Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on Mar 29, 2008


The Bandini Affair 08 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

From the end of Chapter 7

Before turning off the light, Logan stood beside the bed and admired his big man lying quietly on his back. Then he slipped into bed, being careful not to wake Kyle, found the sheet and pulled it over them. Logan lay with his back to the big man and scooted close to his new lover. He smiled again when Kyle rolled against him, draped his arm around Logan's chest and pulled them tightly together. Kyle's body heat enveloped him and finally Logan felt safe and secure... and needed.

Chapter 8

Tuesday morning Leo was awake early. He'd gone to the bathroom at 4:55 AM and was wide-awake after that. He attributed his wakefulness to his body clock being somewhere between Amsterdam and Nashville. Monday had been a stressful day. He sat around the room replaying his entire married life, trying to figure out what had gone wrong with his marriage. Leo was sure that he was the cause of this train wreck. He'd tossed and turned most of Monday night/Tuesday morning.

The emotional upset and stress had also killed Leo's appetite. But now he was awake and was beginning to feel hungry. However, the free breakfast offered by the hotel didn't begin for another hour and a half. He wasn't interested in watching TV so he decided to do some work. Pulling his laptop from its case, Leo first reviewed his article. It wasn't one of his best but he felt it would do the job so, taking advantage of the hotel's free wi-fi connection, he logged on to the Internet and sent it to the magazine editor. He felt a great relief lift from his chest.

Leo was about to shut down his laptop when he remembered the pictures he'd shot at his house Sunday evening and decided to see just what he got. He picked up his camera, downloaded all of the pictures to his laptop and put the camera away. Using the date as a guide, he clicked on the first picture taken Sunday.

Leo sat staring at the picture. It was a great picture, the sort of thing one might find on a porn site. A man and woman were in bed, the man was on top, the woman's legs were raised and wrapped around the man's waist, and it was clear that they were having sex, In fact, the camera angle from the doorway to the bed set up a perfect view of the man's cock imbedded in the woman's pussy. It the pussy hadn't belonged to Leo's wife, he might not have cared about the picture. Actually, he found he was more interested in the man's penis. He clicked on the next picture.

This time the camera caught both subjects looking directly at the camera, probably reacting to the flash of the first picture. Both faces were clearly identifiable and the expressions on those faces were of total surprise. Leo recognized the man as one of the new country music stars just breaking onto the scene; he remembered hearing Marsha call him "Kenny" but Leo didn't know his last name - it didn't matter at that moment. He clicked on the third picture.

This time the camera caught the couple still sexually engaged but not looking at the camera. It was more like they were looking at each other and Kenny's pecker was completely embedded in Marsha's body. Leo clicked on the fourth picture.

What a shot! The camera had caught the two in mid-separation. Marsha's right leg was out to the right, totally exposing her moist pussy, and Kenny appeared to be falling to his right, his cock complete disengaged from its female receptacle and spurting a ribbon of white liguid into the air. Leo noticed how Kenny's moist erection glistened in the camera's flash. He couldn't help making a judgment that Kenny's prick didn't appear to be any larger than his. But never the less, Leo enlarged the picture so that he could get a closer look. There was something about the picture that seemed out of place but he dismissed it.

Leo sat looking at that last picture for several minutes before realizing his own erection was straining against his briefs. Leaving his laptop running, he stood up, walked into the bathroom, stepped into the shower, started and adjusted the water temperature and proceeded to use his right hand to relieve his sexual tension. It didn't take long and Leo stood under the showerhead allowing the hot water to cascade over his head and down over his body. This allowed the water to wash away both his tears and his cum.

