Barbarian Boy

By Colin Baxter

Published on Jan 28, 2023


Here is Chapter 3 of the saga of a young Barbarian Boy who sets out on a quest to prove himself as a warrior. Although brave and courageous he is inexperienced in the ways of the World, and unaware that a boy as beautiful as he could get himself into all kinds of strangely erotic adventures. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you have any ideas about things that could happen to Torin please drop me an email. I'm very excited to have this story published on Nifty. I'm a long time fan of this fine website, so if you enjoy reading this or any other of the stories posted here please consider donating to help keep it running. Donations can be made here

Barbarian Boy - Chapter 3

As Torin led Nuala away from the waterfall he tried not to think about what the lewd and lusty goblins had done with him in the cave. He was certain that something about the animal stench of the creatures had caused a reaction within him, and set free a wanton bestial side of him. A side that troubled Torin. What he didn't know was that the goblin goo that he had ingested was having similar more enduring repercussions on his virile young body. Changes were occurring within the boy, subtle shifts, esoteric alterations the consequences of which would be unfathomable to the unworldly young warrior.

As the sun began to lower in the sky Torin came across a perilously narrow switchback path that zigzagged up the face of the escarpment. Wanting to put as much distance between himself and the foul creatures which had defiled his once chaste young body, Torin cautiously climbed the twisty trail leading the much more sure footed Nuala behind him. Reaching the top of the cliff just as the sun dipped below the horizon Torin looked out over the grassy plane, and thought he could just make out the grove of trees where he camped the previous night, and the boy shivered apprehensively. Quickly he turned his back on the view and found that He was now standing on the edge of a rocky limestone pavement. Large slabs of stone separated by deep fissures littered the landscape. It was cooler up here, so when Torin found a grassy hollow big enough for both him and his horse he unpacked his bedroll hoping for a more uneventful night. After a light meal of bread and strips of cured venison the boy settled down to sleep, and although his slumber was uninterrupted, it was not untroubled. Torin dreamed that he was recaptured by the three goblins, and this time he was unable to escape. They stripped him naked, bound and collared him once again, then forced him into an iron cage on the back of a wooden cart. The two smaller goblins pulled the cart along a rutted track until they reached the goblin caves, and the goblin chieftain came to inspect the handsome young slave boy. Yet rather than keeping Torin as his own bed slave the chieftain determined that he could curry favor with the Great Goblin King himself by presenting the pretty prize as a gift. Torin found himself being led by collar and chain through rough hewn stone hallways crammed with hundreds of cackling goblins that poked, prodded and pinched the boy's toned torso. The animal stench in these enclosed caves was so thick that Torin quickly lost his ability to think straight. His eyes glazed over and his body vibrated with unbridled arousal, drool dribbled from his slack mouth, while his painfully erect penis leaked precum perpetually. At last the overstimulated youth was brought before the Great Goblin King's throne. The King was at least twice the size of his minions, and maybe twice as ugly, but as soon as Torin set eyes upon the brute he fell to his knees and lowered his gaze submissively. All semblance of free will was swept away by the overpowering odor that emanated from the Goblin King. The young slave boy was now utterly in thrall to his new master. Throughout the night steamy scenes of sucking, fucking and abuse of his fine young body disturbed the boys dissolute dreams.

Nuala watched over her boy anxiously as he tossed and turned restlessly, and when the eastern sky began to pale she nudged Torin awake with her muzzle. Looking dazed and disoriented Torin wiped the back of his hand across his mouth where he had drooled. He could not recall the content of his ominous nocturnal imaginings, only that they left him with a sense of foreboding and trepidation. The boy's cock strained within his soft leather loincloth. Hot and hard his morning glory throbbed, and somewhere inside of Torin an uncomfortable itch had begun to bother him, leaving the young warrior feeling ill at ease.

