Barbarian Boy

By Colin Baxter

Published on May 20, 2024


Here is Chapter 14 of the saga of a young Barbarian Boy who sets out on a quest to prove himself as a warrior. Although brave and courageous he is inexperienced in the ways of the World, and unaware that a boy as beautiful as he could get himself into all kinds of strangely erotic adventures. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you have any ideas about things that could happen to Torin please drop me an email. I'm very excited to have this story published on Nifty. I'm a long time fan of this fine website, so if you enjoy reading this or any other of the stories posted here please consider donating to help keep it running.

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Ulfred, the ruggedly handsome son of the Chief of the Wolf Clan, and Gunnar, Torin's closest friend since childhood, had formed an uneasy alliance. It was clear to Ulfred that Gunnar was wary of him. What he did not know is that the reason for the muscular blond barbarian's wariness was that he had witnessed Ulfred fucking Torin like a wild beast several nights ago, and it had stirred a strange feeling of jealousy in Gunnar.

However, Gunnar decided to set aside his mistrust in order to rescue Torin. The two Barbarian boys knew that Torin had been taken to the Baron's castle, and so they waited until the sun had set, then stealthily crept into the Castle keep, easily subduing the Ancient Manservant, and tying him to a chair. The Manservant rolled his eyes and sighed, and told the pair where Torin was being held.

From a vantage point on the stairs down to the Baron's sleazy sex dungeon they saw Torin bound on the leather bench, legs raised up and spread wide. Adorned with a gold collar, and rings on his well formed chest the beautiful Barbarian Boy looked like a sultry sex slave, especially with the gold filigree cock cage, which included a sound that pierced down the into boy's urethra, on the end of which was a gold ball engraved with a mystic rune which prevented the delirious Barbarian Boy from cumming.

Gunnar began to stand. intending to confront the grossly fat and ugly Baron, and release Torin, but Ulfred put a hand on the blond Barbarians shoulder. and shook his head. Holding up his hand up he silently urged Gunnar to wait. Ulfred felt a guilty sense of arousal at seeing his traveling companion helpless and clearly in a state of feverish, sexual stimulation. Torin was not in any mortal danger, and something made Ulfred keen to see what the perverted old lecher would do to the beautiful, lithe young Barbarian Boy next. He watched in awe as the Baron penetrated the boy's perfect pink pucker with two slick slithering cock snakes, and groaned softly as his loins stirred. Next to Ulfred, Gunnar let out an angry guttural growl, but held his place in hiding.

As they watched the Baron remove the cock snakes from Torin's swollen ass lips, and fuck the delirious boy with his own purple headed serpent, Ulfred's cock stiffened and he felt his juices begin to leak from his throbbing prong. Meanwhile Gunnar's expression was unreadable, but was there perhaps just the hint of longing in his eyes?

When the Baron took the squid-like bug out of its tank, his bulky body blocked the two watching Barbarian youths' view and they were unable to see the kinky little critter burrow its way into the boy's belly. Even if they had seen it, they would not have known what it was, or what purpose the Baron had for impregnating the beautiful boy's taut tanned belly with the bug.

As Hardacher turned to climb the stairs in search of food Gunnar and Ulfred hid until the fat old slob had passed, then hurried down the stairs to free Torin. Quickly Gunnar took hold of the gold chain that hung from the collar around his friend's neck. The finely crafted links were no match for Barbarian Steel, and his sword cut cleanly through it. He pulled the dazed boy to his feet and hugged him hard. His well sculpted chest slithered against the smaller boy's lean and toned sweat slicked torso.

Torin blearily opened his eyes, but could not focus on who it was that had enveloped him in their arms. "Leave me." he groaned "I belong to the Goblin King now."

Gunnar supposed the "Goblin King" was as good a name as any for the grossly overweight old sleazebag. Still, he had to get Torin to focus on his rescue.

Suddenly Torin felt a stirring in his belly as the bug detected new flesh close by. It slithered to the surface and began to emerge from its host's navel. As Gunnar held his friend close, the glistening black bug's head bloomed open and the sucker latched onto the Gunnar's belly button, tearing itself free from Torin, who yelped in pain.

Gunnar felt something slither against his own rippling belly and stepped away from Torin with a gasp. Looking down his torso he saw four black tentacles wriggling and squirming as the creature wormed its way inside the blond Barbarian's belly button.

There was a moment of panic and consternation, but only a moment, and it was swiftly replaced by a tantalizing tingling as the thing slithered inside Gunnar's guts seeking its prize. The young warrior moaned as he felt the sucker attach itself to something deep inside him. The bug had found his prostate, and soon both the sucker and four four ticklish tentacles began to stimulate Gunnar's love nut. Slowly the relief that Gunnar had felt at freeing his friend was replaced by an irresistible sense of arousal. His eyes glazed over and a lusty fire was ignited inside him.

The muscular young warrior looked at the beautiful Barbarian Barbarian boy in front of him. His mind was suddenly clouded by a horny carnal hunger, but still he tried to resist his baser urges. Torin was his oldest friend, and he was there to rescue him. Yet the bug was built to overcome such reservations in its host. Subtle secretions began to suffuse every part of his innards. A virile young stud like Gunnar was incapable of resisting the powerful natural drive to fornicate as the bug's excretions broke down the barriers that held him at bay. Still holding on to Torin's shoulders Gunnar began to push down, and since Torin remained lost in his own erotic haze, he succumbed easily to the pressure and dropped to his knees.

