Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on Dec 9, 2009


The Bandini Affair 29 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

This story is a spin-off of an earlier story, "David's Initiation." If you haven't read "DI," that won't be a problem because this story can stand-alone. However, some of the characters from "DI" will appear throughout the story. "David's Initiation," along with earlier stories can be found in the Author's section of the Nifty Archive.

Reader comments are welcome, just be sure to include the title in your subject line (even "TBA" will do) so that it doesn't get dumped as spam.

From Chapter 28

"Say," Leo began. "We talked about inviting Kyle and Logan to the house some time; how about tomorrow night?" Inviting someone into his safe area was a big deal for Leo; his introvert nature caused him to want total privacy. But knowing how much it might mean to Matt was enough reason for him to do it.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Matt eagerly jumped on Leo's idea. "And tomorrow night is good. We don't have to be at work until noon Sunday so we could sleep in if we want."

"Sounds good. You like burgers? I can make a salad or beans or whatever..."

"Kyle will probably want to bring something so why don't I call him and see how it goes?"

"Okay," Leo replied as he began walking toward the office. "There's a customer who looks like she needs your help; I'll be inside." Matt approached the middle-aged lady who appeared to be looking at some holly bushes.

From Chapter 29

Last March, Leo Carlsen was a shy, introverted heterosexual, married to a woman who controlled almost every aspect of his life. She picked where they lived, selected their social friends, even determined their sex lives.

Now, nine months later, Leo is on the verge of completing his transformation into a shy, somewhat less introverted, and certainly more satisfied homosexual involved in a relationship with a younger man, Matt Close. Leo appreciated the way Matt included him in all their choices; they were so much more compatible in all aspects of their lives.

Whereas Leo's married sex life was limited (once or twice a month and Marsha always on top), his relationship with Matt was one of mutual cooperation and gratification. It also included some form of sexual release once a day/night. They'd been much too busy to spend unlimited time alone, like a honeymoon. He had adjusted quickly and willingly and couldn't imagine being any happier.

"There they are," Leo announced as he looked out the kitchen window. Logan was exiting the passenger side of Kyle's truck as Kyle appeared from around the far side.

Matt and Leo stood in the open door and invited Kyle and Logan in. Leo watched as Matt and Kyle engaged in a long, friendly, full contact hug, which included a kiss on the cheek. Remembering his first visit to Matt's Uncle David's house and how everyone seemed to hug and kiss, he could only conclude such greetings were customary. While he considered if he should greet his guests in the same manner, Logan' arms had encircled him and he felt a kiss on his cheek. Leo was surprised; it actually felt good. He relaxed and let his hands press against Logan's back; it was a very nice feeling. He returned Logan's kiss on the cheek.

Before he could even think about what to do next, Kyle had him in his arms and was kissing his cheek, too. Again, Leo found himself enjoying the feel of another man pressed against him. Kyle was almost as tall as Matt but thicker, stockier and just as warm to the touch. Leo returned Kyle's kiss on the cheek and before he knew it, Kyle had released him to accept the beer Matt was offering him. Leo had noticed Matt embracing Logan but only for a second. The moment was over almost as soon as it started.

"Here," Logan said as he placed a sack on the table.

"Log made a chocolate cake for desert; he loves to cook." Kyle smiled.

"I lo-o-o-o-ve chocolate cake," Matt said with a grin. "I once saw a bumper sticker that said: `Life is short – eat desert first.' We can eat burgers later." Matt was already pulling the cake out of the sack.

"Not so fast, big boy." Leo slapped Matt's hand gently and everyone laughed. The evening was off to a good start and Leo was feeling quite comfortable in present company.

"So," Logan began. Matt and Kyle were outside tending to the burgers while Leo stirred the baked beans and Logan set the table. The uncut cake, having been rescued, was safely on the counter. "You've known Matt for a long time?"

"Oh, I suppose you could say that. Actually, I don't remember too much about him when he was just a kid, only that he was tall for his age and really scrawny." Both men chuckled at that image compared to now.