After about three minutes, Leo straightened up, picked up the soap and began washing his body while thinking about the pictures and what he could do with them. Thirty minutes later, he was fully dressed and sitting in front of his laptop. He pulled a CD-R disk from his computer bag, inserted it in the CD slot of his laptop and burned the pictures to it. Next he inserted a 512 MB thumb-drive in the USB port, copied the pictures to it, then deleted the four pictures from his laptop and shut it down. Now the only pictures of his wife's tryst and infidelity were on the small card in his camera, on the CD, and on his thumb-drive and no one else need to know they existed. But what should he do with the pictures from Amsterdam? They were still in his camera. He picked up the camera and deleted them because those were also in his laptop. Leo was now ready to proceed with his plan.

After breakfast, Leo returned to his room and used the hotel phone to call his attorney.

"Leo!" Frank exclaimed. "I'm so glad you called. I have some news for you."

"News?" Leo paused for a moment. 'I'd better find out what news he has before I tell him what I propose,' he thought. "What kind of news?" He asked.

"As I told you yesterday, Marsha's daddy's lawyer called and they want to make an offer."

"What kind of offer?" Leo thought this was getting interesting.

"Well..." Frank seemed to hesitate for just a moment. "If you'll agree to an annulment, they'll give you $850,000."

Leo was silent for a moment while he considered the information Frank had given him.

"And why would they want to offer me that much money?" Leo knew they wanted the pictures. He knew how Marsha's daddy worked and he was sure they didn't want any scandal at this point in Kenny what's-his-name's career. There was too much money involved and they were trying to undercut him.

"Well... uh..."

"You know about the pictures." Leo wasn't asking - he knew Frank knew there were pictures involved.

"Yes." Frank's reply was clear and simple.

"Okay, before I tell you what I think about that offer, I'd like to hear what you think."

"Leo..." Frank paused. He felt like he was dealing with a different Leo than he was used to. Something had changed. He had a sense that Leo was ready to play hardball. 'Those pictures must surely be compromising or Marsha's daddy wouldn't be willing to pay so much for them. I wonder what's in them. So if they're willing to offer 850, what about 2.5 or three?'

"Leo," Frank began again. "I think they're trying to low-ball you. I think you ought to ask for two mill and see what happens. By the way, where are the pictures?"

"In a safe place," Leo replied, knowing he was telling the truth, not just the whole truth. "And I think two million is a reasonable figure."

"Good. I'll pass that on and get back to you. Where can I reach you?"

"I'll call you. I have some things to do this morning and won't be reachable."

"Not even your cell phone?"

"Especially not that phone." Leo replied emphatically. "It's turned off at the moment. Marsha's been calling and I don't want to talk to her right now, if you know what I mean."

"Okay, why don't you call me back after 3:00 PM and see what I've got. I have a feeling they'll want to wrap this up as soon as possible."

"Thanks, Frank, I sure appreciate all you're help."

"My pleasure, Leo, my pleasure. Bye." Leo heard the line go dead.

'Yeah, Frank,' Leo thought. 'I know how that works; even if they agree to split the difference, you get a larger fee from two million than you do from eight hundred. Whatever...'

His first destination was Marsha's house. He called it Marsha's house because her daddy had given it to them as a wedding present - an inducement for his princess to live close to him. If Marsha was on schedule, she should be at a friend's house. Almost like going to church, the women gathered every Tuesday to watch "The View" and dish.

Sure enough, when the garage door opened the bays were empty. Leo hurried into the house, collected his clothing and a few other things and left. Very little in the house belonged to him so it was easy to walk away from it. Actually, he drove away, as rapidly as possible. Before leaving he took a Post-it and stuck in the middle of the kitchen table where he was sure Marsh would see it and wrote the following short note: "I won't be needing this any more." He placed his key in the middle of the note and walked out the door.

Leo's second destination was his office. It was a small room on the third floor of an old, nondescript office building near the center of town. It wasn't much but it gave him a private place where he could work in relative peace and quiet. He placed his laptop on the desk and his camera in the top left drawer. Then he opened the middle drawer and found the key to his safe deposit box. Next he found a CD mailer, inserted the CD he'd burned earlier and addressed it to his business post office box. He added the appropriate postage and would mail it on the way out of the building. His PO box would be a safe place for the CD, for an extended period of time, like in mini-storage.

