Bankruptcy 101

By M

Published on Nov 8, 2021


INTRODUCTION. It should be obvious that the following is nothing but fiction which has no literary value. The people and situations depicted exist only in the demented imagination of the author. This story is a history of the future. Although the events are yet to happen, they are related in the past tense by someone who will have lived them -- in other words, this is complete fantasy.

CHAPTER 2 -- school days

In chapter 1, mention was made of various social experiments conducted by colleges and universities regarding the adjustment free boys would undergo during the process of enslavement. Because those experiments had such positive results, many of the colleges and universities, allowed their students to bring a slave student with them. In the interim between amendments to the bankruptcy laws a financially disadvantaged student could lease himself to a free student in exchange for the opportunity to obtain a college degree.

Each year as high school graduation approached, some students could be seen with signs around their necks that indicated the boy was FOR LEASE. Generally, the sign would have a pocket in which a transcript of grades and terms of the lease were inserted. Terms of the lease would be that the boy would indenture himself to a free student for four years. During the time of indenturement, the boy would be entirely at the disposal of his master, but would, in exchange for his services, be allowed to attend classes and earn a degree. Other than being allowed to earn his degree, the master student would use the boy for any purpose, domestic, academic or athletic. All the terms of the lease agreement were dictated by the master, in fact many boys signed blank agreements which were later filled in by his master.

Although the slave student received a degree, he endured significant discrimination. For example, slave classes were taught by assistants to graduate student teaching assistants. Slave classes were held in empty rooms without desks or any other type of equipment. During class, slave students were subject to discipline, including spanking, slapping, or tasing at the whim of the instructor. Slave students were never entitled to receive grades higher than C-, and most instructors routinely gave D- grades to their slave students. All slaves graduated at the bottom of their class rank. Nevertheless, a college degree was well worth the humiliation and discrimination the student was forced to endure.

Jon was a really good student. He loved studying and was particularly good at mathematics, chemistry, and physics, but he also did well in his social studies. His dad, while a free man, worked as a laborer at a firm owned by the Jennings conglomerate. Because dad was an unskilled, low wage, worker he was always in debt and was in and out of debtor jail. More than once, he worked off his debts doing domestic work at the Jennings mansion. There was no way dad would be able to afford tuition at one of the colleges for his son.

One day toward the end of his senior year, the high school counselor called Jon into his office. The counselor said "Jon, you have really impressive grades. Have you considered college?" Jon replied, "I would love to go to college, but I doubt I'll be able to get the money for tuition. I've thought of leasing myself, but don't really know how to go about that."

The counselor said, "Several of your classmates can afford to go to college and will be looking for slaves. Beginning this year, the school will help match students and slaves. With your grades, you would be an asset to any free student. If you want to serve one of your classmates, I'll call your father now, and get his permission for me to facilitate the process." Jon gave the go ahead, and after talking to his father, the counselor made up a packet with Jon's transcript and an agreement to work as a slave for a free student for a period ending upon graduation. The agreement specified that during the time of the lease, Jon would be entirely at the disposal of his master, who would determine duties and apply discipline the master saw fit.

The counselor handed Jon a red on white sign and said "okay, Jon start wearing this now. The free students will be choosing their slaves very soon, so you should let it be known you're available. You can expect to receive a lot of harassment from your classmates who won't be going to college, but just take it in stride. If your classmates want to embarrass you and have fun at your expense, you should get used to being bossed around. If anyone is interested in you, submit to inspection even if you suspect that you're just being played with -- it will be good practice for when a serious master takes an interest in you. Get to school early and stay late, and hang around where the rich kids hang out. Always be respectful, cheerful and obedient to anyone who wants to examine you or anyone who orders you to do something. Remember from now on, do as you're told whether you like it or not -- the minute you put that sign on, you're merchandise up for sale, no one will buy a defective product. When someone is looking at you, act like you want to be leased, be polite, obedient, and eager to please. Be grateful to anyone who takes the time to have a look at you. You're smart and not bad looking, I have no doubt that your lease will be signed in no time."

