Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on Feb 7, 2008


The Bandini Affair 03 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

Jeff's Note: I want to thank all who have written encouraging me to continue. As I've explained in my replies, my time to write is very limited but I will continue posting chapters whenever possible. I hope you have the patience to stick with me.

From the end of Chapter 02

'Oh well, I'll get up early and go over this stuff,' he thought to himself. 'The guy won't be here until 10:00... or is it 9:00?' A very exhausted Leo Carlsen slipped between the sheets and was asleep in a nano-second.

Chapter 03

Shen: "Hi Leo, you come play with us?"

Nigel: "Yes, Leo, we fancy your hot bod."

Rick: "Leo, my man, I'm sure you'd enjoy playing with us."

Shen: "Yes Leo, I let you puck me. You like puck me?"

Nigel: "C'mon Leo, you can suck my prick. We know you want to do it."

Rick: "Oh Leo, you have such a hot bum I just know you want me to fuck it."

"NO! NO! NO! I DON'T DO THAT!!!" Leo shouted as he sat up in bed - sweat running down his face and shoulders. It took him a few seconds to get his bearings. Remembering where he was, he got out of bed, walked to the bathroom, wet a washcloth and wiped up his perspiration. Then he dried himself and walked over to the window. 'Please, God, I don't want to have that dream again.' He stared out the window for a couple more minutes then climbed back into bed. He slept peacefully for the rest of the night.

The tram stopped and Rolf stepped off onto the island. He waited while the trolley moved on then crossed the street and walked toward the hotel.

'This is supposed to be my free time,' Rolf thought to himself. 'Henri (pronounced: an-REE) promised to make it up to me. I've been looking forward to this rest, and I need to think about my schoolwork. Oh well, he said there'd be no sex involved - just an interview. This is definitely one of the more unusual assignments he's given me. Wonder what this guy is like? Carlsen,' Rolf mused. 'I'm going to guess he's six feet one inch, maybe two, blond hair, blue eyes, square jaw, smooth chest, and a thick, eight inch Schwanz. Oh, I forgot, there's no sex. Cancel the Schwanz.'

Rolf is the "escort" Leo selected to interview for his article. Actually, Marsha selected him because she thought he was very good looking and kind of a hunk. He stood five feet ten and one half inches tall, had black hair, gray eyes, a prominent nose and a tight body - or so the picture on the Internet showed. He was also listed as being German.

Rolf walked through the main entrance to the hotel and to the elevators. He knew where they were because he'd been here before. The elevator door opened and closed. Rolf stepped out on the fourth floor and checked his watch. '0901 - right on time. Now to find Room 407.' The sign on the wall opposite the elevator pointed to the right so he turned and began walking down the hall. It didn't take him long to find Room 407 and he knocked. He put a pleasant smile on his face and looked slightly up in anticipation of meeting a man taller than he. He heard the handle turn and watched the door open.

"Mr..." Rolf paused as his gaze dropped lower to see a man with a radically different appearance than he expected. "Carlsen?" The surprise in his voice was obvious. 'Mein Gott im Himmel! He's so young!'

"Leo, please call me Leo." Leo took control of the situation, as he knew he must. "And you must be Rolf. Please come in." Leo had slept well, in spite of the melatonin tablet and the bad dream, and had awakened early. He stepped back to allow Rolf to enter and at the same time, gave him a head to toe examination (with a brief stop at Rolf's crotch). That was something new. He'd never done that before - or at least wasn't aware of doing it. Then he remembered giving the waiter the same treatment yesterday at the restaurant. He liked what he saw. Rolf actually exceeded the expectations touted on the Internet. He was wearing dark blue slacks, white shirt covered by a light gray sweater - it matched his eyes.

Rolf, still in mild surprise, gave Leo the once-over, which included an assessment of Leo's package before stepping into the room. He waited politely for Leo to close the door then followed him down the short hallway, past the bathroom and into the main room.

Rolf liked what he saw. 'Great bubble butt; perhaps this 'no sex' thing is a mistake. Oops, there's a ring - he's married.'