That same morning a Hedge Mage by the name of Con doused his campfire, packed a few cooking implements into his covered wagon, climbed up onto the seat and urged the two mules that pulled the wagon forwards. It was a fine sunny morning, and Con wondered to himself what opportunities the day would bring. The wagon contained all the accoutrements of a traveling snake oil salesman. As the wagon rumbled along the clinking of numerous small jars and vials containing various herbal tinctures, unguents and oils used for his quack remedies, could be heard from within. Most of the man's cures and potions were of little or no value. However Con did possess some unrefined self-taught magical abilities which he used to his advantage. Con was somewhat of an uncouth, boorish man. Big and brawny he was able to hold his own in a fight, which was fortunate given the way he earned a crust. Despite his brash audacious manner however, Con's self-confidence, some would say over-confidence, allowed him to charm his way out of most of the difficult situations he found himself in. One of the things that got the burly hedge mage into the most trouble were his sexual appetites. Con had a taste for handsome muscular boys in the prime of their vital youth. Whenever he came across a fair faced farm boy, with a body trim and toned from hard work in the fields, his cock stirred beneath his robes. He loved nothing more than taking a healthy, hung and hard-bodied young buck and teaching them how to pleasure a man, and he was not averse to using a glamour or enchantment to achieve his ends. It was his depraved desire to dominate and corrupt attractive athletic adolescents that had got him run out of his home town. His undoing had been the strapping son of the local blacksmith. The first time Con had seen the blond boy in the forge, stripped to his waist, young muscles rippling beneath his sweaty skin he knew he had to have the lad. The boy was courting a pretty young lass who worked in the coaching inn, and Con had spied on the pair taking a tumble in the hay in the stables. Everything about the boy was impressive, including his cock which Con had seen the girl swallowing, or at least trying to, one night. Not that Con had any interest in the boy's cock himself. His interest in the boy revolved solely around where Con could put his own meaty pole, and the sturdy stud's spectacular ass was Cons preferred target. Con knew that the boy's father would often go off to the Inn in the evening for a few ales and a game of Mumblety Peg. So one night when Con's depraved urges finally proved too much for him, he waited until the Smith left, and opened the door to the Forge where the boy was clearing away some tools, still shirtless and sweaty. Con pretended to be interested in having the boy's father repair a damaged wheel on his wagon. The heat from the fire caused Con to break a sweat, and the scheming seducer wiped the back of his hand over his brow. Pulling out a flask, he uncorked it and offered it to the boy first. The unsuspecting boy took a healthy swig, and almost instantly his eyes glazed over, and a dopey grin crept across his face. Several hours later the Smith stumbled home from the Inn, and on opening the door to the forge found his hapless heir naked and bent over the anvil, while the the big burly figure of the hedge mage plowed his cock into the boy's bowels as the enchanted ingenue begged to be fucked harder and deeper. Con had escaped the ensuing ruckus with a black eye and a promise from the furious father that if he didn't leave town the very next day he would suffer much worse, and that is how Con became a traveling snake oil salesman.

