Bangkok Touchdown

By Randy Dragon

Published on Oct 31, 2004



This story is fiction. Should the characters in this story even remotely bare similarities to any real person, living or dead, it was purely accidental and any such similarities are strictly coincidences. This story deals with mature subject matter and involves raunchy sex. If it is illegal for you to read such material, due to your age or location, then don't. If you are offended by acts of sexuality between consenting and non-consenting adults, then Do Not Read this story.

The author does not necessarily condone or subscribe to the behavior discussed in this story. It was written strictly as a form of entertainment and acts described should not be attempted by anyone that does not know what they are doing.

Bangkok Touchdown (Part 1) (mm, nc)

Sarah woke from the bright rays of sunlight that were piercing the blinds of the shutters. It was hot. The air in the bed room of her dormitory flat was still rank with the mixed scent of male sweat, cunt juice and heavy sex.

Her sensuous lips curled in a broad smile while her hands traveled over her buxom boobs and down to her belly. She felt thoroughly satisfied and relaxed.

The two hunky young men still sound asleep on both sides of her had given the sex crazed blonde what she needed.

Except from the leather wrist bands, brand signs of all members of the college football team, and his Puka shell necklace Josh Banner was buck naked. The quarterback was flat on his back, the bed sheets twisted around his ankles. He wore his jet-black hair crew cut. Silver earrings glittered from his lobes. The manly face with the square jaw was relaxed. His full lips were slightly apart while he was lowly snoring.

The 6.4 ft., 220 lbs. beefy body was packed with hard muscles. Barbed wire tattoos circled his biceps as well as his calves. Sarah knew that a large tribal tattoo spanned across the athlete's shoulder blades. Across his sculpted pecs down his chiseled six-pack grew a mat of curly black fur extending in a thin line down to a hefty 12-inch cut cock, the base and his plum-sized balls covered in black pubic hair.

She grinned at Josh's throbbing morning wood. The big mushroom head was pierced with a Prince Albert that emerged from the piss slit. His dark body hair, the shadow shrouding his unshaved chin and the sun tanned skin gave him an almost Italian look.

Duke Ennox the brawny linebacker was face-down on his belly. His smooth body had the full chiseled definition of an athlete who was regularly working out at the gym. The strong traps gave him a rather bulky look. Huge tattoos covered his arms. His wavy brown hair with the blond bleached strains was disheveled and platted at his sweaty fore-head.

This night he had fucked himself senseless. His balls in the shaven nutsac had pumped until the last drop of his sperm had been sucked in by Sarah's tight pussy. The 6.1 ft, 210 lbs. linebacker was as wild a lover as he was a fighter on the field. His sexual appetite was insatiable and he was an expert to fuck his chicks in all imaginable positions.

Duke was Josh's best friend. Both men were 22 years old and had a reputation for their scores on the field as with the girls, who were more then willing to spread their legs for the good looking, well-endowed muscle boys. Sarah the head of the cheerleaders, however, was the only one who managed to bed them both. She countered young male stamina with exquisite skills of love-making that drove the hunky jocks wild.

The quilt of the king-size bed was still damp from the sweat of the three lovers. The wild blonde had blown the two fuck-buddies to mind shattering orgasms and enjoyed being sandwiched between the brawny bodies of the grunting football players. Her ass and pussy had been thoroughly plowed by the two swollen, rock-hard dream cocks which had gushed load after load of hot baby juice until the exhausted lovers fell into a deep post-orgasmic sleep.

The hot threesome had been the farewell fuck-fest as the football team was leaving for a goodwill tour to Thailand. Sarah was furious that the cheerleaders had been excluded for lack of budget, nevertheless, she was to make sure that her two favorite studs would remember her despite the charm of the Thai girls they were about to meet.

Although Josh and Duke had sworn to be "faithful", Sarah had no illusions about what the always horny, healthy young men would do after their games.

