Banging Straight Cunts

By Ivan Ayala

Published on Oct 16, 2023


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(Also send pictures of your male pussies, hands spreading your ass so I can be inspired when I write. I also like big juicy pecs and nipples, I love seeing cockwhores acting slutty. Only if your 18+years old)

As I drove I began thinking of all the places that bastard Cristian could have taken Coach M. Surely he wasn't stupid enough to take him home, so the most likely place was somewhere only people he knew could enter. The first place that came to mind was Cristian's father's workplace, a construction site. Cristian' father, Mr. L was the owner of a construction site and Cristian hanged around them all the time. It was a perfect place to keep Coach M. The newest construction site was a new government building, so that's were I headed. Cristian's father, Mr. L was a big, white, redneck type guy, I had seen him before at school at a few events. He was a widowed man, his wife died a long time ago when Cristian was still a little kid. Since then he's been going from girlfriend to girlfriend but for some reason his relationships never lasted.

When I reached the construction site, the place seemed suspiciously empty, there is usually a handful of guys working but this time there was no one to be seen. I parked a few lots away and walked to the site. I saw some movement coming from behind Mr. L's trailer. I sneaked closer and started hearing laughter and fucking sounds. I looked around the corner of the trailer and saw Coach M. on the ground being fucked by the construction workers.

"Fuck man, this faggot has a great pussy" said the one fucking the Coach M.

"Yeah, its nice and wet isn't it" said another one, probably the one previously fucking the Coach.

There was 6 of them standing around Coach M. They were the stereotypical construction men with worn-out jeans, squared shirts and five' clock shadow. Two of them were white, very rugged looking with big bulges and fat asses, two more were black, big robust men stroking their huge cocks as the fifth guy fucked Coach M. He was a Hispanic man with a very sexy caramel colored body. The sixth person was Mr. L himself, a huge man with incredible muscles, obviously due to his job. He was standing behind the Hispanic guy probably waiting his turn to fuck Coach's cunt. My mouth fell open at the sight of his cock, I could see it dangling in between his legs. A big, juicy piece of white meat, built for fucking it was bigger than a ruler, I estimated a solid 14 inches. No wonder he couldn't hold a girlfriend for very long, he probably scared those poor girls away when they saw his monster dick.

"Get the fuck out of the way" Mr. L said pulling the Hispanic guy away from Coach M. "My cock won't wait any longer, it needs to fuck something now, so move if you don`t want it to be you"

Mr. L then quickly shoved his dick into Coach M.'s cunt. I was stunned to see Coach M.'s used cunt couldn't take the whole thing, there was still a good 3 inches that didn't go in at the first shove.

"Wow this faggot took that much of my cock in one shove" Mr. L commented. "Lets see if he can take the whole thing" Mr. L. said pushing his cock further in Coach M. cunt.

Coach M was loving it, I could see him pushing his ass toward the invading cock. Once Coach M. felt Mr. L.'s balls against his he started humping back and forth.

"Ha, we'll I'll be damned, he took the whole thing and he wants more" Mr. L said. "Get ready faggot for the fuck of your life, I haven't fucked in long time" Mr. L said grinning

Mr. L grabbed Coach M by the hips and started rough fucking him. Taking his monster size cock as far out as possible and then ramming it back in with full force. Coach M's body shock violently with every thrust. Considering the size of the cock it must be rearranging his organs. I stood there watching the show thinking of a way to rescue that cockwhore. There was no way I could take on all 6 of them by myself and Coach M wouldn't be much help, he'd probably help them just so he can get fucked again. I decided there was nothing I could do but wait, I walked to my car and waited for the right time. I called Daniel to tell Luke that I had found Coach M. but it was going to take a while to bring him back. Daniel's voice seemed stressed as if running or more likely fucking.


"Hey, don't worry its not your bitch, its this faggot quarterback, I always wanted to fuck him" Daniel answered as I heard Troy moaning in the background.