Leo's third destination was his bank where he stashed the thumb-drive in his safe deposit box.

Just after 7:00 Tuesday morning, Matt woke up, showered and shaved. He had such a light beard he didn't really need to do that but he felt an obligation to comply with department policy. He dressed, had a quick breakfast and left the apartment. He didn't want to be around to have his ears assaulted by the sounds of loud, wild, hot, male sex coming from Kyle's room like those that drove him craze last night. His timing was excellent because not more than five minutes after the apartment door closed behind him, the sounds of wild, hot, male sex began, only this time it was much louder.

Matt joined Tony and they went to look at a couple of houses. He liked the first house but the second one was even better. It was a two-bedroom, 1 bath bungalow with a lot of charm. The renovation was almost complete and Matt still had time to add some personal touches.

Next Matt dropped in to see his Captain and break the news that he was going to be leaving the police force. The Captain called the Chief who arrived within five minutes. The chief had a policy that he needed to be notified any time one of his officers was planning to leave. That gave him the opportunity to try to persuade the individual to change his mind. He even hinted at a possible promotion but Matt was certain of his decision. When they finished their discussion, the Chief was at least satisfied that Matt's departure wasn't the result of bad feelings about his job, the department or the leadership. Reluctantly, the Chief agreed but managed to work out a concession from Matt for a future arrangement.

Shortly after noon, Kyle and Logan crawled out of bed. They enjoyed the shower together but passed on any sex, other than normal fondling that comes with washing each other. Logan put on his dirty cotton slacks and Kyle dressed in his uniform to go to work later. They chose to have breakfast rather than lunch because it was easier.

Kyle had been thinking about what he should do with the kid. There was something about Logan that caused Kyle to want to hang on to him. Maybe it was the kid's innocence. Finally he decided to offer to let him stay in the apartment. He had to admit that there was an expectation of some great sex when he got home. Kyle also reasoned that Logan was with him was because the kid didn't have any money. He should take care of that. They sat across the table from each other, each drinking a cup of coffee.

"Uh... Say Log," Kyle had shortened Logan's name to 'Log' and the kid seemed to like it because he smiled. "About this afternoon, you okay staying here?" Kyle's eyebrows were raised in anticipation of a positive response. "I mean, it's okay with us (meaning him and Matt) if it's okay with you."

"Yeah, sure," Logan replied. He sounded happy with the idea.

"And it's okay if you want to go out too." Then Kyle remembered something, stood up, walked over to the kitchen cabinet and began rummaging around in a drawer. "Here," he said as he placed a key on the table. "You'll need this to lock up and get back in." Kyle's next dilemma was how to give Log some cash without making it seem like he was paying him for his sexual services. He got it. He pulled his wallet from his back pocket, removed $100 and placed it on the table next to the key.

"And if you need to buy anything feel free to use this." Logan didn't make a move to pick up the money; he just let it lay there. Kyle wasn't sure how to read that until the kid asked a question.

"You got a grocery store around here?"

"Why... yeah!" The reply caught Kyle by surprise. "There's one about a block and a half down the street."

"Okay if I cook dinner?" Logan smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, sure thing!" Kyle was even more surprised.

"Okay, you and Matt, after work."

"I'll tell Matt," Kyle replied sounding somewhat excited. "So," he wasn't sure where else to go with the conversation so he continued, "guess I'd better be going. See ya tonight."

"Yeah, bye." Both men stood up and Log followed Kyle to the door. It was an awkward moment, neither man knowing quite what to do. Should they hug, maybe kiss? Logan stood still, eager for either but waiting for Kyle to make the first move. In the end, Kyle elected to do neither, smiled, turned and walked out the door.

Leo wasn't hungry but he stopped at a sandwich shop off the lobby of his office building and tried to eat something. He checked his wristwatch and was surprised at how late it had become. It was just after 3:00 PM and he was only one block from Frank's office. After finishing his sandwich, Leo flipped open his cell phone, turned it on and dialed his lawyer.