After Jon left, the counselor called dad again to report what had just happened and to suggest some strategies to get Jon a good master. "I notice you work at the Jennings conglomerate. Mr. Jennings' son William is a student here and has been accepted at the university this fall, the campus with the new Jennings Engineering building. I think you should take an ad in the company newsletter to get William's attention. Here is what I suggest, tonight, have Jon strip down and take two or three full body photos -- front and back along with a head and shoulders. Tomorrow take them to the newsletter office with a note saying that you're not able to afford tuition for your son so Jon is available to be leased as a free student's slave. Hopefully, William will see the ad." The counselor said he was going to attend a seminar that weekend and expected to get some new ideas on how to market the boys who were available for lease.

Jon put the sign around his neck and went back to class. As the counselor predicted, as soon as he walked into his classroom his classmates began to giggle and harass him. "Hey, look at the fresh meat," the class bully shouted, "turn around, let us look at your butt!" Jon did at he was told, but before long the teacher entered the room and began class. When the teacher saw that Jon had a "for lease" sign on he stopped, walked over to Jon's desk and said, "Jon, these desks are for free students, as long as you're about to be a leased servant, you can continue to attend classes, but you're no longer entitled to use a desk. From now on stand on that platform there in the corner were everyone can see you. I don't want to hear anything out of you, and you won't be called on anymore which means that you just lost all your points for class participation. You'll need to work all the more to keep up your grades because I'm doubly picky when grading assignments submitted by boys like yourself. And, just for fun, after I grade your assignment I'll lower the grade by at least one letter."

That night, Jon's dad got him naked and snapped the photos as the counselor suggested. As it happened, the photos were submitted just in time to be included in the issue being distributed that afternoon.

There were ten or fifteen other boys in Jon's class who wanted to be leased to student masters. The following Monday, the counselor called the boys into his office and explained what he had learned in the seminar the previous weekend. "Boys, I bought each of you a set of clothes to wear here at school. They're designed to bring you to the attention of the free students. Get undressed and put these on now." Each boy was given a tight fitting pair of brightly colored shorts, and a mesh tee shirt on which was printed FOR LEASE, and each boy's name and phone number was printed in prominent letters. "I want you to wear these uniforms until your lease is signed, after that your new master will decide what you wear. Also, you'll notice there are some new platforms by the front door of the school, at the entrance to the lunch room, and in the hallway by the lockers. When ever you are not in class, you should stand on one of those platforms so you can be seen. Always remember to be respectful to anyone who stops to have a look at you. You never know who's window shopping and who's ready to buy." When the boys put on their shorts, they noticed there was a flap in the front and another one in back that could be pulled open to expose their cocks and butts -- they were told never to wear under pants. When they were dressed, the counselor told them to make sure the uniforms were washed and ironed each morning so they looked sharp. "Okay boys, you've got about 20 minutes before class begins so go get on one of the platforms and start acting like good slaves, you'll all have new masters in no time."

For the first week, it didn't seem like anyone took any serious notice of Jon. Sometimes one of his former buddies would walk up and pinch his cheek or reach down and feel his cock or pat his butt. A couple times, Jon saw William Jennings, III glance at him as he walked by. Once or twice, William stopped and just looked Jon over but never said anything.

