Bankrupt Downsized and Screwed

Published on Aug 21, 2011


Bankrupt, Downsized and Screwed By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

Freddy owned a big house on the edge of a stylish town house neighborhood in Richmond. He bought it when he was the Vice-President of a large advertizing agency in the 1980s. That agency went bust in 2008, and things hadn't gone well for him since then.

Things hadn't gone well for quite a few of my friends over the last five years. Bankruptcies, downsizing and mergers had taken their toll on men in their late fifties and early sixties. I had been though a number of bad recessions during my career, but many of my friends had been company men who worked for large corporations in responsible positions. They had no idea they were expendable.

Several were shocked to come to work after 35 years of service and find out they were to be out of the building by noon. They had done everything right and they were out anyway. The combination of losing a job and having the real estate and stock markets go belly-up at the same time was a hard thing to overcome. If you were a senior official in a company and had much of your wealth in company stock, you might be fired and have the stock drop from $75.00 to two or three cents a share. It was a big hit.

Freddy was one of those. His only remaining asset was his house. It was built as the home of the Chief engineer of a Railroad in 1905. In the 50s and 60s, it had been a rooming house. Freddy restored it in the 80s and 90s. It was a showplace now.

My income had dropped for $100,000.00 a year to $30,000.00 and it was still declining. I was up shit creek. I was at a little cocktail party at Freddy's and we were commiserating. Calling it a cocktail party was a bit grand for the event. It was more of a wine and cheese party and the wine was in a half-gallon jug.

We all had a bit more to drink than usual, and Freddy was telling us the mortgage payments were becoming problematic. Freddy was perennially cheerful, so if he said problematic, he meant dire.

"You need a roommate to share expenses," I said.

"Shit, I need six roommates," He replied.

"I remember this place just before you got it. It was filled with hippies and lot of loving," my friend Allan said. He was a currently unemployed architectural draftsman. "There were twelve to twenty-four people in the house depending on who was shacking up with whom, and who got lucky!"

We all laughed. The house had been quite famous in the 70s. Some of the hippies lingered well beyond the prime years of the movement. Freddy said you could still smell the marijuana in the closets on damp days,

"Believe it or not, I was looking into selling the place and discovered the house still has an occupancy permit for 12 apartments," Freddy said. "I never changed it."

"Turn it into a commune again!" Allan suggested. "Maybe it's time for a hippy commune revival! Although this time, make it all gay. The girls who lived here never wore bras, and most needed some real support." We all laughed again.

A few days later Allan came by to see me. "I know the commune thing was a joke, but the more I think about it the more sense it makes," he said. "If a bunch of us pool our resources, we might be able to maintain some sort of standard of living. Do you know Willard Small?" I nodded. "He's moving back with his mom."

"Most of my friends are closeted corporate types. I don't think a gay commune would be their thing," I said.

"Let's face it; they will never get back into the corporate world again. No one will hire a sixty-year-old former vice president. They might as well let their hair down and give it a try," Allan said.

"Freddy would never go for it," I said.

"Freddy has devoted twenty-five years to that house. He's going to lose it in the next six months. He's run though his savings," Allan said. "He's more than willing." Allan should have been a salesman; he had the knack for being convincing.

A month later, I had a big yard sale selling off most of my furniture and stuff. I moved out of my apartment and moved into the servants' quarters of Freddy's house. Allan moved into the attic at the same time and a third man I didn't know, Gus Moretti, took another room in the servants' area. Gus was a building contractor who had fallen on hard times. At one time Freddy considered using the house as a bed and breakfast, so most rooms had its own bath. The servants' quarters was a family type suite, sharing a large bath.

All of us were a bit uneasy about the whole thing, but a week after we moved in all was well. We were a particularly congenial group of men. We were all in the same financial situation, but we were all men who got along and could work things out. Everyone was polite and willing to contribute to the general welfare. Gus and I liked to cook, Allan liked to clean up and Freddy took care of financial and maintenance items. Allan and Gus were affable and funny and we all shared the same sense of humor.

There was one aspect of the living arrangements I did not expect. We soon discovered we were sexually compatible too. Allan discovered that. He was more aggressive and direct than I was and he soon discovered we shared much the same tastes.

I had been in a sexual drought for a year or so. I hadn't felt like doing much other than figure out how to get out of my financial bind. I tended to associate with somewhat older men, and most of them had begun to make the trek to Florida. I was left behind.

I met Gus coming out of the bath stark naked and while he wasn't my type, I sure liked what I saw. I tended to like elegant young men who were gentlemanly and demure. That wasn't Gus. I did want sex and Gus would do. He was a bear of a man with a nice, uncut piece of meat. I'm not good about hiding my interests. We talked a little, but I was very obviously looking at his cock.

"I hate to sound crude, but I'm 100% top and I'd love do some stress reduction therapy," he said.

"I haven't had a new cock in my ass in five years," I replied.

"Well this is your lucky day," he replied and we went to his room. Gus wasn't my type.

