Banging Straight Cunts

By Ivan Ayala

Published on Oct 14, 2023


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(Also send pictures of your male pussies, hands spreading your ass so I can be inspired when I write. I also like big juicy pecs and nipples, I love seeing cockwhores acting slutty. Only if your 18+years old)

A few hours later and the first people started leaving. It was a little bit before midnight; thank god it was a weekend. The jocks left saying how great the fuck and suck was and said they'll be back tomorrow for more. Later some more left joking about Troy turning out to be faggot just like Coach M. Luke had fallen asleep in couch a while ago; I took a blanket and covered him up, not to be nice and keep him warm but to hide his pussy from all the passing guys I know how irresistible it can be. About an hour later the rest of them left thanking me for hosting this, and promised to come back the next day.

"Hey, is it cool if we leave Troy here?" asked one of them. "No one wants to take that slut home"

"Sure no problem, he'll be here again tomorrow for more fucking just like Coach M" I said with a grin

"Great, now we'll definatly come back for more" he said with grin as well.

I went upstairs to check up on the two sluts. Coach M. was passed out, covered in cum making his bald head shiny, the belt I used to subdue him was gone but he was still tied down. There was a large puddle of cum under his ass and more kept coming out. His cunt was passed its capacity, I was expecting this so I took the butt plug from my backpack and shoved it in his pussy keeping the cum inside him. Troy was semiconscious; he was bent over a chair exposing his newly fucked pussy. It was red and raw also full of cum, sadly I didn't have another butt plug.

"Awww, please don't fuck me, I'm not a faggot" Troy kept groaning

"Ha, I doubt you'll be able to convince any one of that" I said not expecting an answer

Now I needed to find a way to keep this new faggot here as well, but I wasn't expecting this, I was completely unprepared. There was no way I was going to go to my house again for more stuff, I was ready to drop as well. I had to improvise, I took the unused belt from Coach M and any clothes Troy still had on. He had a soaked shirt and his shoes, nothing else. I sat Troy down on the chair and tied his hands behind his back with ripped pieces of his shirt and tied his legs to the chair using his shoe laces. I also used the belt to tie his abdomen to the chair as well. Troy was still groaning nonsense about not being a faggot and that it was all a big mistake, so I took his sock, soaked it in the puddle of cum under Coach's cunt and shoved it in his mouth.

"Goodnight whores, I have a feeling tomorrow will be even busier than today" I said closing the door behind me and walking to the master bedroom were Coach M. once was a man and fucked his wife.

I dropped on the bed and immediately fell asleep with a smile on my face.

I was awakened by the sound of cleaning and the smell of breakfast. I got up, and went to see Coach and Troy, they were still sleeping. Then I felt the coming of my morning piss.

"Why walk all the way to the bathroom, when this slut is right here" I thought walking over to Coach's mouth

I took my morning wood out and shoved it in Coach's still sleeping mouth. Like a reflex Coach started sucking on my dick. At that moment I let out a stream of fresh piss, which he swallowed completely. Satisfied I left with breakfast on my mind. I walked downstairs to find the house again spotless, everything was in its place. I walked in the kitchen and saw Luke again with the apron making breakfast. Luke noticed me this time.

"Good morning sir, umm how do you like your eggs?" he asked timidly

"Scrambled" I answered

"Right away sir, it will only take a few more minutes" he responded eagerly

While I waited for my breakfast I took the liberty to use their computer, I saw a lot of new messages from Daniel and some of the guys who were here yesterday, I even got one from Ana with the pictures she took of Luke after Daniel and I fucked him. From the looks of it a lot of people were planning on coming today, which meant more money for me. Luke then came to me and said breakfast was ready. I got up and walked passed him leaving the computer on the page with his photos on it. Luke's face was mortified at the sight of those pictures on the internet. The breakfast was huge; eggs, pancakes, hash browns, bacon, ham, sausages, a glass of milk and a pitcher of orange juice on my side of the table. On the other side there was two eggs sunnyside up, a sausage and a glass of milk.

"How appropriate, that's all he thinks about" I thought with a smile

When I finished with my breakfast I got up and headed to the door.

"You're leaving?" Luke asked with concern

"Yeah, I'll be back later" I answered as I saw the disappointment on his face that I hadn't fucked him.

"While I'm gone, clean up those two whores upstairs and start taking out everything of the room next to them, except for the bed" I ordered him

"Yes sir" he said as he watched me get on my car and drive away.

I needed to be alone for a while and clear up my head. I drove around until I reached the park, I sat there for a while and fucked a few passing businessmen. As I fucked them like the whores they are, I didn't feel the pleasure from before, I could have fucked all the virgin pussies I wanted and I still wouldn't be satisfied, all I could think about was Luke, whose ass always felt like a virgin's no matter how many times you fuck him. When I was done dumping my load inside a slut businessman and left him there gasping for air after being fucked by my giant cock and I headed home, my own home. I walked in to find no one there, like always, even if they had noticed I didn't come home last night they wouldn't have cared. I got some supplies including; ropes, doggy collars, butt plugs and cock rings. Then I drove back to Luke's house and his waiting pussy.

I was surprised to find the door wide open, I walked closer and heard muffled sounds. I rushed in to find the place thrashed, I saw Luke tied to a chair and Troy riding his cock. Troy was also tied forcing him down on Luke's cock. Their heads were taped together forcing them to kiss if one of them tried to talk. I could also see a cucumber under Luke's ass. I rushed to them and untapped their heads and untied both of them.

"What the fuck happened" I asked

"They took him, they took my daddy" Luke said pushing Troy off him

"What are you talking about, who took him?" I asked

"After you left, 6 guys broke in and tied me down like this, they went upstairs and brought Troy down and forced me to fuck him and they tied him as well, then they went back upstairs and took my dad with them." Luke said as tears formed in his eyes.

"Who were they" I asked "did you see any of them?

"No, they were wearing masks, but I think I recognized Crisitian's voice" I responded

"I should have known, Cristian finally made his move" I thought

"Are you ok though, did he hurt you?" I asked Luke

"No, he said taking my dad has enough" Luke said.

"Ok, don't worry I'll get him back" I said taking out my cellphone to call Daniel and walking to the door.

"You're not leaving are you? Please don't leave me here!" Luke said holding my arm.

"I just called Daniel and told him everything, he agreed to stay here with you until I comeback, you take that whore back upstairs and put him in Coach's place" I said pointing at Troy. "We're still waiting for visitors but now that Coach isn't here we'll need someone else they can fuck" I said dialing Alex to come over.

"What are you going to do?" Luke asked

"Nothing you need to know" I answered. "Alex is a real cock-slut so he'll need to bondage to let someone fuck him, let him have the room next to Troy's." I said standing at the door

"You just stay here and watch out for anyone who might want your cunt, if you can't handle it alone Daniel will be here" I said. "I don't want anyone but me fucking you" I said grabbing his hips and pulling him closer to me.

Our faces were a few inches apart as I squeezed his bubble butt. Just as Luke started leaning closer I pulled away and left. I got in my car and drove in search of Coach M.

(Beginning of Chapter 14)

As I drove I began thinking of all the places that bastard Cristian could have taken Coach M. Surely he wasn't stupid enough to take him home, the most likely place was somewhere were only people he knew could enter. The first place that came to mind was Cristian's father's workplace, a construction site. Cristian' father, Mr. L was the owner of a construction site and Cristian hanged around them all the time. It was a perfect place to keep Coach M. The newest construction site was a new government building, so that's were I headed.

Next: Chapter 14

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