Barbarian Boy

By Colin Baxter

Published on Jan 31, 2023


Here is Chapter 5 of the saga of a young Barbarian Boy who sets out on a quest to prove himself as a warrior. Although brave and courageous he is inexperienced in the ways of the World, and unaware that a boy as beautiful as he could get himself into all kinds of strangely erotic adventures. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you have any ideas about things that could happen to Torin please drop me an email. I'm very excited to have this story published on Nifty. I'm a long time fan of this fine website, so if you enjoy reading this or any other of the stories posted here please consider donating to help keep it running. Donations can be made here

I would like to thank those of you who have reached out to tell me how much you are enjoying the story, and those who have sent suggestions and ideas to include in Torin's adventures. I have included some of them in this chapter. Henry, this one's for you. I hope I do it justice.

Torin slept soundly after his experience with the cock leeches. No dreams troubled him that night. Yet within the fit young barbarian boy's body a mystical metamorphosis was taking place.

It was rare, but not unheard of, for a handsome young human boy to be ravished by goblins. It had most certainly happened before, and inevitably the youth was never the same again. Often the boy became a libertine. Some succumbed to an obsession with pleasuring themselves, others became rakish and free with their favors towards older men.

It was surely almost impossible that a boy who had been impregnated with goblin seed would also be exposed to the attentions of the pernicious parasites known as cock leeches, and even the wisest sage would declare it inconceivable that such a boy would somehow survive both encounters. Yet here we are.

Torin had effectively become a petri dish in which the side effects of both the goblin goo and the cock leech residue were battling each other for ascendancy within him while he slept.

When Torin finally woke he found himself naked but wrapped in his cloak which he thought he had lost. He remembered little of what had occurred the day before, although he was fairly sure that Con, the big brawny hedge mage, had saved him. The older man was sprawled nearby, snoring loudly. His robes were spread open around him, exposing his thick hairy body to the world, while an earthenware flask rested in his left hand.

Torin took the flask from the listless man's grasp and sniffed the open neck, wrinkling his nose at the potent trace of some kind of strong liquor. With an unexpected vigor the wiry young barbarian picked up the brawny older hedge mage in his arms, muscles bulging, laid him down in the back of the covered wagon and wrapped the robes around him. Torin circled to the front of the cart to find Nuala chewing on some grass.

The boy wrapped his arms around his horse's neck and nuzzled her, and Nuala returned the greeting to her boy. Torin rested his forehead on Nuala's muzzle. and for a moment unshed tears welled in his eyes. Nuala whinnied, and perhaps you would have been forgiven if you had imagined you had also seen a little dewiness in her eyes as well.

Torin climbed up onto the seat at the front of the covered wagon, took hold of the reins, clicked his tongue, and the twin mules which drew the cart began to plod forwards. Nuala snorted, as if she disapproved of the pack animals obedience. She exchanged a side-eye with her boy and he gave her a respectful nod and a smile.

In the rear of the covered wagon the intoxicated hedge mage rolled onto his back and snorted noisily.

The road they were following began to rise towards a mountain pass The trees became more stunted, more gnarled, and more sparse. It got colder as well, and Torin brought the wagon to a halt. He had a fur lined cloak in one of the packs strapped to Nuala's back. So he unpacked it and wrapped it around his shoulders. As Torin, the son of the Chief of the Bear Clan enjoyed the warmth of his fur lined cloak he caught a scent on the wind. Torin's nostrils flared. A thrill shivered through the boy's body, and he dropped to one knee.

"Brother bear," he said. "I speak for my Clan. Let only those men who share your path, who in their hearts know your beauty, respect your strength, and defend your land, protect each other from those who have wronged us. Then my wild brother, we shall always share the wilderness as long as the sun travels the sky."

Torin recited the litany that he had learned as a child and his heart swelled with pride.

A little way off in the scrub something stirred. There was a grunt as a huge beast rose to its feet. It appeared to be an enormous ancient looking bear, grizzled and hoary.Torin's heart quickened as the massive head turned toward him. It snuffled and snorted as it caught the boy's scent. A spark of interest bloomed inside the beast.

It hadn't smelled anything like this for a very very long time.

As the huge bear approached Torin he got off his knee and stood up, and to his astonishment the huge bear stood up on his hind legs as well, and it towered over the young barbarian boy. Then the massive head fell back and Torin realized that it was not a bear at all, but a giant ancient old man, with long greasy grey hair and a thick bushy beard. A bear hide was draped over the giants shoulders, huge head, and monstrous claws included.

A growl that sounded like tumbling rocks came from the man as if he was unused or unaccustomed to speaking.


"G-g-good day, Sir" Torin stuttered.

"Mmmmmh! What are you called, child," the giant asked.