Around noon Con spotted a lone rider approaching from the South, and he hoped that the fellow would prove to be an easy mark. Perhaps he could earn a few coins flogging a healing potion, or a balm for the horseman's sore muscles. Yet as the rider drew nearer all thought of his tonics and elixirs left his mind, and instead Con's impulses focused, as was so often the case, only on his big his fat cock. The rider turned out to be the most beautiful boy Con had ever laid his eyes upon. A young barbarian with the face of an angel, and a body built for sin. The young lad's fine features were delicate and dazzling. His lithe body was wiry and lean. The broad chest was crisscrossed by leather straps that seemed to accentuate the plump pectorals and perky nipples. The smooth rippling belly was begging to be tongued, and the narrow waist with a wonderful V of muscle that the lecherous Lothario thought of as cum gutters led lewdly to a tiny leather loincloth that bulged delightfully. The young warriors tanned sinewy thighs gripping the flanks of his trusty steed, Con thought would look even more alluring wrapped around the older man's waist as he fucked the smouldering slut senseless. Oh the things he could do to a boy as deliciously desirable as this. "Well met my fine young warrior." Con hailed the lad. "How goes your day?". "Well enough, Sir.' The mellifluous tones of the boys voice matched perfectly the rest of the boys flawlessly fuckable form. "And where would such a strapping lad as you be heading on such a fine day?" Con inquired, noticing the adorable bashful blushing his complement had caused. 'Um... N-north. I'm heading North." the flustered boy stammered. "What a happy coincidence." Con exclaimed, "I too am heading North." "Would you care for a traveling companion for a while, until our ways part?" "I doubt you will find me very companionable. I'm not one for a lot of conversation." the boy demurred. "Nonsense, I have no doubt that we will quickly become firm friends". Con had no intention of letting this fine piece of boy flesh out of his covetous clutches. "In any case I have a reputation for garrulousness, and I'm sure I can carry the conversation for the both of us." Realizing that the man was not about to take no for an answer, Torin gave in, and the pair headed off together. Perhaps the chatter would take his mind off other things, like the infuriating itch that tickled inside his back passage. The travelers exchanged names and Con proclaimed that Torin was a most appropriate name for such a handsome, vigorous young man. The hedge mage told the boy that he traveled from town to town offering his skills as a healer to the inhabitants. He painted a picture of himself as an upstanding humble citizen just trying to help others. As the afternoon drew on Con noticed the way Torin fidgeted, and seemed to be suffering some discomfort. "Is something troubling you Torin?" Con asked. "It's nothing." the boy replied "Just an itch." "An itch you say? Well no doubt I have an ointment that will help with that." Con offered. "Really, it's nothing. I'm sure it will pass." Torin insisted, although in truth it was only getting worse. By the time the sun had begun to set Torin's irritated insides had the boy squirming incessantly. "By the Gods Torin, I can see something is wrong. Why don't I take a look? I'm sure I can help." Con urged, hoping that he might get to put his hands on the hot boy's body, although Con had no idea where his offer was actually going to take him. The pair had reached the edge of a wooded area that would provide plenty of fuel for a campfire, so they decided to stop there for the night, and Con offered again to examine Torin's itch. Sitting with his back against a fallen tree trunk the boy looked squeamish. "It's a little embarrassing." Torin explained, blushing again. "Nonsense, young fellow. I'm a healer. I've seen everything you can think of and more." Con chided. "Well, it's... it's... it's inside." the boy haltingly elucidated. "Inside?" Con queried, "What, in your belly." "No... no in my b*** *******." The boy's voice was so quiet that Con could not hear the last part. "Speak up, young fellow." Con demanded, adding a little witchery into his words. Torin felt small and unsophisticated next to the big brawny, well travelled man. He felt he had to obey. "It's in my back passage". Torin responded, the blush so deep that it crept down to his chest. Con couldn't believe his own ears. Did the object of his carnal cravings just say he had an itch in his back passage? Could the boy really be as innocent as he appeared, or was he really an incorrigible cocktease? Either way Con could not pass up this opportunity. His eyes glittered with rapacious hunger as they ogled the finely muscled barbarian boy. The hedge mage sent the boy a silent command to obey. "Stand up, turn around and bend over that tree trunk." He ordered. Torin felt a weird compulsion to do as he was told, and so he obeyed the instruction. Con was almost