Bankruptcy 101

By M

Published on Nov 12, 2021


INTRODUCTION. It should be obvious that the following is nothing but fiction which has no literary value. The people and situations depicted exist only in the demented imagination of the author. This story is a history of the future. Although the events are yet to happen, they are related in the past tense by someone who will have lived them -- in other words, this is complete fantasy.

Remember too what they say about free lunches. If you have the wherewithal please be as generous as possible.

As time went on the processing of new bankrupts became more efficient and convenient for those who were in the market to purchase slaves for commercial or domestic work. This chapter is about the county slave markets or as they were more commonly know the pens. The chapter will also explore a couple uses of speciality items and a couple alternative ways to buy or sell a slave.

After a debtor was determined to be insolvent and unable to pay debts, creditors could have them declared bankrupt and arrested. Bankrupts were taken to facilities known as pens where they would be displayed for a few hours and then sold at auction. Although families would be forced onto the auction block together, most were auctioned individually. However, sometimes, a father and son pair would be particularly handsome, and a high price could be extracted by a skillful auctioneer. The same was true for good looking brothers, and a pair of twins was considered gold in the slave trade.

At first, anyone would be allowed into the pens to "shop" for livestock. However, there were so many people who went to the pens with little intention or financial ability to actually make a purchase that serious buyers often were unable to make a good examination of an attractive boy. In order to make sure that the people visiting the county pens to examine slaves were legitimate buyers, the county began to issue, for a fee of $10,000, a lifetime pass to the viewing area. The price of the pass was deducted from the first purchase, but because it was now established that the buyer was not at the pens just to gawk and interfere with a paying customers, the pass did not expire. Nevertheless, for someone who could afford to buy a pass, there was nothing more stimulating than a few hours of window shopping checking out out the merchandise or watching others chose from the available stock. Watching an auction is a good way to keep track of the actual value of the boys who would be on the block in the forthcoming sales. Auctions went to round the clock so depending on the volume of stock at any one time, most bankrupts were usually sold within the first day after arrival at the pens, which meant there was always new meat to be seen. As with any product subject to the law of supply and demand, as the volume of bankruptcies increased, the price of slaves became more affordable so that reasonably well off people could afford more than one -- sometimes several.

For someone who enjoyed terror, nothing surpassed seeing a newly arrested family shoved naked into the viewing area. Before entering the viewing area, slaves were forced to drink a shot of castor oil that had been laced with a drug induce urination. Once in the viewing area, it frequently happened that the cocktail began to work and as soon as one of the family members began to be examined, one or the other would involuntarily let loose with a stream of shit and/or piss. When one slave lost control of himself it caused a chain reaction and soon the other slaves nearby soiled and wet themselves too. Spectators would laugh or deride the slave and attendants would rush over with high pressure hoses and clean the slaves so that the viewing could continue. In addition to it's entertainment value, such a cleansing made it easier to examine a slave, especially one which was being considered for sexual duty. It had also been observed that the more humiliation a slave was forced to endure, the better behaved he was.

People would stroll around browsing until something attractive caught their eye. Family members would watch in horror while someone looked over one of the kids. Likewise kids would see how powerless their dad was as buyers felt the slave's cock and balls as well as his muscles and demanded that the slave obey orders. When there was a pair of brothers they would be stood side by side and compared. Most people brought a tape measure so that various body parts could be gaged -- favorites of course included cocks, arm and legs, and chests. Some people took a special interest in feet. Nothing was off limited as far as physical examination. It was not unusual to see a slave, especially a teenager, sprout a hard on while being handled, and frequently the shopper would see how much sperm could be produced. It would be fun to ask the slaves questions about their relatives, for example forcing the dad to say which of the sons was the best behaved, or which son was the sexiest -- failure to answer carried painful penalties. Sometimes a kid would be ordered to jack off the dad or brother. Whatever popped into the head of a buyer was permitted. In all my trips to the pens, I have never seen a buyer prohibited from doing anything to help judge the value of a slave. And, it's always fun to simply feel a slave from head to toe.

Most pens had plenty of benches so that tired shoppers could rest and relax, perhaps wait for an auction to begin. While having a rest, it was fun to watch other shoppers examining slaves. You would think that it would only be young healthy slaves being looked at, but I was always surprised by how many guys loved fucking around with the fat boys. When there was a fat guy in the area, it never failed that someone would start kneading the arms, tits, and legs. Lots of times a fat guy would be put in an awkward position and then tripped and hollered at to get on it's feet which of course took lots of effort. Amazingly enough, fat guys, or hogs as they were called, frequently brought a high price at auction.

