Bangkok Breakdown

By Paradox eightyeight

Published on Sep 24, 2015


Chapter: 2

Tom had no idea if he had slept days, hours or even if he had slept at all. He was a prisoner in a soundproof room that offered him not even the slightest ray of light. The circumstances made sure that all sense of time was fading away from his consciousness.

After the light had been switched off again, Tom had retrieved the blanket that he had seen leaning against one of the walls. In order to get it, he had to lie down on the floor and stretch as far as he could. With his fingertips he got the blanket to move and eventually fall on its side, which made it easy to grab.

It was a minor victory and for a brief second a positive feeling flowed through Tom's body. Even though the small blanket wasn't even an inch thick, it was nice not to feel the concrete floor on his naked upper body. If Tom curled up and held his arms firmly around his knees, most of his skin was touching fabric.

The monitor that had showed the gay erotica had been switched off since the fourth loop and as far as Tom could tell the situation around him was exactly the same as before the light went off.

Then, out of the blue, a sound!

At the same instant the lights flashed on and the door opened. Three muscular Asian men entered the cell. Tom got up to his feet and moved away from the door as far as the chain around his ankle permitted him and to try and stay out of the men's reach, but it didn't help because they quickly cornered him, put a gag in his mouth, grabbed his arms and legs and bound them with restraints.

After unlinking the heavy chain around his ankle, the guards pushed Tom forward, moving out of the cell. He had no other option but to comply. With his arms tight to each other by the restraints, Tom knew this would not be a chance for him to escape, but he could at least use the event to try and figure out where the hell he was.

It puzzled Tom that the three men made no effort to prevent him from taking in his surroundings. His eyes were free to take in the corridor he was now moving through. There wasn't a lot to see, though. It had the same concrete wall as Tom's cell and it wasn't very long. Tom counted eight doors just like the metal one he was just pushed through. There were no windows in the corridor and the ceiling was low. Despite the bright neon light it had there was something claustrophobic about it. Confined was the right word.

One of the guards used two metal keys and an electronic key card to unlock the heavy door at the end of the corridor. It opened to another hallway. The building seemed to be some kind of abandoned office building. At both ends of the hallway Tom could see the openings to staircases and windows that were so stained that they barely let through any light at all.

Tom was taken only a couple of doors down the hall and forced into a narrow room. Inside were just a bucket and a water hose.

"Use the toilet," the tallest of the guards shouted.

A rope with a rubber hook at the end was hanging from the ceiling. One of the guards slid Tom's wrist restraint in the hook and it made sure Tom didn't fall down while he was squatting above the bucket.

The three men stayed right at Tom's side. He was really going to have to do this. He didn't know if and when he would get a next chance. He let it all go. Tom was now squatting above the bucket, with his hands suspended on a hook above him to be able to keep the balance. Silent tears rolled down his cheeks. Another burst of hopelessness filled his body. He wanted this all to be a bad dream, or a prank from one of the crazy Asian television shows. That a TV host now entered the room with rolling cameras and that everybody started laughing and applauding him.

But Tom knew that wouldn't happen. This was real.

After Tom was finished, two guards pulled him up, turned him around and held him, while the other one aimed the water hose at him. A strong stream of water pressed against his body. Not only his butt cheeks were cleaned, but his whole body received a thorough cleansing.

The guards dragged Tom out of the room. He was still soaking wet when he entered into a new area of the floor, through the door of what looked like an examination room.

One of the guards attached Tom's wrist restraints to a hook that was mounted in the ceiling. The other men were spreading Tom's legs and made sure they stayed that way by using a spreader bar. It was all happening so swiftly; they must have done this exact procedure many times before.

Once Tom was put in his place -- his legs wide and his arms tight to the ceiling -- the guards left. Tom stood in the room and looked around. The room was all very clean and seemed to have all the equipment a general practitioner could possibly need, and more. He tried to scream, but his voice was still raw from his earlier attempt at being heard and with the gag in his mouth, he knew it was pointless.

A man and a woman, both in their twenties, entered the room. It took a few seconds before it hit Tom that these were two of the people he had seen in the bar where he was abducted. These two were friends of the boy that had talked to him, the boy he had seen on the monitor in his cell, wearing an army-like outfit and carrying an automatic gun.

"Time for your physical", the guy said, giving Tom a disgusted look. Both he and the girl were wearing clean white lab coats. The guy was acting like he was the doctor and the girl was the nurse. He said something in Thai and they both laughed.

The doctor examined his body from head to toe and wrote down every detail about it. Tom could see the doctor write on a clipboard. It had a drawing of a body and on dotted lines he made notes in Thai. It wasn't difficult to figure out that he was writing down things like the color of Tom's eyes, the length of his hair, the measurements of his head, his upper body and his arms and legs and also his wrists, ankles and neck... it was more like a tailor was fitting him for a suit than a doctor checking his health.

While they examined it, the doctor and the nurse got very physical. The doctor pulled Tom's hair and squeezed his mouth to check his teeth. Tom had no clue why the doctor also pinched his nipples to the point where Tom let out a high squeak through the gag that was still in his mouth. The doctor made notes of everything.

