Banging Straight Cunts

By Ivan Ayala

Published on Oct 19, 2023


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(Also send pictures of your male pussies, hands spreading your ass so I can be inspired when I write. I also like big juicy pecs and nipples, I love seeing cockwhores acting slutty. Only if your 18+years old)

I awoke alone in the bed, I walked downstairs to find Coach M naked, sitting in the table eating a bowl of cereal. When he saw me his eyes quickly shifted to my cock.

"Good morning sir, would you like breakfast?" Luke asked from the kitchen also naked.

"Sure, right after I take a piss" I said taking my cock out and shaking it at Coach M.

Coach M immediately dropped his spoon and crawled over to my cock and began sucking on it. I released my stream of piss making Coach M swallow it all while Luke watched from the kitchen as his father become an urinal. Coach M was still wearing the butt plug, forcing his intestines to digest all the cum he had in his cunt.

After I was done, I walked to the table and sat down followed by Coach M. who began eating his cereal again. Luke served me a big stack of waffles and some coffee. As I ate I kept catching Coach M. staring at my cock.

"So how are Troy and Alex this morning?" I asked

"Alex went home this morning" said Luke

"And Troy?" I asked with my mouthful "is he still tied down?" I asked

"No, my father let him go" said Luke with a grim look on his face

"WHAT!" I yelled at Coach M.

"Don't worry he'll be back for more cock, and I'm sure he won't tell anyone" Coach M. responded with a slight revival of his old cocky self.

"Troy is not as big a cockwhore as you" I said

"Yes he is, he was begging for cock this morning when I went up to see him" Coach M answered.

"For your sake, he better be" I said sitting back down.

As I continued eating my waffles I could hear a small noise coming from under the floor. It was Mr. L yelling through the ball gag, apparently no one could hear him but me, probably because I was the only one who knew he was down there. I was thinking of my plan when I was interrupted by Coach M.

"So what are we going to do when Helen gets back, she can't stay at her sister's forever" Coach M asked.

He was referring to Luke's mother who had been gone for almost 2 weeks and should be back tomorrow.

"Don't worry about that, I'll handle it" I said not sure of what to do.

When breakfast was done I got up and told Luke and Coach M what was going to happen today.

"Coach you go back to that construction site and get those 5 guys that were fucking you to come here" I asked as I saw a lustful look on Coach's face. "and for god's sake don't let them fuck you until you get here"

"Ok, I'll try" he answered unsure of his willpower to resist

"Luke you go Cristian's house and get him to come here, he doesn't know I got your dad back so tell him you'll let him fuck you if he lets your dad go" I said

"Ok, but why do you want Cristian and Mr. L's construction workers to come here?" Luke asked

"You let me worry about the details." I said with a grin.

I finished my breakfast and walked to the basement.

"Where are you going sir?" Luke asked walking behind me

"Oh yeah, you don't know that I have Mr. L tied to a chair down there" I said with a slight laugh

"Cristian's father is down there?" Luke asked

"Yeah, I brought him here yesterday" I said going down the stairs

Mr. L was just like Daniel and I left him, hands tied behind his back, legs tied to the chair, and gagged with a ball gag, the only difference was the stinging glare of his eyes, he was pissed. When he saw me and Luke come down the stairs he began buckling in his chair trying to get free, he was yelling a lot but nothing could be understood behind the gag.

"Don't worry Mr. L your son will be here soon to take you home" I said patting him on the back while Luke saw from a distance.

"Luke!, come help me get him in the living room" I said

Luke and I dragged the chair with Mr. L in it all the way up the stairs and placed him in the living room. We put him facing the couch perfect to watch the upcoming show.

"Now go put some clothes on, and bring Cristian here" I told Luke

Coach M was upstairs taking a shower, finally cleaning all the cum and dirt off. A few minutes later Luke came back wearing some loose basketball shorts and a tank top, I guess that was enough. I walked toward him and pulled his shorts confirming that there was no underwear. Then came Coach M wearing jeans and a t-shirt making his huge muscles show under the small shirt and his bug ass and bulge stand out of his pants, he looked just like he did before I turned him into a cockwhore. When Coach M saw Mr. L tied up in the living room he became nervous and anxious, he wanted that monster cock up his ass again I could tell, but sadly I doubt Mr. L would ever fuck him again when I get done with my plan.

"Well look at you cunt, you almost look like a real man, you`re still wearing that butt plug right?" I said squeezing Coach's big ass. Coach M simply answered with a moan.

"Now go do what I told you, Coach you take your car and Luke your going to have to walk since Cristian's house is not that far away" I said

"I'll stay here and watch our guest" I said looking over at Mr. L

With that both Luke and Coach M. left eager to complete their missions. I could tell Mr. L really hated me but that would all change soon enough.

"Now, there's something you must understand Mr. L, I have nothing against you. Actually I respect you for being a real man like me, you simply did what any real man should do with a faggot like Coach M. but my revenge is set for Cristian not you, as a matter of fact you will end up winning a lot after today." I said with a grin.

About 15 minutes later Coach M came back with the five construction workers. When I heard a car pull in the drive way I looked out the window. I could see Coach M was in the back seat sucking off three of the workers while the other two were in front. When the car came to a stop all five of them got off the car leaving Coach M. to crawl to them wanting more cock.

"C'mon lets get this bitch in the house I want to fuck his cunt" said one of them

All five of them approached the door followed by Coach M.

"Hey, I heard his son is also a faggot, maybe we'll get a shot at his cunt" said one of them

"Fuck that, I want a piece of his wife, have you seen that sweet piece of ass" said another

They all walked in laughing, but that suddenly turned into silence when they saw their boss tied to the chair and me seating in the couch.

"Welcome, please sit down" I said pointing at the couch

"What the fuck is going on here" yelled one of them

"Before we begin off in the wrong foot, I have a proposition that I know you won't resist" I said with a grin as they all paid attention

"How would you all like to fuck your boss's son?" I said

(Beginning of Chapter 17)

"What the fuck are you talking about, we can't fuck Cristian" said one of them

"Sure you can, he's on his way here just for that reason, and I know how much you all want to get back at him for treating you like shit" I said with a grin. "Oh, and don't worry about your boss here when the day is over I bet he'll be giving you all raises due to his good mood" I said looking over at a confused Mr. L

"Hey, I'm up for fucking that son of a bitch" said one of them

"Yeah, me too that piece of shit owes me" said another

Soon they all agreed to my plan and sat down eager to get started.

"While you wait how about a blowjob?" I said looking over at Coach M standing near a corner

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