Bankrupt Downsized and Screwed

Published on Jun 19, 2012


Bankrupt, Downsized and Screwed 3

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

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Luke came to Freddy's house as a charity case. He became a project. It was not an organized project. There was no plan or scheme to break through his reserve and teach him how to enjoy life. Of course, there was some self-interest in our efforts. Luke's cock was a beacon to the horny. It was the Holy Grail for size queens.

Several aspects of life in the house contributed to reducing Luke's reserve. The dress code was very informal at the house. It was air conditioned, but Freddy had to save money, so the cooling was minimal. It was shorts and a tee shirts at dinner, shorts only after dinner. Once you went upstairs some of us were naked.

That shocked Luke at first, but he became quickly accustomed to it. I noticed that Luke went up stairs as soon as Donovan and Guy went up. They were almost always naked. Whitey soon adopted their preference for nudity. He was hairy and muscular and he had to wash clothes every few days. He would put all his clothes in the washer including the ones he was wearing. When Luke was in his bedroom, he began to leave his door open so he could see the naked men in the hall.

Marvin also began to go up early. He visited Luke and the two shy men worked up enough nerve to strip. Luke has his own bathroom, but the other men shared the common bath in the former servants' quarters.

While men were naked in the hallway, erections were acceptable in the common bath. When Marvin took his first trip to the bath, he was lucky enough to encounter Gus. Gus was a crude looking man, but he was the sort of men who was always nice to small, timid animals and children. Marvin fell into that category.

Gus started a conversation with Marvin. As they talked, Gus came closer. As he came closer, Marvin's cock responded. "You have a nice one there," Gus said. "Your skin can barely cover your knob. I like a lot of skin."

"My friend Philip didn't like skin much; he made me peal it back. I always washed it off before we played," Marvin said. "He didn't like the way it tasted."

"Did he suck you often?" Gus asked. Gus had a knack for asking personal questions without seeming nosey.

"Almost never," Marvin said. He leaned closer to Gus. "He liked to fuck me. He did that a lot."

"Was he good?" Gus asked.

"I liked it. He would get excited and then shoot off. It was wonderful," Marvin whispered. "No one else has ever been in me."

Gus reached over and fondled Marvin's cock. He peeled the skin back and used his finger to swirl the accumulated precum over his cock head. "You know Marvin, I've never been able to tell the difference between a messy cock and a juicy one," Gus said. "Sometimes it's nice to taste a man special brew. I admit it's better when it's fresh, coming straight from the balls."

"Do you think mine would taste good?" Marvin asked. Gus sank to the floor and licked Marvin's oozing slit. He looked up at Marvin, smiled and then took the entire cock head.

Gus told me all about this later. He found out Marvin had an almost virgin cock. Phillip was an anal top. Marvin possessed a well-used ass, but his tender knob was all but untouched by human lips. I thought of Marvin as a pathetic case, but Gus saw him as a lonely nice man. Gus was always ready for sex and he was willing to spread the wealth.

As they played, Gus looked up and saw Luke watching. Luke smiled and winked. Gus returned to Marvin's cock. A few minutes later, he shot off and Gus greedily took his load. This was another first for Marvin. Phillip was self-centered and he fucked Marvin to his own orgasm and then pulled out and left Marvin to his own devices. Marvin loved it. Marvin tended to crash after a climax and he went to his bedroom.

When Marvin left, Luke came over to Gus. "That was a nice thing you did for Marvin," Luke said. "He seems so lost without his partner."

"The pleasure was all mine. It was fun," Gus replied.

"Really? I thought Marvin was the only one enjoying the experience."

"Sex is good for everyone when you are doing it right," Gus said. Luke went off to bed. Gus told me this story a few days later. I had noticed Luke seemed to be warming up to the house and its occupants. A few days later, I was in line for the shower in the old servants' area when Luke saw me.

"Why don't you use mine?" he asked. I went with him. I was so surprised I just followed him. In the hall, he stopped and whispered. "Marvin really misses Phil fucking him. He told me your cock was the same size as Phil's. He's in my bedroom. Do you think you could help him out?"

"I not sure," I said.

"Just give it a try, Marvin is so needy," Luke said. I agreed.

