Barbarian Boy

By Colin Baxter

Published on Mar 6, 2023


Here is Chapter 11 of the saga of a young Barbarian Boy who sets out on a quest to prove himself as a warrior. Although brave and courageous he is inexperienced in the ways of the World, and unaware that a boy as beautiful as he could get himself into all kinds of strangely erotic adventures. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you have any ideas about things that could happen to Torin please drop me an email. I'm very excited to have this story published on Nifty. I'm a long time fan of this fine website, so if you enjoy reading this or any other of the stories posted here please consider donating to help keep it running. Donations can be made here

Con the crafty Hedge Mage left the Watch House several gold coins lighter in the purse, and a good deal less concerned about the presence of Torin the beautiful barbarian boy in the town of Troll's Bottom. He had no idea that the cunning old Alchemist had removed the boy's memories of not just the Lust Leaf Plantation, but also of the Hedge Mage himself, who had sold the boy to him for a thorough (and usually fatal) milking. So he had set wheels in motion to deal with the boy, this time hopefully for good.

Meanwhile, Torin and his traveling companion Ulfred, the muscular son of the Chief of the Wolf Clan, left their horses in the stable behind the Troll's Bottom Inn, and made their way to the Market Square. Torin remained uneasy amongst the hustle and bustle of the Market. He was still getting disapproving looks from some of the townsfolk, as well as some lecherous stares.

The two barbarian boys explored the stalls for a while, picking through the wares that were on sale. To Torin it all looked poorly made and overpriced. The barbarian clans took pride in everything they made whether it was the weapons they carried or the leather goods they crafted. Every stitch was made with care, every blade forged with skill. The stuff on sale here looked like it would break very easily and very swiftly.

Ulfred picked up a pair of boots and examined them with disdain. The leather was not properly cured, the stitching rough and shoddy, and the soles looked thin, like they would wear out quickly. What was the point of wasting money on such worthless footwear, when a well made pair would last ten times longer. He shook his head in disapproval.

Suddenly a loud voice was raised above the general din and clatter.

"HOT PIES, HOT PIES. Get 'em while they're HOT, their luverly", and a scruffy looking man emerged from the crowd carrying a tray full of steaming hot pies that looked about as skillfully made as the boots.

The man eyed the barbarian boys, one lean and toned, the other muscular and brawny.

"How about you strapping young fellas? Looks like you could do with some hot juicy meat in you." The man smiled, exposing a mouth full of crooked brown and yellow teeth.

"Only tuppence a pie. What do you say?" Torin began to shake his head and the man quickly cut in.

"Alright... Alright. A penny a piece, and I'm cutting me own throat." He offered.

Ulfred looked at Torin, shrugged, and produced a couple of pennies from his belt pouch, handing them to the greasy looking pie man. They each took a pie and gingerly bit into them.

Surprisingly they didn't taste too bad, although neither boy could tell what the meat in the pies was. Ulfred asked the pie man what the filling in the pie was made from as Torin took a second bite.

"Rat, if you must know." The pie man replied, and Torin spat the mouthful back out, spluttering and coughing.

Both boys looked a little green, and moved away from the pie man, handing off the pies to a couple of street urchins who looked like they hadn't had a hot meal in a while. The urchins eagerly tucked into the pies, not caring where the filling had come from.

In a shadowed doorway a brawny figure in hooded black robes watched the barbarian boys as they navigated their way through the crowded market, and when he heard a shout from a side street, and the thud of hobnail boots, and clank of poorly maintained armor, the figure rubbed his hands together with villainous glee.

The crowd parted as half a dozen Watchmen marched into the market square and quickly surrounded the two barbarian boys. Six spears were lowered and pointed at the pair. Torin looked alarmed, and Ulfred looked angry, a growl coming from the back of his throat.

The Men of the Watch looked disheveled. Their breastplates were dented and showed rust in places. They were not polished like a true warrior's armor would be. Their Helmets were poorly fitting and as badly maintained as the breastplates. Two of them were particularly ugly and brutish, and Ulfred realized that they must be Half-Orcs.

One of the men began to speak. "We have received reports of public obscenity." He pointed his spear at Torin. "In accordance with the bylaws of the town of Troll's Bottom we are placing you under arrest for the wearing of indecent attire." and he tapped the silvery shell in the shape of a cock and balls covering Torin's crotch with the butt of his spear.