"Leo!" Frank exclaimed when he answered after his secretary told him Leo was on the phone. "You're a wealthy man!"

"I'd rather not discuss this over the phone; can I come to your office?" Frank agreed so Leo left the cafŽ, dropped the CD in the mailbox outside the building entrance and walked to his attorney's office.

Marsha's daddy's lawyer countered with $1.5 million, no alimony, an annulment, and Marsha kept the house and all property, except personal property like Leo's old Camry. It was a clean break that left Leo feeling sad but relieved. It had all happened so fast. He'd have to find a place to live but that wouldn't be a problem. For now he'd stay at the hotel and look for a place closer to his office.

Kyle was the first one home that night. He could barely believe what awaited him when he walked through the apartment door. The place smelled like a home and it set his saliva flowing. It also didn't look like the same place he left earlier in the day - it was clean! Everything was picked up and the carpet had been vacuumed. A few lights were on low and soft music was playing on the stereo. The table was set for three and the light directly over the table was dimmed. Kyle didn't know it could do that. About that time Logan walked out of the bathroom and noticed Kyle standing with his mouth open.

"Hi," was all he said as he smiled at his hunk.

Wednesday morning, Matt slept later than normal because he had the next few days off. He and Kyle had a break before changing shifts. He hadn't heard any sounds coming from Kyle's room the previous evening and things seemed quiet this morning. He rolled out of bed and, as usual, walked naked to the bathroom for his shower.

Matt turned off the shower, slid the curtain aside and was mildly surprised to see a naked Logan bent slightly over the sink brushing his teeth. The kid had stopped brushing and Matt could see that his wide eyes were staring into the mirror directly at Matt's enormous phallus. It hung from a light brown patch of pubic hair and in its flaccid state it appeared to be about seven inches long and was at least one and a half inches thick. Matt quickly grabbed his towel and used it to cover his nakedness.

"Logan, if you don't mind." Matt sounded a bit annoyed.

"Sorry," Logan responded then he spit the foam from his mouth, rinsed it out, dried his face and hurried out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Matt didn't move for a few seconds, trying to convince himself that no harm was done. He also had to acknowledge that he too had taken advantage of the mirror to check out Logan's equipment. He dried off and went about his business.

Through adolescence and into early adulthood, Matt became quite self-conscience about the size of his equipment. In high school, he knew all the guys in the locker room stared at it and it bothered him. Matt had become a rather sensitive and private individual. He wasn't exactly shy, nor was he an introvert, but he valued his privacy and he didn't appreciate people staring at him. What he didn't seem to have was a clear self-image. He couldn't see what others saw, that was a tall, slim, very handsome man with blond hair, blue eyes, broad shoulders, and narrow hips. Matt always selected pants that were 'roomier' than normal to help hide what hung between his legs. Most of all, Matt wanted people to like him for the person he was and not for his physical attributes.

At this moment, Matt's greatest concern was how to tell Kyle that he was moving out. When he walked out of his room, Matt was dressed for work at the Bandini Nursery. He wore some Timberland wheat colored logger-type boots with white socks sticking out the top, relaxed fit tan cargo shorts that just covered his knees, a tan polo shirt with the nursery logo on the left breast (the logo looked like a green azalea bush with "Bandini Nursery" embroidered in green above it). To top it off, Matt was wearing a cream-colored baseball cap with crimson "USC" on the front.

Kyle and Logan looked up from their breakfast as Matt walked toward the kitchen area. Nobody said anything until Matt was seated, his favorite Cheerios in front of him.

"Goin' to work, I see," Kyle said with a friendly smile.

"Yep," Matt replied as he went for another spoonful of cereal. This seemed to be a nice quiet moment when Kyle might be approachable on a couple of subjects. He glanced at Logan, who seemed to be trying to be somewhat invisible, then looked at Kyle.

