Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on Mar 13, 2008


The Bandini Affair 07 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

From the end of Chapter 06

Logan was finally going to get the opportunity he wanted ever since he looked up and saw the hunk of an officer of the law standing over him. He liked what he saw and the more time he spent with Officer Kyle, the more he saw to like. Logan had been in town for two weeks, had run out of money and hadn't had much success at selling his body. He was hungry and he was lonely. And he was willing to show Officer Kyle just how much he appreciated his kindness.

Chapter 7

The cab of Kyle's truck was quiet as he drove toward his and Matt's apartment. The longer he drove the more aware he became of Logan's needed a shower, a long shower. Kyle parked in his assigned space and Logan followed like a little puppy. Kyle unlocked the apartment door and held it open as an invitation for the kid to enter first. Once inside the apartment, Kyle began a brief tour.

"This is the living room and that's the couch you asked about," Kyle said as he pointed at it.

"Wow, lotta books," Logan exclaimed, looking at three tall bookcases against the wall to the left. "You read a lot?"

"Nah, those belong to Matt, my roommate. There's the kitchen and dining area, "Kyle continued, gesturing to the far end of the large room. Then turning to his left to face a door that lead to a short hallway, "That's the bathroom straight ahead; my bedroom's to the left (he pointed) and (pointing to his right) that one belongs to Matt."

Logan still didn't seem to have much to say. He just peered up into Kyle's eyes looking lost. Kyle walked into his bedroom and Logan followed close behind. He toe-healed his shoes off and kicked them against the wall then unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it in the corner. Next he reached into the top of his closet, picked up a clean towel and handed it to the kid.

"Here's a towel, I think you need to go take a nice long shower." Kyle didn't exactly have many polished social graces.

"Yes Sir." Logan stared longingly at Kyle's upper torso, his mouth watering at the sight. Logan's display of submissiveness was beginning to turn Kyle on again. Kyle lead the way into the bathroom, pulled open a drawer and handed Logan a toothbrush still in its wrapper.

"And you can use this before you're done." Kyle had also determined that Logan's breath needed some freshening. He reached out and pushed the shower curtain back. "Here's some body soap you can use, too." He handed Logan a green bottle of Irish Spring.

"Thank you, Sir." Logan seemed to have a sense of what his submissiveness was having on the hunk, and he felt excited. He was already thinking of things the two of them could do and his stake was beginning to grow.

"I'll be in the kitchen when you're done," Kyle added. Then he took one long, top-to-bottom look at Logan, turned and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Logan quickly stripped, dropped his clothes in a heap on the bathroom floor, and stood facing the large mirror. He'd lost some weight - not that he had much to loose to begin with. First he found some toothpaste and brushed his teeth. That sure felt good!

Kyle opened the refrigerator and was reaching for a beer when the apartment door opened and Matt walked in.

"Beer?" Kyle asked.

"Shit yeah!" Matt responded. He accepted the can Kyle offered him and Kyle reached for another. Two pops and fizzes followed and both men took long draws then sat down at the table.

Logan turned the water on, adjusted the temperature then stepped into the shower letting a torrent of wonderful, hot water cascade over his nice red curls. If he thought brushing his teeth felt good it didn't compare to a hot shower.

Matt and Kyle had their beer can's turned up when they heard the sound of shower start. Matt lowered his beer and looked at Kyle with raised eyebrows.

"I couldn't just leave him on the street now, could I?" That was a rhetorical question and Matt knew it. Kyle watched as his close friend, roommate and former fuck buddy tipped his beer can for another drink.

"Hey, I got a bunch of things to do tomorrow so I'll be out the door kinda early in the morning; I'll try not to wake you." Matt's response was a clear signal that he had chosen to ignore the current situation.

"Sure," Kyle replied as the two men continued to look at each other. Kyle couldn't help feeling like he was cheating on his best friend. He could tell that Matt disapproved of his bringing the kid into their home but like a good friend, he said nothing.

About that time, they heard the shower stop. Moments later the bathroom door opened and a much cleaner and freshly dried Logan, the towel wrapped around his waist, his dirty clothes draped over his left arm, opened the door and walked into the hallway. He immediately saw Kyle and Matt sitting at the table staring at him. He froze. Kyle and Matt exchanged glances then Kyle looked at Logan and nodded in the direction of his room. Logan immediately caught the signal, turned and disappeared through Kyle's bedroom door. Matt could see why Kyle would be attracted to the kid; Logan was exactly what his friend liked.

Logan walked into Kyle's bedroom, closed the door behind him and looked around. The room wasn't that big and the queen-sized bed consumed most of the space. A chest was against the far wall and a night table with a lamp on it was next to the bed. Logan noticed a couple of other items on the table - a box of condoms and a tube of KY. 'Those aren't the kinds of things a guy keeps handy unless he expects to use them,' he thought. Then Logan noticed the sliding doors on the closet. They were mirrors. Again, he could see that he'd lost some weight and wondered when he'd be able to change that. Then he calculated that anyone on the bed would have an unobstructed view of the mirror and everything that was happening on the bed. He smiled.