Her hands squeezed simultaneously the quarterback's meaty rod and the linebacker's sexy buttocks. The resulting extended morning romp made Josh and Duke almost miss the bus to the airport.

There was no time to shower and the jocks just slipped into their jock straps, tight black Tees and the baggy sweat pants, kissed Sarah good-bye and rushed off. Their team mates were broadly grinning but the coach was fuming. Luckily they had to leave right away to catch the plane to Asia.

"They say these Thai chicks are hot," Josh said while he was trying to fold his big frame into the narrow Economy Class seat.

"Yeah and they crave for American cock!" Duke grinned, "Asian jocks are too small to satisfy their brides, ya' know?"

"Damn you! Your talking gave me a boner, "Josh moaned in fake despair," and that fuckin' seat is already too small."

"Well, just imagine you are an all-American cock stuffed inside a tiny Asian pussy. Hear the moans and cries of passion..." Duke teased.

"Fuck you!" Josh adjusted his package through the sweat pants," Do you always have to think about sex?"

"What's wrong with that?" Duke asked so innocently that Josh became immediately alert. He knew his friend too well.

"I'm just putting my assets to work, dude..." Duke watched intently the butt of the stewardess who was serving drinks.

"No, you wouldn't," Josh said.

"Watch the Master," Duke grinned. He got up and went to the service station of the plane.

Josh watched the linebacker offering a winning smile to the stewardess, who smiled back. The two were exchanging some remarks and finally Duke was given a Coke, which he opened on the spot. He leaned against the wall, while the stewardess went into the toilet. Josh was just wondering why the occupied sign was not turned on, when Duke gave him a thumbs up and entered the toilet. The sign was turned on.

Twenty minutes later the stewardess emerged, red faced with tussled hair, obviously trying to get back her composure. A moment later Duke came out as well with a flushed expression. He nodded to the stewardess and returned to his seat.

"Well?" Josh asked.

"Definitely the highest blow job I ever had," Duke scratched his crotch and yawned. "Now we can crush, good nite fellow." He slouched into his seat and soon Josh heard his buddy's snoring.

The Thais presented them a warm welcome. The college team was openly surprised about the lanky built Asian players, but the Thai coach explained that the Thais played with a more gentle touch rather than brute force.

"Bullshit! Football is a men's sport. Let's see how long this gentle touch will last against our touchdown," Duke sneered in the locker room, "we'll teach these sissies a lesson they'll never forget!"

"Yeah. Let's kick some major gook butt out there!" Josh roared pulling his helmet deftly over his head.

Although it was a friendly match, the Americans made it clear that they were taking the matter seriously and the Thai team had to work hard.

Duke tackled Mongkut the quarterback and although the Thai was quite well-built and hard-muscled, he landed roughly on his back. The big linebacker towered over him. Mongkut reached out expecting to be helped up, but Duke just grinned through his face mask. His hand went to his crotch adjusting his bulge under the skin tight fabric of the royal blue Lycra pants.

"Oops, sorry for that!" Duke mocked.

The lean Asian's were no match for the muscle-packed American jocks who dismantled them to a humiliating defeat. Nevertheless hospitality was shown and the Thais took the Americans for a nightlife tour through the buzzing Thai capital. Mongkut and PakPao the linebacker met Josh and Duke after a shower in front of the hotel.

Josh gloated at the bruises that Mongkut had incurred from Duke during the tackling. Duke and his linemen had finally efficiently thwarted most of Mongkut's attacks. Josh had proven too fast and too powerful for PakPao and his block of linemen, throwing five touchdown passes.

Both Americans were wearing baseball caps back-to-front and sleeveless T-Shirts the words "Suck my dick! "printed across the chest. Bermudas and naked feet in worn-out dirty sneakers completed the outfit.

"So -- where are the famous Thai chicks? My dick needs some work-out," Duke asked with glee and adjusted his package with a meaningful look. Josh grinned while chewing on his bubble gum.

"Don't worry, man," PakPao said, "we will take you to a nice place to enjoy ourselves."