Before he could make a move Ulfred was grabbed from behind by the two Half-Orcs. He struggled to break free but the brutes were too strong for the boy, despite his bulging straining muscles. He growled again in frustration. Watching helplessly as the leader of the squad of Watchmen secured Torin's arms behind his back with heavy iron shackles locked onto his wrists and, even more humiliatingly, an iron collar around his neck, to which a length of chain was attached.

As Torin was led away through the crowd some of the townsfolk jeered at him and taunted him. Some even threw fruit and vegetables at him. Yet despite the humiliation he felt, he remembered the dream he had of being captured and enslaved by the goblins and led before the Goblin King, and the way the creature's animal stank had driven him wild. He recalled images of his finely muscled young body being used and abused by the Goblin King, and his cock twitched inside its shiny metal shell, and the infernal itch sparked to life again inside the boy.

Back in the market square the brutish half-orcs released Ulfred and he turned to them with a fire in his eyes.

"If any harm comes to Torin I will come for you two first. Then I'll come for the ones who took him." Ulfred growled.

The half-orc's looked at each other, then back at Ulfred.

"You can cum for us now if you wish." one of the half-orcs snarled. "It's been a while since I've fucked a handsome young muscle boy like you."

"Where have they taken him?" Ulfred demanded.

"To the Watch House of course." the half-orc snapped back. "Now let us take you and show you pleasures you've never dreamed of. A boy like you was born to ride an Orc cock."

Ulfred snarled at the two brutish half-orcs, squared his shoulders and balled his fists, but just as he was about to strike the lecherous creature a hand caught him by the shoulder. Ulfred spun around ready to assault whoever it was behind him, but stopped just in time. Before him stood a ruggedly handsome blond young barbarian warrior.

"Go ahead and get yourself arrested if you must." said the blond boy. "But if you want to help Torin, come with me."

"Who the hell are you?" Ulfred demanded.

"I am Gunnar of the Bear Clan." the blond boy announced. "Torin is my closest friend. We are like brothers."

"Then if you are Torin's friend, you are a friend of mine also." Ulfred reached out a hand to the handsome blond warrior.

Gunnar did not take the offered hand however. "We'll see about that." he replied with a frown.

Meanwhile at the Watch House Torin was led by the chain down into the cellar where a wooden pillory stood in the center of the dank stone room. The beautiful barbarian boy shuddered as the shackles were removed from his wrists, and he was made to place them into the pillory, along with his neck, then the top of the pillory was lowered, securing him in place, bent over uncomfortably.

"We'll let you contemplate your position for a while until the Captain is ready to deal with you." the squad leader told Torin. and climbed back up the stairs, leaving Torin in semi-darkness. The only light came from a burning brazier, and the boy could feel the heat coming from it. He didn't want to think what it was for. More importantly though, the itch inside of him was growing, and all he could do was shuffle from foot to foot in frustration.

It seemed to Torin like hours passed, but it could have been mere minutes, before he heard footsteps on the stairs again.The torment of the itch seemed to make time stretch out endlessly. He couldn't see the stairs from where he was locked into the pillory, but soon enough two men walked around in front of him, illuminated by the flickering light of the brazier. One was the squad leader who had marched him through the streets collared and shackled to the Watch House. The other was an older man, with a pinched weaselly face, and a cruel look in his eye.

"Captain, this is the wanton wretch we arrested for lewd activity, and the wearing of indecent attire." the leader explained, reaching between Torin's legs and detaching the shiny metal shell in the shape of a cock and balls. Immediately the tormented boys prick sprang up, dripping juices onto the flagstones that made up the floor.

The Captain of the Watch took the codpiece from the squad leader and examined it, sniffing its interior. He ran a finger around inside it and sniffed at that as well, before tasting the sticky deposit that he had found there. Then he examined the curved post with the ball on the end, which had been seated up inside the young warriors asshole. He sniffed that as well, and wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Disgraceful," the Captain sneered. "A boy like this is clearly lacking in discipline, what do you say, Sargent?"

"Indeed so Sir." The Sargent agreed with a lascivious smirk.

"Do you think twenty will be sufficient?" The Captain suggested with a raised eyebrow.

The Sargent rubbed his hands together with lustful glee. "Oh, I should think at least forty Sir," he replied.g

"Hmmm, perhaps so." The Captain conceded pullin a stiff leather paddle from his belt.

The Captain disappeared from the barbarian boy's view as he circled behind the pillory, then his body jerked when he felt a cool hand on his buttocks.

The Captain marveled at the pure peach-like perfection of the beautiful boy's smooth muscular butt cheeks. He had never seen such a deliciously plump ass as this before. Smoothing a hand over the hairless flesh he considered that the only thing that could improve it was to have it glowing hot and red from a thorough paddling, and there was only one way to make that happen.