I went to the shower and got it going. I had been under the water for a minute or so when Marvin peeked in. "Is there room for another?"

"Sure, we can save water that way," I said. It wasn't an original line, but it worked for Marvin. I wasn't sure I could get it up for Marvin; he wasn't my type. Marvin washed my back and I was rock hard when he was done. When I turned to face him, he turned away and bent over. A second later, my pubic hair was touching his ass lips. I have heard men talking about a greedy ass, but had never encountered one before. Marvin was a wonder. I was too close, so I pulled out and we got out of the shower and dried off. Luke was waiting for us and he held Marvin's legs open as I fucked his greedy hole.

Luke was excited and fully erect. It was a wonder and did nothing to calm me down. I don't want to shoot now, so I have to pull out," I said, "Will you take my place Luke?"

"I'm way too big!" Luke replied.

"Just stick your cock head in him, that will keep him open until I have cooled off," I suggested. I was counting on basic masculine sexual urges to carry the day. I guessed right. I held Marvin open as Luke nudged his knob into the hole. I may not be the best judge of character in the world, but I sure guessed right this time. Luke's cock had never felt the caress of a tight sphincter before. Marvin discovered he was a size queen. He told me later Phil had used dildos and a cucumber or two so he had some idea of what a big one might be like.

Luke was knobbing and having a good time. He got it so his cockhead popped through the sphincter easily. With each try, he went a little deeper. He was over half way in when his cock unloaded. Luke was shivering and shaking. Marvin twitched. Clearly, Luke's orgasm induced Marvin to lose it. They broke apart and Luke went to his room. He seemed a little shaky. I went to my bedroom and fell asleep.

I woke early the next morning and found Donovan in the kitchen. We had coffee and talked. "What did you do to get our two quiet friends to relax some last night," he asked. "I sounded as if they got it on?"

"I think they are getting use to the house," I replied. "They are conventional men and they aren't into change much."

Donovan came close to me. "I looked in and Luke looked as if he was getting really use to at least part of Marvin."

I smiled. "That was the way it looked to me. I was front row and center, and I think it was good for both of them."

"I wasn't sure they would fit in with the guys here," Donovan said. "Shit, I didn't think I would. I think an interest in cock can make for strange, but fun times. I've noticed a regular diet of sex has reduced my need for beer. It's funny. It was hard for me to get use to have fun with some pals without finding a hiding place. I was so use to that it seemed odd."

"You are okay with it now?"

"I sure am," Donovan replied, "It's been great."

Whitey joined us. He had a regular job, unlike the rest of us, but he had the weekends off. He was normally the early morning man at the service station where he worked. "I saw you with Luke last night. He was really getting it on," he said.

"I hope we weren't trespassing," I said. "If he's private property let me know."

Whitey smiled. "We're friends only. Luke is really shy. We met in the rest room at the station. I was washing off some oil, when he came in and used the urinal," Whitey said. "I had never seen a cock like his and I stared. I was afraid he would report me to the boss, but Luke liked it."

"It's funny but most men would die to have a cock like his. It embarrassed him. I told him it was a beauty. He liked that," Whitey explained. "I had to drop his car off as his house once and when he drove me back we stopped in a wooded place and he showed me it again. I asked him if I could touch it and he said yes. Luke liked that a lot. That's all we did. He wife was still alive and he wouldn't do any more."

"Maybe it time for him to change," Donovan suggested.

"He really likes it when I stoke his cock, although he's never shot off for me. He also likes to see me naked after a shower. He never moves to the next step," Whitey said. "I guess he ready now."

"Are you ready too?" I asked.

"I'm over ready!" he exclaimed. "I didn't know there were ordinary men like us who were into it. I've never done much but I want to do more."

Freddy joined us, and we all exchanged notes. The television was going and began to beep. There was a severe thunderstorm and flash flood watch for the entire day. The radar showed multiple small, violent storms coming at us slowly. The storms were dumping huge amounts of rain in small areas. One had just flooded a section of I-95. There were warnings to stay off the roads if possible.

We all spent the day in the house. The lights went out a few times so Freddy turned off the air conditioning. He was afraid a surge might damage the unit. It was warm and muggy. We had to entertain ourselves. We had a gas stove, so we could cook. I was sitting in the living room watching the rain when Marvin came over to me. "Do the men think I'm a slut after last night?" He asked.