It was a Tuesday afternoon. Jon was looking forward to watching some good shows on TV that night. After his last class, he ran to the front door of the school, and got up onto the platform. As the other kids passed by, Jon walked back and forth. If anyone glanced at him, he would smile and stand still so he could be seen. If someone approached the platform, Jon walked to the edge, and frequently the flaps on his shorts were pulled open and his cock and butt exposed and fondled. Just as he was about to leave, his name was called over the school intercom, and he was instructed to report to the detention room. When he got there, he was given a folder with about ten multi page math assignments. The counselor told him to sit on the floor and to get busy answering the questions because he was not leaving until they were done, and that he would be publicly spanked for each incorrect answer. Jon wasn't told, but William had brought the assignments to the counselor and asked that Jon finish them that afternoon so they could be turned in the next morning. William told the counselor that he was considering picking up Jon's lease and wanted to try him out. The counselor told William that he should feel free to use Jon as he pleased to make sure Jon would meet his needs. It wasn't until about 10:00 that Jon finished the last question and gave the assignments to the counselor. The counselor then ordered Jon to push all the desks to one side of the room and sweep and wet mop the floor.

The next afternoon, Jon was on the platform outside the lockers, William hollered at him and told him to carry his backpack to the car. Jon jumped down, ran and picked up the backpack from William's open locker and followed William to his car. At the car, William threw his key chain on the ground, and ordered Jon to pick it up, put the backpack in the trunk and open the drive's door. Jon did as he was told, and when William got into the car, he just took the keys from Jon and drove away without another word.

On Friday afternoon, the school intercom asked for attention. Jon and the other boys who were up for lease were instructed to report immediately for detention. When all the boys arrived, the counselor told them they would be staying late to participate in an sales show. Invitations had been sent to all of the graduating students who had been accepted at colleges. The guests would be arriving at 7:00 that evening. The purpose was to allow the students and their families to inspect and interview any of the available livestock. Furthermore, the students would be invited to take a boy for the weekend for an in-home evaluation. A couple of the boys protested that this was the first they had heard of the show and their families had made plans for them that evening and weekend. No excuses were granted. The counselor simply said that the boys had to learn to do as they're told, whether they liked it or not. The students and their families were expected to arrive shortly and the boys would be ready for the examinations. The counselor said, "okay, boys we've got just a couple hours to get you ready for the show tonight so get naked and into the showers." Once they were clean, dried and had their hair trimmed, combed and spritzed with a bit of cologne, they were told to stand in a line. Little by little, the students and their fathers - sometimes a brother - began to arrive. Although the students talked among themselves, they frequently went over to one of the boys and discussed them or had the boy obey a command or two. The boys were handled freely as though they were puppies in a pet store. William and one of his buddies went over to Jon. William said that he had been thinking of leasing Jon. William took a tennis ball out of his pocket and tossed it across the room and ordered Jon to fetch it. Each time Jon brought it back he was told to kiss William's feet before the ball was tossed again.

After about a half hour, the counselor approached a podium and asked the students and their families to take seats and ordered the boys to get back in line and to stand up straight. "Folks, each of these boys will make a very good slave for your son during his college years. They'll obey every order they're given, and can be disciplined in any way that you or your son deems appropriate. There is no appeal from anything decided by you. Once you sign a lease, that boy is yours until college graduation."

He then addressed the line of naked boys: "Boys, spread your legs a little and put your hands on top of your head. Joey, let's see a nice smile like the other boys. Boys, turn slowly to your right and just keep turning so the gentlemen can have a good look at all of you." Then he said "Billy, come over here. Gentleman, I'd like to have you take a look at Billy here. Billy's been a straight A student all through his time here at our school. He's a good looking boy, he's been on the swim team, so he's got some really nice muscles, don't you think? Billy flex your arms for the nice people. Billy's 5 feet 10 inches tall, his shoe size is 9, his neck is 15 inches. Don't you think he has nice nipples and really well defined chest muscles. Make another bicep muscle, Billy. Billy's cock is four inches soft, and it gets hard to about 6 and a half inches. Turn around Billy, look at that nice butt folks. Billy will make a good boy for any student. He can do your school work, do your chores, and be at your disposal 24 hours a day, every day of the year for the term of his lease. Now get back in line Billy."