"Oh we will," Josh replied," and I hope you will too, because tomorrow we will kick your tiny butts again."

After a typical spicy hot Thai dinner flushed down with ample of beer the four young men visited a number of bars. The two college jocks were delighted to watch the naked Go-Go-girls dancing on the bar desks.

"Wow, look at those boobs dude!" Josh said to his friend.

"Yeah, but I thought there would be some more on in Bangkok, if you know what I mean," Duke said.

"Yeah dude, where are those chicks who crave for huge American dick?" Josh blurted.

"Would you like to see a show?" Mongkut asked.

"Yeah sure why not, some action would be fine," Duke replied.

A taxi took them away from the crowded streets until they arrived in a more silent quarter of the Thai capital. The taxi driver grinned at the two young Americans when they stopped in front of a two storey building and said something to PakPao.

"What did he say?" Josh asked.

"Oh he just said, we made a good choice with this place," the Thai linebacker replied.

"It looks quite dull to me," Duke frowned suspiciously.

"Well, just wait until you'll are inside," Mongkut knocked at a black lacquered door.

They went straight up to the first floor into a dimly lit room. Couples seated around tables were watching a huge stage that took almost half of the size of the room. Spot lights were lighting a broad bed the center of the stage. A heavy muscled Caucasian man was on his back, eating the pussy of a Thai girl that was sitting on his face. But what shocked the two jocks was the lean Asian man kneeling between the wide spread legs of the blonde hunk, jacking his huge cock while finger fucking his ass.

"Fuck, I am not into that kinky faggot stuff," Josh said with open disgust.

"Ah, relax man, we are tolerant here in Thailand. The show will cover every kind of action, so everyone will be happy." PakPao tried to calm the Quarterback.

"Who is that guy any way?" Duke pointed at the prone hunk.

"He is a German wrestler," PakPao replied, "actually the team captain. They are her for the Asian-European Games. The girls like him and his friends. They are tall and strong. Dicks uncut and horny fuckers." PakPao grinned.

"I don't know about that, "Josh looked with undisguised dismay at the stage. Drops of pre-cum had formed at the piss slit of the angry red dickhead that was throbbing in the hand of the Asian. The hunky German's hips were now bucking up and down while his head was bedded into the lap of the girl, who was kneading his impressive pectorals.

"Aaahhh! Ohhh! Ohhh ... jaaaaaa!", The hunk was moaning loudly. He grabbed the brass bed frame as seizures rippling through his body announced the approaching climax.

The girl lifted his head until his crimson contorted face was looking down to his cock. Another howl and the mangled cock exploded. A huge white stream of cum splashed right into his face, a second followed, now hitting the wide open mouth while the crowd was applauding and cheering.

"Shit I would never allow a thing like that happen to me," Duke was outraged. "Did you see? The fucker drank his own spunk. That's disgusting..."

"But he wanted to be part of show," Mongkut replied.

"You mean, he is a guest?" Josh asked in disbelief.

"Of course," said PakPao, " all guests can participate in the shows..."

"... and get fucked on stage!" Duke rebuked, "That's perverse shit, let's get outta here! Ohhh ... wow ... shit!"

Duke was staring with open mouth at two gorgeous Asian beauties at the bar.

"Man, I need it badly," Duke said to his buddy," I need to fuck! Let's go and screw these babes, huh?"

Mongkut and PakPao introduced the American's to the girls, who looked in awe at the two well-built young males.

The two big football players were taken by their hands and followed sheepishly grinning the Thai girls to a table in a discrete compartment at the side of the room. PakPao and Mongkut followed. Finally a waitress was called. The two college jocks ordered and bottles of beer were served.

"That's what my Mom's boy needs," Duke grinned hugging on of the girls. The two girls were giggling and talked in Thai to PakPao and Mongkut. "They want to know whether you like to participate in the show." Mongkut said.