"He and Kyle have been friends for a long time, like since high school. Kyle says they took each other's cherries and tried to have a relationship but it didn't work because they're both tops."

Leo was surprised at how casually Logan addressed Matt and Kyle's previous intimate relationship. He considered that private stuff, not something he would have ever discussed with anyone else. `Maybe that's the way young people talk these days. I'm probably ten or twelve years older than Logan; am I out of touch already?'

"But I'm glad it worked out the way it did because it opened the door for me and Kyle to hook up. Ya see, I'm a bottom and Kyle's a great top." Leo was now almost in shock. This conversation was way beyond his comfort zone. He continued stirring the beans while trying to think of a way to change the subject.

"And he even lets me top him some times. He's a great lover and I really love him. But I wouldn't have minded getting a piece of Matt, too. Man is he ever hung; you must be in heaven..."

"Here they come," Leo almost shouted when he heard the two men enter the house laughing. `Thank God!' he thought as he transferred the beans to a large bowl. He hoped that would be the end of THAT topic of conversation.

The four men sat around the kitchen table eating while Kyle filled Matt in on things going on in the police force. They talked about old and new personnel and personalities, along with policy changes and how they were or weren't working out. Kyle and Logan moved to the front room while Matt and Leo cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher. It was only a few minutes until they joined their guests.

Kyle and Logan had claimed the sofa so that left the one club chair for Matt and Leo. Matt used his hand to invite Leo to sit in the chair, which Leo did. Matt sat down on the floor directly in front of the chair and eased back between Leo's knees with his arms resting on the tops of Leo's thighs. Leo liked the intimacy of the position and lovingly placed his hands on Matt's shoulders.

The dinner table conversation continued for a few minutes until Leo changed the subject.

"So, how did you two meet?" Leo asked.

"Oh, I just picked him up off the street." Kyle chuckled with a grin. Matt and Logan laughed.

"Yeah, that's exactly what you did." Matt added. Kyle and Logan proceeded to describe that special evening when they met as Logan was trying to escape a mugging. Then Matt told of his surprise at finding Logan in the shower when he got back to their apartment.

"Are you from around here?" Leo asked Logan.

"I grew up on a farm about 150 miles north-east of here. I had to leave home when my daddy found out I was gay."

"Oh..." Leo said. There was one question he wanted to ask and decided `why not' in keeping with Logan's candor earlier. "I'm curious, when did you know you were gay?" Leo was about to be further surprised by Logan willingness to reveal details of his life.

"Uh... I think I knew when I was eight or nine years old," Logan began. He continued to explain that he didn't exactly understand what gay' or homosexuality' was at that age but he knew he was different and was always curious about other boys' dicks. But he kept all that to himself and things changed when he was twelve.

"What happened then?" Matt asked. He'd never heard Logan's story and it was becoming interesting.

"Well, my daddy's sister, my aunt, and her son, my cousin Bart, lived in Los Angeles. Well, Bart got into some trouble and my aunt wanted to get him out of a bad environment so Daddy offered to take him in." Logan continuing, explaining that he was twelve and his cousin Bart was fourteen. Bart was a very street-wise kid and in less then eight hours after he arrived Logan had sucked his first cock. And less than twenty-four hours after that he'd been fucked for the first time. "From that moment on, I knew exactly what I wanted for the rest of my life." Logan paused for a moment as if waiting for someone to say something. When no one did, he continued.

"So then Bart and me were able to keep our `activities' secret for several years. Bart managed to find a few other guys and we expanded our circle. Then early this year we got careless and Daddy caught us. Bart, who was twenty, took off immediately, I guess for L.A., before Daddy could do anything. Me, he kicked out of the house and told me to never come back. It was only a few days after that when Matt picked me up off the street."

Total silence followed for several seconds after Logan stopped talking. How do you transition from a story like that? Finally Kyle broke the silence.

"Why didn't you ever tell me about that, Log? I'm even more glad I found you that night." Kyle pulled Logan close and gave him a kiss.