Since they were seldom good for heavy work, the really obese boys were usually just used as display items in their master's homes. Fat guys were often used as foot rests -- for example, a fat fuck would be made to lay on the floor, face up, while master played with the slave with his feet. And then some guys just enjoyed fucking a fat guy, or wrapping his leges around a fat neck while having his dick sucked.

Some guys would build a hog lot on their property and when the master was going to have friends over, the hogs would be confined in outdoor pig pen and made to wallow in mud and shit holes. If the slave wasn't putting on a good show, the masters would use sling shots to keep the hogs moving around.

It was always fun to have a couple fat boys, regardless of their age try to fuck one another, especially if they were too big to get their cocks into the other guy's ass. Another thing that was always good entertainment was to have a really cute boy fuck some ugly fat hog, or vice versa.

In some of the larger cities, boys who looked like they could put on some weight, were bought by agents who would take them to what became known as a hog farm and they would be force fed high caloric food and when they had put on one or two hundred pounds, they were resold as freak or speciality stock. Some of the hogs would be forced to lift weights so that in addition to being very heavy, they would have huge muscles as well. The fat guys would then be advertised and sold to a master who was willing to pay a premium.

Another speciality item would be muscle boys. Former construction workers, as well as former convicts were always a good source for this market. Really good looking muscles boys would be kept in top shape and whenever a master had a party, some boys might be placed on a mini-stage and told to pose and flex for anyone who wanted to look at them. Other boys would be told to walk among the guests and be available to by handled by anyone who wanted to feel their muscles, and of course their cocks and balls. Sometimes masters would pair up the boys and have them wrestle or box. It was fun to have a pair of cute muscle boys oil each other up and get hard while they played with each other.

At the pens, another thing I always enjoyed watching was a kid of 17 or 18, looking to buy a guy in his 20s or 30s. There is something humiliating being ordered around by someone younger than yourself. Kids think its cool to boss around a boy older than they are, and if the slave is unable to perform quickly enough, or makes any kind of mistake, the kids get a kick out of it slapping or spanking their boy. Lots of kids would carry a thin whip or an electrical prod that would deliver a painful jolt. Sometimes though, a master would just let the slave have it for fun -- since kids are notoriously devilish, slaves hated being owned by them. As a result, the slaves were always on their toes and best behavior, even though it was a humiliating experience. Often, a new slave would be a high school graduation gift for a kid on his way to college. It was always nice to have a slave sucking your cock while you studied for that chemistry exam.

In addition to the bankrupts, many pens offered juvenile delinquents for sale. Kids arrested for shoplifting, underage drinking, or even loitering, were frequently sentenced to be sold at auction. Every morning, the sheriff would go to the courthouse and determine which criminal slaves were appropriate for the pens and which would be used on county projects or sold and shipped directly mine operators. Juveniles, especially those in their mid to late teens, were more easy to train than would be expected. On the street, the kids acted tough, but once stripped naked and given a taste of a few lashes across the butt or a couple jolts of an electric prod, they became good stock. Delinquents were frequently seen mowing lawns, washing cars, on ladders washing windows or painting houses.

At some pens, auctions were held in a central area. The slaves would be bearded on to a stage -- the auction block -- to be sold.. In other pens, the auctioneers would walk through the viewing area, and after a family had been displayed for a period time, and it appeared several buyers were ready to bid, that family would be offered. Very seldom was the entire family sold as a single lot, more often they all went to different masters and never saw each other again.

In addition to buying slaves at the county pens, there were a few other way to procure a boy. One way for a potential bankrupt to avoid the pens was to find a private individual who could negotiate with the creditor(s) and settle the debts. Since most auctions of bankrupts and their property -- usually the house, household goods, and an automobile -- still left a significant uncollectible debt, most creditors were willing to settle debts for less than full value. In exchange the debtor would then become the property of his patron. As time went on, most families owned one or more household slaves often former neighbors or colleagues.

There were also occasions when someone in danger of going into bankruptcy would determine that one or more of his sons might bring enough to pay off all the debts and provide the chance for a new beginning. As long as a boy had not yet achieved the age of majority or who was still dependent on his father, regardless of age, the father could petition the court to enslave him.

I once had a neighbor who asked a few of us over for for a beer and a football game one afternoon. We sat on the patio while our host's two sons were mowing the yard and doing other landscaping work. One of the kids who was about 18 years old had just barely escaped being sent to reform school for marijuana possession -- in fact, the last time he was in court, the judge nearly sent him to the pens but my friend asked the judge for one more opportunity to control his son. The other boy, in his early 20s, had just flunked out of college for the second or third time. My friend had recently had some business deals go bad. In fact some of the people who owed him money had been declared bankrupt and sold, but my friend's share of the proceeds was less than profitable. Because both of his sons were not only disappointing but also a constant money drain, my friend went to the courthouse and submitted paper work to give him complete ownership of both boys -- the application was immediately approved by the same judge who had seen his son earlier.