"Mmmh ... that would be the day ... mhh, " Duke mumbled, French-kissing his girl.

"Tell them, we can give them a show in private," Josh grinned and slapped playfully his girl's behind.

PakPao talked to the girls, who looked amused. A conversation in Thai started. "You know they would love to see you do something on stage," Mongkut finally said, " they like the looks of you. May be you want to sing something, huh?"

"Never! Josh rejected categorically. But the girls insisted. Then PakPao had an idea.

"Hey I've got an idea. We all go and have a beer drinking contest."

It was agreed that the four football players would down 6 bottles of beer and the fastest drinkers would be declared winners. The prize was a bottle of Scotch for each at a proud price of 250 $ per bottle.

"Oh men you both will be sooo wasted, " Duke laughed," let's go Josh and teach `em another lesson."

The bed had been replaced by four chairs. The girls went to the microphone and announced the new contest. There was a loud cheering and applause when the four football players went on stage.

Duke and Josh had done a lot of that kind of contests and were confident to win with ease, well knowing that the Asians would be unable to cope with the booze too well. They were proven right after one bottle already. While the college jocks downed the liquid with ease, the Thais were retching and coughing.

The Americans had finished the 6 bottles before PakPao and Mongkut had even had their third ones. They applauded to the winners and wanted to get up, but were stopped by Duke. "Oh no, you'll have to finish what you started," he demanded with a devilish grin, " and we'll have another round. Hey waiter! Another 12 for the US Team."

Three more bottles were siphoned in by the two hunks, while PakPao and Mongkut struggled with their fourth bottle.

Finally Josh and Duke discarded their T-shirts and posed with flexing muscles to the cheering crowd while drinking the last bottles.

Belching and laughing they went back to their table. Josh and Duke light-headed, Mongkut and PakPao on clearly uneasy feet.

"Oh man that was fun," Duke laughed, tears in his eyes. His girl straddled his lap and soon her tongue was exploring the smell of beer inside his mouth. The linebacker's cock twitched in excited anticipation inside the tight jockstrap. Josh leaned back as well and enjoyed when his girl massaged his massive pecs.

The two Thai football players watched their bare-chested American friends kissing the giggling girls. Impressive bulges began to develop between the brawny thighs.

The hot kissing session was only interrupted when the college jocks took sips from the Scotch they had won from Mongkut and his friend before.

One of the girls said something to Mongkut.

"They ask if you want to have a Thai massage," the quarterback translated.

Absolutely!" Duke replied with glee. He took a deep sip from the bottle and wrapped his strong arm possessively around his girl.

"Come on Babe, I have some strained muscle that needs your immediate attention." he chuckled.

The girls led them through an aisle and behind a heavy set of curtains into a room with a red velvet carpet. Two beds with brass frames and scarlet bed sheets were the only furniture, but that was all that Josh and Duke needed in their aroused state.

Drinking from their bottles they had the girls unzipping their shorts. A moment later the jocks had kicked their sneakers away and were clad only in their black jock straps. The girls guided them to the beds and made them lie face down on the red quilt.

Josh relaxed while warm aromatic oil was poured on his back. Firm squeezes sent soothing vibes through his body while the oil was worked into his skin

"Oh yeah that feels good," Josh groaned, comfortably giving in to the pressure of the kneading hands of the small Asian girl. The hands seemed to be everywhere. Once they circulated in the hollow of his armpits, the next moment he giggled when they traveled alongside his rump across the ticklish spots at his sides.

The girl bent the athlete's legs at the knees and worked the well-muscled calves and finally the feet. Then she changed position and kneeled between Josh's thighs spreading the legs apart until she could see the rosy puckered hole appearing between the parting butt cheeks. Josh's whole body was glistening from the oil by now and he hardly realized when the thumbs of the hands kneading his buttocks slipped inside the cleavage oiling him thoroughly up.

"Aaaaaaahhh," an involuntary moan escaped from his lips. The rubbing fingers created a never before experienced tingle at his bunghole.