"Say," Matt began after he'd swallowed another mouth full of Cheerios. Kyle looked at him. "I need to tell you something before you hear it from anyone else." Kyle looked directly at him; he now had his roommate's full attention. Without waiting for a reaction, Matt continued. "Yesterday I sat down with the Captain and the Chief and told them that I'll be quitting." Matt watched Kyle's expression turn to one of surprise.

"When?" Kyle's question was brief and to the point as he waited for his best friend to fill in the blanks.

"End of the month," Matt responded after swallowing more cereal. Then he got into the complete story. "I've been thinkin' about it for some time now and..." He looked at Kyle and wondered how all this was going to affect him. "Well, last week, Pop Carlsen asked me to work full time. Because it's something I really want to do I told him 'Yes.' So, once I got things worked out I wanted you to be the first to know." Matt placed some more cereal in his mouth.

"Wow! That's... kind of... sudden!" Kyle was glad that his friend had told him first. Now when their fellow cops ask about Matt leaving the Force, he won't feel embarrassed and can act like he was 'in the know.' Kyle had known for years that Matt loved working with plants and landscaping homes and businesses. Therefore, Matt's announcement didn't come as a complete surprise. The real surprise was about to be tossed on the table.

"Yeah, I didn't want to say anything until it was actually done." Matt looked into his friend's eyes. "Now I got a question for ya." He paused for just a moment - he wanted to frame the next statement correctly. "If I move out, do you think you can carry this apartment on your own?" There. He'd said it. He waited for the reaction.

"Yeah, not a problem." Kyle was definitely surprised by Matt's question but he wasn't going to let it show. He looked deep into his roommate's eyes, searching for some answer as to why he wanted to leave. Was it something he'd done? Or said? Was this the end of their friendship? Was Matt leaving because he'd brought Logan into the apartment? Matt had never objected before.

"I thought you'd be okay; I mean, we got it at a good price and our salaries have grown... I just didn't want my leaving to cause you to have to move." It was true - their rent was low. The management company was happy to have a couple of cops living in the complex; it was a good selling point for prospective renters. They'd even managed to attract a few more police officers when the word got out about what Matt and Kyle were paying.

"No, no, it's fine." Kyle insisted. His loyalty to his friend wouldn't allow him to stop whatever plan Matt had for his future and he appreciated that Matt was concerned about him being able to stay in their apartment. He subconsciously knew their intimate relationship wasn't going to last forever.

"So, where will you live?"

"Uncle Tony's found a couple of houses down in the Village that I like and I'd like you to come take a look and tell me what you think." This was Matt's way of telling Kyle he still wanted his friend in his life. "And when I get moved in I want you guys to come over for a beer, or maybe even dinner." Matt chuckled in an attempt to lighten the moment.

Up to this point, Matt and Kyle had been having a conversation as thought Logan didn't exist. So when Matt suggested "you guys" would be welcome to drop in for a visit, the comment very quickly got Logan's attention. Kyle noticed it also and wondered what Matt might be insinuating.

"Hey," Matt looked at his wristwatch, "I gotta be goin'." He quickly rinsed out his plate and placed it in the dishwasher. "I know you'll think about this and if you want, we can talk more later." Then he did something he didn't do so often lately, he gave Kyle a hug and a kiss on the cheek then walked out of the apartment.

Kyle sat back down and lowered his forehead onto his folded arms with his eyes closed. He had to think. Logan was up and leaning against the sink. After a couple of minutes Kyle, with his head resting on one arm, began pounding the table with his fist, each strike was accompanied with an expletive.

"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" He lifted his head and looked at Logan. The kid could see that Kyle's eyes were a little red, almost like he might have been crying - but not.

"I'm sorry," Logan said softly and apologetically. Not knowing any of the history between Kyle and Matt, he had jumped to the illogical conclusion that his presence in the apartment and his intrusion on Matt that morning in the bathroom were the causes of the breakup. He was truly sorry and was feeling frightened.

