Banging Straight Cunts

By Ivan Ayala

Published on Oct 11, 2023


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(Also send pictures of your male pussies, hands spreading your ass so I can be inspired when I write. I also like big juicy pecs and nipples, I love seeing cockwhores acting slutty. Only if your 18+years old)

The next day, I started working quickly, I found Daniel and Ana and told them to invite all the guys they can to come to Luke's house after school to fuck Coach M. They both agreed with a grin. After gym class I fucked Luke with a passion, I could still feel my cum inside his cunt. I could tell Luke was truly happy taking my cock I could see it through his face wincing in pain as my cock forced its way in to his man-pussy.

I started shooting my load and grabbed Luke's hair making him scream as I pumped him full of cum. If it wasn't for the cockring I make him wear he might have shot his load all over his shorts.

"Now clean my cock, you whore" I said spinning him around.

Luke started working fast, cleaning the cum off my cock. When he was done I pulled up my pants got my stuff. Luke stood up pulled up his shorts and leaned over to me.

"Get away from me slut" I said pushing him away.

Luke seemed confused at the rejection.

"Did you think I would kiss a whore like you" I said

"Sorry Sir, please forgive me" he said submissively

"Get the fuck out of my sight" I said walking away.

"Please forgive me sir, please don't stop fucking me" Luke said as he dragged himself toward me.

"Get up bitch, there is another class coming... wait for me at your house after school, naked so I can fuck you, have the house clean because it's a dump, and I'll want something to eat, understand?" I said

"Yes Sir, I won't disappoint you" he said with a smile on his face.

The rest of the day went with a lot of comments from other guys about Coach M. From the sound of it a lot of people are interested in showing up. When the day ended I drove as fast as I could to Luke's house. When I got there I was horny as hell, ready to fuck anyone that crossed my path. I rang the bell and waited until Luke answered it, he was filthy and sweaty. He was only wearing an apron, but other than that he was naked.

"Sorry I took to long Sir" said Luke looking down at the floor. "Your dinner is almost ready" he said

I walked in the house noticing the how clean it was, Luke must have been cleaning like crazy before I got here. If he wasn't a faggot he might have made a good house wife. I through my backpack at the couch and sat down to watch YV. Luke closed the door and headed back to the kitchen. I was surprised he had shown such self-control and didn't jump for my cock at the first chance.

Their house was huge, they had more channels than I thought possible on a TV. There was nothing good on TV or if there was, my mind was thinking of Luke's bubble butt just a few feet away. I could hear sounds of things grilling and the sound of knifes. I got up and walked to the kitchen, Luke was chopping something as chicken grilled in the stove. The sight of his perfect ass popping out of his apron was so hot. At that moment my cock took over and I made my way behind Luke.

With one movement I bent him over the counter and shoved my dick in his ass. Luke was caught by surprise; he reacted with a moan of pain and pleasure. I fucked him fast; Luke was humping back toward my cock making his ass bounce as I fucked him. Luke was in total ecstasy, his eyes were rolling back and he was biting his bottom lip with an occasional moan. His ass was milking my cock, desperate to obtain my seed. I shot my load impregnating him with my seed; I kept fucking him though, until my cock slipped out. I left Luke there panting for breath.

"Hurry up with that dinner, bitch" I said sitting down in the table.

"Yes Sir" Luke said as he continued chopping

Five minutes later, he was done he came with a plate of grilled chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, and a mixed salad. It was more than I would have expected.

"Wow this bitch can cook" I thought at the sight of the food, further proving my theory that he would make a good house wife. My mom can't even cook this good. While I started eating Luke just stood there watching me.

"Well aren't you going to eat?" I asked

"No thank you sir, I'm not hungry...but if it's not much to ask could I suck on your cock while you eat?" he asked

"Get down there slut" I said unzipping my fly and pulling out my cock and opening up my legs

Luke immediately got to work sucking desperately at my cock. I continued eating while he sucked, the food was great but I don't think I enjoyed it to the fullest with Luke's expert mouth servicing my cock. Half way through my dinner I was close to cumming again. I dropped my fork and grabbed Luke's head forcing my cock down his throat.

"Here's your dinner bitch" I said as I shot my load down his throat.

Luke swallowed all of it sucking my cock dry. I pulled my cock out and stood up zipping up my pants. Luke fell back panting.

"So how's the whore upstairs?" I asked

"He was still passed out yesterday after you left, this morning he woke up with a big headache and a temper but was too weak to do anything" he said wiping his mouth with his arm and standing up.

"Clean this up bitch" I said pointing at the table "while I go see him" I said.

"Right away sir" he said picking up the plate. He walked away with a wiggling ass and started washing the dishes.

I went upstairs into the room where coach was. I walked in to find him still immobilized.

"Hey whore!, how are feeling today?" I said with a grin

Coach M. looked toward me with an angry look on his face, the kind he used to give back when I didn't know he was a whore in the marines.

"What the fuck are you doing here!" he yelled. "Let me out of this thing before I beat the shit out of you faggot!" he continued

"Looks like being without a cock in your ass for a day has "sobered" you up Coach, but you're in no position to make any demands" I said


"Oh, don't you remember, you rejected him as your son and fucked him while I fucked you. You and Luke were moaning like whores" I said

"LET ME GO NOW!!!!" Coach yelled and he buckled and pulled to get free.

"Well Coach I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this but then again the guys might like it better if you resist" I said looking for my equipment from the day before.

"What guys? What are you talki..mmmhhh" Coach was cut short

I took the leather strap and shoved it in his mouth gagging him. The strap had a whole right at the mouth with a tube forcibly opening Coach's mouth past his teeth. Then I took the blindfold that I had used on Luke the day before and put it on coach. All Coach could do now was try to yell through the gag. Luke walked in the door to see what was going on.

"What happened?" Luke asked as he saw his father.

"Hamm, hhhmm" was all Coach could say through the gag, I thought he was calling for his son "Luke, Luke" but I guess I'll never know.

"Oh nothing, just getting him ready for the visitors" I responded

When Coach heard this he started thrashing, trying desperately to break free.

"He still has too much space to move, go get me a belt bitch" I told Luke

When Luke came back with the belt I used it to tie his abdomen down to the leg rest on which he was on. With that, his movements were virtually eliminated.

I stood up admiring my work when the door bell rang.

"Go answer the door slut" I told Luke

"But I can't open the door like this" he said pointing out he was naked exept for an appron

"Ah, thanks for reminding me, go answer the door and take that appron off" I said with a grin.

Luke knew better than to disobey and took off his appron exposing his pathetic dick still rock hard. He was still wearing the cockring I gave him like a good slut.

"If you do well today, I'll fuck you again and I might let you take that ring off" I said

"Right away Sir" answered Luke with a smile on his face at the thought of shooting his load while I fucked him again.

(Beginning of Chapter 11)

Luke ran down stairs, causing his ass to bounce as he did it, and opened the door. It was 4 jocks from school who came to fuck the Coach just like I told Daniel and Ana to do. I welcomed them in and showed them upstairs. I opened the door showing them the Coach with all his bondage. They smiled and attempted to enter but were denied by me closing the door.

"You want to fuck him? Then its $15 for his pussy" I said with a grin.

Next: Chapter 11

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