Barbarian Boy

By Colin Baxter

Published on Apr 4, 2023


Here is Chapter 12 of the saga of a young Barbarian Boy who sets out on a quest to prove himself as a warrior. Although brave and courageous he is inexperienced in the ways of the World, and unaware that a boy as beautiful as he could get himself into all kinds of strangely erotic adventures. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you have any ideas about things that could happen to Torin please drop me an email. I'm very excited to have this story published on Nifty. I'm a long time fan of this fine website, so if you enjoy reading this or any other of the stories posted here please consider donating to help keep it running. Donations can be made here

Hello dear readers. Sorry for the little hiatus in publishing this story. We've had a series of storms that have caused power outages (8 days) and property damage so I paused the story while I dealt with storm related issues, but now I'm back, and I hope you enjoy Chapter 12 as much as the lecherous Baron is enjoying getting his hands on our beautiful barbarian boy.

Baron Hardacher was the last in a long line of rich and powerful men, all of whom were known to have somewhat debauched sexual appetites. However, where his ancestors had been astute and cunning men who used their wealth to become important and influential figures in the region, the current Baron had squandered his wealth on indulging his desires, whether that be fine food and wine, or the narcotic substances provided by a certain cunning Alchemist, such as tobacco laced with lust leaf, and the powerfully hallucinogenic and erotically arousing lust leaf nectar.

The portly patrician also indulged his more carnal desires to excess. The Baron had a taste for beautiful boys, and over the years many a good looking farm boy, who it was assumed had fallen prey to one of the dangerous creatures that wandered the land, had actually found themselves imprisoned in the Barons dungeon, where they would be subjected to his deviously degenerate lechery.

The depraved old Baron loved nothing more than taking an innocent inexperienced young adolescent and corrupting him utterly.

Watching a fresh faced farm boy, or handsome squire of some traveling paladin suffer at his hand was his principal source of pleasure and favorite form of arousal. Over many years he had perfected the process of teasing and sexually torturing his virile young victims. He had ways to keep a boy on the edge of orgasm hour after hour until they were begging to be allowed to cum, and driven half mad from being repeatedly denied release over and over again.

As the Baron's carriage rattled up the cobbled road that led up to his Castle Keep perched on a promontory overlooking the town of Troll's Bottom he was literally salivating as he ogled the beautiful barbarian boy collared and shackled sitting on the carriage floor.

The boy had to be the finest specimen of pubescent pulchritude that he had ever laid eyes upon. Even without the usual sniff of ground lust leaf powder, which was generally what was required these days to stimulate his loins, he could feel a stirring between his flabby thighs.

The carriage rumbled over the drawbridge and through the gate into a courtyard and came to a halt. Baron Hardacher waited for the coachman to open the door of the carriage then heaved his corpulent carcass off the faded velvet cushioned seat and squeezed himself out into the fresh air.

Despite his current predicament Torin was relieved to exit the confines of the coach's interior. The obese Baron exuded a stench that reminded the boy of goblins, and it had been having a similar effect on him. His mind had descended into a haze of animalistic arousal. Even the sickly sweet perfume that the old man doused himself in, and which surrounded him in a billowing cloud, only succeeded in masking the other smell a little. Indeed, given the proclivities of his ancestors it was entirely possible that the Baron had some Goblin blood in him, and his ugly features further hinted at that possibility.

The Baron tugged on the chain connected to the heavy iron collar locked around the boy's neck as he waddled through the heavy oaken doors which led into the keep.

Once inside the Baron handed the end of the chain to an aged wizened servant.

"Have the boy prepared as usual and then bring him down into the Chamber." The Baron demanded.

The Chamber was what the lecherous old man called the dungeon where he indulged his torturous carnal desires. The servant was well used to moans and screams echoing up from down below. He thought of it as the Underworld, and was thankful that he had never had to experience it.

The Baron descended into his Chamber and began to prepare for the boy's arrival. It would take a little while for his new toy to be fully readied for his first time suffering at the hands of the perverted old man, so he didn't need to hurry. In fact it would help to build up the anticipation.

At last the Baron heard footsteps descending the stone stairway. One set of boots, and one set of bare feet. He turned to watch as the wizened old servant led the boy by a fine gold chain attached to an ornate gold collar locked around Torin's neck, and gasped at what he saw.

The boy had been bathed, and then his body oiled so that it glistened and accentuated the fine lean musculature. His hair had also been oiled and swept back to fully reveal the beautiful bone structure of the stunning adolescent's face. A little rouge had been applied to make it appear that the delicious creature was blushing slightly. Red silk rope circled the boy's chest several times an inch or so above the perfect pink nipples, and several more times around the toned torso just below the plump pectorals. The boy's arms were secured behind his back, wrists tied to opposite elbows with the same silk rope, so that his chest was pushed forward.

The beautiful barbarian boy's taut rippling belly trembled almost imperceptibly. The V line of the hip flexor muscles led tantalizingly to the groin where the youth's crowning glory stood proud and erect. A gold ring encircled the youth's cock and balls, and attached to that a fine golden filigree cage encased the throbbing pole, following the curve of the elegant erection, and from the tip of the cage a shiny golden shaft probed down into the boy's piss slit.