"Please, have a seat," Leo offered, motioning to the sofa or chair. "The hotel sent up some fresh coffee or there are soft drinks, beer, or liquor in the mini-bar." He was doing his best to place Rolf at ease.

"Oh, thank you, coffee sounds good," Rolf replied cordially. "Here, I can pour it myself." He stepped up to the serving cart, poured his own cup of coffee and then sat down on the sofa. Leo sat in the straight-back chair next to the desk. That placed him close to his notes, but they were hardly needed because he'd had plenty of time to review them since awakening early. The chair also gave him a more elevated position of authority over his subject. He picked up his pen, notepad, and notes.

"So, I'm Leo, as I said, and you're Rolf. Is that correct?" He flashed his most disarming smile, one he'd developed for interviews.

"Yes Sir," Rolf smiled and took a sip of coffee from the cup. He continued to study his client. Leo wore medium gray wool worsted slacks and a light blue dress shirt but no tie.

"Well, I'm very glad you were able to come this morning. I don't know how much your office told you about why you're here but I'm doing research for a paper I'm writing about the gay community of Amsterdam. I don't think Americans know very much about it and they might benefit from such information."

"I see," Rolf replied. He was beginning to relax a little. 'This isn't going to be so bad after all,' he thought.

"I've kind of struggled with exactly the right place to start this interview and haven't settled on anyplace in particular so perhaps we could begin by you telling me something about yourself. Or, perhaps, how you... how you discovered you were gay. I assume you are gay," Leo questioned, thinking he might be guilty of a false assumption.

"Oh yes, I am gay," Rolf began. "I suppose it would have to be when I was living with my aunt and uncle and sharing a room with my cousin Peter. I think I was twelve years old at the time and Peter was fourteen. Well, I was staying..."

"Wait! Stop! Time out!" Leo exclaimed as he held his hands in front of him to form the time out signal. Rolf began to laugh. "Did I say something funny?" Leo asked seriously as he dropped his hands to his side. He was concerned he might have offended his guest.

"Ha-ha-ha! Well, it's not that you said anything funny it's just that it's been years since anyone called me on a time out." Rolf then asked calmly, "So, what's the time out for?" In that moment he felt drawn to Leo and relaxed his normal defenses.

"I thought you were German."

"Yes, that I am, is that a problem?"

"No, no, it's just that... well, you speak perfect English, American English, not British. And you have little if any accent. I find that interesting, that's all."

"Ha-ha, yes, well, there's a reason for that. You see, I grew up in Washington, D.C."

"Really!" Leo exclaimed with interest and puzzlement. He placed his notes on the desk in anticipation of Rolf's story. Besides, he'd reviewed them so many times they were etched in his memory. Sometimes Leo had a tendency to over prepare.

"Yes. You see, my father is in the German diplomatic corps and when I was two years old he was posted to the embassy in Washington. We didn't return to Germany until I was twelve. So I basically grew up in America like an American. I went to grade school there, playing softball, basketball, football and soccer. You know those terms, football and soccer are confusing to Europeans."

"No, I don't think I do." As a sports reporter that's something he should have known. Leo was really engrossed in listening to Rolf. His voice and pleasant manner of speaking was nice to listen to.

"What we Europeans call football, you Americans call soccer. And what you call football, we call American football."

"Ah yes, now I remember." Leo smiled. "That is confusing. I knew that but hadn't made the connection. I don't play either. So you spent roughly ten years in America and then returned to Germany?" He wanted to get back on track with the interview.

"Yes. After Washington, my father was posted to Egypt, Cairo. There were no schools for me to attend so my parents decided I should stay with my aunt and uncle. Their house wasn't very large so I had to share a bed with my cousin, Peter, who was two years older than I at the time."

Leo continued studying Rolf intently. Rolf noticed that Leo kept making furtive glances at his crotch and began to wonder. Leo, on the other hand, was unaware that he was doing that.