delirious with desire. The submissive slut was exposing his lovely muscular behind to him, albeit covered by a thin layer of supple leather. What's more he was about to "examine" the boy's back passage for an itch. How could anyone be as lucky as Con felt? The Gods must have blessed him today. Hands shaking, Con reached forward and tugged the loincloth off Torin's slim hips, the boy lifting his belly off the tree trunk to assist with its removal, and there before Con was the peachiest prize his lascivious eyes had ever beheld. Removing a bottle of oil from a pocket in his robes Con removed the lid and coated his index finger in the slick substance. Licking his lips he spread apart the perfectly pert buttocks to reveal the purest pink little pucker. "Relax boy, I'm going to have to probe inside you to see what's wrong." "I'll try Sir," the anxious lad replied. Torin felt a cool liquid dribble into his crack, then a pressure on his hole as an oily digit poked at the tight little muscle. "Push out, as if you're taking a shit, boy." Con advised. Gritting his teeth Torin did as asked, and felt the finger slowly enter him. His cock twitched, and he gasped. "Nothing here." Con announced with barely concealed glee. "I'll have to go deeper." and he pushed in further, making Torin squeak in surprise. "Still nothing." Con claimed, his finger buried to the knuckle in the boys torrid tail. "Perhaps another finger?" he suggested. "Oh no! Please." the bewildered boy begged. "Shush now, I'm just trying to help." Con lied, crowing inside. More oil was applied, and Torin winced as his ass lips were stretched a little wider, then wider still as a third finger joined the other two. "It's no good, I can't go deep enough. I'll have to try something else." Con declared, loosening the clasp that held his robes together. The garment slid off his shoulders to the ground revealing Con to be naked beneath them. His beefy body was covered in a fine pelt of black fur, and from a healthy bush of pubic hair his prodigious prong stood proudly pulsing. "Take a deep breath." Con advised, and as Torin sucked in a mouthful of the cool evening air Con thrust forcefully forward penetrating the boy's pussy with the angry purple head of his cock. Torin let out an anguished wail, and Con spanked one of the boys' bubbly butt cheeks in rebuke. "Don't be such a crybaby." Con belittled the partially impaled pussyboy. The words stung Torin. He was a Warrior of the Bear Clan, not a crybaby, and he steeled himself against the pain. Con gradually pushed further inside the boy's hot moist intestines. Inch by inch he claimed his new sluts cunt. Torin felt the invader slither inside him deeper and deeper, until it touched something that set off shooting stars in his astonished head. Torin moaned like a tuppenny whore. "Oh, that's it... That's the itch." Torin cried in wonderment. "Just as I thought." Con declared, realizing that he had found the boy's prostate. "Better give it a good scratch then, eh boy." "Yes please Sir." the submissive slutboy begged. Torin groaned in pleasure. He had been suffering all day with the infernal itch, and finally his new friend had discovered how to treat it. "A little deeper Sir," the needy boy begged. Without withdrawing his thick meaty cock Con made the boy turn onto his back, slung the long coltish legs over his shoulders, and plumbed the depths of Torin's juicy wet intestines. "By the Gods, if I go any deeper I'll be tickling your tonsils you little whore." Con growled. "Oh, that's so good." the horny youth purred. "That feels so much better." Con was in heaven. His throbbing cock felt all powerful as it stretched out the velvety confines of his new boytoy's cunt. Torin's head lolled listlessly, and his eyes rolled back. His taut belly strained, and his chest heaved as he rode the waves of an impending orgasm. "OooooooOOOoOoooOH!!!" the bawdy barbarian howled as his balls released their creamy load, covering his sweaty torso in splash after splash of his hot teen seed. "That's it bitch." Con snarled "Take my cock you filthy slut." The fierce fucking continued for another few minutes until Con buried his rock hard erection into the boy all the way to the hilt, and held it there as he painted the fuckboy's cunt walls with his own scalding spunk. Carrying the boy, still impaled on his prodigious prong, to his wagon Con dug out a polished wooden plug. He pulled out of Torin's overstretched hole and pushed the plug into place instead. "You'll need to keep that cream in there to really get the benefit of it's curative powers," he informed Torin. "Yes Sir." Torin agreed. "How often will I need the treatment?" "Oh at least once a day I expect." The hedge mage improvised. "Perhaps more often if the itch comes back." "Thank you so much." the gullible innocent replied. "I'm so glad we met today." "Oh so am I boy... So am I." Con smirked. "The God's truly blessed us both today."

Next: Chapter 4

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