Bangkok Breakdown

By Paradox eightyeight

Published on Nov 11, 2015


// Thanks for reading and your feedback. It is a story in progress and I realize this chapter might not please everyone, with all the character building, but I think the chapter will fit in with the big picture quite well and I will make up for the lack of sex soon ;) I appreciate you taking the time to read my entries and hope you will enjoy this new chapter! K //

Chapter 4

Tom's entire life had been nothing short of luxury. He grew up in a fancy Parisian neighborhood and his parents made sure he had everything he could wish for. His father was a pilot and often wasn't home for long periods of time. After every long journey, he would bring Tom gifts, like special editions of Tom's favorite books.

Another benefit of his father's job, were the exotic holidays during the summer break. He and his family often traveled to parts of the world where all their Parisian comforts weren't so common, like South America, Asia and even parts of West Africa. Tom appreciated the perspective on the world that the trips.

Having seen the contrast, Tom never asked for much back home. He knew he had he was well off and fortunate to be born in this family. His mother made sure Tom got a good education, healthy nutrition and all the comforts a teenage boy could need: Trendy clothes that Tom didn't really care about, a fresh hair cut every two months and his mother was more than happy to drive him to all his tennis lessons and tournaments.

His growth spurt kicked in around when Tom was twelve and he quickly developed a tall, slim body. It was never very strong, but always looked athletic. His muscles needed only little training to become apparent. But Tom never liked getting physical. He avoided participating in the games of football that were always going on at the playground and only played tennis. The only time he got hurt at playing tennis was when his frustrated opponent couldn't take the 6-0, 6-0 beating and threw his racket after missing a smash. It hit Tom right on his left knee and hurt like hell. Tom never liked physical pain. He tried to avoid the feeling any way he could.

But now, locked up in a Thai cell by human traffickers, Tom was afraid he wouldn't be able to avoid physical pain much longer.

Many hours, maybe even days had passed since Tom was forced to fuck the boy. After he had filled the boy's ass with his cum, the guards opened the cell door and walked out. The boy followed them, but not before he turned towards the cctv camera in the corner and said `Thank you, Sir', while keeping his eyes towards the floor.

The cell door was still open when Tom was the only one left, but because of the steel chain around his ankle, he couldn't use the opportunity to escape. The chain was beginning to leave marks and started to irritate Tom's skin. The guards soon returned and both carried a bucket of water that they splashed on Tom. They left only to return with two refilled buckets. This time just one of the buckets was emptied on Tom while the other was put on the floor.

"Use this to keep yourself clean", the guard said.

The guard placed two bottles of drinking water next to the bucket. As soon as the guards left him, Tom drank one of the water bottles to try and get the taste of the guards piss out of his mouth.

He was left alone for a long time and it took a toll on him mentally. Tom imagined he was seeing things in the dark cell, like someone standing in the corner or images popping up on the tv monitor, but in reality nothing was happening. The extreme hunger that Tom was experiencing must have been the reason for it. He felt empty and weak in his body.

It bothered Tom that he got erect and horny from time to time. Even though his mind didn't want him to enjoy fucking the boy, his body had greatly enjoyed it and kept reminding him, getting his dick to grow to its full 9" length.

Tom knew the easiest way to get rid of it was to use his hands - and he did. It only took a couple of minutes masturbating to cum on the bare skin of his smooth body. Afterwards, he used the water in the bucket to clean up, afraid of possible consequences if he didn't.

After what felt like an eternity, the door opened and a guard came in with a bowl of rice in lukewarm water.

Tom forced himself to focus and make sure that he was really seeing it, that the guard and the bowl were really there. They were and when Tom believed it, he got goose bumps all over his body. It was a strange sensation to feel, but apparently it was the only normal reaction to the mixed feeling of fear and hopelessness from the situation and happiness from the food.

With all the strength he could muster up, Tom forced himself to eat as slowly as possible. He also wanted to leave some for later, but that he couldn't do. Within two minutes, the bowl was empty. With his tongue, Tom licked the last grains of rice out of the bowl. His stomach ached from the sudden and long overdue food, but Tom didn't care about that at the moment, now that he knew for certain that he would be alive a little longer.

It didn't take the guard long to come back to the cell after Tom finished the rice. But he wasn't alone this time. He was joined by a colleague and together they came not only to fetch the empty bowl but also to take Tom with them.

