Barbarian Boy

By Colin Baxter

Published on Jan 26, 2023


Here is Chapter 2 of the saga of a young Barbarian Boy who sets out on a quest to prove himself as a warrior. Although brave and courageous he is inexperienced in the ways of the World, and unaware that a boy as beautiful as he could get himself into all kinds of strangely erotic adventures. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you have any ideas about things that could happen to Torin please drop me an email. I'm very excited to have this story published on Nifty. I'm a long time fan of this fine website, so if you enjoy reading this or any other of the stories posted here please consider donating to help keep it running. Donations can be made here

Barbarian Boy - Chapter 2

After his lucky escape from becoming a tasty teenage treat for a carnivorous copse of trees that would have ever so slowly digested his lean muscular frame, after milking him of every drop of his youthful seed over and over again, Torin had leaped onto the back of his horse, Nuala and set out across a wide grassy plane heading North. It was a hot and sunny day, and Torin soon put thoughts of what could have happened to him the night before out of his mind. In the distance he could see a rocky bluff that ran East to West as far as the eye could see. He would have to find a way up in order to continue his journey. The closer he got the more imposing he realized the escarpment was, but surely there must be a pass or pathway to the top? He could see a waterfall where a river cascaded over the cliff and plunged into a large pool below, before meandering on over the grassy plane, and so Torin made his way toward it. The sweltering heat of the day had left Torin feeling grimy and sweaty, so on seeing the crystal clear waters of the plunge pool below the waterfall he decided to cool off. He led Nuala to the waters edge so that she could drink her fill, then slipped his travel cloak off his strapping shoulders, unstrapped the the harness that crisscrossed his broad chest, and slipped his soft leather loincloth off his narrow waist, down his smooth toned thighs and laid them both on top of the cloak. Stretching his lithe young body sensuously the boy made a deliciously desirable sight. He slid a hand over his rippling belly through a sparse covering of hairs just above his impressive meaty young prick, hanging over a large hairless sack in which nestled a fine pair of juicy teenage testes. The naked boys butt was also a sight to behold. Pert round and muscular with a delightful set of dimples it was just begging to be spanked to make the peachy buttocks jiggle tantalizingly. Stepping up onto a large flat rock that lay beside the pool Torin dived gracefully into the crisp clear waters of the pool, gasping as his lithe young form slipped beneath the surface with barely a splash. Torin's head and shoulders reappeared out in the middle of the pool, shaking his hair out of his eyes and spraying jewel-like droplets all around him. For a few minutes Torin floated lazily on his back luxuriating in the feeling of the cool water on his hot silky skin. His hefty cock bobbed around between the boys muscular thighs. Swimming over to the flat rock Torin pulled himself up and out, rivulets of cool clear liquid sluiced off his shoulders and down across his chest and abs alluringly. Stretching his fit young muscles once again Torin felt the hot sun warm his goose-pimpled flesh, and lay down on the flat rock on his back, bending one knee, and placing his hands behind his head. His mind drifted back to the strange and torrid dream he had experienced while trapped inside the pod the previous night. A dream in which his best friend Gunnar, a boy no older than he, but a boy who was the epitome of everything Torin aspired to be. Big brawny and massively muscular, Gunnar was also hairy and ruggedly handsome. remembering what Gunnar had wanted to do to Torin in the dream, the boys cock began swell. He could almost feel his friends hand a this throat again. He slid his own hand down over his chest and taut belly as Gunnar had, down to his throbbing cock, and he gripped it tightly, sighing at the pleasurable feelings that began course through his slim sinewy frame. Torin didn't know why the idea of his big beefy friend dominating him and making him suck his cock aroused him so much, but he could not deny to himself that it did. It was so confusing. Torin groaned as he tugged on his stiff pole, pulling the foreskin back from the slick purple helmet, glistening in the sunshine as the boys pent up juices began to bubble and burp from the gaping piss slit. Bending his cock back he tentatively rubbed the sensitive head over his veined lower belly and shivered with the deliciously stimulating sensation. A silvery slug trail traced across his tanned flesh almost to his navel. Torin sucked in his belly and began to pump his hand up and down his throbbing pole. Raising his other hand to his mouth Torin pushed two fingers between his plump pink lips and he began to suckle on them slavering his tongue around them, then he pulled the spit-slicked digits out, dropped them down to his chest where he teased his perky left nipple, coating it in saliva eliciting a cool tingle as a light breeze brushed across it. The horny boy coated his right nipple in his own spit to match, then caught it between his thumb and forefinger and pinched it hard. Torin moaned and arched his back in lusty delight. Clutching his needy cock harder, and pumping faster Torin panted passionately and felt his balls tingle and twitch and his cock swell as a torrent of sizzling spunk surged through the throbbing tool. Biting his lip Torin closed his eyes as the creamy cocksnot fountained up into the air, and landed with a splat over his handsome face. A second eruption landed on his heaving chest, and a third blasted over his taut quivering belly. Nuala's nostrils twitched as she caught the acrid smell of her boy's ejaculation. Then she snorted as she caught another less familiar smell. She looked up toward the rock where her boy lay cleaning the cum from his face with his fingers, sniffing them cautiously, then slipping them into his mouth, and licking them clean with his tongue. Nuala tossed her head and let out a warning whinny. Torin sat up with a start as a gruff voice growled "Don't move human." A second voice snarled "Not much meat on this one." "No, but it's pretty. The Chief likes 'em pretty." the first voice responded. Torin scrambled to his hands and knees and looked up to see three short ugly creatures dressed in rusted mail pointing crossbows at him. Their skin was a blotchy greenish brown tone, and warty. The three squat yet sturdy creatures looked repulsive. "I said don't move human." the taller of the three grunted with a guttural growl. "Goblins" Torin gasped, and glanced toward his pile of possessions lying in the grass. Would he be quick enough to leap off the rock and snatch his sword before a crossbow bolt caught him in the back? It seemed unlikely. "Tie it's hands". Grunted the leader and the third Goblin pulled a rope from around it's waist and approached the naked youth, cum still dripping down his tanned torso.