A special salve containing traces of lust leaf had been applied to the boy's marvelous member. Not enough of the potent herb to drive the boy wild with lust, but just enough to keep him hard for hours on end. The gold shaft which skewered the boy's penis down deep into the urethra ended with a small gold sphere on which had been engraved a magical rune, the purpose of which was to block the boy from cumming. The same old mage who had fashioned the spell which created the cum bubbles used by Carandini, the Alchemist, had also crafted this devious device.

With the combination of the salve, and the golden cock cage with it's sinister sound that speared a subject's stiffy, it meant that a boy could be kept on the edge of orgasm for a full day or more, while the Baron amused himself with all kinds of devilish and diabolical devices to further torment a virile young victim.

The Baron was beside himself with salacious excitement when he took in the fabulous figure that stood before him. This boy would be his masterpiece, like the artist Tantalon's spectacular sculpture of the young warrior Antonin, or the breathtaking murals on the walls of the Great Temple of Agrajag. Although the boy's ordeal would never be seen by anyone the way Tantalon's statue of Antonin or the Murals of the Temple of Agrajag were viewed by crowds of sightseers, it would still be just as great a work of art.

Baron Hardacher dismissed the wizened old servant, and took the fine gold chain leading the boy into the Chamber, and although the Baron refused to use the word himself, as Torin scanned the implements and bizarre pieces of furniture scattered around he shuddered and had no problem calling it what it was. A Torture Chamber.

The Baron told the beautiful bound barbarian boy to sit on a padded bench, then pushed him back to lie face up on it. With Torin's arms tied behind him he was forced to arch his back pushing his chest tantalizingly upwards, and stretching his taut rippling belly even tighter.

Next the obese old goat secured leather cuffs around the boy's ankles. Chains connected to the cuffs stretched up to the ceiling and when the Baron turned the handle of a winch bolted onto the wall they rose up stretching Torin's legs up into a wide 'V' leaving the lithe muscular thighs vulnerable and exposing the perfect peachy buttocks, and the ultimate prize nestled between them.

On a table next to the bench sat an ornate ironwood box intricately carved with images of all manner of people and creatures fornicating. Nestled inside, surrounded by purple velvet was another of the Baron's prized possessions. Crafted from a single piece of a semi-precious gemstone known as Copulite, it was a 10 inch long phallus. If one was to look into the depths of the translucent pink prick a faint flicker of a coruscating rosy glow would be seen. Like so many other things in this World, this gemstone was mysteriously imbued with the power to sexually stimulate. Copulite was surrounded by a subtle field that created an esoteric feeling of erotic arousal.

The Baron had named this captivating crystalline cock the "Slut Maker" because it had helped him to corrupt many innocent young men, and instill in them a craving to have their hungry holes repeatedly penetrated. He opened the lid of the box and lovingly removed the beautiful object from within. He could feel its power as he held it in his hands and slowly stroked it, but its full potency would only come to bear when used to stretch out a strapping young stud's asshole.

Baron Hardacher withdrew a small phial of oil from the folds of his robes, flipped off the cap, and dribbled the slick substance onto the tip of the Slut Maker. With lascivious elation he slid the greasy head between Torin's buttocks. He intended to take it slowly and ease the pearlescent pink phallus slowly into the boy's back passage, but no sooner had the head begun to stretch open the tight little rosebud it was as if it bloomed open and the "Slut Maker" was sucked inside.

Torin groaned and arched his back. He could feel a warm sensation radiating out inside his guts and his eyes glazed over. Yet the pleasant glow only lasted for a minute or two before the irritating itch sparked back to life inside him, only this time it was supercharged by the Slut Maker. The beautiful barbarian boy began to shudder and writhe on the padded bench, and a sheen of sweat coated his twisting trembling torso.

It was a powerfully erotic sight, and the Baron licked his lips lecherously. The boy's chest and perky nipples, thrust tantalizingly upwards by the arms tied behind his back, invited attention. So the Baron took another small box from the table and took out a needle.

"Don't move, boy." the Baron demanded, as he touched the viciously sharp point to the soft flesh of Torin's left teat.

As the needle pierced his nub the intense pain cut through the haze of arousal and Torin yelped. Expertly the Baron withdrew the needle and slipped a gold ring through the newly punctured hole, then repeated the process on the boy's right nipple, eliciting a whimper from the impossibly aroused young warrior. Gradually the sharp pain in his tender tits faded to a dull throb.

The Baron stood back to admire his work. Two heavy gold rings an inch in diameter now adorned the sweaty pectorals of the beautiful barbarian boy's muscular torso. Perhaps in time he would add another ring, through the boy's nose, to make him look even more like a dumb animal, fit only for breeding.