The Captain rubbed the cool hard leather against Torin's beautiful unblemished buttocks.

"I want you to count them boy, do you understand." Then when Torin did not answer he brought the paddle down with a thwack making the boy cry out in pained surprise.

"Now, count them boy." He insisted.

The stiff leather paddle swished through the air and struck both butt cheeks making them jiggle alluringly.

"One" Torin spoke through gritted teeth.

The paddle struck again and again, and the tormented boy counted each stroke off with an anguished moan.

"40" the battered and bruised barbarian groaned.

"At least 40 you said Sargent?" The Captain asked.

"Oh, at least Sir." The Sargent simpered, and the Captain let fly with a further ten thwacks in rapid succession.

Torin tried his best to grit his teeth and take the paddling like a man, but his eyes were reddened and brimmed with unshed tears.

The Captain rubbed the palm of his hand over the tenderized flesh, feeling the heat radiating from the rosy cheeks.

"Mmmmm! Much better." he sneered. "Now there's only one thing to be done with a well paddled ass." and the Captain began to unfasten his breeches, sliding them down to his knees and unveiling an impressive pulsing pole. He pried apart the crimson chafed cheeks and hawked up some mucus which he spat out onto the twitching pucker nestled between.

Thrusting his hips forward the Captain impaled the boy on his throbbing cock all the way to the root in one swift stab. Expecting the beautiful barbarian boy to cry out in anguish as his tight little hole was stretched wide open by the Captain's sizable spear, he was surprised instead to hear a sigh come from his prisoner.

Far from causing the boy anguish, the purposeful penetration of his passage eased the incessant itch inside of him almost immediately.

"Aaaaah! YES!!! Thank you sir." he moaned.

"Shut the slut up, will you Sargent." The Captain ordered.

"With pleasure Sir." The Sargent eagerly agreed, dropping his own britches and poking his dripping penis between the plump pink lips of the pilloried captive.

Torin slobbered over the insistent invader. He gagged and choked as it hit the back of his mouth and demanded entry into his throat. The blushing boy had been face fucked by far bigger cocks than the Sargent's though, and he knew exactly what to do. He swallowed hard and felt the meaty member slide inside the warm wet confines. Using the skills that he had only recently discovered, he worked his talented mouth on the Sargent's schlong, while the muscles of his hungry hole expertly milked the Captain's cock.

To anyone witnessing the frenzied fucking it would appear that Torin was an unwilling victim, but the beautiful barbarian boy was exercising a confounding level of carnal control over his fuckers.

"Argh! You slut, what are you doing to me?" the Captain groaned. He had never fucked a boy who could take command of his cock the way this astonishing boy had done. He tried to pull out, but the tight little pucker clamped down hard and refused to allow it.

"Gods this pretty little whore is about to drain my balls." the Captain yelled as he felt the sticky spunk surging up inside his thoroughly trapped tool. As the creamy cum splattered the walls of Torin's intestines he felt the itch fade at last. Yet he knew now that it was just a matter of time before it returned, and it was clear to him that there was only one way to scratch it.

The Sargent had been rendered speechless by the boy's talented tongue, but finally he let out an anguished wail as he too emptied his ball slime down the slutty barbarian boy's throat, and into his belly.

All through the nighttime men of the Night Watch would take a break and go down into the cellar to make use of one of the boy's sloppy holes until he was dripping sticky scum from his asshole, and burping up cum from his swollen belly.

The following morning the Captain ordered the Sargent to have the boy cleaned up. Torin was led up to the Captain's office in the Watch Tower, where a grossly fat older man dressed in clothes that had clearly once been the most expensive finery, but now looked somewhat worn and threadbare, was waiting impatiently.

"You're right. He is a pretty one." the man said to the Captain.

"Just wait until you try out his skills, my lord Baron." The Captain responded obsequiously.

"Have him taken to my carriage. I'm in need of a new toy. I grew tired of the last one and had him taken out to the forest and tied to a tree. When my men went back the next day there were just a few strands of rope left behind. Perhaps a werewolf took him, or a minotaur. Or maybe he's being used as a cocksleeve by a band of orcs. Who knows, or cares, but with luck this one will keep me entertained for a little longer than a month." The Baron chuckled lasciviously.

"Yes my lord Baron." The Captain answered, and with that the naked barbarian boy was bundled into a Coach and Horses, which like the Baron's clothes looked like it had seen better days.

Next: Chapter 12

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