Almost sleepy he opened his heavy eyelids and gazed at his friend. Duke was well-oiled as well. His jock strap had disappeared and the girl knelt over the buck naked linebacker's head and pushed her palms alongside the spine of the prone muscle stud.

The Whisky bottles were softly wrenched from the football player's hands. Their eyes were closed while they drifted off under the calming manipulations. Josh felt now the weight of his girl on the back of his head, when she knelt over him working on the loins.

PakPao and Mongkut walked in. Their plot had worked very well. The whole American team was receiving a special workout by now. The quarterback and the linebacker, however, were up for a special treat. The horny studs had no idea that their girls were actually Kathoys, i.e. lady-men who were a common phenomenon in Bangkok's redlight districts. Gorgeous beauties who were fairly able to outperform their female "colleagues", but nevertheless fully equipped young men. Many tourists could tell about embarrassing surprises when they had thought to have hooked up with a beautiful Thai girl and discovered the truth in the hotel room.

Caught in the relaxation of the comfortable massage neither Duke nor Josh were becoming aware when the lady-men undressed showing their true nature. The Thai football players were now shedding their clothes as well preparing to score in a revenge match of a very special kind.

PakPao and Mongkut grinned at each other and with a nod to the two Kathoys pulled the curtains in front of the beds apart. Spot lights went on and focused on the two couples on the beds, which as it turned out were on a stage that opened to the bar room. The audience reacted with an excited murmur going through the ranks when they recognized the brawny Americans who had done so well in the earlier beer drinking contest.

PakPao climbed on the bed and quickly stripped the jock-strap from the prone hunk, exposing Josh to the audience in all his buff glory.

"Hey! What the fuck...?" Josh turned his head and watched in shock that his girl was actually a man and that he was on stage.

The quarterback tried to throw the lean Thai men off, but he found his arms and legs pressed to the mattress and all he could do was a bucking motion with his hips that triggered whistles and laughter from the audience.

The enraged jock pushed and pulled, tensing his powerful biceps. He laughed when he felt the lady-man jumping on him from behind, reaching around his chest.

"You cannot hold me fag! Don't even think about it," Josh sneered.

But the Asian did not struggle with him. Instead he had his hands travel across the stud's taut pecs until the tips of his middle fingers found the protruding man tits. Knowing that these were points of highest sensitivity were lots of nerve ends concentrated he let his finger tips rub across the big fleshy knobs with extreme softness.

Josh sneered again when he sensed the gentle touch: "Too late for a flirt, I'll rip you apart you fuckin' gook! Hey what ... get your hands off me!"

PakPao had reached between his thighs and pulled the hefty cock from under the belly. Ignoring the angry shouts and curses of the writhing hunk, he as well started to rub gently with his fingertips around the dickhead concentrating his efforts on the frenulum.

The more the hunk was struggling and fighting the more gentle the attacks became.

The Kathoy grinned when he felt Josh's tits hardening and the football player sensed confused that his whole body started to respond to the gentle but persistent stimulations.

"Fuck!" he cursed trying to wriggle away from the caressing fingers, but to no avail. Wherever he turned, the gentle rubbing followed. A hot wave of lust pulsed through his body. Suddenly he felt weak.

"Aaaahhh ... uuhh ... no stop ... I don't want," the hunk stammered in confusion. His arms started to tremble.

PakPao watched as Josh's butthole was opening and contracting in reflex. He seized Josh's Whisky bottle waited for the right moment and pushed it gently between the relaxed unsuspecting butt cheeks. The sphincter was already slippery from the oil that it didn't help Josh to clenching his asses in a terrified reflex. He could not prevent the penetration by the booze enema.

Nooooo! Whaaaa ... Aaaauurghhhhhh!" he howled when his ass was devirginized and collapsed as a writhing sweaty heap on the mattress. The audience went wild.

PakPao held the bottle at its bottom and pushed it deftly down inside the stud's ass. Bubbles of air indicated that the golden liquid was sucked inside the quivering anus.