"What the fuck's your problem?" Kyle almost shouted. The anger in his voice was obvious and it hit Logan right in his gut. The corners of his mouth turned down and his lower lip began to tremble.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he kept apologizing. "What am I supposed to do?" Logan begged. "Do you want me to leave? I'll leave if you want me to - just tell me what to do." He was clearly sobbing now and his whole body was trembling.

Kyle watched the kid's reaction and for the first time in his life he actually felt empathy for another human being. He had always been a 'what-you-see-is-what-you-get' kind of guy, not much into character analysis. In that moment he realized he'd hurt the kid and he never intended to do that. The kid was touching him in a way that actually moved him like no one ever had. He stood up, walked to where Logan was standing and wrapped his arms around him.

"Oh Log, I'm sorry, I'm not mad at you; it's just that I'm sad that Matt's leaving." Then another out-or-character thing happened, he tilted his head down and kissed Logan on his forehead. "Log, I want you to stay; I don't want you to leave."

Logan's body had stopped trembling and but with a still sad face he looked up into Kyle's eyes.

"You do?" The kid sounded surprised. "You really want me to stay?" He asked disbelievingly then sniffed his nose.

"Yes, I do, I want you to stay," Kyle replied, trying to sound convincing. This time he placed his lips against Logan's. Once Logan got over the shock, his lips opened and welcomed Kyle's invading tongue. The two men were like gasoline and a match together. They couldn't touch without getting aroused and it happened fast. Their hot, hard erections were rubbing against each other and they couldn't ignore the sexual attraction that was consuming them. Kyle pulled his lips from Logan's.

"I think we need to take this to the bedroom." Kyle smiled. Logan smiled up at Kyle and just nodded his head. Kyle lead Log by his hand toward the bedroom while thinking of a way to convince the kid he was serious about wanting him to stay. Kyle considered sex to be a powerful communication tool.

Without saying a word, they quickly stripped. Kyle stood with his back to the bed and Logan facing him. Then he sank to his knees and took the kid's manhood into his mouth and all the way into his throat. Logan was stunned... but he wasn't about to stop anything. After a few strokes, Kyle pulled off, reached for a condom, rolled it down Log's very attractive six and one-half inch cock, reached for the KY and lubed Log's log. Moving quickly, Kyle shoved some lube into his hole, lay back on the edge of the bed and pulled Logan into the obvious position between his legs while pulling his knees toward his chest.

"Okay Kid, do it." Logan looked a little confused.

"I... I've never done this before," he admitted sounding a little embarrassed. Kyle never batted an eye.

"That's okay, I'm sure you'll be great. Just stick it in and do what comes naturally. You won't hurt me; I'm not exactly a virgin." At that moment Logan wondered if Kyle might be referring to taking Matt's monster up his ass. Suddenly he wasn't so reluctant and moved forward.

"You know what feels good when I do you," Kyle said as he felt Log enter him smoothly. "Just try to do the same for me," he suggested.

Kyle lay on his back, a sleeping Logan pressed against his left side, arm and leg draped across his body. Log had worn himself out and Kyle was adequately satisfied. He had greatly enjoyed all the years of sex with Matt, but he never quite got used to Matt's size. Although Kyle told Logan his favorite position was on all fours, that only applied when he was doing the pitching. Like a true top, he needed to be in control and he didn't like the submissive feeling that position gave him when he was catching. In such cases, he felt more in control when he was on his back. Logan began to stir but his eyes were not yet open. Kyle ran his hand through Log's red curls, brushed them back and kissed his forehead.

"Ya believe me now when I say I want ya ta stay?"

"Yeah," Logan responded quietly. Kyle sucked in a breath as Logan's lips found his left nipple and began to nibble at it. "That was good but..." by now Log's hand was tenderly massaging Kyle's log. "But if I stay... I'd rather have more of this."

"Oh, that can definitely be arranged," Kyle replied as he found Log's mouth and devoured it. He was pleasantly encouraged by the stiffening of his meat so soon after sex with his young companion.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 9

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