"It will turn and put it's hands behind it's back, or it will find out what it feels like to be a pin cushion" the leader snarled. Grudgingly Torin did as he was told and felt the rough greasy rope being tied tightly, binding his wrists together. Damn it, he should have tried to reach his sword. He was now in a much worse position. Torin's mind was in turmoil trying to think of a way to escape his captors. The leader reached into a filthy leather sack and pulled out a rusty piece of metal.attached to a length of similarly rusty chain a yard or so long. "Kneel" the leader snapped, and Torin dropped down onto his knees struggling to keep his balance with his hands secured behind his back. The ugly creature leaned forward, it's coarse features inches from the young barbarians handsome visage. Torin wrinkled his nose as the goblins foul breath caught him full in the face. The metal thing it held was a solid iron collar hinged on one side, and open on the other. The goblin closed the collar around Torin's neck, snicked it shut and slid a locking pin into the the hasp where it closed, locking it in place. "Up" the leader snarled, gripping the end of the chain. When Torin was on his feat once again the repulsive creature tugged the boy forward and began to lead him down a narrow path that followed the edge of the pool towards the waterfall. The two smaller goblins followed behind the naked boy. "It's got a nice ass." one whispered to the other. "Fuckable" the other whispered back slapping one of the boys butt cheeks hard making Torin yelp, leaving a red hand print on the pale flesh, and the pair sniggered with sinister smirks exposing their filthy fang-like teeth.

Behind the waterfall the path followed a ledge that then opened into a cave which was otherwise hidden from view by the cascading water. The three goblins had clearly been using it as a camp. The remains of a fire smoked inside a ring of stones, and well gnawed animal bones were littered around it. Goblins dislike the sun, and never normally wandered abroad during the day, but they had been unable to resist the chance to capture such a juicy prize as the muscular young barbarian boy. "We waits 'ere til dark, then we takes it to the chief.' the leader growled. The other two grunted in agreement. "Can we play with it 'til then?" One of the smaller goblins inquired. "Don't see why not." the leader growled with a lascivious smile "Long as we don't break it." "Looks strong, won't break easy" the smaller goblin chuckled and licked his lips hungrily. Torin anxiously wondered what these gross goblins intended to do with him that they would consider as "play". Naive and unworldly as he was, his mind did not immediately go where yours undoubtedly already has dear reader. Several dirty burlap sacks littered the rocky floor of the dank cave, presumably used as bedding by the repulsive creatures. The leader tugged Torin by the chain and ordered him to kneel on one of the pieces of sacking. An iron spike with a hooked end had been hammered into the cave wall, and the goblin leader slipped the last link of the chain onto the hook. "I gets to play with it first." The leader grunted. "S'not fair" grumbled one of the smaller goblins "You always gets to play with 'em first." "Stop whining," the leader snapped. "The pretty one'll be wurf the wait." The leader unclipped a stained leather codpiece from his groin and Torin's eyes widened in shock as a huge veined blotchy greenish brown cock slithered into view, a thick animal stench reached the boys nostrils and something in his soul stirred. The barbarian boy's eyes glazed over for a moment, and a wild untamed brute within him roused itself. Images of rutting beasts flickered in the back of his mind. "Open pretty, take my pizzle in it's mouth." the goblin snarled lasciviously, rubbing his cock head on Torin's luscious pink lips. Torin tried to back away, but one of the other goblins had moved up behind him, and reached around with a sharp bladed knife which it placed at Torin's throat. "Open up pretty, time to play." it hissed into the trembling boy's ear.