"Fine, you can fuck that pussy, I don't care, but don't you dare fuck Luke's ass" I said

"Oh, c'mon I wouldn't do that to my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend and specially not to you, crazy motherfucker" he said with a laugh

After that conversation I waited in the car for a few hours, feeling horny as hell after 2 hours of no fucking but I needed to stay and keep watch. 2 more hours later I was getting hungry, so my cock and stomach overpowered my brain. I decided to eat at a burger joint in the corner of the block, first I ate then I fucked the cashier, then I went for the cook, who added a very special mayonnaise to a couple burgers, last I fucked their manager, a very stuck up guy but after a meeting with my cock he turned into a slut like they all do. I spent 1 hour fucking all of them until I felt satisfied.

I went back to my car relieved to see nothing had happened. Then suddenly I noticed Cristian entering the construction site, probably to check up on his "hostage". One more hour and the workers stared leaving laughing and joking about what they had just passed the last 6 hour doing. It was 6:00 P.M., probably their quitting time. I waited in my car as 2 of them passed by.

"Man, I fucking hate that snot nosed kid" said one of them

"Me too, he thinks he can treat us like shit just cus his father is our boss" said the other as they walked passed me.

All five of them left, later followed by Cristian, leaving only Mr. L and Coach M., I figured that was the opportunity. I grabbed a few pills that I use to bring down bigger men and made my way to the construction site. I looked around the corner of the trailer again I saw Mr. L sitting on a chair drinking beer and Coach M in between his legs sucking his monster cock as best he could. Coach M had a collar around his neck, chained to a spike on the ground like a common guard dog.

"Get off me faggot, I need to take a leak" said Mr. L standing up and walking to the porta potties.

"Thank god he didn't know Coach M. was a piss pig" I thought

I took the opportunity and dropped the 2 pills in Mr. L's beer. Telling Coach M to shut up as he saw me. When I saw the pills were dissolved enough I went back to hide. Mr. L came back just in time to miss me, he sat down and took a sip of his beer.

"Get back here faggot, my dick needs cleaning" he said

Coach M quickly crawled in between his legs and reassumed his sucking, tasting the remaining piss in Mr. L's cock.

"Ha, if I had known you liked piss I wouldn't have gone to the bathroom" said Mr. L. drinking more of his beer.

I could tell Mr. L was falling just like Luke did the first time I fucked him. A few minutes later, I heard the sound of his beer bottle dropping followed by a thud. Mr. L was out cold, he tipped his chair over and fell to the ground. I moved quickly and untied Coach M. from the collar. At a closer inspection Coach M was filthy, the cum all over his body mixed in with dirt from the construction site, not to mention a big "FUCK ME¯" written on his back. When Coach was free he quickly approached my crotch wanting my cock.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME WHORE" I said pushing him away discussed at the desperate need for more cock. "Help me carry this motherfucker back to my car" I said pointing at Mr. L.

Coach M and I carried the unconscious Mr. L back to my car careful not to let anyone see us carrying a body nor Coach M. completely naked. I drove back to Luke's house as Coach M sucked on Mr. L's unconscious cock. Even when not erect it was still really big. I called Daniel to meet us outside the house as to not attract much attention.

When we got there I quickly got out of the car and explained things to Daniel.

"How many people are in there?" I asked

"Like 50, but they're all upstairs, you can hide him in the basement" he said

"Good, help me carry him downstairs then" I said opening the passenger door exposing Coach M still sucking on Mr. L's cock.

I pulled Coach M off the cock.

"There is a house full of cocks in there" I said pointing at the house.

Coach M ran to the house eager to get some cocks. Daniel and I carried the passed out Mr. L to the basement. There we sat him down on a chair and tied him down as best we could considering his large muscles. I gagged him with a red ball gag and went back upstairs. My new plan to get back at Cristian was in fruition.

(Beginning of Chapter 15)

When Daniel and I went back upstairs I was surprised to see Coach M in the living room surrounded by 20 something guys taking one cock after another in his mouth and man-pussy. I then went to the second floor and saw Luke taking the money from some jocks ready to fuck their old quarterback. There was two lines one into Troy's room and the other to Alex's room. I caught Luke's eyes and smiled letting him know I got his daddy back and was now being gangfucked in the living room.

Next: Chapter 15

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