The pinching of the nipples did something to his body. Even though it was painful, his dick had responded to it and wasn't as soft as it was a minute ago. The nurse noticed it, grabbed Tom's cock and started jerking it. Tom desperately didn't want it to, but his cock was in full erection within seconds.

"You are going to make us a lot of money", the doctor said with a smile on his face.

Tom understood it was his penis that was being complemented, just like it had been by many of the girls he had fucked over the last two months. Tom had never cared about it much, but he knew his was well hung. As the nurse was now finding out, Tom's thick dick measured 23 centimeters (9") and was as straight at could be. The foreskin fitted around the head beautifully, giving just enough room to slide back and forth perfectly.

Without warning, the doctor grabbed Tom's balls and squeezed them hard. If Tom's arms hadn't been tied to the ceiling, the pain would've forced him on his knees. Whatever was left of his voice was now being used to express the pain he was feeling.

The doctor and the nurse laughed as Tom's erection faded.

Tom felt the doctor's hand move to the back of Tom's body. He pressed a finger up against Tom's butt hole.

"Tight", the doctor said. "Have you ever been fucked, faggot?"

Tom didn't respond, he was still fighting the pain from his squeezed balls. The pain quickly subsided when it had to make way for the pain from the punch in the gut that the doctor just gave him.


Not being able to speak due to both the pain and the mouth gag, Tom moved his head horizontally, indicating the answer `no'.

"Good", the doctor said. He made a final note on his clipboard and left the room.

The nurse stayed behind and went on to draw some blood from Tom's arm. After that, she grabbed some wax and started to remove every hair Tom had on his body. Only the long blonde hair on his head was left when the nurse finished her job. Tom's body was now glowing red.

He felt exhausted by the intrusive physical he had received and Tom had no force left in him to resist when the same guards from before entered the examination room to take him back to his cell. They surrounded him, making sure he couldn't escape or resist anything they might force him to do. When they arrived at the door of Tom's cell, one of the guards got the gag out of Tom's mouth and handed him a bottle of water and some sort of smoothie.

"Drink both", the guard ordered.

Tom obliged, knowing very well there was nothing to gain from resisting. Besides, he was extremely thirsty, even without any orders he would drink the water. The smoothie tasted grainy and fruity. Tom had a feeling that this was the only meal he would get for a while.

After both drinks were finished, the guards pushed Tom back into his cell and locked his ankle with the chain that was tied to the floor in the centre of the room. After they left and closed the door, the lights went off. Tom was alone in the dark again.

Tom desperately wanted to make sense of all that was happening to him. Why had they kidnapped him? Who were they to begin with? What could the group of rich students want from him? At what kind of place were they keeping him? More and more questions popped up in his mind.

Why did they put him through that physical? Are they going to let him do slave labor? Or even worse, use or sell him as a sex slave to some deviant? Why did the monitor only show clips of gay porn? Had they mistaken him for someone else? Didn't they know he wasn't gay? Did they even care?

Tom felt he could guess some of the answers, but he didn't want to. He needed facts so he could make a plan for how to get out of this fucked up situation.

He felt he was getting angry. A part was anger at himself, for getting in the situation in the first place, but most of it was anger towards the son of the bar owner and his friends, especially the student who acted like a doctor and hurt Tom by squeezing his balls and punching him in the gut.

If one of them would walk in now, Tom would attack them with all the force he had in him, whether they were armed or not.

But no one disturbed him for an agonizingly long time. Long enough for the drinking water to run through his body and fill his bladder and for his stomach to start demanding more food.

There was no bucket or anything in the room. Even the water bottle that Tom had finished before being thrown back into the cell, was taken by the guards. If he had to pee, there was no place for it but the concrete of the floor. It would be messy.

Tom decided to try and hold off a little longer.

The TV monitor came to Tom's aid by offering a distraction when it flickered on. It was nice to see some light again, even though it initially hurt his eyes. The video that was shown was recorded in a cell just like the one Tom was now in. At first, Tom thought he was watching himself being recorded by the cctv camera, but then he noticed the timestamp on the video: It was recorded four years ago. The boy on the floor in the video wasn't him, but someone else, someone younger than Tom - who was only 19 years old himself.

The footage was in grey scale but the boy seemed to have light hair. He looked petrified, like he too had just been captured. With everything he had, he tried to remove the chain from his ankle. A chain just like the one keeping Tom tied to the middle of the floor. Tom knew the boy's attempts were pointless and it hurt him to watch the boy try, especially because the boy was putting so much pressure on his ankle that Tom was afraid it would snap soon.

Two men entered the cell in the video. They pulled the boy up and Tom could see that he wasn't very tall and really was young, at least three years younger than Tom. While one of the men held the boy's hands behind his back, the other put some sort of apparatus on the boy's penis. Like he was locking it. It was the end of the clip.

The neon lights in Tom's cell flickered on and the door opened. Tom held his breath, partly from fear, but mainly with a sense of hope that still hid within him. Maybe this would be a chance to escape.

The small and thin person that entered Tom's cell was the boy he had just seen on the monitor.

Next: Chapter 4

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