From the way he talked, I assumed Gus was a quick in and quick out man. When I dropped my robe, Gus was a happy man. He liked long, cut cocks and loved to deep throat, and I have a cock that bends down, not up. He could suck it and breathe. We had a little oral exploration then got down to business.

Unexpectedly, I felt like an exited young man having his first experience with real sex. Gus excited me and I wanted him to explore my ass.

He lubricated my ass well and popped in easily. I usually play hard to get, but I seemed to have forgotten that. Gus had a huge, mushroom style cock head and his organ was two of three inches longer than the distance from my hole to my prostate. With every movement, he made his knob rub the tender gland and sending me to the moon. It was wonderful for me.

For some reason, my sphincter seems to relax for the initial penetration, but tightens up once the cock is on its dark side. Later Gus told me he was afraid he was going to be fucking mush when he first popped in. A minute later, I had a firm grip on his cock and all was well. While I had a virginal flashback, Gus and I were both experienced and knew the ropes. While he used my prostate as a punching bag, my sphincter grabbed his organ and tightly massaged his knob.

Gus shot off quickly, but he returned to sucking my cock and he got a mouthful. My usual playmates didn't like my semen. Gus was a sperm hound and loved man juices. He gobbled up all my man seed as I spurted and he obviously liked my ejaculating organ in his mouth. I loved it.

I shoot a big load and several friends liked to watch me shoot off. They enjoyed that, but there was always a certain distance and detachment. Gus was firmly attached to my cock and taking every drop. My cock head is sensitive during an orgasm, but I was so excited I seemed to get over that. Several times, he worked his tongue into my slit, as if he wanted my sperm to be even fresher. That was new to me. He loved it and I loved it. Overall, we were happy men. The next morning, I discovered that Gus and Allan were sex pals as well as friends and Allan joined us for a pre breakfast orgasm. Alan was beautiful, if you like your men masculine. I sixty-nined with him as Gus fucked him.

This was dramatically different from my normal pattern of sexual relations. I had a friend who said we enjoyed ladies tea party type sex. By that, he meant polite and rather gentle couplings. My friend was all oral, and very good at it indeed. I remembered being shocked when I actually shot off. He was that gentle I hadn't realized I was that close. My friend took the load but spit it out later. He was typical of the men with whom I associated.

I seemed to have sex with men who didn't sweat and didn't need to brush their hair afterwards. Every hair was still in place after the orgasm. Gus and Allan were the type of men who jumped in the water feet first. They were vigorous and driven.

As Gus fucked Allan, I tasted Allan's cock react to the thrusting. I could feel him respond to the pleasure. I watched Gus' lubricant coated cock open Allan's ass. His tight hole peeled back the foreskin. It quivered as it opened and then clamped tightly to Gus' invader.

As the pace of thrusting increased, I knew the climax was near. Gus shivered and twitched as he ejaculated. The first few spurts were in Allan's ass, but they Gus pulled out and squirted some on Allan's balls and on my face. I was shocked and excited. This pushed me to the edge. I wanted to pull out of Allan's mouth, but he would have none of that. He soon had a mouthful of my semen as I took his load.

When we broke apart, Gus licked some of the sperm he shot on my face, and then kissed Allan and me. Since neither Allan nor I had swallowed yet, we had the gay equivalent of a wine tasting party, savoring our man seed. It wasn't much like a ladies tea party.

Gus had many friends and I was surprised when he brought one home with him one night. The man, Donovan, wasn't my type at all. He was a carpenter and he looked weathered and a bit beaten up to me. It was a cold, wintery night and he must have been wearing six or seven layers of clothes. He vanished into Gus' bedroom. I wondered if I should lock my door.

The next morning, I met Donovan in the shower. He thought I was Gus and he just barged in. When I got over being shocked he was in the shower with me, I looked him over. I had thought he was fat. He was actually all muscle, solid and massive. He was also well equipped.

"I'm sorry I surprised you," he said, "I can leave if you want?" he had a deep, pleasant voice with a slight mountain accent.

For some reasons I told him to stay. He assumed that was an invitation to sex and he dropped to his knees and sucked my cock. Donovan was a big, bruiser of a man, but he also was a great cocksucker.

"You'd better stop soon or you'll get a mouthful of my sperm," I said.

He looked at me with his incredibly beautiful, clear blue eyes. "Is that a promise?" he asked and then returned to sucking. He got a mouthful a minute later. It was lovely. Gus entered the room and saw us. He kissed Donovan and discovered my cum in his mouth. Gus wasn't shocked at all. He actually seemed to like it. We all played. Donovan held me open so Gus could fuck me. It was as if shoving your cock up my ass was the most natural thing in the world.

After Gus shot off, Donovan took his place in my ass, using Gus' semen as lubricant. He loved that. I was shocked and incredibly turned on. I had thought Donovan had an average cock. It sure seemed big as he fucked me. It must have seemed small in comparison to his massive body.