"At 14 years, Peter was surfing the wave of surging hormones." Rolf smiled and chuckled lightly. "It wasn't long before I caught on that he was doing something after he went to bed. He always made sure I went to bed before he did and I was usually asleep when he slipped under the covers. One night I hadn't gone to sleep right away. I was lying quietly, thinking about the next day when he got in bed." Rolf now had a sly grin on his face as he continued. "It took only a few minutes until I felt the bed begin to shake, not violently, but gently. I could tell that Peter was doing something and I was curious. I was lying on my side facing him and could see the covers moving." Rolf was now grinning from ear to ear. Telling this story for the first time was becoming exciting. "I remember that I debated whether I should say something and decided to go ahead. I very quietly asked, 'What are you doing?' He must have cleared the bed by a good foot, ha-ha-ha." Both Rolf and Leo were now laughing and laughing hard.

"You probably caused a heart attack," Leo interjected.

"I'm sure it stopped beating for a few seconds, and so did his hand, ha-ha-ha." Rolf was almost doubled over by now and Leo was enjoying the laughter, too.

"Whew!" Rolf exclaimed after he caught his breath. "That is so much funnier now than it was then, ha-ha. Any way, we had a long talk, didn't sleep much that night. He explained what he was doing and I asked him if I could try it. We wound up jerking each other off that night. I was still a little too young to make semen but it sure felt good." Rolf had definitely slid into an unguarded conversation and his language was becoming more 'earthy.' "Over the next couple of years, Peter guided me through the process of gay sex. It was a very special day when he took my cherry, I mean, when I let him have anal intercourse with me. Oh, I had done him many times but he waited until I was fourteen to do me."

"Didn't it hurt?" Leo had wanted to ask that question ever since seeing Shen take Rick's hot rod up his ass in the porn flick the day before. "I mean, that has to hurt a lot!"

"Not really. Oh, it can hurt like hell if it isn't done properly. But if your partner knows what he's doing and prepares you well, it shouldn't hurt at all. It's really a very pleasurable experience. And I learned that when your partner is in position and ready to penetrate, it's important for you to push like you're taking dump. That signals your sphincter to relax because something is about to pass through it - the direction doesn't matter." Rolf had just made some direct insinuations about what Leo should expect the first time he gets fucked and they sailed right over Leo's head. Rolf smiled. He knew his suspicions were correct. This was his profession and he was damn good at it.

"Uh, when did you know you were gay? I mean, did Peter turn you gay?

Rolf smiled again. "I never doubted I was gay; I knew I was attracted to boys - men before we left Washington. What Peter and I did seemed so natural. He also took special care to educate me about being safe. And it was a great way to break into this business."

"How, uh, how DID that get you into this business," Leo asked, his curiosity rising and his list of questions long since abandoned.

"Peter was first, and he opened the right doors for me. I was sixteen when I started."

"Sixteen! Gosh, isn't that kind of young?"

"No, I know quite a few boys who started at that age. A few start even younger. But Peter and I were careful to go with a reputable company. They made sure that we were careful and were taken care of. I..." Rolf's cell phone interrupted his thoughts. "Excuse me, please." He removed his cell phone from his pocket, flipped it open and answered.

"Ja," He listened for a few seconds. "Also dan... Nein... Ja, Morgin Nachmittag, auf Wiederhoeren." He closed the cover to the phone and slid it back into his pocket.

"I'm sorry, that was a call about my - ah - 'sponsor.' I'm supposed to meet him tomorrow afternoon.

"Sponsor?" Leo furrowed his forehead. He was curious about anything that affected Rolf.

"Yes, uh, how to explain that." Leo looked at the floor for a moment then at Leo. "About eighteen months ago, I went to see a new client. You never know what to expect. For example, I expected to meet a tall Swede when you opened your door," Rolf chuckled.

"Yes, I'm used to that." Leo chuckled along with Rolf. By now they were both very much at ease with each other.

"He paid for an all-night session and I'm normally a little anxious about those. But after we had sex, we began talking and I discovered he was a very nice man, so easy to talk to. He was educated, polished, and definitely upper class, a true gentleman. And when we had sex, it wasn't really like 'just sex,' it was more like making love. He was gentle and patient. That's the way sex should be and I really enjoyed it with him. About three weeks later I had another call to see him. That seemed to be his schedule, every three weeks, and he always asked for me. He shared with me that he's a senior executive of a large bank, is married, and has grown children - a son who's a year older than I."