So, after we had a couple beers, and during the half time of the game, my friend lowered the volume on the TV and said: "Guys, one of the reasons I asked you over today is to discuss some business. I hate to admit it by my company recently suffered some losses and, frankly I'm having some serious financial trouble. Take a look at those two boys out there, they've been nothing but trouble and I'm getting tired of constantly bailing them out. They don't know it yet, but I'm authorized to sell them. Before I advertise them, or take them to an auction barn, I thought I'd see if any of you would make me an offer I can't refuse. Both the boys are healthy. Although they are lazy as fuck, when you apply a little bit of pressure, they can both work their asses off. I'm hoping to sell them for enough so that I can close my company and just enjoy the rest of my life in a comfortable manner."

One of my friends said: "Wow, this really works out well, my son is turning 16 next week, and I know he finds your 18 year old hot. He talks about him all the time, you know how kids are when they have a crush on somebody. What a good birthday present." One of the other guys who owned a landscaping business, said he was always in the market for a strong boy.

One of our friends was on the slave police force. My friend called his boys over to the patio, and said: "boys, my friends have been drinking a few beers and they asked if they could have a better look at you. So, don't be bashful, just get naked and let us have a look. We're going to finish up a little business here that you'll learn about in just a while." The boys undressed. Dad told them to turn around a few times and to flex their arms to show off their muscles. When the two guys who were interested in buying them stood up and stared making a physical inspection, it dawned on them that they were about to be sold. The policeman stood up and showed the boys his taser gun which settled them down. Finally, prices were agreed on and before they knew it, the boys were in handcuffs, and on their way to a new life, and their father's debt problems had been solved.

The birthday boy was taken to jail where my friend rented a cell where he waited for the big day to arrive. On the morning of the birthday, my friend told his son to gather up some of his buddies, take them to the arcaded for a while, and later to a swimming pool, and just have fun until about 4:00. "When you all get back, we'll get some pizza and, who knows, there might be a little surprise waiting for you too. He called me and asked if I'd help him get ready for the party.

The first thing we did was go to a slave supply store and bought a large cardboard gift box -- slaves were often given as birthday and Christmas presents as well as to celebrate other events such as graduation and anniversaries. The box was printed as though it were gift wrapped for the occasion. The bottom of the box was open so that it could be slipped over the top of the slave who would be standing inside. The front of the box could be opened easily with a flap held in place with Velcro.

After we bought the box, we went to the jail and collected the birthday boy. To keep him calm and easy to handle, we handcuffed him behind his back and put a heavy leather hood over his head that made it impossible to see and very difficult to breathe. When we got the boy and the box home, we set everything up in the garage so the kids could eat the pizza before the big moment. First, we took birthday boy outside and gave him a good washing, with soap and water from the garden hose. We used plenty of soap, and took our time soaping him up -- my friend had a couple large sponges but we quickly discarded them and just used our hands. When we had him clean from head to foot, we spritzed birthday boy with some nice smelling cologne, and took him to the garage. Before we put the box over him, birthday boy was told that once inside, he was not to move a muscle or make a sound until he was unwrapped and given orders by his new master. We told him that when he heard the boys come in and start to unbox him, he was to spring a boner and give his new master a nice hard cock for his birthday. We then slipped the box over his head and he stood quiet as a mouse, not really knowing what to expect next. My friend had also bought a couple different kinds of whips, and an electric prod, all of which we gift wrapped. The keys to the handcuffs we put into a little package wrapped in gold paper with a nice ribbon. We put the presents on the table next to the pizzas, and when the kids got home, they ate. Some had brought some presents with them, so we started opening them. Finally, my friend said, okay, son, have a look at these. When he saw the whips and prod, he immediately began to anticipate what was coming next. We went out to the garage and his eyes got as big as the pizzas they had been eating. "Go for it, son" my friend said and his son pulled the front of the box open and saw the slave who he immediately recognized. Birthday boy managed to get hard, and my friend said, "do you like him son, he's all yours." "Oh, my god," said the kid, "this is the best birthday ever." I went home a while later, but all I could think of was how much fun the kid was having bossing around his new birthday present.

In the next chapter, I'll tell you the story of how I got my slave. Keep in mind that all the events I'm describing took place, or I should say will take place, several centuries from your time. It's a history of the future.

Next: Chapter 6

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