"Uhhh! Shhittt! Ahh! Ahhh!" The hunk was hollering as his guts were flooded with Scotland's best.

"Ahhhh! Fuck! Damn' you! Oh, nooo ... mmmpfff" Josh heard Duke's furious shouts, which turned to muffled grunts.

Desperately fighting the liquor induced stupor, Josh turned his head to the other bed, to look for help from his buddy.

Duke was horny like a monkey in heat. The massage had triggered his sex drive and his male instincts were about take control over his body. His breath was heavy with the smell of liquor. Although used to be the active part the muscular young man had allowed to be put on his hands and knees and indulged in the massage of his ass cleft and the churning balls. The rock hard dick was pointing down, slowly bobbing in the rhythm of his accelerating heart beat. There was a gooey silvery stream of pre-cum oozing from the piss slit drooling down on the sheets.

Duke had just decided to grab the girl, throw her on her back and fuck the shit out of her, when the curtains went up and he found himself exposed to the audience. He went almost sober when Mongkut buff naked appeared in front of him. The Thai quarterback was stroking his impressive cut cock to hardness and offered it to the shocked American. The Kathoy grabbed Duke's hair and forced his head up.

The linebacker opened his mouth to protest, but froze when the Kathoy forced a thumb up his ass. Mongkut used the moment of surprised and forced his dick inside the gaping mouth. The wriggling thumb in his ass was taken out, but before Duke was able to react he almost howled, when his sphincter was spread open wide. A burning hot sensation flooded his guts and an instant later it felt as if his veins were pumping molten lead into his groins and from there throughout his shaking body. Duke's eyes opened wide. He groaned in helpless agony, while the liquor numbed his senses.

Now the brawny linebacker was on all fours. His mouth was stuffed with Mongkut's dick, while the "girl" he had wanted to screw so badly had impaled him on the bottle as well. The Kathoy's hand was between the linebacker's muscular thighs and did something to his balls that seemed to control the enraged bull. Several times he tried to get up but then his arms buckled as if his body was suddenly too heavy for him.

But Duke had still some fight left inside of him, which was indicated by occasional attempts to spit Mongkut's dick from his mouth and to wriggle free. Every time he gathered his remaining strength his defined muscles were rippling over his now sweaty body. The Kathoy stirred the bottle forcefully to empty the content into the writhing jock. Duke's eyes opened wide when the bottleneck dove deep between his flexing bubble butt.

A burning heat extended from his ass throughout his guts. His toes curled and his fists grabbed the bed sheets, while he fought the impairing effects of the alcohol. The audience applauded, when the last drop of Whisky disappeared. The Kathoy pulled the bottle with a soft plop from the ass. Duke hoped for a chance to recover, but before the sphincter ring could close he felt it stretched again and this time something slipped deeply inside of him.

The Kathoy had unceremoniously taken the big man and he knew exactly what he was doing. Before Duke's rebellious spirit could muster an infuriated attempt to fight back, he felt a soft, velvet grip around his dangling semi-hard cock. The Kathoy was pumping his oiled cock with an agonizing slow motion, just enough to keep him hard, horny and to weaken his defenses. All the while Mongkut's dick was hardening in his mouth.

For the first time in his life Duke's own baby-maker was getting hard in the hand of another man and the thrill this was giving him made him confused and made it hard to focus on any way out of his predicament.

Something inside of him was hit and his muscular frame shuddered as if struck by an electrical shock.

"You like that, huh?" Mongkut grinned knowingly.

Again and again the invading cock hit the highly sensitive spot inside of him and each time his body convulsed out of control.

A waitress brought a polished silver tray and placed it under the linebacker. The Kathoy leaned forward and closed both hands around Duke's throbbing manhood. His hips were audibly slapping against the musclebutt and the audience started to clap in rhythm with the slapping.