"I think the correct term is sexual generous," I said. "I don't think anyone would complain about that. I hope I didn't offend when I entered you."

"Oh no, not at all," he replied. "Phil was the first and last man to do that to me before you. It was good. I thought your cock would be just like his. Your cock head is bigger than his was. I could feel it. It was different, but good. Phil fucked me every night before bed; he said it was better than a sleeping pill. I miss that. It's embarrassing, but I like cocks a lot."

"Phil must have liked it just as much," I said.

"Sex was something he did after it got dark," Marvin said. "He never did anything except just before he went to bed. We didn't talk about it."

"You took Luke's cock well," I said.

"I know that technically he fucked me, but it felt entirely different, as if it were another sort of sex act," Marvin said. "I wasn't sure what was happening as it slipped into my ass. I was confused, but I certainly didn't want it to stop." He looked at me. "I didn't want you to stop either."

I smiled. "It was good for me too, but I'm not sure I could do that every day! You know everyone in the house is playful, don't you?"

"I was surprised Luke would take your place in my ass. I never considered the possibility of sharing," Marvin said. "Actually I thought after all those years with Phil, I was used and no one would want me."

"Marvin, you don't abandon a field because it has been plowed before," I said. "I think most fields get better the more they are plowed. There is a big difference between being in love with someone, and having sex with them. Phil was in love with you and he fucked you. I fucked you too, but I'm not in love. I was just having a good time and I hope you were having a good time too."

Marvin looked at me in an odd way and then burst out laughing. "I feel better. You are a hell of a nice guy, but you aren't my type. I was afraid you wanted me to love you. I realized I couldn't tell if the man thrusting his cock into me was in love with me or was just having fun. It was great either way.

"As long as the cock was in your ass it was fine?"

"Yes!" he replied. "Do you think I'm superficial?"

"I would worry about that at all. I think your fine," I replied. Melvin went off and I returned to watching the storms. During a lull, the lights came on again, but there was a pitch-black cloud to the west coming our way.

Luke entered the room and sat next to me. "It's a wild day," I said.

"It is. Last night was wild too," Luke said.

"I hope you haven't had any regrets," I said.

"There are no regrets, but I am confused," he said. "I'm afraid you will laugh at me if I tell you my worries."

"I never laugh at people, but I do laugh with them sometimes," I said. "What are you worried about?"

"I know I've had an ordinary life, but it was a satisfactory and happy one," Luke said. "It was good until it fell apart. I thought as long as I did the normal things, worked hard, took care of my wife and the house, all would be well. I never took risks and selected the safest of the options available to me. Everything fell apart and here I am, in a house with strangers."

"Last night I took a risk with you and Marvin. It was the most exciting thing I have ever done. I had never seen anything like you and Marvin. Is it always like that?" he asked.

I smiled. "When things go right it can be really good," I said. "Was it the watching or the doing that got you going?"

"Watching was exciting," Luke replied. "I didn't think it could get better."

"It did get better, didn't it?"

"Oh yes it did," he said. "I never got more than the tip of my cock into my wife. She said it was good, but I knew she wasn't into it. When I saw you in Marvin, I knew it would be better. I thought you would hurt him, but I watched his hole. He opened up for you. When you asked me to take your place, I knew I could never do anything like that. As soon as you pulled out, I was there. My mind thought one thing, but my body had other ideas.

"I thought his hole would be way too small, but you had him open. I just touched his hole with my cock and he sort of sucked it in. I pushed a little and I was in deeper. He tightened his sphincter and held me tight. The feeling was heavenly," Luke continued. "I just pushed a little, but I went deeper and deeper."

"Marvin was tight enough?"

Luke nodded. "I loved it, but I was shocked when I had an orgasm. I never had a hands free one before. It was just his ass and my cock and I was draining my balls into him. Everything was beautiful. When I recovered enough to know what was going on I looked at Marvin. I was afraid I had hurt him. He was covered in his own semen. It could only have been so bad!"

"That's the way sex is supposed to be," I said. "It should be good for both of you. For what it's worth, I was fun to watch too."

