Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on Mar 6, 2008


The Bandini Affair 06 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

Chapter 6

Saturday morning in Amsterdam:

Leo awoke and looked out the window to find the sun was out again but the wind seemed blustery. He was a day ahead of schedule with nothing to do. He wished he could change his flight reservations but that would cost quite a bit more money than he was willing to spend. Besides, now he had an opportunity to enjoy the city sites, other than anything having to do with the gay lifestyle. He was examining some of the brochures that he'd pulled from the desk drawer when the telephone rang.

"Who could that be?" Leo asked himself. Because he was already seated at the desk, he looked at the phone for a moment, debating whether he should answer it. Finally he reached out and picked up the handset.


"Leo, this is Jan."

'Jan?' Leo wondered. 'What's he calling me for? Well, I guess I'll let him tell me.

"Hello, Jan, how are you?"

"I am fine, Leo. I was thinking - if you are not busy I would like to show you our city."

"Oh!" Leo was surprised. 'This is strange, I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to do and Jan calls offering to show me around. Should I accept? Is that all he wants? Let's see where this goes.'

"Thanks, Jan, That's very nice of you. I was just looking for somewhere to go. By the way, where are you?"

"I am in the hotel lobby; the operator connected your phone with me. Shall I come up?"

"No, that won't be necessary," Leo responded. "I'm all ready to go out so I can meet you in the lobby." 'I don't need anyone coming to my room - Rolf was one thing, this is altogether different,' Leo thought.

The elevator doors slid closed and it began its descent. 'Actually, Jan seems like a nice guy. He's a little young but I have to admit he's good looking. And having someone show me the city should be nice. At least I'll be able to ask questions.' The elevator doors slid open and Leo stepped out.

The two men had a very pleasant day. Leo relaxed rather quickly. The wind was brisk but the sun helped him feel warm. Side-by-side, they walked to their first destination - the "Anne Frankhuis." Leo was emotionally touched as he climbed the steep, narrow stairway to the upper floors then looked around at the cramped quarters. He couldn't imagine how anyone could live in such conditions. Then he thought about the cruelty that occurred during that period of history.

The next stop was the Heineken Brewery Museum, followed by lunch and then the Rijksmuseum. Jan insisted that Leo visit the Vincent van Gough Museum. The first thing that caught Leo's attention was the pronunciation of Vincent's last name - Gough. It was more like van "Cough," with a G, instead of van "Go." Thinking of his wife, Leo bought a print of "Sunflowers."

They ate dinner at a nice restaurant that Jan selected and Leo couldn't remember when he'd had a nicer time. When the two men returned to Leo's hotel, Jan made an invitation.

"Tomorrow morning, we ask to join us for church?"

"Church?" Leo was surprised. He'd just assumed - no, he'd not even considered that men like Rolf and Jan would be seen inside a church. But he couldn't see how he could go because he had to catch his flight home. "Thanks, Jan, but tomorrow morning I'll have to catch the bus to the airport. There won't be time," Leo replied sadly.

"Peter makes offer to drive you to the airport after church," Jan added convincingly.

"I don't know..." he started, then paused to ponder the possibility. He thought, 'That would be an interesting conclusion, though.' Then looking at Jan, "What time is church?"

"We pick you up here at 0930, in the car we place your bags. And at 1000 the church starts. After church we drive you straight to the airport." Jan was smiling now like he knew he'd done well.

"Well, that would work. Just you, me and Peter?" Leo asked. He wondered if he'd see Rolf again.

"Yes," Jan nodded his head.

"Okay, I'd love to see your church." The two men parted company and Leo hurried to his room to begin packing.

Sunday morning he was in the process of checking out of the hotel when Jan arrived, placed his bags in the trunk of the car and they left for church. Leo had no idea where he was going but he thought they were somewhere close to the downtown area where they'd been Friday night.

The church was small and rather traditional by Leo's standards. The three men sat in a pew: Peter next to the aisle, Leo in the middle, then Jan on the end. Of course Leo couldn't understand the language but he was surprised to find a familiarity to the service and the songs. He could have sung some of them in English. About halfway through the service, Leo detected some movement to his left and turned to see Rolf sliding in beside Jan. Rolf smiled and nodded to Leo then took hold of Jan's hand and squeezed it. The two men sat holding hands for the rest of the service and Leo thought it was a sweet sight to see. He had yet to come to terms with his attitude toward gay men but that would come.