All during the story, Leo kept noticing how Logan rested his hand on the top of Kyle's thigh close to his crotch, and then let it slip inside and begin stroking. It didn't take long for the bulge in Kyle jeans to become blatantly obvious.

"Ah-um," Kyle cleared his throat, looked at Logan then back at Matt and Leo. "I've got an early day tomorrow so if you won't consider it too rude, I need to be getting to bed," he said as he stood up and exposed the prominent wet spot on the front of his jeans. Leo was sure Kyle was aware of it but didn't' seem the least bit embarrassed.

"Hey, I understand," Matt replied as he got up from the floor. "We'll have to do this again; it was fun."

Leo wondered if his partner was referring to Kyle needing to get to bed early and get some sleep or needed to get to bed early and take care of his hardon. Then, out of the corner of his eye, Leo noticed a rather prominent bulge in the front of Matt's jeans. `We men are definitely creatures visual stimulation,' he thought as he adjusted his own stiffness.

Matt and Leo escorted Kyle and Logan to the front door and said goodbye. They watched Kyle's truck drive away then shut the door. The next thing Leo knew, he was in Matt's arms getting a big kiss.

"Think you can find those candles again?" Matt asked suggestively. He obviously had a plan.

"I'm sure that can be arranged," Leo replied with a confident kiss. He was just as hard as Matt and tried to imagine what lay ahead for the rest of the evening.

Matt locked up and turned off the lights while Leo found and lit the candles. A naked Matt was already stretched out on the bed as a naked Leo approached Matt's side of the bed. Matt spread his legs and guided Leo on top of him. This could be the preliminary to frottage or it could be something else.

Leo noticed the bottle of lube on the nightstand and thought of Logan's earlier comment that Kyle occasionally allowed him to be on top. Only two nights ago Matt had offered to let Leo have him first. Just then, Matt reached for the lube and handed it to Leo.

"Would you consider doing the honors?" Matt asked as he raised his knees sending a clear signal of what he had in mind.

"I was just thinking about that," Leo grinned. Had Matt been reading his mind? "You really want me to? I mean... it's okay?" He wanted to be sure that Matt really wanted him because Logan had said he was a top.

"Oh yes, I've been looking forward to it." Matt drew Leo into a kiss as if to validate his request.

Leo returned Matt's kiss to show his acceptance of Matt's proposal and accepted the bottle of lube. As they kissed, Leo's insecurities began to grow. He thought of many questions about what to do but quickly decided this was no time to be asking questions. Although this would be his first time to penetrate a man, he needed no imagination about how to do it. He'd seen it done in numerous videos and remembered how much he'd enjoyed his own penetration. Desire and confidence began to push back against his insecurities.

Leo pushed up off Matt's chest and settled on his haunches between Matt's legs. The picture before him was one of raw masculine beauty topped with a waiting smile. Seeing Matt's erection stretched out before him, he bent down, took it into his mouth and began to suck it. In less than a minute Leo had Matt's member all the way into his throat with his nose nestled in Matt's pubic bush. Then he pulled back, releasing the cock, letting it fall to Matt's abdomen.

They smiled at each other then Matt placed his hands behind his knees and pulled them to either side of his chest; he was exceptionally flexible due to his martial arts training.

Leo found himself staring directly at Matt's pink, wrinkled anus. His own pucker twitched as he remembered the pleasure of Matt rimming him. But he wasn't quite ready for that. Squeezing some lube on his fingers, he tenderly placed them against Matt's pucker and began to rub, slowly at first. Leo studied Matt's entrance and noticed how shiny and inviting it looked.

Without hesitation, he slipped his middle finger through the opening and marveled at how strange it felt. He withdrew, squirted more lube and added his index finger to the mix. This time he slipped deeper and felt Matt's ring grip his fingers tightly. There was no need to waste any more time so he sank both fingers all the way in and explored by moving them around.