When it was Jon's turn, the Counselor barked: "Jon, run up here, come on move! Folks, Jon is a really smart boy, he excels in math and the sciences. Jon is just 6 feet tall and he weighs a bit over 170 pounds. Turn around a couple times, Jon. Jon's got a really nice cock don't you think, it's usually about 5 inches and it stands straight out from his body. When it gets hard it reaches 8 inches. Jon's very obedient, you won't have a bit of trouble training him to your exact needs. Would you look at that!!" Jon's cock was as hard as a rock and standing straight out. The counselor took Jon by the shoulders and turned him so that the audience could have the best view. "What do you think of that, gentleman, isn't it pretty? And, have you ever seen such a nice pair of balls?" The students and their fathers gave a big round of applause, and the counselor slapped Jon's butt and sent him back to the line.

After each of the boys was taken to the podium and described for the guests, the counselor said: "Gentleman, feel free to examine and interview each of these boys. If one catches your eye, and you'd like to have some more time with them, feel free to take him home for the weekend and give him as much scrutiny as you want in the privacy of your home. Maybe you've got an assignment due on Monday -- the boy will make sure you get a nice shiny A -- let the boy do all your weekend chores, show him off to your friends, just try him on for size. If you decide to lease the boy, just sign the contracts - we'll get them processed for you first thing Monday morning. And, of course, we'd love to have you sign a lease tonight. Boys, line up and stand up nice and straight."

When the show ended, William and his father approached Jon. "Father, I think this boy will be just the thing to get me through college with flying colors." Mr. Jennings, put his hands on Jon's shoulders and turned him around a couple times. He had Jon open his mouth and looked at his teeth and gums, feeling them with his fingers. He pulled Jon's eye lids back and even felt Jon's eyeballs. He fondled Jon's cock and squeezed Jon's balls until Jon's eyes began to tear up and Jon couldn't help but cry out, at which time Mr Jennings slapped his face a coupe times. Mr. Jennings asked William if he was sure that he wanted to keep Jon, and when William said he was sure, Mr. Jennings took Jon to the counselor and said they had decided to lease Jon. The counselor congratulated them on making a good choice, and found Jon's lease agreement. Mr. Jennings said he wanted the contract to be effective immediately, so that William could begin training Jon. "Also, William has several papers that are due before graduation, and the boy can start working on them now." Once the lease papers were signed, Jon was the property of William until he graduated.

When they arrived at the Jennings mansion, William took Jon to his suite on the second floor. William sat down in an easy chair with Jon standing in front of him. After a few minutes, William ordered Jon to start undressing him and to hang is clothes neatly in the closet. When Jon had William naked and comfortable again, William told him to start sucking his cock. "I want you to learn to give the best blow job I've ever had." As Jon began to suck, William pushed Jon's head into his crotch and Jon began to gag, but William just rubbed his dick on the back of Jon's throat. Finally, Jon felt a warm stream of creamy liquid going down his throat, and shortly thereafter, William pulled out, but told Jon to worship his cock for a while. William said, what did you think of that?" Jon said: "Mr. Jennings, that was the best present you could have given me. I've never enjoyed anything like that before." William said: "Well, I'm glad you liked it, not that I care what you like or don't like, because any time I want to fuck your face or your ass, I'll just do it." After a few minutes, William took Jon to the shower and had Jon wash him from head to toe. When they got back to the study William told Jon to finish the math assignment that was due on Monday. When you finish my math problems, start writing my history paper. I've got three other ones due soon, so if I catch you slacking off, I'll beat your butt. William than turned on the TV and watched a movie. At about midnight. William lay down in his bed and told Jon to straighten up the room and then lay down on the floor beside the bed in case William wanted anything through the night.

The next morning, William's breakfast was delivered to his room by a boy just a little older than Jon. Jon stood while William ate. There was just a little coffee left and a bite of toast and bacon left on the plate along with a spot of egg yoke. William told Jon that what was left on the plate was his breakfast, and that he had 30 seconds to eat it. After Jon got William dressed, Willian made a call and shortly thereafter, the boy appeared again carrying a red jump suit that had a zipper down the front. William ordered Jon to put it on and told him that similar suits would be all he would be wearing for the near future. The suit had a message printed on the front and back that said, in large letters, this suit and the boy wearing it are the property of William Jennings, III.