As promised, the four of them drove to the airport in plenty of time to catch Leo's flight. Along the way Rolf announced that he'd quit the agency and he and Jan had agreed to become a couple. Leo was surprised that Jan was so understanding about Rolf's continuing relationship with Helmut. But that was for them to work out.

Leo received three long and friendly hugs before walking toward the departure hall. Before disappearing into the crowd, he turned and waved to his new friends as they waved back.

Leo was seated next to the aisle in 18-B and the seat next to him was empty. He reclined his seatback slightly then lay his head back and closed his eyes. He couldn't stop the events of his Amsterdam trip from rolling through his mind like a Power Point presentation. The interview with Rolf was prominent in his mind and second place was occupied by the video "Singapore Fling." Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted.

"That seat 18-A?"

Leo opened his eyes and looked up to see a young man, possibly 17 or 18 years old, holding a backpack and looking down at him.

"Uh... yes, I think so," he replied. Without further comment, the young man reached up, opened the overhead bin and began stuffing his backpack and jacket inside. This gave Leo ample opportunity to examine the young man. He was tall, at least 6 ft., maybe taller. He had a nice slender body. With his arms raised to place his possessions in the overhead bin, the young man's shirttail rose up exposing young skin from just below his navel to just above it. Leo felt excited. Then Leo's eyes reached the youth's package and they locked onto it. The young man's pants did little to conceal a long fat tube the lay off to the right. Leo quickly diverted his eyes when he realized the young man was about finished with the overhead bin - no need to get caught eyeing the candy.

Leo couldn't avoid looking at the nice tight ass as the young man slid in front of him. He felt a stiffening feeling in his shorts so he reached into the seat pocket in front of him and pulled out a magazine to use as cover. He wondered where this reaction was coming from. Had the experiences of the past few days awakened some suppressed interests? He didn't yet understand. The young man quickly turned away from Leo and appeared to go to sleep.

Later, after the airplane leveled off at altitude, Leo retrieved his laptop from under the seat in front of him and began reviewing the article he'd written the two days earlier. He'd long ago adopted the practice of putting an article aside for a day or two then coming back to edit before sending it off to be published. And he always found improvements to make. Because the young man was still asleep, Leo felt secure that no one else could read his work.

At one point the sleeping young man shifted his position and Leo glanced down to see the outline a very obvious erection stretching across the young man's abdomen. The man's clothing offered absolutely no disguise. Leo couldn't seem to take his eyes off it. He could almost see it pulsating - or so he thought. He wondered where that instrument had been during its travels? Had the young man used it to satisfy himself, several women maybe, or even a man or two? Leo had to stop thinking such things. He closed his eyes and laid his head back trying to fill his mind with any thoughts other than those he'd just had. Maybe that would help his own erection go away.

After the plane reached the gate in Memphis, Leo stood in the aisle waiting to deplane, his seat-neighbor stood behind him. That was the last time he saw the young man and his guilt was relieved. After processing through Customs and Immigration, Leo walked down the concourse toward the airport entrance. Because his flight from Amsterdam was 'scheduled' to arrive too late to catch the last flight to Nashville, his original plan included spending the night in a local hotel then catching a morning flight.

As he approached gate B-8, he noticed the sign announcing the flight to Nashville. Then he noticed an airplane still at the gate and an agent was still at the counter. He stopped for a moment then decided to ask a question.

"Is that the flight to Nashville?"

"Yes it is, Sir," the agent replied as he looked up from whatever it was he was working on.

"Uh... has it not left yet?"

"We're just about ready to button her up, Sir, can I help you?"

"Any seats open? And if so, any possibility I can get one?" Leo was beginning to feel excitement.

"Let me check, Sir... do you have a ticket?"

"I'm scheduled on tomorrow morning's flight," Leo began as he swung his laptop bag on top of the counter and began searching for his ticket. "But I'd love to get home tonight if I can."

"Let's have a look and see what we can do." The agent sounded positive. "Well Sir, we have three seats open." He continued typing on his keyboard. "And it looks like tomorrow's flight is overbooked so I'm sure we would be happy to put you on this flight. Can I see your ticket, please?"

By this time Leo had found his ticket and handed it to the agent. In less that one minute Leo had a boarding pass and was walking down the Jetway, happy to be getting home early. There was no sense in calling to cancel his hotel room because it had been guaranteed and he was already too late to avoid the charge.