"M-m-m," Matt moaned. Leo recognized the sound of pleasure and concluded he'd found Matt's prostate. Just to be sure, he gently stroked the area again and got the same response. Leo was becoming aware of the intense heat inside Matt's body and wanted his cock in there.

"I'm ready, Leo," Matt sighed softly. "Let me have it, please." And Matt did want Leo inside him. Years earlier, as a fourteen-year-old working at the nursery, all Matt could think of was fucking Leo's ass. As a mature man, he wanted to share his body as an act of love between them. Leo withdrew his fingers, spread more lube on his dick, moved forward, placed his head at the entrance to Matt's hole and pushed.

"Ah-h-h." Leo exhaled. Hundreds of thoughts flashed through his mind. He was inside the man he loved. The heat was so intense. He was on top. He was in control. He could feel Matt's large erection pulse between them. By now he was lying on Matt's chest, his arms were under Matt's pits and Matt was lovingly stroking his hair. He felt Matt kiss the top of his head. Yes, he was loved. Matt really wanted him inside. He felt Matt's sphincter clamp down on his dick and it was the most wonderful thing he'd ever felt.

This was more than sex; it was love. When another person makes you feel like you are truly wanted, you know that it's love. Leo never felt like Marsha really wanted him. Matt definitely did.

"Awesome..." Leo lifted his head and look into Matt's eyes. Matt bent his neck, Leo stretched a little and they kissed. Yes, he, Leo Carlsen was wanted.

He pushed up with his arms and looked down at Matt's body. It was beautiful. As he looked down and focused on his lover's cock, Leo remembered a video he's seen weeks earlier and wondered. `Can I do that?' He had to find out. Without hesitation, Leo arched his back and closed his lips over Matt's glans. He heard a surprised gasp escape Matt's mouth.

Employing his recently acquired skills, Leo's tongue pushed Matt's foreskin down off Matt's glans, exposing it for Leo's attention. After a few twirls of his tongue, Leo began taking more of Matt's cock into his oral cavity until he felt the head press against the entrance to his throat. He took a deep breath and pushed firmly.

"Ohh... fuck..." Matt exclaimed quietly. This was the first time he'd been sucked and fucked simultaneously and it was blowing his circuits. His orgasm was building rapidly and if Leo didn't pull off his cock soon, it'd be over quickly. But he didn't care.

In the candlelight Leo could see that three more inches of Matt's member remained to be consumed but he had reached his limit. He was also aware that his dick had slipped about halfway out of Matt's ass so he shoved it back in. That caused Matt's dick to slip out of his throat. Leo set up a rhythm and after six strokes Matt blew his load, some of it going directly down Leo's throat and the rest into his mouth.

Leo wished he could have watched the expression on Matt's face but he was preoccupied. Releasing Matt's cock, Leo moved forward and fed Matt some of his semen. Then he began thrusting into Matt's body seeking his own release. The eroticism of what he'd just done quickly brought Leo to a climax. He collapsed onto the hard, hot body beneath him and quickly felt Matt's strong arms lovingly enfold him. He could hear Matt's heart pounding loudly, or was it his own? He felt Matt stroke his hair, something he liked to do, and them kiss the top of his head. Yes, he was safe. He was loved. He was wanted. And he wanted to be with Matt forever.

"Wow! I didn't know anybody could do that." Matt said after several minutes had passed and they had regained their composure. By now, Leo had slipped from Matt's anal opening and Matt had pulled him up so they could kiss more easily.

"I didn't know I could do that either. How was it?" Leo asked.

"Mere words couldn't begin to describe it." Matt pulled Leo into another kiss. "But I'm definitely gonna keep you around so don't plan on going anywhere. Got that?" Matt grinned at Leo, who grinned back.

The two lovers snuggled comfortably against each other, enjoying the afterglow.

"So what do ya think of Logan?" Matt asked as he gently stroked Leo's back.

"Oh... I don't know... I guess he makes me feel old."

"Oh?" Matt responded. "How come?"

"He's... he's really open about things. He says things I would never dream of saying."

"Like what?"