Torin knew he had to stall. He had to keep these repulsive creatures occupied until he came up with a plan, or he spotted some opportunity to escape. Reluctantly the naked and restrained boy accepted his fate. Torin had never imagined that he would find himself in such a position, except perhaps in his fervid fever dream from the night before. The goblin leader impatiently thrust it's cock forward, pushing between the kneeling boy's lips, and stretching them wide with it's hefty girth. The animal stench emanating from the goblin engulfed Torin once again, but this time it was accompanied by the feel and taste of the creatures cock as the swollen head filled the boys mouth. The wild thing inside of Torin surged forward overwhelming his rational mind. The young barbarian boy began to slobber on the meaty appendage with wanton abandon, and the goblin grunted in surprise. Something about the salacious stink and the titillating taste had turned young Torin into a wild boy driven by an animalistic lust. With a crazed carnal craving the slutty stud impaled himself on the firm flesh that filled his hot wet orifice, gurgling and grunting like a hog. Suddenly the goblin pulled himself free of the debauched boy, and Torin panted with barely restrained desire, drooling spittle from his swollen lips, eyes glazed and broad chest heaving. The two smaller goblins, unbearably aroused by the sight of the handsome muscular youth debasing himself, saw their opportunity and the pair lurched forward, releasing their own slimy cocks and thrusting them into the boy's hungry mouth hole. Stuffed full of goblin cock Torin's cheeks bulged obscenely and he choked on them wretchedly. Meanwhile the goblin leader had circled around to the depraved barbarian boy's rear, leering lasciviously at the pert buttocks, and the pink pucker nestled between them. Hawking up a glob of mucus the coarse creature spat the slime into the torrid trench, and without a thought for it's hapless victim drove it's throbbing pole deep into the boy's guts. Torin squealed in pain and the three degenerate defilers laughed cruelly. "Pretty likes taking goblin cock?" the leader snarled "Pretty get all the goblin cock he can soon enough". Torin could feel every bump and vein of the goblin leaders prick as it slid slowly back out through his well stretched ass lips. The pain was exquisite, yet despite the torment his tortured hole endured the boy's own cock pulsed and oozed a constant stream of salty precum. Meanwhile the dueling prongs raping his mouth caused the dissolute youth to gag and cough up throat slime mixed with goblin juice onto his straining sweaty torso. Torin's mind was empty of anything other than the hurt and humiliation of being spit-roasted by the three grotesque creatures using his youthful body for their own pleasure. Yet the painful pounding and debauched defiling of the innocent teen caused a surge of illicit arousal that shivered up the boys spine. Torin began to arch his back and push back on the goblin leaders rock hard erection, desperate to be penetrated more deeply. He could feel the head of the goblin cock rearranging his insides as it plowed in and out of his hungry hole. His fevered mind imagined what it would be like if he failed to escape and was taken to the goblin caves to become a sexual slave to the goblin chief. Perhaps even whored out to the chiefs underlings. He pictured himself naked but for the rusty collar, kneeling at the feet of the grotesquely ugly chieftain like some kind of perverted pet, and the idea set off an erotic reaction within the boys balls. Spunk erupted from his pulsing prick, spraying the filthy sacking on which he kneeled, and as Torin spewed his second load of the day his plundered ass lips clamped around the goblin leaders rigid pole. The creature grunted as its own orgasm pumped thick goblin goo deep into the belly of the young warrior who it had utterly defeated and lewdly deflowered. Torin moaned around the two corrupting cocks punishing his overstretched lips as he felt the hot seed coat the raw rubbed walls of his newly cunted asshole, and the vibration was enough to set the pair off in their own ejaculations. Torin suddenly found his mouth full of a horribly thick acrid slime which he couldn't spit out while the twin goblin dicks blocked the opening of his orifice. All he could do was swallow or suffocate. The feeling of the globs of malodorous muck slipping down his gullet made Torin feel physically sick. He felt his gorge rise and choked, forcing some of the filthy gloop out of his nose. The three probing poles propping up the exhausted boy withdrew and he fell forward into the cooling puddle of his own cum on the squalid sacking, goblin goo oozing viscously from his puffy gaping asshole, as well as his gasping groaning gob and sniffling snout. Thoroughly sated the three crude creatures shuffled to the back of the cave, the leader muttering something about what a good slave the pretty would make for their chief. Within minutes loud snores echoed throughout the rocky shelter. The carnal haze that Torin had succumbed to gradually dissipated. He was able to think rationally again. Coughing up another glob of goblin goo he tried to convince himself that he had successfully kept his captors occupied and tired them out, and now he had the chance to escape. He glanced around him and saw a glint of metal on the ground. The knife that had been held to his throat lay not far away. Torin began to claw his way towards the knife, but before he could grasp it he reached the end of the chain attached to the collar around his neck. However hard he tried he could not get his fingertips to the blade. In a last desperate effort he flipped around and stretched his legs out in front of him and manged to touch his toes to the knife, and painfully slowly he managed to tug it towards him. Finally he was able to grasp the knife behind him and carefully cut the rope binding his hands. Quickly the boy removed the collar, collected all the weapons he could find and threw them under the waterfall, then retraced his steps back to the flat rock where his ordeal had begun. There Torin found Nuala standing guard over his belongings, and he ran to her, about to wrap his arms around her neck, until he saw the glare of disapproval in her eyes. Looking down at his toned torso he realized that was covered in filth. "OK, I get it." he told her, and swiftly dived back into the cleansing waters of the pool. Once he was clean enough for Nualla's sensitivities Torin dressed himself in his loincloth and chest harness, and the horse and her boy went in search of a way up the precipitous cliff that barred their way.

Next: Chapter 3

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