Duke realized in horror that they wanted him to cum in public. He hoped that shame and utter embarrassment would prevent the worst but his body betrayed him terribly. A too well-known tingling sensation developed in his groin and increased soon to a torrential pulse hammering in his ears and shaking his body. His hips started to buck.

Unexpectedly Mongkut pulled his dick from Duke's mouth. He stepped aside and pulled the moaning stud's head up by the hair to show the crimson contorted face to the audience in exactly the same way the girl had done it earlier with the German wrestler, mocked about by the linebacker.

After many joint fuck-sessions Josh recognized in shock the glassy look of his buddy's eyes. He knew this expression all too well. The Thais had stimulated Duke beyond the point of no return. The young hunk had become a senseless sex toy for his smaller opponents. He didn't bother anymore that he was about to be forced into a public climax.

The Kathoy's fist closed firmly around the balls of the linebacker, who responded with a howl of uncontrolled lust.

"Uuuuurghh ... Ahhhhhrggh ... Oohhh ... huh ... huh..." Duke's cum splashed onto the silver plate. The head held in place with wide open eyes and guttural groans and moans coming from his gaping mouth, he displayed a marvelous picture of true uninhibited ecstasy of a muscular young man.

The audience hooted and cheered while his dick squirted some final spurts into the poodle that had formed on the plate. The waitress removed the tray and carried from table to table, offering Duke's man seed to the eager spectators.

The drunken linebacker was still breathless and drowsy from both alcohol and the milking. He was trying to understand what had just happened, when he felt strong hands grabbing his shoulders.

"Wha...?" he stammered helpless.

With surprising strength Mongkut flipped the bigger body of the American football player on his back and pulled him to the end of the mattress. Duke's world went upside down when his head dropped back. He was facing the audience when Mongkut straddled him and sat down on his chest. His dick was touching Duke's chin.

Mongkut grabbed the sweaty hair with a firm grip and jerked Duke's head up.

"Hey ... mmrgh ... mmphh..." the yell of protest was instantly muffled by Mongkut's dick that filled his mouth and throat. Duke tasted again the other man's prick which was hardening. His head was forced to bob back and forth on the growing erection.

The Thai quarterback looked intently into the American's eyes. Duke was looking back at him with a mixture of confusion and a new found sense of respect for the man who had bested him. His tongue was struggling with the invading cock. The manly smell from the Asian's groin gave him a stimulating kick as if he was inhaling a shot of poppers. He felt a hand around his spent cock and started involuntarily bucking his hips up and down sliding his quickly re-bonerizing man-tool inside the slippery palm of the Kathoy's hand.

Still unsure how far he could go with the hunky football player, the lady-man was cautiously digging the digital finger of his other hand between the linebacker's butt cheeks. Obediently Duke spread his meaty thighs and even cooed when the finger pushed up his ass probing for the already stimulated prostate.

The newly found exciting sensation inside his ass had an almost addictive effect on the horny fucker. The Kathoy grinned when Duke instinctively gyrated his hips to impale himself obscenely has much on the invading finger as possible.

Meanwhile Mongkut's hard-on reached deep inside the throat of the retching stud. Duke felt completely conquered. Without any experience to give head he found it hard to breathe. His eyes filled with tears, pleading for the mercy of the Thai quarterback.

"Ummmphhhh! Nnnonngrgh!" Duke's muffled cries and moans made the audience laugh when Mongkut forced him to take his dick all the way in.

The panic stricken hunk's legs started to fan when his air supply was blocked, but Mongkut and the lady-man held him firm. The jock's gurgling changed into desperate high-pitched squeaks, when he felt his muscular body going limp.

"Uuuhhh! Ahhhh!" he heard Mongkut's moaning and than his mouth was flooded with man's cum. Frothy drops of salty gooey fluid drooled from the corners of the linebacker's mouth. It was almost seconds before he would have passed out from lack of air when Mongkut released his head. Powerless it dropped back. Duke was miserably coughing and sucking breath.

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 2

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