Leo related some of the things Logan had said earlier about Kyle and Matt being tops and that Logan was a bottom and how Kyle lets him top some times. And..." Leo paused for effect. "He also said he wouldn't have minded getting a piece of you, too. He thinks you're really hung and thinks I must be in heaven..."

"He said that?" Matt asked in disbelief.

"He did..."

"Yeah, Logan's different, alright. He definitely has a different background from you and me. But he's exactly what Kyle needs." Then Matt turned serious. "And you are exactly what I need." He pulled Leo into another kiss. It was a loving kiss and it was sexual.

Leo could feel the blunt tip of Matt's recovered erection press against his perineum. And he was sure Matt could feel his stiffness pressing into Matt's abdomen. Perhaps their recovery was the result discussing Logan and Kyle sex lives. Leo was thinking of two nights ago when he'd willingly given himself to Matt and his desire to do it again was growing stronger by the second.

Leo reached out, picked up the lube, pushed up into a sitting position and squirted some onto his fingers.

"You're not!" Matt exclaimed with surprise and a smile as he watched Leo reach behind. Matt assumed Leo was preparing his ass for entry when he felt Leo's hand bump against the head of his cock.

In a matter of seconds, Leo had three of his fingers stretching his anus.

"Oh, but I am..." Leo grinned seductively as he squirted more lube in to his hand then reached behind him and smeared Matt's cock from tip to base with lube. Working blindly, Leo guided the head of Matt's cock to his anal lips and eased back. Then he pushed from inside to relax his sphincter and felt Matt slide inside.

Leo wasn't sure why he decided to do this; it was an impulse he decided to follow. He felt some initial discomfort but that was quickly replaced with the same intense pleasure he'd felt two nights before. That's what he was seeking. With eyes closed he slid further onto Matt's pole until there was nothing left to consume.

Matt smiled as he watched the expression of intense concentration on Leo's face. He felt Leo open and slide smoothly onto his shaft, not stopping until it completely engulfed. Leo's assertiveness was a huge turn-on. Matt liked the way he was now ready and wiling to reach out and take the pleasure he desired. And he realized he was witnessing Leo's final transformation to gay love; he felt true happiness.

At this moment, Leo wasn't thinking much about Matt, only about the long hard tube filling his ass. With eyes closed in concentration, he was amazed at the freedom being on top gave him. He was able to move any way he desired. He could change angles and speeds and pressures to maximize his pleasure. After a couple of trial moves, Leo began riding Matt for all he was worth.

Matt did all he could to help his lover enjoy their union. He reached out and placed his hands under Leo's pits to assist his up and down movement. At the same time, Matt's thumbs were in perfect position to gently stroke Leo's very erect nipples. He couldn't tell how far along Leo was but Matt knew he would soon blow another load. To speed thing along, he grasped Leo's dick in his right hand and used his thumb to spread the leaking precum around the crown.

Leo was in a zone, a zone of sexual pleasure. His orgasm took him by surprise. Just as he came, his eyes popped open and he looked straight at Matt. His head flew back; his mouth shot open and out came a primal sound he didn't recognize. Then hot, creamy-white ribbons of seminal fluid splattered all over Matt's chest and abdomen. Leo settled on Matt's cock as his contractions continued. He sat motionless for a few moments, catching his breath and waiting for his mind to recover. The next thing he knew, he was flipped on his back with Matt on top.

Matt was close, already in his short strokes. Watching Leo's orgasm had pushed him to the edge and he needed to be on top.

Leo's mind began to clear as he reveled in the sensation of Matt's quick, powerful thrusts driving against his body. It wasn't violent; it was wonderfully erotic.

"OH... FUCK... LEO!" Leo heard Matt shout with one extra powerful thrust and he knew Matt was filling him with liquid love. Three or four aftershocks followed and then there was total silence.

The last of the candles flickered and extinguished plunging the room into darkness. Two lovers snuggled against each other, allowing the much needed sleep to claim them.

Tomorrow was Sunday and they would attend church to give thanks for finding each other.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 30

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