"But..." Leo interrupted. "I don't understand. If he's married, why does he need - uh - male companionship?" He was doing his best to select the proper terms.

"Well, he's gay and he has physical needs that can only be filled by another man." Rolf smiled at his double entendre, although Leo hadn't caught it. "He loves his family and wouldn't harm them for the world. There's a whole story about that but I'd rather not go there, if you don't mind."

"Of course, I understand," Leo replied. However, he didn't really understand. "So, how does that work? What do you do for him?" Leo's questions were becoming bolder and Rolf decided to play along. Perhaps Leo was going where he needed to go.

"Ah, normally I wouldn't reveal such details but I feel I can trust you so I'll tell you. Helmut is what's called a bottom. That means he wants... needs... enjoys anal intercourse."

"He enjoys getting fucked - is that what you mean?" Leo was almost embarrassed by his own bluntness.

"Ha-ha, yes, that good old Anglo-Saxon four letter word, that's what I mean. However, with Helmut it's much more, it's love."

"And your position in this?"

"Ah-ha, again, your question goes right to the heart of the matter - I'm the top."

"And you say it doesn't hurt?"

"Your first time it might, just a little. But the pleasure - oh, the pleasure! And again, it all depends on your partner. Some men don't like bottoming while others enjoy both top and bottom."

"That's a funny way to think of it, top and bottom."

"Maybe, but that's basically what happens."

"But just yesterday I went to a video story and watched a young man on top of another but he was on the receiving end." Leo blushed; he hadn't intended to divulge that bit of information.

"Oh really! What was the name of the video?" Rolf was clearly interested.

"Well... uh... I think it might have been called "Singapore - something."

"Singapore Fling?" Rolf asked.

"Yes, that's it." Leo was blushing stronger now.

"Yes, that's one of the better ones."

"You know it?" Leo seemed surprised.

"Oh, of course, some clients like to watch porn to get ideas."

Leo decided he didn't want to know any more so he changed the subject. "So how is this Helmut your sponsor?" Leo was pleased that Rolf had mentioned his sponsor's name - it helped make the story more real.

"Oh, I'm studying international banking in college. When I graduate, Helmut has promised to help open the right doors so that I can get a good position." Rolf smiled again at another double entendre.

"Oh, so you don't plan on staying in this business for much longer?" Leo seemed surprised.

"No, I'm only doing it to pay for my education. I'm close to having enough right now but I'd like to build a little more margin."

Leo happened to notice the bedside clock display '1155.' "My goodness, look how late it is. Can I interest you in some lunch? The hotel is supposed to have a very nice buffet."

"Thank you, Leo, I am getting hungry. Mind if I use your bathroom to wash up?"

"Please, help your self. Then I'll do the same and we can go eat." While Rolf was washing his hands, Leo straightened the papers on the desk. He liked his living space to be tidy. Then he hurriedly washed his hands while Rolf waited.

They carried their plates to their table next to the window and sat down. Rolf thought this might be a good opportunity to see if Leo would answer some of his questions.

"So Leo, how long have you been married?" Rolf thought that would be a safe beginning.

"Let me see," Leo replied as he held his hands in front of him and counted on his fingers. "I'm thirty now and I was 22 when Marsha and I married so it must be eight years. It will be nine years this June." He looked at Rolf and smiled.

"Any children?"

"No." There was sadness in Leo's reply. "We've not been blessed yet."

"Congratulation for being married so long. That must mean you're happy." Rolf was fishing for something.

"Yeah, we're happy." Leo's answer wasn't all that convincing but it also wasn't an expression of unhappiness.

"How did you two meet?" Rolf was searching for more depth to understanding Leo.

Leo smiled. "I was a senior in journalism at Indiana University. You know where that is?"

"Yes, a very good school, from what I hear."

I was living in what is called a co-op. It's not exactly a fraternity; it's where a group of guys decide to share living expenses and it makes housing more affordable. I certainly couldn't afford the cost of joining a fraternity. Anyway, we were having a mixer, and I wasn't going to participate but my roommate's girlfriend set me up with a blind date." Leo was beginning to smile as he recalled the events.