Leo felt an elevated level of excitement as he turned his 1999 Camry into his driveway - Marsha would be surprised to see him so soon. He pressed the garage door remote control and watched as the door opened. He was struck with a moment of confusion. In his parking place was what appeared to be a brand new, shiny, fire-engine-red, Dodge Ram 1500 pickup truck. Marsha's Mercedes convertible was parked in its normal spot.

Somewhat puzzled, Leo moved the transmission to Park, shut off the engine and walked into the garage. He didn't recognize the truck, hadn't seen it before. He pressed the button to close the garage door then let himself into the house. Everything in the kitchen seemed normal. As he approached the stairway he looked to his left and noticed something of interest in the living room. Removing his foot from the first step, Leo walked slowly into the living room and surveyed... he wasn't sure what. Two empty wine glasses sat on the coffee table; a cowboy hat was perched cockeyed on the corner of the sofa; a man's leather jacket was draped over the back of the sofa.

Leo stood motionless for several minutes trying to make sense of what he saw. He didn't want to even think about the possibilities but deep down he had a gut feeling about what was going on. Finally he turned and walked toward the stairs. Even before he reached the top step he could hear sounds emanating from the master bedroom. He stopped outside the door and listened. Those were the sounds of sex he was hearing, no mistake about it. And he could hear voices, one of which was Marsha's and the other belonged to a man. But he couldn't make out what was being said.

Leo stood motionless as he considered what to do next. He could quietly leave the house, get a hotel room for the night and return home at his scheduled time tomorrow. He could quietly leave the house, drive a few blocks away, call the house and say he was on his way home and would be there in about 30 minutes. Or, he could walk into the bedroom, turn on the lights and confront the situation head on. He did none of those things.

Reaching into his shirt pocket, Leo pulled out his small digital camera, made sure it was on and stepped into the doorway.

"Oh, oh Kenny, you make me feel so good," Leo heard his wife exclaim.

"Oh yeah, Marsha, you're the best. The way you grip me is so wonderful... you're so hot... I think I'm gonna come."

"Oh yes! Me too! OH, KENNY! DO IT! DO IT!"



"HUH?" (Marsha's initial reaction.) "WHAT THE...! (Kenny's initial reaction.)






"LEO?" Marsha called out as she swung her legs over the side of the bed.

Leo was already down the stairs and opening the door before his wife could throw her robe on. He heard her calling his name as he ran across the lawn, opened the door to his car and got in. He could see Marsha standing on the front steps, her gown being blown open by the breeze, as he drove away.

Shock! Pain! Anger! Sorrow! Fear! Betrayal! The collection of emotions that wracked Leo's mind and body were devastating. He sat on the edge of the bed trying to make some sense out of what he just experienced. It was nonsensical. After leaving his house, Leo had driven, almost in a dazed trance, back to the airport and found a room at one of the popular suite hotels. A never-ending supply of tears flowed down his cheeks. He fell back onto the bed, rolled into a ball and cried himself to sleep. Sometime later he was awakened by the sound of his cell phone. Seeing that the call was from Marsha, Leo turned off the phone and went back to sleep.

Monday, shortly after noon, Leo was awakened by a knock on the door. Housekeeping wanted to clean the room. He let the lady in then sat in the chair in front of the desk. He picked up his cell phone, turned it on and saw several missed phone calls and a few text messages. One of those messages was from his lawyer - he decided to call.

"Hello, Frank." Leo said, sounding rather down.

"Leo! Where the hell are you?"

"What do you want?" Leo wasn't about to tell anyone where he was.

"We need to talk."


"You know damn well what about." Frank was talking to Leo as a long time friend and Leo knew it. "Look! Marsha's daddy's attorney has already contacted me and we need to talk."

"Well..." Leo paused. "When I'm ready, not before."

"Okay, Buddy, I understand." Then Frank continued. "Just tell me, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything irrational, if that's what you're worried about."

"Okay, but call me, real soon, hear?"

"Yeah, Frank, I need to think." And with that comment, he ended the call.

Later Monday night.

Matt sat in his police cruiser, lights off, engine running, as he watched the street in front of him. He'd parked along the right curb between two other cars and left plenty of room in front to allow for a quick acceleration. At 11:14 PM, the street was deserted, except for an occasional vehicle gliding quietly down the street. He watched the headlights of another car approach and it began angling across the street toward his position.

"Any activity?" Kyle asked when he stopped his cruiser along side Matt's, heading in the opposite direction. He turned off his headlights.

"Nah, pretty quite tonight. How about you?"