Gunnar unfastened his loin cloth and dropped it to the flagstone floor. As he did his proud Warrior Cock bounced into view, flinging silvery filaments of cock slime into the air, and onto Torin's chin. The Beautiful Barbarian Boy's tongue flicked out and tasted the juices that had coated his plump pink lips, and his eyes flew open wide, searching for the prick which had produced the tasty treat.

The boy didn't care who the cock belonged to. After all he had sucked off a group of goblins, and even a rock troll not so long ago. All he knew was that the throbbing pole that swayed inches from his face needed to be fucking his throat. The proud but innocent Barbarian Boy who had left his clan to prove his worth as a warrior would not have recognized the debauched, depraved, over sexualized creature that pounced on his oldest friend's pulsing erection in the depths of the lecherous old Baron's Dungeon of depravity. Perhaps that boy would not have recognized his oldest friend either as he roared with erotic arousal, thrusting his painfully hard prick deep into Torin's throat. Not caring that his friend was coughing and spluttering, red rimmed eyes watering, or that his thick cock head was bruising the boy's esophagus, a fire burned behind rampant Warriors eyes.

Hearing Gunnar's bear-like roar, the Baron waddled back to the stairs down into the Dungeon, and when the lecherous old Lothario saw what was happening below he was taken aback, and brought to a halt. He didn't know how it was possible, but now, instead of just the one beautiful Barbarian Boy, there was a second more ruggedly handsome and brawny young Warrior in his Dungeon. What's more the second stud was currently raping the smaller, but still muscular youth's mouth. Vision's of the many and varied ways he could corrupt this new good looking lad, and the tortuous sexual torments he could subject the pair of virile young Barbarians to caused his mouth to drool.

It was a powerfully erotic sight. The bigger boy's buttocks clenched each time he thrust his impressive tool into the whimpering slut's mouth hole. His sinewy neck distended with every lusty lunge of the bigger boys pole.

"Gluck, gluck, gluck." gurgled Torin as he reveled in his own debasement. Then he sucked in a deep relieved breath as Gunnar pulled his pulsing prick out, picked the boy up as if he weighed nothing, and tossed him face up on the padded leather bench. The boy's wrists were still bound behind him. The sexual frenzy had overtaken Gunnar so fast that had never cut them free, and Torin groaned as his hands dug into his spine, forcing him to arch his back alluringly, the nipple rings bouncing on his heaving chest, and his taut tanned abs tensing seductively.

Before Torin could deal with this new torment, Gunnar grabbed the boy's ankles and thrust his demanding cock into the slut boy's twitching pussy. A second animalistic roar erupted form Gunnar's throat, and somewhere out on a windswept heath outside the town of Trolls Bottom an ancient and gnarled old bear rose from the scrub, and added his own ferocious roar to the night air, causing foxes to cower in their den. Badgers shuddered in their setts. Birds trembled in their nests. Wolves sniffed the air and howled mournfully.

In the town of Troll's Bottom sleeping children tossed and turned as their dreams turned darker. Mothers shuttered windows and locked doors, and fathers gulped down the last of their beer in the Tavern, and hurried home to the warmth of the fireside.

Down in the Baron's Dungeon the depraved old man thanked the gods that had gifted him with a second handsome young warrior to corrupt. Carefully he worked his way around the rutting pair and reached into the tank containing the slithering wriggling cock snakes. But before he could snatch one of the wanton worms up, something large, hairy and black cannoned into the portly pervert, and knocked him to the stone floor, pulling the tank full of cock snakes on top of him as he fell.

Ulfred realized that if the Baron managed to get a cock snake to penetrate Gunnar's virgin hole, both the Barbarian Boy's would be lost to him in a debauched sexual frenzy. Impulsively he emerged form his hiding place, where he been rubbing his crotch through his breeches, and barged his shoulder into the Baron's corpulent frame, knocking him to the ground, just as Gunnar bellowed again as his orgasm took him and he painted the walls of Torin's fuck chute with his hot sticky seed.

The Baron tried to get up from the floor, but the slimy water from the tank made him slip and slide around, and before he could right himself a wriggling cock snake slithered into his mouth. A second cock snake slipped inside Hardacher's threadbare robes and squirmed its way between the flabby folds of his buttocks.

"Oh no!" the Baron tried to exclaim around the writhing serpent spearing into his throat, as he felt his ass lips forced wide open by a cock snake penetrating inside, closely followed by a second, and then a third.

Ulfric somehow managed to drag the two Barbarian Boys up the stairs and out of the Castle. Meanwhile , the Ancient Manservant snapped his fingers, and the ropes binding him to the chair slithered off his wrists and ankles. He chuckled to himself as he watched the three barbarian boys escape across the causeway and on, into the forest, wondering what further adventures lay before the three handsome hapless young warriors. He supposed that he would have to save the lecherous old Baron from his own cock snakes at some point, but there was time to enjoy one of the priceless bottles of wine from Hardacher's prized wine cellar. Perhaps the Old Tokay from the Eastern Steppes. The Old Man loved its sweet stickiness, made as it was from grapes affected by the fungus known as the Noble Rot. Much like the Baron Himself.

Next: Chapter 15

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