"I-I I am Torin of Bear Clan, Sir," The boy replied.

"The Bear Clan... Indeed," the giant mused "Well you may call me Mato."

Mato? Torin thought. That was the name of the Great Guardian Bear Spirit, Protector of the Bear Clan.

"Then it is indeed auspicious that we have met," said Torin. "Mato is the name of the Bear Clan's protector.

"Auspicious? Yes I suppose so." The man agreed.

Torin was puzzled. When he had stopped the wagon he was sure that he had sensed the presence of a bear. Every warrior of the Bear Clan could feel when a bear was close by.

Mato sniffed curiously. The scent coming from this boy was beguiling. It was almost as if the child was in heat. A heady ripe spice emanated from him. There was something strange about this boy. Something special. He was not what Mato expected a warrior of the Bear Clan would look like, Although he was muscular, the young warrior's frame was lithe and slim, rather than thick and brawny. His body was smooth rather than hairy. Yet there was no denying that the boy was pleasing to the eye, and there was another part of the man that Torin's body was pleasing.

Slowly Torin realized that he could still sense the presence of the bear. In fact it was much stronger now. Little by little understanding began to dawn on the boy.

"It can't be..." Torin gasped.

Mato let out a throaty chuckle. "Why not, little cub?"

"I never..." Torin couldn't finish his thought.

He fell back to his knees.

"Brother bear?" asked the boy'

"Yes..." said Mato.

Torin's jaw fell open in consternation. He couldn't tell if the greasy grey pelt that covered the man was some kind of clothing, or just his natural appearance.

"Torin of the Bear Clan, I wish to honor you." said Mato, and the boy dropped his head in supplication.

Suddenly Torin felt hot liquid spraying over his head and shoulders. Looking up in surprise the boy saw that Mato had pulled out his huge cock and was pissing on him. He knew it should have disgusted him but Torin actually felt aroused as the acrid liquid splashed over his face. He kept his eyes tightly shut, and all of a sudden he felt something warm and fleshy at his lips. Instinctively he opened them and let the last dribbles of piss fill his mouth, before swallowing it.

"Little cub, I have marked you as mine," the Great Guardian Bear Spirit said.

Torin's emotions were overwhelmed. He wanted to thank Mato, and there was only way he could think of. So he opened his mouth as wide as he could and took Mato's huge cock head into the hot, wet cave, tasting the last remnants of piss, and a sweet sticky hint of something more. Eagerly he slavered his tongue around the invader.

"Little cub, it has been a long long time since this old bear entered the rut," rumbled Mato.

Hurriedly Torin unfastened his chest harness and slipped off the chainmail at his hips.

"Brother bear," he said "I travel your path, I know your beauty, I respect your strength. I give myself to you so that we may share the wilderness together." Then he got onto his hands and knees, and arched his back, presenting his pert young ass to the Great Guardian Bear Spirit.

Torin yelped as he felt meaty hands pull his butt cheeks apart, and a rough tongue began to lap at his twitching hole. He squealed as he felt the muscular organ probe the tight pink pucker then push inside with ease.

The tongue fucking continued for what felt like forever as the young warrior writhed and squirmed. Then the tongue withdrew and Torin felt a cool breeze tickle the spit slicked opening. The next thing he knew Mato thrust his cock into Torin's hungry hole.

The boy gritted his teeth, not wanting to cry out and look weak in front of his clan's protector. The pain was exquisite, yet the young warrior welcomed it.

"Little cub don't be afraid..." the Great Guardian Bear Spirit growled, his voice becoming deeper and rougher with each syllable. Then the boy heard a tremendous roar and craning his head around he saw not Mato, but an enormous grey Grizzly Bear. As the creature pounded into him he no longer felt pain, but instead he felt a surge of strength and power flow through him, and he let out his own roar as he felt the Great Guardian Bear Spirit, the protector of the Bear Clan fill him with molten bear spunk, and then he passed out.

Hours later Torin woke and found himself wrapped in his cloak again, and nearby the brawny hedge mage was sleeping.

Gods what a strange dream Torin thought. It was as if he had been on a vision quest, and the Great Bear Spirit had found him and blessed him. He resolved that he would tell nobody about his dream, and pulled the cloak tighter around him and drifted off to sleep once again.

It had been no dream however, and as the great grey grizzly bear had roared, a bleary eyed Con had stared out from the back of the covered wagon, not believing his eyes.

"Gods that boy is insatiable," the hedge mage mused.

Meanwhile the seed of Mato, the Great Guardian Bear Spirit and Protector of the Bear Clan was absorbed into the boy's body as he slept. Who knows what consequences will follow when a human boy has been bred by a Spirit Animal as vigorous and powerful as Mato. Perhaps we will find out.

Next: Chapter 6

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