Banging Straight Cunts

By Ivan Ayala

Published on Aug 7, 2023


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(Also send pictures of your male pussies, hands spreading your ass so I can be inspired when I write. I also like big juicy pecs and nipples, I love seeing cockwhores acting slutty. Only if your 18+years old)

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The next week was torture for me as well, I missed Luke's perfect ass so I had to fuck Alex more than once a day to stay sane. I saw Luke everyday, from the looks on his face going without my cock for a week was killing him. I heard his girlfriend didn't take the break up too well, just like I wanted. The same day they broke up I told a classmate that Ana was available now and might need some "comfort". He happened to be Luke's best friend, Daniel. I saw them once walking in the mall together after I had finished fucking a men's clothes clerk. My plan was going perfectly.

The rest of the week went by and I didn't see Coach M for a while, sometimes he didn't even show up to work, on those days a large part of the jock students were also mysteriously absent. Another person I didn't see for a while was that bastard, Cristian. He hadn't shown his face since I introduced him to my fist.

"That pussy must be scared" I thought as I looked for Alex for a quick fuck between classes.

Finally a week passed. I had finished changing after gym class when Luke showed up out of nowhere, bent down in front of me and started begging me to fuck him. There were still some students left in the locker room, some stared with awe, others laughed as they walked away, and others left uttering words like faggot and whore.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I said kicking him away. Inside I was dying to fuck him, I would have fucked him right there and then, in front of everyone but I had to contain myself.

"If you want me to fuck you, be ready at your house after school" I said standing over him. "Is your mom home yet?" I asked

"No, she said she would stay a few more days" Luke answered standing up regaining the little composure he had left.

"Perfect" I said. "When you get there take off all your clothes, put on some underwear and wait for me on all fours"

"Yes Sir" he said

"Oh, and use this blindfold" I said taking out the same blindfold I used on Alex and handing it to him.

Luke quickly put the blindfold away.

"Why do I need to wear a blindfold, Sir?" Luke asked timidly

"Oh" I said laughing. "Its because I have a little surprise for you when I get there"

With that I walked away leaving Luke to wonder what I meant. The rest of the day couldn't have passed any slower. My cock was killing me inside my pants, I needed to fuck Luke so bad. He had become my main bitch and I even felt a slight attachment to him.

When the day finally ended I heard some of the teachers talking in the hallway. They were talking about Coach M's weird behavior lately and his recent absences. They knew something was going on, they just didn't know what. I got in my car anxious to fuck Luke, but before I did I had to pick up 2 very special guests. They were two very close people to Luke, Ana his ex-girlfriend and Daniel his best friend.

"So is Luke really a faggot?" asked Ana as I drove to Luke's house.

"You have no idea, he's a total submissive whore who loves cock" I said

"No shit!" said Daniel in the passenger seat. "I never thought Luke was a whore for cock" he said

"Oh yeah, he loves cock in his ass, and he's a pro at cocksucking" I said glancing over at Daniel, who quickly understood what I meant. We soon arrived at Luke's house. As I pulled in the drive way I told Daniel and Ana the reason they were here.

"Luke has been my bitch for a little more than a week" I explained "But a week ago I stopped fucking him as punishment for something he did"

"So you want us to help you with the punishment?" Asked Ana

"Exactly, but you don't have to do anything Ana, the one I need to help me is Daniel" I said looking over at him.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked

"I need you to get a blowjob from Luke" I said with a grin

"I don't know man, I don't roll that way" he said

"Its just a blowjob from your best friend, besides he's the one doing it that doesn't make you gay" I said

Daniel looked over at Ana as if waiting for her approval. Her face was emotionless but then a grin started creeping on her face.

"Go for it Daniel, it will be fun watching him suck your cock after he broke up with me, it's the perfect payback" she said

That comment made me grin, what a vengeful bitch she was. After that Daniel looked over to me and nodded, agreeing to go along with my plan.

"Good, now Luke has a blindfold so he won't see a thing, you two have to stay completely silent, got it"

"Yep" was their response

"You two stay in the living room, I will go up and bring him down. Daniel you have to be sitting in the couch cock ready, after that just play along, ok?" I said

They both nodded as I opened the door I pointed over the couch and told them to be ready. Daniel lowered his pants and sat down. His black cock has roughly my size which was perfect, Ana then started jacking him off keeping him hard. I walked upstairs to get Luke, I walked into his room to find him ready to be fucked just like I told him. He responded to the sound of me entering by sticking out his tongue.

"Get up bitch, I want to fuck you down stairs" I said pulling on his hair forcing him to get on his feet.

Luke quickly stood up and tried to take the blindfold off.

"WHO TOLD YOU TO TAKE THAT OFF BITCH" I yelled punching him in the stomach.

"Sorry Sir," Luke said holding his belly.

"Now get down stairs, but you better keep that blindfold on or else I won't fuck you ever again" I said

"Yes, Sir" Luke said with slight fear in his voice at the thought I never being fucked my me again.

I walked to the door and went downstairs leaving Luke to get there on his own. I got to the living room and told Ana and Daniel to get ready. I stood behind Daniel to make my voice be heard from the right place.

"Hurry up bitch" I yelled

Luke started down the stairs touching everything to make his way down. When he reached the bottom Daniel and Ana were appalled at the sight. Luke was wearing only his boxers with a tent from his hard on. He looked so hot with his blonde curly hair and big tits.