"What's a mixer?"

"Ah, that's where guys and girls get together, kind of like a party, except the purpose is to meet people of the opposite sex and see if you have anything in common. That date turned out to be Marsha." Leo grinned. "We were the same age and she was a senior also. But the most important thing was that, in heels, she was no taller than I."

Leo paused to eat some of his food and take a drink. While doing that he remembered that before the evening was half over Marsha had him in his room, both were naked. He was on his back and she was on top of him riding his tool for all it was worth. She took his cherry and it changed his life. He could feel his penis beginning to harden and was glad he was seated behind the table and nobody could see the bulge in his pants.

"That's a very nice story, Leo, I'm glad things worked out."

"Yes, so am I." Leo's hardness began to wilt. Their sex life hadn't been so great, lately.

Leo looked out the window and noticed the restaurant he'd been to last night. He jumped on that for a diversion from his marriage.

"Oh, see that restaurant over there?"

"Yes?" Rolf sensed Leo was trying to change the subject. "I've never been there."

"That's where I had dinner last night. Perhaps later, when we're finished, we can go there for dinner."

"With so many restaurants to choose from, wouldn't you rather try someplace else?" Rolf was surprised that Leo would want to return to the same restaurant.

"Not really, I liked that place. They had good food and I felt comfortable."

"Okay, we'll go there then." Rolf agreed with a smile. If that's where his client wanted to go for dinner, it was his duty to escort him.

"By the way," Leo asked with his head tilted to one side. "Just how long will you be able to stay and talk with me?"

"Oh, the price you paid for this interview is equal to a 24-hour contract. So, I'm yours until nine o'clock tomorrow morning." Rolf wore a big grin on his face as he said that. 'Who knows, he's a sexy little dude, maybe I'll get lucky.'

"I think when we left off, you were talking about your sponsor." They were seated comfortably in Leo's room and the interview was continuing. "But I always had this crazy idea that an 'escort' meant guys escorting women. Are you ever called to do that?"

"Yes, I've done that a few times." Rolf smiled at his accomplishment. "Not often, but it has happened." He didn't wait for Leo to ask his next question. "In my experience, the women who hired me wanted to be in control. They all wanted to be on top; all I had to provide was a willing instrument. I liked to speculate about what personal problems would prompt them to hire an 'escort' when there are so many willing straight guys ready to help them out." Rolf was ready to laugh at his observation. "And they were usually very attractive, so that shouldn't have been a problem.

Leo wasn't laughing. He couldn't relate to such a libertine attitude. He'd had sex with only one person, Marsha, and in almost nine years, he had never known what it meant to be on top. Marsha had always been in control. Leo shook his head slightly as if to clear his mind. Rolf continued.

"In fact, I remember one episode when three young women, one from Texas, one from Alabama and one from Mississippi, hired me and two of my friends. They stripped us and made us lay side-by-side on the bed; I was in the middle. Then they made a spectacle out of rolling the condoms down our dicks. They thought that was great sport and we were all laughing. Next they climbed on top of us and slid down our poles. After bouncing up and down a few times, the one on the right lifted off my friend and climbed off the bed. The other two shifted to the right while the third one ran around the bed and mounted my other friend and they went at it again." Rolf was chuckling quite loudly by now. "The situation was so funny I don't know how we managed to maintain our erections but we did. The 'ladies' (Rolf emphasized the word) made two complete rounds before they stopped. It reminded me of women trying on shoes to see which fit best. Then the one who had my dick in her said she liked it and would keep it, but the other two 'ladies' decided to switch." Rolf was shaking with laughter by now. "It was one of the more entertaining afternoons that I remember and the only time I actually enjoyed screwing a woman."

"Is it a problem staying hard with a woman instead of a man?" Leo surprised himself by asking such an intimate question.

"It's getting that way. I no longer accept female clients. But when that six-way happened I had just turned seventeen and sex was sex. The mere thought of sex, with anyone, was enough to make me hard."

"You said earlier that you were close to quitting. Why is that?"