"What I thought was sexual excitement was merely mild titillation," Luke added. "I have always been afraid of being naked, but I discovered I liked being naked. I loved being with naked men. I was afraid of the stuff that spurts and drools for a cock, but I discovered I loved the stuff and the mess it makes. I liked erect cocks and the stuff that drools from them. I even liked looking as an asshole. Do the rest of the men here like the same things?"

"We all like it, but everyone has his own preferences," I said. "Everyone likes to look at a big hunk of man meat, but not everyone likes it in his ass. Everyone likes an orgasm, but not everyone like to swallow the cream.

"Do you think that Marvin is the only man in the house who can take my cock?" Luke asked.

"He might be, but I rather doubt it. I would bet one or two residents could take your monster. I can assure you that no one would object to you doing some exploration," I said.

"Do I have to reciprocate?" Luke asked. "I'm not sure if I could do some of that stuff. I've never sucked a cock and I don't think I could possibly take it in the ass. Having a stranger's cock in my behind is hard to accept."

"Luke, you are well hung, I think most men would be so mesmerized by it, they might not notice," I replied. "Let me tell you though, sometimes it's good when you have some I deal what then other man is feeling. Everyone in the house is into it. This is the perfect place to explore. I know from personal experience, the more I've done, the better it gets."

"That makes sense," Luke conceded.

"Since I've moved here sex has been different. Sex was a modest recreational interlude in my life of work. I had some nice sexual relationships before. I was like a weekend painter. I dabbled in it but never worked hard and I never put much effort into it. I liked polite, neat, well-groomed men of my social class and economic level," I explained. "Some of the men here loved sex and were into it big time. I stopped worrying about my job and how my hair would look afterwards and if there was any sperm in my beard. Here, I jumped in with both feet into the deep end of the pool."

"How was it?" Luke asked.

"It was better than anything I had even dreamed about," I replied. "It was hard for me to let loose, but when I finally managed it, it was wonderful. At one time, I thought it was superficial to let my cock do my thinking. I have come to understand my cock is good at making friends."

"You think my cock could do that?" he asked. "

I smiled. "I know it can make friends. How did it feel when you were in Marvin?" Luke sighed just remembering the events of last night. "You cock climaxed on its own, it didn't need your help. It knew how good Marvin's ass felt. You noticed he was covered in semen too. He was just as excited as you were. He hadn't done anything since Phil's death. He was ripe and ready."

"I think I was ready too," Luke said. A terrific boom of a nearby lightening strike shook the house. Rain came down in sheets and the lights went out again. We went up stairs.

Most of the men were in their rooms. It was five or six degrees warmer upstairs than on the main level and most of the men were either naked or wearing only undershorts. I went to my room and stripped. I intended to take a nap. Another tremendous thunderclap made that impossible. The house shook.

"Hey guys! The lightening hit the school!" someone yelled form the back of the house. I went to look. Melvin and Luke joined me. From Donovan's room you could see smoke rising from the roof of a school two blocks way. The rain had let up some. It sounded as if every fire engine in town was on the way. We could hear the sirens, and see flashing colors but not the engines.

It took a few minutes for everyone to realize Luke had joined us and he was naked. "We're lucky we have a fire hose handy," Gus remarked.

"That's not a fire hose," Allen said. "It's a work of art!" there was another loud bang nearby, followed by a downpour. This one lingered and the street was covered in water.

Freddy joined us with a younger friend I didn't know. Men, this is Leo. He was doing an imitation of a drowning puppy when I rescued him for the storm," Freddy said. I realized I knew him. He was a slightly swishy waiter from a local restaurant. He was wearing only a towel. He had made an effort to dry his hair. It was always beautifully coiffed, but there were no blow dryers. It looked much better messed up and unruly.

"It's on hell of a storm," Leo said. "I went to work to get ready for lunch and the lights went out. My boss and I moved some ice into the freezer and then he sent me home. I though the storm was over. I sure didn't get that right. There was hail!"

"I warned Leo that while it is dry and warm here, my hose is filled with antiques and old geezers." Freddy said. "I warned him not to bed over." Everyone laughed.

"I told Freddy I have just broken up with my lover," Leo said. "I wouldn't mind a little grandpa action!"

Next: Chapter 4

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