I like to be in control, but I lost it. I shivered, moaned, and twitched. Gus held me down. I shot off a second time. Gus too this load as Donovan shot his load deep in my ass. I was embarrassed, but both men were complimentary. Gus liked man seed, and I produced it by the pint. Both liked my ass.

Gus Moretti was about as Italian as they come. Donavan was 100% Anglo-Saxon redneck. He was blond; Gus had curly black hair. Donavan was muscular like an old time boxer. His physique was due to hard work, not hours spent at the health club. He had a peaches and cream skin except for his weathered face and hands. While he was covered in curly, almost white blond hair, the only color was his blue eyes, large pink tits and lavender cock head.

Gus was olive skinned and while he had been muscular, he had gone to pot somewhat. His eyes were brown and he was gorilla like in hairiness. When I was younger, I had been embarrassed at my body hair. I was almost smooth compared to Gus and Donavan. He was uncut.

Donavan was in much the same situation as we were financially and a week later, he moved into the servants' wing. He took a small, almost alcove like room. When he lost his job, his wife divorced him and took everything. He liked he small room because he wasn't as aware of what he had lost.

Freddy was what a friend of mine called a Chandelier Queen. I wasn't exactly a Charles Atlas or Clint Eastwood, but sometimes Freddy could make Dame Edna seem macho. I wasn't sure how he would get along with Gus and Donavan.

Curiously, all was well. He told me it was nice to have a man around the house. He also was a realist. He would do what he needed to do to save his house. Freddy had a wild sense of humor and was a genuinely nice man. He also had a secret weapon. While he wasn't the most masculine man in the world, his private parts were stunningly large.

Freddy was a slight, almost delicate man and was always perfectly groomed. He possessed Godzilla's cock. If you saw his naked picture on the web, you would easily believe it was photo shopped. It couldn't be real.

Freddy like to help young men with their careers. He was sixty now and the young men were few and far between. There were young men who were willing to be kept, and supported in the manner to which they were accustomed, but damn few who wanted to be with a middle-aged man who had fallen on hard times. Freddy was out in the cold.

Allan had been one of his boys. At 53, Allan was no longer a kid, but his was still slim and handsome. Unlike most of Freddy's boys, Allan was capable of affection and genuine friendship. Freddy unexpectedly seemed to hit it off with Donovan. Donovan was the least like Freddy's normal playmate.

Donovan was a carpenter-jack-of-all trades. He was a good craftsman and neat. Freddy liked that. Donovan fixed a rotting rear stair. The tread collapsed when Freddy walked out one morning. Donovan rebuilt the stair in a day and Freddy was in home renovators' heaven. I didn't think he had ever considered the advantages of a live in carpenter.

Freddy knew everyone in the neighborhood, and soon lined up jobs for the carpenter. Donovan was not a businessman and he tended to charge only the cost of materials. Freddy became his business manager. Freddy knew the going rates in the prosperous residential area. Freddy had a good sense of design and was very experienced in the quirks and oddities of century old houses. They soon had the beginnings of a business.

Freddy wasn't Donovan's type, but when Donovan discovered Freddy's cock, he made and exception. Big cocks are attractive and inspire curiosity even in straight men. Freddy was a queen and Donovan was straight, except for his taste for sex with men. They worked things out.

I know you are supposed to like the entire man, not just a part of him, but Donovan like Freddy's cock and then expanded his interest. Both men were tops, but they discovered each had an ass particularly compatible with the other man's cock.

I remembered a friend who lived down the hall from me in the dorm at the university. He was an okay guy, but no more than that, until he got in my ass and I visited the moon. It was the perfect combination of cock and ass. It was good for him, but not as good as it was for me. We were friends, not lovers, but the sex was great.

Two weeks after Donovan joined our group Marvin appeared. Marvin was nearing 60 and had lost his partner, Phil, a year earlier. His partner had taken care of the finances, but this had not included health insurance. His final illness wiped Marvin out.

Marvin wasn't a leader of men. He had been an assistant librarian at a local college and had converted his pension to pay medical bills. He moved into one of the bedrooms. Marvin was shy and inexperienced in life and sex. He partner did it all and Marvin was the son he never had. They met in college, Marvin was a student, and Phil was a professor. Marvin moved in and that was the end of the story. Almost no one knew Marvin existed. They kept the relationship quiet.

Marvin reminded me of the Betty White character in the Golden Girls, but not as worldly. Technically, he was very bright, as long as the information came from a book. If it involved observing the world around him, he missed it. He seemed to have had no real life experiences, other than being Phil's son.

At first, he was afraid of Gus and Donovan. He didn't know anyone outside of the library, and they were all library types. I think he would have been Freddy's kind of man, but he was too old now and wasn't a user. Freddy had great taste in furniture and decoration, no so great taste in men.

Melvin got to know Gus and Donovan when his car wouldn't start one morning. They were helpful and knowledgeable. Melvin warmed to them.

Next: Chapter 2

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