"Same... pretty quiet for a Monday night. Hey, whacha gonna do when you get off?" Kyle was pretty bored and welcomed the conversation.

"I'm bushed," Matt replied. "I'll be happy to get a good night's sleep."

"Hold on!" It was Kyle's way of alerting Matt that he saw something.

Kyle watched a figure emerged from between two buildings and run diagonally across the street not far from his and Matt's position. Three other figures appeared almost immediately, running behind the first figure. It was obvious that the group of three men were in hot pursuit and closing fast.

As the first man reached the curb, he stumbled and went to the sidewalk. The other three men were on him almost immediately and began kicking and hitting him. Kyle immediately turned on his headlights, activated his overhead rack lights, gave his siren a blast and accelerated town the street toward the action.

The three men looked up, saw the police car and began running. Kyle pulled up to the curb, stopped and got out. He'd achieved the biggest part of his objective, which was to stop the apparent assault. As he got out of his cruiser to check on the downed man, he heard Matt's vehicle speeding past toward the fleeing attackers. Matt had quickly turned his car around and was trying to assist his roommate.

Kyle approached the man on the ground. He was curled up in a defensive fetal position and shaking visibly.

"It's okay, they're gone; you all right?" A streetlight was almost directly overhead and Kyle was able to get a better look at the victim. He quickly judged the man to be about average size and rather skinny, probably not a physical threat. The man slowly pulled his hands from his face and began uncoiling.

"Yeah, I think so," said the man. Kyle could now see that the man appeared to be rather young, a kid maybe. As the kid started to uncoil, his eyes focused first at Kyle's boots and moved up his legs checking out the large muscular man towering above him. When his gaze reached Kyle's package, it stopped and seemed to lock on. Kyle had a habit of dressing in uniforms that were slightly on the tight side and that caused his package to be more prominently profiled, which some might consider obscene or immoral. Not only that, Kyle often went commando, which further accentuated his attributes.

Kyle followed the young man's eyes and he smiled gently and knowingly when he saw them lock onto his package. The young man's lips parted slightly and just the slightest tip of pink tongue protruded to moisten his lips - perhaps an involuntary reaction. Another thing Kyle noticed was the mass of red curls on the young man's head, a physical attribute that Kyle found exceptionally sexy.

Finally breaking their hold on Kyle's package, the young man's eyes resumed their journey up Kyle's form as he continued to uncoil, straightening his legs and rolling on to his back. His gaze scanned up the mountainous body, past a narrow waist, to a pair of very broad, muscular shoulders, and finally stopping at the face of an officer of the law smiling down at him.

"Here," Kyle said as he offered his hand. The young man took it and accepted the assist to his feet. When standing, the young man was about five feet, eleven inches tall and quite skinny. "Hands on the vehicle, please," Kyle instructed as politely as possible.

"But... what've I done, Officer?" The young man sounded concerned and a little bit confused.

"Nothing that I know of," Kyle replied. "Just being careful. You never know when someone may be carrying a concealed weapon." He had already determined that the young man wasn't a threat; Kyle just wanted to pat him down and get a good feel.

Kyle placed his left hand on the kid's left shoulder and his right hand on top of the kid's head, right in the thick of his red, curly hair. Kyle loved to do that and he was beginning to get turned on. Next came the kid's neck - it was nice and long and skinny. He continued across the shoulders, down his back and under his armpits. Kyle then moved close behind the kid and pressed his now hard, hot erection against the kid's butt. He waited a few seconds for any objection - there was none so he continued.

His hands slid around to the kid's chest. The kid's ribs lacked much natural padding and were easily detectible through his thin shirt. Kyle smiled when his hands glided softly over the kid's erect nipples. His hands slid slowly down the kid's torso until they reached his groin. This pat down was now WAY beyond standard and the kid definitely seemed to be enjoying it. Kyle's right hand brushed against a firm rod straining against the right inseam of the kid's pants. Kyle gave it a squeeze - 'just to make sure it wasn't any kind of weapon.' The kid's pants were thin and he probably wasn't wearing anything under them.

From that point on, Kyle continued rapidly down the kid's legs to his feet, stood up and stepped back. "Okay, you're clean, you can turn around now. Do you have any identification?" Kyle tried his best to sound very professional and business like, all the while thinking about what he'd like to do with the kid.

The kid reached into his back pocket, pulled out his wallet and handed Kyle his driver's license.

"Logan Harper; it that correct?"

