle with the remains of a campfire in the center. Other travelers had presumably spent the night here, so Torin and Con decided to follow suit. A small fire was built, and the pair settled down, Torin wrapped in his fur-lined cloak, Con in his long black robes.

Torin was woken during the night by a shout from Con, and looked around in confusion. The tumbled boulders were gone, as was the brawny hedge mage. Only his discarded robe was left on the ground. Then Torin heard another shout and looked up to see a naked Con dangling upside down by one leg. Holding the man by a massive stony thumb and forefinger was a huge Rock Troll.

"This one has some good meat on its bones" it rumbled.

"Hmph, not much meat on this one." came another gruff voice from behind Torin, and spinning around he saw a second huge troll behind him.

The circle of boulders that they had set up camp in had not been tumbled rocks at all, but a pair of sleeping trolls.

"Pretty though, we can play with it." The first troll replied.

"Oh no! Not again," thought the hapless barbarian boy.

"I'll tie up the food so it can't get away." Suggested the first troll, and he proceeded to thoroughly truss up the hedge mage, before placing the man by the dying embers of the fire.

Meanwhile the second troll advanced on Torin, who pulled his wickedly sharp sword from its sheath, and crouched ready to attack.

The troll let out a deep chuckle.

"That little needle ain't no use on us Trolls." It said, and with a deceptively swift turn of speed it lunged forward and grabbed Torin around the waist with a stone-like grip. It grasped the boy so hard that the breath was squeezed out of him, and Torin dropped his wickedly sharp sword.

The troll tried to tickle the boy under the chin. "Pretty human want to play?" It rumbled.

To Torin the "tickle" felt like sharp gravel being rubbed on his skin.

"Unhand me, foul creature," the boy insisted. "Or I'll make you regret it."

"Mmmmmmh! It's a feisty one" the troll said. " We likes `em feisty, don't we?"

"Yeah, makes it more fun when we break 'em." replied the other.

Torin struggled uselessly in the troll's grasp, then gasped as he caught sight of the rock hard erection which had sprung up from between the other troll's thighs. He had never seen a cock so large in his young life. The boy's eyes opened wide in alarm. Surely it would tear him apart if the trolls tried to fuck him.

Torin closed his eyes and sent a silent prayer to the Great Guardian Bear Spirit, protector of his clan.

The troll lowered Torin until the boy could feel something large and cool pressed between his butt cheeks, and suddenly he felt a surge of strength flood through his fit young body. Something warm and slick began to gush from his tight little hole, and as the troll's cold hard cock began to push at Torin's twitching asslips they parted easily. The boy groaned as he felt his snatch stretch impossibly wide, wider than ever before, but somehow he felt no pain.

The troll moaned in pleasure as his rock hard cock penetrated the pretty little human boy. It had never felt such incredible arousal before. Warm slick juices coated its pulsing pole sending intense new sensations to its tiny pebble sized brain.

Con, the brawny hedge mage assessed his situation. Loops of old moldering rope bound his arms to his sides. The knots were clumsily tied though, so he was pretty sure he could get free, but would he be able to escape in time? Con glanced over towards the trolls, and his eyes bulged in shock as he saw the barbarian boy sliding slowly down one of the creature's mammoth members. The hedge mage experienced a pang of sorrow. There was no way the handsome hard-bodied young warrior could survive such a savage stabbing. The poor lad was being penetrated so deeply that Con could see Torin's normally taut, flat belly was distended where the head of the monstrous cock punched up into his intestines.

Torin gazed in dismay at his bulging belly, feeling every inch of the insidious invader inside him. Yet he also felt a titillating tingle as his overstretched ass walls exuded a gallon of sticky sweet juices that uncannily loosened and lubricated his fuck chute. Waves of intense erotic excitement swept through the young warrior, wrenching wails of wonderment from his throat.

Con looked away as the agonized howls of the impaled youth echoed through the mountain pass. The heavy-hearted hedge mage offered up a prayer to the Gods that Torin's end would be quick, if not painless.

The troll spun the pretty little human's body around so that he was now facing the ground, arms and legs dangling limply, and offered their victim's currently empty orifice to its very obviously aroused accomplice.

Torin watched wide eyed as the second troll thrust forward. When the tip of the massive prong poked at the boy's lips a second surge of energy filled the young warrior of the Bear Clan's body. His mouth was swamped with a surplus of saliva, and his jaw seemed to dislocate like a snake.

Con heard the broken boy's bawling suddenly cease. Reluctantly he looked back to witness Torin's fate.

The hedge mage's jaw dropped at the sight he beheld. The beautiful barbarian boy was penetrated at both ends like a hog on a spit. Con could see the lump in the youth's impossibly inflated throat. Yet Torin's eyes were still wide open with astonishment. The boy lived, although Gods only knew how.

Con struggled harder to get free of his bindings, although they seemed to get tighter as his own cock stiffened watching the scene of debauchery taking place in front of him. The obscene abuse of the virile young warrior went on for hours. The trolls switched places numerous times, and the debased boy took it all.

Preoccupied as all four of them were, they all failed to notice the sky to the east becoming paler, and as the rim of the sun peaked above the horizon the two trolls snorted in surprise.

Slowly the joints and sinews of the cruel creatures began to stiffen, their lusty thrusting began to slow, and then cease altogether.

Fortunately for Torin the trolls were not both fully embedded in his body when they turned to stone, or he may have never been capable of detaching himself. Thankfully he found that by backing up onto the cock in his ass he was able to remove his mouth from the cock belonging to the troll in front of him, then gingerly he edged forward to pull himself free of the one in his rear.

Once free of his defilers, the energy that had sustained the barbarian boy throughout his ordeal drained from him, and he collapsed, exhausted but miraculously still alive.

The brawny hedge mage had by now extricated himself from his bindings and rushed to assist the young warrior who had selflessly sacrificed himself to save his traveling companion.

Unseen by the hedge mage, on a rocky outcrop overlooking the campsite, a huge ancient and grizzled looking bear rose to its feet. A glint of satisfaction in its rheumy eyes, the bear snorted, turned its back on the adventurers and shambled off across the rocky landscape, towards the sunrise.

Next: Chapter 7

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