They handled Tom rough and with little patience as they pushed him through the corridor, through the hallway with the tainted windows and down a flight of stairs. Tom was brought to a room that was equipped with lots and lots of S&M gear. The light in the room was dimmed, but bright enough for the camera that was mounted on a tripod to film properly.

Next to the camera stood the twenty-something doctor that had given Tom his physical. He wasn't wearing his lab coat, but casual jeans and a simple grey t-shirt. He watched as the guards locked Tom against a St. Andrews cross that made sure he was in a spread-eagle position with his backside facing the doctor.

Tom could hear the guards step back, but all he could see now was the wall. He was terrified. What were they going to do to him? What was the doctor doing here?

"You know what you did, boy?", the doctor asked.

Tom had of course no idea. What was he talking about? He didn't respond, remembering the rule that he wasn't allowed to speak until ordered to do so. He wasn't sure if this question was enough permission to speak and he didn't want to take the risk.

It was a miscalculation, because after about five seconds a stingy pain ran through Tom's body as some sort of paddle slashed his naked butt. "Answer me!", the doctor ordered.

Tom uttered a quiet `no' in a trembling voice. It was followed by another smash with the paddle.

"What `no'?"

Tom understood his mistake the moment the paddle had hit him for the second time and now answered with more volume: "No Sir".

"I will tell you why you deserve punishment. You brought a disease into our house, you filthy, useless slave boy. You volunteer yourself to the service of our Group but forget to tell us you have Chlamydia. And you already fucked #117."

The doctor continued talking at the same time as the paddle was hitting Tom with continuous strokes. It was starting to hurt more and more as the skin on his bubble butt got red hot.

"Do you think it is okay to spread disease in our house, into our property?"


"You are lucky you haven't been sold yet because any other owner would've killed you by now."


"If I didn't have to worry about keeping your skin in tact, I would've hit you with something much more painful, you stupid bitch."


Either the force of the doctor's swing was getting stronger or the skin on his ass couldn't take it any more - probably both -- but the result was that Tom was now in agony.

The doctor's fast tempo didn't give Tom any moment to grasp his breath and let his skin relax. It was smack after smack after smack for almost ten minutes when the doctor finally stopped. Based on the sound Tom could hear the spanking had stopped, but his ass was glowing so fiercely that it still felt as if he was being hit.

The doctor walked up to him until he was right behind him. Tom felt a rubber glove gently stroking his body, moving up to his chest and pinching his nipple. Tom squeaked.

"You are a very lucky bitch. Very fortunate that we take such good care of our property", the doctor spoke in a soft voice, still touching Tom's left nipple with his hand. He moved his other hand to the front of the cross, so Tom could see it was holding a needle.

The hand was lowered, out of Tom's sight, and a second later he felt the needle being pressed in the hurt muscle of his glowing butt.

They had either been watching or the doctor had a way of calling them back in without Tom noticing, but the guards came back and quickly walked up to Tom.

Tom was unlocked from the cross but after they turned him around, they locked his hands behind his back with wrist restraints. Now Tom had no way of making things difficult for them, they continued with another kind of lock: a cock cage.

The guards moved so quickly and professionally that the lock was caging the flesh of Tom's penis within twenty seconds, before the touch of the sensitive skin would've forced him to get aroused. The steel cage felt cold and tight around his penis. It had only a small slit at the front that could probably be used for peeing.

After the device was put in place, the guards pushed Tom back to his cell, locked the chain around his ankle again and, resulting in a tiny feeling of happiness, removing the wrist restraint.

But there he was again, back in the cell that had nothing to offer him apart from some water, the paper-thin mattress and the screen mounted on the wall in the corner. It had been turned on while Tom was away and was now showing endless streams of all kinds of gay porn again.

Seeing the bodies getting stimulated, climaxed, sucked fucked reminded Tom of the unexpectedly hot encounter with the other captive boy. It even turned him on, but that only resulted in the painful throbbing of his locked up cock.

He lay on his side and faced away from the monitor. With a burning ass and a steel cage around his penis, this was the only position that wasn't extremely uncomfortable. As Tom lay there, he wondered how much strength he had left in him to keep faith. To fulfill his promise that he would not lose hope. The tears in the corner of his eyes were the only sign that Tom was afraid to find out the answer to his question.

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 6

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