Blearily Torin raised his head to look down his heaving chest, now decorated with shiny gold, and his straining belly, slick with aromatic oils and salty sweat, to his throbbing cock encased in its filigree cage. He could feel the pole that pierced the length of his shaft from the inside, and he moaned in frustration. What more humiliations would be heaped upon him? Was this to be his life from now on?

The boy didn't have long to wait to find out. Hardacher reached between the unfortunate youth's butt cheeks and carefully withdrew "Slut Maker". Torin's eyes closed and his mouth hung open, his hungry hole feeling empty. Then his eyes flew open as he felt the Baron slide the pernicious pink crystalline cock between the boy's plump lips. Tasting his own ass juices he gagged for a moment, but then the aura surrounding the Slut Maker took hold of him and he began to suckle on the slippery semi-precious shaft.

Hardacher waddled over to a tank in one corner of the Chamber, reached inside and pulled out a wriggling sinuous snake, greenish grey in color, but for the purple head, which was shaped much like the crown of an erect penis. Holding the creature by its tail he watched it curl and writhe. Cock snakes were one of the Baron's favorites of the curious critters which inhabited the wilds of this world.

The Baron paused for a moment, and considered how easily the Slut Maker had slipped inside his new toy's hole. With a sinister sneer he reached his other arm into the tank's interior and withdrew a second cock snake, and brought them together to twine and coil around each other.

"Let's see how you deal with a double penetration shall we?" Hardacher chuckled.

Torin was oblivious to what was happening around him, concentrating only on the crystal cock in his mouth which caused a horny humming in his head, and seemed to connect his brain directly to the infernal itch in his guts. The Baron carried the two twisting slithering snakes to the boy's still slightly gaping hole, and almost immediately the serpents began to strain towards it. Fighting each other to be the first to probe into the hot wet hole. First one purple head stretched the sore looking ass lips open, then the second distended them even further.

Torin would have howled if his mouth had not been full of pearly pink prick, but as he opened his mouth to cry out the Slut Maker slid into his throat. His eyes opened wide in shock and he made a sound like "Gloop". Luckily the beautiful barbarian boy had sucked enough cock by now that his instinct kicked in and he began to breathe heavily through his nose.

Meanwhile the cock snakes wriggled and tickled inside the boy until they found their goal. The two purple headed serpents located the unbearably aroused young warrior's love nut, prodding and poking at it, and began to stimulate the boy even more. Tossing his head from side to side with the titillating torment, Torin wished fervently that his own pulsing prick would explode and give him the relief that he longed for. But the tiny gold ball engraved with a rune and embedded deep down inside his desperate dick prevented any such desired eruption.

The Baron had set an Hourglass on the table beside the sweating writhing slut.He turned it over and watched as the sand began to trickle from the top into the empty bottom of the glass. One hour of torturous titillation by the wriggling worms inside the boy's intestines should be enough, he decided.

Torin's tortures were only just beginning. He gurgled and arched his back even further, to the point where the Baron was sure he could see the movement of the cock snakes beneath the boy's tightly stretched lower belly. The boy's cock throbbed with each heartbeat pumping more blood into the painfully erect member.

The Baron's own cock was leaking inside his threadbare robes. Hurriedly he removed the Slut Maker from Torin's mouth and place it back in it's box. Standing over the struggling boy's head Hardacher spread his robes revealing a surprisingly large and very stiff appendage poking out from under the folds of his ample paunch. The cunning Alchemist had sold the lecherous old lothario a potion to enhance both the length and girth of his tool, and it know stood at 12 inches long.

The beautiful Barbarian Boy was by now delirious with lust as the cock snakes continued their assault on his sensitive prostate. The animal stank emanating form the obese Baron's loins sent his mind back to his dream in which he had been enslaved by the Goblin King, except this time it was no dream. As soon as the Baron's juicy cock head touched the feverish young warrior's lips they closed around it and he began to suck and lick enthusiastically.

The Baron pulled the boy back so that his head hung off the padded leather bench. He now had a straight shot down the boy's throat and in one swift motion he impaled the whimpering boy with all 12 inches so that he could see the lump moving in and out of the boy's tanned and sinewy neck.

Torin wanted to scream with frustration. The cock snakes squirming inside him were driving him wild, while the priapic prong raping his throat, belonging as his muddled mind now believed to the brutish Goblin King, made him feel like a slutty submissive sex slave, and part of him welcomed the feeling. His finely muscled young body was meant to be used as a receptacle for the Monstrous Monarch's captivating cock slime. It was, after all, the goblin goo of three of his minions that had implanted the infernal itch inside of the boy in the first place.

The beautiful barbarian boy began to wonder if when the Goblin King had taken his fill of his lithe and lusty young body, he would allow some of his goblin minions to use and abuse him. Torin's fervid imagination pictured him taking goblin knob after goblin knob in his throat, and up his ass until his belly was bloated with goblin goo and his swollen red ass lips gaped and leaked the potent sex scum of the brutish creatures.

Overwhelmed by the sensations his body was experiencing and the nightmarish fantasies his fevered brain conjured up, the boy finally passed out and his body went limp.

Next: Chapter 13

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