"And what about tomorrow?" Matt asked. "What if you want to keep him?" Matt also knew that Kyle was very much the kid who liked to bring strays home and keep them for a while.

"I guess I can take him to the mall and turn him loose." Kyle made it sound like he was asking a question.

"Nah, if he needs a place to stay let him stay here. I don't have anything worth stealing."

"You sure?" Kyle asked almost surprised. Matt seemed to be showing his soft side again, something Kyle had seen many times before. He long ago vowed to never take advantage of Matt's kindness and he never had.

"Be safe," was all Matt said then finished his beer, crushed the can in his right hand, arose from his chair, tossed the can into the wastebasket, and walked to his room. Kyle thought carefully about Matt's statement and couldn't detect any sign of anger or hostility. There was none. Matt was still his good buddy and they cared about each other.

Kyle stood up from his chair, tossed his empty beer can into the wastebasket and walked toward his room. The door was closed so he opened it and walked in. Logan stood facing him with the towel still around his waist, his red curls not quite dry. Kyle gave Logan the top-to-bottom-to-top once-over, turned around and shut the door, then turned back to face the kid again. Because the small room was almost filled with furniture, the two men were already very close to each other - less than two feet apart.

Logan released one side of the towel allowing it to fall away from his body, exposing everything he had to offer. He watched as the tall, muscular man's eyes lustfully devoured him, especially the bush of red hair surrounding his already excited prick. Kyle didn't move when Logan gracefully sank to his knees and focused his eyes on the prize, the substantial tube of meat that had risen inside Kyle's tight pants and was pointing to the left of the zipper. It appeared to be growing as he viewed it. Logan reached out and unhooked Kyle's belt buckle. He didn't really expect the big man to stop him and Kyle didn't. They both had reasonable expectations of what was going to happen.

Logan unzipped Kyle's tight uniform pants, folded the two sides back and watched Kyle's large appendage spring into the air and fill the space between them. Logan's timing was perfect. The second time Kyle's tool swung past his face, he captured it between his lips and began to stroke it with his tongue.

Kyle could only inhale sharply at the wonderful sensation - words escaped him for the moment. Kyle watched his phallus slowly disappear into the kid's oral cavity. At the same time, his pants were being slipped over his hips and pushed to the floor. "This kid is good.' No sooner had Kyle thought that than his cock was completely gone and the kid's nose was in his pubic bush. Logan knew what to do when his throat was wrapped around a dick head and he went to work.

"OH! FUCK!" Kyle exclaimed. "Damn you're good!" By now, Kyle's hands were on top of the kid's head and enjoying the soft red curls. He was surprised when Logan backed off, completely releasing him and looked up into his eyes.

"That's not the only thing I'm good at," Logan replied with a devilish grin, He turned slowly to look toward the bed then turned back and looked seductively up at Kyle with a devilish grin.

"You don't say," Kyle responded with excitement in his voice. His cock was hot, hard, pulsing, and dripping with saliva. It needed to be inside something wet and warm. Then he matched Logan's devilish grin.

"I don't suppose you have a favorite position." Kyle was suggesting a possibility. Logan looked down at Kyle's big prick bobbing before his eyes.

"Doggie style," the kid replied softly and submissively.

"Well, what a coincidence!" Kyle exclaimed sounding confidently interested. "That's my favorite, too."

Logan raised his smiling face to be met with a smiling Kyle.

"Get one of those," Kyle pointed toward the box of condoms, "suit me up, climb onto the bed and assume the position." His voice was confident and commanding without being hostile or demanding. Logan wasted no time. He quickly selected a condom and removed it from its pack. Nest he grabbed the KY, squeezed a dollop into the middle of the latex and rolled it down Kyle's member. Then he quickly squeezed a gob of KY onto his hand, reached behind him and shoved it into his ass, He was taking responsibility for opening himself up. He picked up the towel, wiped his hand clean and crawled onto the bed. Logan was in position ready to receive his host almost before Kyle was ready. He was spreading the towel under him when he felt Kyle's hands on his hips.

"You okay, comfortable?"

"Yes, Sir," Logan answered. He appreciated how Kyle courteously asked if he was ready to begin. Turning his head, Logan looked directly into the closet door mirrors. He was perfectly positioned to observe the action and, for the first time, would actually be able to watch as his body was penetrated.

Kyle noticed Logan's head turn to the right and glanced that direction to see what was so interesting. A smile crossed his face as he anticipated the visually stimulating possibilities the mirrors could provide. Turning back to his project, Kyle looked down and was immediately rewarded with the sight of fine red hairs lining the crack of the kid's ass. Kyle aligned the head of his cock with Logan's pucker and began applying pressure.