"I never intended to do this forever. No guy can. Plus, it can be dangerous. I mean, not only is there the threat of HIV/AIDS, there is a risk of physical violence. Think about it. How would you feel going to a hotel room to meet someone you'd never met and knowing he expected you to have sex with him?"

"Yeah, I hadn't thought of that," Leo admitted candidly. "Then I guess you were thinking the same thing when you came here."

"Somewhat. The company has its own screening methods, better than most. And the price we charge plus this higher rated hotel factors into the mix, as well.

Ah..." Leo hesitated to ask his next question but Rolf had been so forthcoming that he decided to go ahead. "With your concern for HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, are there ways to protect yourself beyond using a condom?"

Rolf was touched by the sensitivity expressed in Leo's question. "Not really. I wish there were but there doesn't seem to be much interest in a high tech defense." Rolf chuckled softly. "But I am careful. I've had unprotected sex with only three people: my cousin, my 'sponsor,' and a young man I met when I first broke into this business. My cousin now has a partner and is monogamous. My sponsor... well, let me say that we've grown to trust each other."

"What about your young friend?"

Rolf paused while he shifted his gaze out the window. He was obviously in deep thought. Then he returned to the room.

"My friend and I were very close. It was like our new lifestyle created a bond between us. We depended on each other." Rolf paused for a moment before continuing. "It's the closest I've come to being in love, or having a lover. But he eventually, or I should say quickly, decided he wasn't cut out for this business and quit. We drifted apart and I haven't seen him in quite a while." Rolf paused again, "I guess I still have feelings for him. Who knows..." His voice trailed off.

After a few moments Rolf smiled at Leo, indicating that he was ready for the next question. His reservations about agreeing to this interview were dispelled long ago. Parts of it, where he dug back into his past, were not exactly painful but they did cause feelings of melancholy. But other parts recalled happy memories and caused him to smile and laugh. Now he was glad he was doing this. And Leo's interview technique was so charming and disarming that Rolf felt himself being drawn close to the smaller, older man.

Leo looked down and reviewed the notes he'd taken then looked back at Rolf. "I'd like to go back to where you were talking about your experience with the three young 'ladies." Leo grinned, which got an equal grin from Rolf. "I was wondering while you were talking, do you limit yourself to one client a day or do you accept more?"

Rolf smiled. "At times, I have accepted up to three or four. It all depends on timing. For instance, I might get a call for an appointment in the middle of the afternoon, then another in early evening, and a third later that night. But that's unusual. Normally it's only one client, sometimes two."

"But..." Leo hesitated. He blushed at his next question but knew it needed to be asked. "But, how do you... I mean, don't you have a problem with...?"

"Getting it up?" Rolf smiled. He could easily tell that Leo was embarrassed and thought it sweet of him. "Uh, I think it's fair to say that my objective with each client is to get HIM off, not me." Rolf could see Leo leaning forward in his chair waiting for the rest of his story. "I have plenty of opportunities for my own sexual satisfaction so I'm in no hurry to cum for every client. There've been many times that I've even faked an orgasm so that I'd be able to perform again later." Rolf saw the surprised look on Leo's face.

"Oh yes, it's possible for a man to fake orgasm and get away with it. You see, when a client cums, he's primarily concerned about himself. He couldn't give a shit about me. And I can assure you there are many ways to get a man off. And, when I'm in charge, which is most of the time, I choose when I cum. I get the most enjoyment when I'm with a man I like. And usually it's because I find him attractive - one way or another." 'A great body or a great lover usually works,' Rolf thought.

Leo wrote the following in his notes, "R chooses when to cum."

The interview continued well into the afternoon until Leo heard Rolf's stomach grumble again.

"Ha-ha, sounds like I hear a growing young man who might be hungry." He smiled. "Look, it's almost 6:00 o'clock. I think we've covered everything I had on my list... and a whole lot more," Leo emphasized the last part of his statement. "Are you interested in going to dinner?"

"Yes, I am hungry. You still want to try that restaurant across the way?"

"If that's all right with you," Leo replied.

The two men took turns in the bathroom and left for dinner.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 4

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