William drove to Jon's house so that Jon could get all his school books, and William could help himself to any of Jon's possessions if there was anything worth bothering with. When they walked into the house, Jon's dad was drinking coffee and reading the morning newspaper. When he saw William, dad stood up and respectfully said good morning to William. After Jon gathered his things, he and William returned to the kitchen. William recognized dad from the times he had been a debt laborer at his house. He told dad to get undressed so that he could see both boys side by side. William unzipped Jon's jump suit and slid it to the floor. Dad was still in his mid 30s, and still in very good shape. William said: "You two would make a nice matching pair. Too bad I can't buy you too. Do you suck cock as well as your son does? Tell you dad what you did last night while you were being shown to the audience." Jon told his dad how he had sprung a hard on while he was being shown. William told both Jon and dad to get hard. When both boys were hard, William snapped photos with his phone. That was the last time Jon ever saw his dad because by the time William graduated from college, the bankruptcy laws had changed and dad had been auctioned to another rich family where he spent the rest of his life doing heavy grounds work.

Back at the Jennings mansion, William put Jon to work writing his end-of-year papers. "I expect to get the same grades that are on your transcript." Jon knelt down, kissed William's feet and said: "Mr. Jennings, I'm so happy that you chose me to be your slave. I'll write you the best papers that I've ever written." William, spent the rest of the weekend talking on the phone, watching TV, drinking beer and snapping orders at Jon. On Sunday night, William demanded to see the assignments Jon had been working on. The math assignment had no erasure marks and appeared to be done well. Jon had written a history paper, a literature paper and a biology paper. Each paper was neatly typed, had a cover page, an outline, and bibliography. Each paper exceeded the minimum length required. William said: "I'm not going to read this shit. But when they come back, they each better have a big A on the front page."

On Monday, when William took Jon to school, Jon carried William's backpack and opened every door they came to. When they got to William's classroom, Jon put William's text book on the desk and opened it to the correct chapter. Jon took all of the assignments he had completed for William, and laid them on the teacher's desk. Jon went back to William's desk and knelt down and kissed William's feet before leaving for his own class. When Jon walked into his classroom, all his class mates looked at him and made comments about his new jump suit. The class bully ordered Jon to move to the front of the platform, unzipped the suit so the class have a look at Jon's naked body. One of the bully's buddies read the message on Jon's jump suit and said, "oh, oh, this says Jon belongs to William Jennings, III. I think we'd better leave this one alone." The bully agreed and told Jon to zip the suit shut and to go and stand in a corner where he belonged.

Jon was not the only boy dressed in new slave clothes that morning because several lease agreements had been signed over the weekend. As it was getting late in the year a lot of the rich kids had already picked out their leased slaves and were anxious to to display them at school. Some of the boys were made to wear an oversized bow around the neck and some wore miniature dunce caps or bell-hop hats with a chin strap. One boy was dressed in shoes that were about 4 sizes too big, like clown shoes -- the students got a lot of laughs watching him try to walk without tripping, and when he fell, he was plummeted with flying objects and verbal assaults until he got back up.

At their after school hangouts, the students would strip their boys and compare various features. Everyone either remembered or had heard the story of Jon's hard-on at the slave show, and William frequently ordered Jon to repeat the show for his friends. William knew just how to rub the head of Jon's cock so that it quickly got hard.

Because of the papers Jon wrote for him, William graduated at the top of his high school class and received extra honors which he promptly accepted. All of the papers received glowing praise, as though they had been written by William himself. While the Jennings got a copy of Jon's diploma, Jon was not allowed to participate in any of the graduation ceremonies or celebrations except as William's trophy and slave.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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