"Crawl over here and suck on my dick before I fuck you" I said

Immediately Luke got on all fours and started crawling toward Daniel, unsuspecting that trap. Luke was now drooling as he approached Daniel's cock. When Luke got to Daniel's legs I said, "Get sucking slut". Luke needed no more encouragement, he took hold of Daniel's cock and started sucking as if his life depended on it. Daniel started moaning in pleasure at the feeling of Luke's perfect mouth. Ana was grinning as she witnessed her ex-boyfriend suck off her new boyfriend.

"Yeah, tell me how much you love sucking my cock" I said standing behind Daniel

"I love sucking your cock, sir. I`m your cumdump please fill me with your seed" Luke said in between breaths.

Daniel couldn't believe what he heard, his best friend begging to be fucked and used. As Luke kept on sucking Daniel grabbed his head and really shoved his dick down his throat. Daniel was really enjoying face fucking his best friend.

"YEAH SUCK IT FAGGOT" Daniel yelled not being able to contain himself any more.

Suddenly Luke stopped sucking as he recognized his best friend's voice. At that moment I jumped the couch and stood behind Luke's ass and took off his blindfold.

"Daniel!" Luke said with a horrified look on his face. He then noticed Ana sitting right next to him. "Ana!" he said standing up.

"Stay down there bitch" I said pushing him down with my foot. "Daniel and Ana are here to see what a faggot you've become, they didn't believe it at first but now that you just sucked your own best friend's cock they need no more proof".

"Wow Luke, you really are a pro cocksucker" said Daniel. "I bet you could give Ana a few pointers" he said wrapping his arm around her.

"Oh, yeah you didn't know Luke, Daniel and I have been going out this past week since you broke up with me" Ana said caressing Daniel's shoulders. "I see why you did it though, you found the place where you belong, servicing real men" she said as she took hold of Daniel's spit covered cock.

"Now slut, keep sucking Daniel's cock while I fuck you" I said slapping his ass.

With tears on his face, Luke moved his mouth toward Daniel's cock and started sucking it.

"Oh look, he's crying" said Ana

"Don't worry baby, those are tears of happiness" said Daniel as he grabbed Luke's head and forced it down.

As Luke kept sucking his best friend's cock I ripped a hole in his boxers and looked at his cunt. It was pink and hairless like always, then I separated his giant ass cheeks which caused his pussy to start twitching. His cunt was begging for my cock. I lowered my shorts, aimed my dick and shoved it in. His pussy was as tight as ever, if not tighter due to the week of no fucking. Luke responded to my cock with a loud moan of complete pleasure.

"Can you hear this whore" said Daniel laughing

"Yeah, he really likes to be fucked" said Ana

I was completely lost in the pleasure on my cock. Luke's ass was out of this world, his muscles had the experience of his father yet remained tight no matter how many times I fucked him. Luke was still crying as he sucked Daniel's cock, being forced to suck his best friend's cock while his ex-girlfriend watched was too much for him. I on the other hand found the situation the hottest I had ever seen, surpassing even when I fucked both father and son last week.

Luke's ass was so desperate to get my seed that I didn't last very long. I shoved my dick in as far in as possible and shot my load inside Luke. The warm feeling of my seed inside him made Luke suck faster which soon caused Daniel to shot as well. Luke tried to swallow it all but Daniel pulled his dick out and shot the rest of his cum all over Luke's face.

"Clean up Daniel's cock bitch" I said as I slapped Luke`s bubble butt.

Luke quickly licked Daniel's cock clean.

"Now clean mine up" I said pulling my still hard dick out of his ass

Luke turned around and also licked my cock clean.

"Hey can I take a picture of Luke's face covered in cum?" asked Ana

"Sure, go ahead take as many as you want" I said

Ana took out her phone and took several pictures of Luke's cum covered face to show all her friends. Daniel stood up, buttoned his pants and signaled Ana that it was time to leave.

"Thanks again for the blowjob, man" he said shacking my hand

"Hey, anytime you want one, you just make this bitch give you one" I said with a grin

"I'll take you up on that offer" he said with a grin

"Just remember, his cunt is mine" I said

"Hey, don't worry I don't need that faggot's cunt, not as long as I have this sweet piece of ass" he said squeezing Ana's butt cheek.

Luke was still on all fours, crying at the thought of his best friend using him as a cumdump and his ex-girlfriend dating him.

"Hey look, Luke wet his boxers" said Ana pointing at Luke's crotch

"Ha, the faggot shot his load just by being fucked, what a whore" said Daniel laughing

"I'll accompany you to the door" I said laughing. It was hard to believe Luke shot his load without touching his cock and having a cock ring, his balls must have been overflowing with cum from this past week of no fucking.

As I opened the door, Coach M stumbled through falling to the ground.

(Beginning of Chapter 9)

"Oh my god, Coach M" said Daniel

"Luke's father?" asked Ana

Coach looked awful, he hadn't shaved or showered in a long time. From the looks of him, he was drunk and very exhausted. His head and chest were covered in sperm, I was surprised to see he was still wearing pants.

It turns out that since that time I saw him being gangbanged by all the jocks in the weight room he's been their fuck toy. Fucking him all day at school, passing him around like a rag doll, and taking him home to be fucked some more. Luke later told me he hadn't been home but only a few times since the time in the weight room.

Next: Chapter 9

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