"Ugh!" Logan grunted, followed by a quiet "Yes..." It was a sound of satisfaction, not pain as Kyle's bulbous dick head popped past his ring and into his tunnel. Watching it happen only enhanced the excitement and pleasure of the act.

Kyle's reason for liking this position was that he found great enjoyment watching his stake slowly penetrate another man's hole, disappear inside and slowly reappear before slipping back inside, time after time after time. It offered visual feedback that intensified his arousal far greater than any other position. He was also turned on by being able to slide his hands up a man's back, down his sides and into his groin where a hardened prick awaited some hand action.

Once inside the young man, Kyle held his position to allow the kid to adjust. What happened next was a sweet surprise.

"Oh Fuck!" Kyle had never known any ass that could chew on his prong the way the kids was at that moment. "Oh shit, you're unbelievable, Kid!" it felt so good he almost didn't want to move. But eventually nature demanded the more natural motion of copulation that few men can resist.

Logan was enjoying every thrust. Kyle was slightly larger than he was used to and he felt rewarded with the increased sensitivity. Watching himself being fucked was causing the kid to reach orgasm a little faster than he considered normal and he alerted his sex partner.

"I thing I'm gonna cum soon," he grunted between thrusts. In the mirror he'd been watching his cock pulse each time the cop's dick head passed over his prostate on the way in and the way out and had witnessed a few drops of precum dribble onto the towel. The sound of Logan's voice shook Kyle from his erotic trance.

"Not 'till I say you can," Kyle replied. Logan's not-so-subtle submissiveness was driving Kyle into a more dominant sexual attitude.

"Ohh... Yes Sir," Logan groaned, sounding like a whining little boy who was told he had hold his pee a few more minutes before he go. He turned his head back to look down at the mattress and closed his eyes. If he had to wait, he had to stop watching the action in the mirror.

Logan's response caused Kyle to feel an even greater degree of erotic dominance and he could feel his own orgasm building, fast.

"Okay, NOW!" Kyle shouted and looked into the mirror at that precise moment. Logan grunted loudly, tightened his ass muscles around Kyle's shaft and sent a ribbon of cum arching diagonally down toward the towel that he'd placed under him earlier. The physical and visual impact was more than Kyle needed. His body was instantly jolted by one of the most powerful orgasm of his young life. With the full force his body was capable of, Kyle thrust his hips forward, driving his cock as deep as it could possibly reach inside Logan's body. Although the condom was stressed to its limit, it held and did its job of protecting both men.

Three or four more times Kyle's body convulsed - it was beyond his control. And he was oblivious to what was happening to Logan. The kid was exhausted but he'd achieved the response from Officer Kyle that he'd hoped for and felt both rewarded and satisfied. Kyle had almost passed out during his orgasm. He now felt weak and shaky. He leaned forward, lowering his upper body onto the kid's back. Logan smiled when he felt Kyle's weight resting on top of him and he knew he couldn't support him up much longer. Gripping Kyle's still firm member with his sphincter, Logan dropped to his elbows, and slid forward until their bodies lay flat on the bed, Kyle on top. He loved the feel of the cop's body weight pressing him into the mattress.

No more than two minutes later, Logan realized the Kyle had gone to sleep. But Logan wasn't finished; he had a plan. Holding Kyle's right arm to ensure they wouldn't separate, Logan slowly rolled them both to the left and rested for a moment before moving away from the big man and carefully extricating himself from Kyle's softening pole. He felt empty. Then he got up on his knees, gently rolled Kyle onto his back and looked down at the beautiful, sexy man who lay before him. Kyle's cock was partially inflated and still looked massive.

Logan reached out, grasped the tip of the condom between his thumb and forefinger, and slowly pulled the latex protection from Kyle's member. When the condom slid free, Logan held it so that Kyle's cum drained out and formed a puddle in its owner's navel. The kid leaned over, slurped the still warm sticky liquid into his mouth and proceeded to lick Kyle's abdomen clean. Then he moved down, took Kyle into his mouth one more time and carefully removed the orgasmic residue. From the beginning, Logan had wanted Officer Kyle's cum inside his gut. And one way or the other he was going to have it.

Moving quickly, Logan turned on the light that sat on the bed table; it was a very low wattage bulb. Then he got out of bed, turned off the bright overhead light, slowly and carefully opened the bedroom door and checked the hallway. The door to Matt's bedroom was closed and the coast was clear. He hurried into the bathroom, cleaned himself, and quickly returned to the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Before turning off the light, Logan stood beside the bed and admired his big man, who was still lying on his back. Then he slipped into bed, being careful not to wake Kyle, found the sheet and pulled it over them. Logan lay with his back to the big man and scooted close to his new lover. He smiled again when Kyle rolled against him, draped his arm around Logan's chest and pulled them tightly together. Logan felt Kyle's body heat envelop him and, finally, he felt safe and secure... and needed.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 8

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