"Yes sir," Logan replied meekly. He was beginning to shake nervously; he'd never had any problems with the cops and hoped this night wouldn't be the first.

"You're quite a ways from home, aren't you?" Kyle asked.

"Yes sir," came another meek reply.

"Says here that you're 17 years old." Kyle sounded disappointed.

"Uh... no sir, uh... I'm 18; was 18 two days ago..."

"Ah yes, I see." This time Kyle sounded more cheerful. "My mistake."

At that moment Matt drove up in his cruiser. "They split up and disappeared like cockroaches," Matt reported. "Didn't get a look at any of them. Everything okay here?"

"Yeah, fine. The kid seems to be okay; I was just starting to ask a few questions."

"Okay," Matt replied. "I'm heading on in to the station; see ya there."

"Yeah, I won't be long." Kyle raised his right hand as if to say goodbye.

"Any idea why those guys were after you?" Kyle turned back toward Logan.

"Uh... no sir... well... I guess they didn't like me."

'Not like you?' Kyle thought. 'I'll bet you probably tried to solicit three homophobes and they wanted to beat the shit outta ya. No self respecting gay man would let YOU get away.'

"Look, I'll be glad to drop ya some place; ya got a place ta stay?"

Logan didn't answer; he just looked down at the sidewalk. 'So you were gonna earn some money for something to eat and a cheep motel room,' Kyle thought. He'd seen it all before. Except... this seemed different to him. Logan was much too innocent and un-street-wise and it presented Kyle with a dilemma. He didn't want to leave the kid on the street and he also wasn't sure if he should take him home. 'Take him home?' Kyle thought. 'Maybe...'

"Hey Kid, er, Logan..." Logan looked up with a pair of pleading puppy-dog eyes and Kyle melted. "Why don't you come with me to the station? My shift ends at midnight, then maybe we can figure something out."

Logan's face lit up like a thousand watt bulb. "Okay," he replied and stood motionless waiting for Kyle to tell him what to do.

Kyle placed Logan in the back seat of his squad car and when they arrived at the station, he dropped the kid off next to his truck with instructions to wait until he returned. As Kyle drove away, he glanced in his rearview mirror and saw Logan still leaning against the side of his truck, looking like the lost waif he seemed to be.

Matt and Kyle walked out of the station together then went different directions to their trucks. 'What are the odds he'll still be there," Kyle asked himself. Up ahead he could see his truck and there, leaning against it just like he'd left him was Logan. 'Okay, smart ass, what do you do now?' Kyle asked himself. 'How did I get myself into this?' He asked. He hadn't yet decided what to do but he was hungry and would bet that Logan was too.

Kyle pressed the button on his key fob and unlocked the doors. "Hop in," he directed and watched Logan walk rapidly around the truck and climb into the passenger seat of the big Silverado. "Hungry?"

"I... uh..." Logan began.

"Look, Logan, I'm headed to Burger King and I'll spring for dinner for both of us, okay?" Kyle didn't know how Logan would react, but he had a hunch that his hunger might override his pride.

"Yeah... great!" Logan smiled excitedly, but that was the end of their conversation until they reached the BK.

'Damn! He must be starving!' Kyle thought as he watched Logan practically inhale two Whoppers with cheese and a large container of fries while washing it all down with a chocolate shake. They were half way back to Kyle's truck when Logan let go with an enormous belch. Logan covered his mouth too late to have any effect and looked at Kyle. They both burst out laughing.

"So here's the deal, Kid..." Kyle couldn't stop calling Logan 'Kid.' "I don't' know what to do with you. I don't' want to leave you out here on the street - you don't have anywhere to stay. And I don't think it's right for to take me to my place either." He watched Logan's face turn to sadness. "Okay, you have any ideas?"

"You have a couch? I could sleep on your couch." Logan was grasping for help. That was also the first time Kyle could remember that Logan had strung two full sentences together since they met. And those sentences answered another question that Kyle had been reluctant to ask - would the kid be willing to go home with him? He would.

"Yeah, I got a couch... and I got a roommate. But he won't mind; he's cool; you'll see." Kyle was smiling and so was Logan.

Logan was finally going to get the opportunity he wanted ever since he looked up and saw the hunk of an officer of the law standing over him. He liked what he saw and the more time he spent with Officer Kyle, the more he saw to like. Logan had been in town for two weeks, had run out of money and hadn't had much success at selling his body. He was hungry and he was lonely. And he was willing to show Officer Kyle just how much he appreciated his kindness.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 7

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