Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on Nov 14, 2009


The Bandini Affair 28 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

This story is a spin-off of an earlier story, "David's Initiation." If you haven't read "DI," that won't be a problem because this story can stand-alone. However, some of the characters from "DI" will appear throughout the story. "David's Initiation," along with earlier stories can be found in the Author's section of the Nifty Archive.

Reader comments are welcome, just be sure to include the title in your subject line (even "TBA" will do) so that it doesn't get dumped as spam.

From Chapter 27

Breathing hard, and with arms growing weak and shaky from exhaustion, Matt lowered himself onto his lover's body. Still gasping for air, he felt Leo kiss the side of his face.

"I love you," Matt confessed softly into Leo's ear; he couldn't remember ever feeling such love or having such a powerful orgasm.

"Love you, too," Leo replied softly. The words flowed so easily from his lips. At last, he knew what love was.

Chapter 28

They lay quietly, enjoying the closeness that accompanies good lovemaking. Leo had a smile on his face but it wasn't the totally result of the great sex he'd just experienced. When Matt confessed his love in the heated aftermath of his climax, Leo remembered something Marsha had said early in their sex life. Once, he had blurted out those three little words immediately following his climax. Marsha quickly expressed her crazy opinion that declarations of love during sex were driven more by orgasmic passion, not feelings of true love.

Leo was smiling because in his heart he knew that when Matt said he loved him, he meant it. He also knew his own declaration of love came straight from his heart. Marsha was wrong. An expression of love tied to an orgasm is a truth spoken in a totally unguarded moment; it is real.

"Hey," Matt smiled down at Leo.

"Hey yourself," Leo smiled back. Their lips touched with great tenderness.

"Am I getting too heavy?" Matt felt Leo's sphincter give his softening cock a loving squeeze.

"No... it feels good. I'd like to stay like this forever."

"Well, as much as I'd like to do the same, at some point I think we need to get cleaned up." Matt could feel that he was lying in Leo's cum that had now spread between them.

"Yeah, there's always next time." Leo kissed Matt softly to seal his statement. As they kissed, Matt rolled them to the right and he almost rolled right off the bed before catching himself.

"Whoa!" he chuckled and grabbed hold of Leo. "Almost went too far." Leo held on and added his own chuckles. Matt continued, "Pretty soon, in a few moments, you're probably going to cut the longest fart of your life."

"Really?" Leo asked curiously.

"Yeah, it's just part of the process. You probably never read about that in any porn literature, but it happens.

"Do I need to do anything about it?" Leo had a note of concern in his voice.

"Nah, not really, although you might want to go to the bathroom and sit down. That might help you eject of some of the semen I just injected."

"But what if I want to keep it inside me for a while?" Leo didn't know why he said that but he had thought about it.

"Yeah," Matt smiled. He felt happy and honored that Leo would even consider keeping a part of him inside his body. "Most of it will come out eventually and cause a mess."

"Okay, I'll follow your advice. Besides, I guess I know where to get some more," he chuckled. He'd been holding on to his lover to prevent him from falling off the bed and now released his grip as Matt moved to stand up. Leo noticed how damp the sheets were and realized just how much sweat they produced while making love.

Leo lead the way to the bathroom with Matt right behind. No sooner had he lowered his butt to the toilet seat than he released the loudest and longest fart he could ever remember. He began to laugh. Then Matt laughed as he rummaged around the medicine cabinet.

"Here, take these," he said and handed Leo a couple of Advil tablets, followed by a glass of water. "You're gonna be soar and these should help."

Leo was instantly struck by Matt's loving concern for his wellbeing and he got a warm, happy feeling in his chest. He swallowed the pills as Matt started the shower. Another, but shorter, fart escaped his body and he chuckled. He actually felt Matt's semen oozing from his rectum and clinging to the sides of his cheeks. Rather than waste toilet tissue, he joined Matt in the shower. Both men became aroused as they soaped each other and they just enjoyed the pleasure without pursuing any more sex. Leo was completely relaxed as he allowed Matt to cleanse his anus of any remaining semen.

Dry and naked, they went around the house turning off lights and locking doors. Back in the bedroom, Leo and Matt extinguished the candles and prepared to get back in bed.

"Think we need clean sheets," Matt asked when they approached the bed.

"It's only on your side, we can sleep on my side tonight," Leo offered. "I'll throw them in the wash in the morning." He was taking another day off for personal business and hoped Randy would call.

Matt crawled into bed and held out his arms as an invitation for Leo to join him. Leo blew out the last candle and nestled between Matt's outstretched arms. He noticed the time; it was only 10:50. They'd gone to bed at about 9:10 so the sex must have moved along pretty fast. The cleanup lasted almost as long as the lovemaking.

A few doors down the street, Todd lay on top of Mike, both gasping for air. Straightening their legs, they rolled onto their sides, still belly to belly and held on to each other.

"You have my permission to invite Leo over more often," Todd chuckled between breaths. After dinner, Mike had told Todd Leo's story and it brought back very fond memories of their first sexual encounter. They decided it was too good of a memory not to relive so they had given it their best.

Thursday morning and much sooner than either man wanted, the alarm clock sounded. They were still pressed against each other on Leo's side of the bed, but in different positions than when they went to sleep. Leo's first thought was of last night and he clenched his anal sphincter to see just how sore he was. There was no question that his anus had been visited by an intruder last night but the tenderness around his anus only brought a smile to his face. He expected he'd have no problems today. He even considered a reenactment this morning... but only briefly.

Matt's lips interrupted Leo's train of thought. A quick kiss and tight hug were quickly followed by trips to the bathroom. Both men moved silently about the bathroom/bedroom preparing for the day's activities. The coffee Leo had prepared the night before was ready when they arrived in the kitchen. Following the usual breakfast they stood in the front room watching the television, Matt in his boxer briefs and Leo in his white briefs, for the weather report before deciding what to wear. The cool, sunny, autumn forecast seemed to dictate long pants were the best choice.

The morning's activity occurred in relative silence. Leo and Matt could feel each other's presence without even touching. With one more kiss, Matt was out the door and Leo went to the bedroom to remove the bottom sheet and toss it in the washer. They really needed to buy more bedding. He straightened the bedroom, stashing the candles under the bathroom sink. They were still tall enough for perhaps two more love sessions. He was about to walk to the kitchen when his cell phone rang. A quick check of the display showed the caller's name.

"Hello, Randy..."

"Leo! I'm really sorry I couldn't get back to you yesterday but I was attending a cousin's wedding." Leo thought it odd to be attending a wedding in mid-week. "Anyway, I've been looking for some opportunities for you in case you called. So, whenever you're ready, maybe we can find you some steady work."

"Randy, I..." In that moment, Leo's future seemed to fall into place. Yes, he loved sports journalism but he greatly disliked being away from home traveling all over the country. And being in sweaty, testosterone filled locker rooms would be more of a challenge than in the past. Leo thought of last night, squeezed his sphincter and knew there was no way he was going to leave Matt. And he realized how happy he was being back home and working at the nursery. The rest of his conversation with Randy was clear. He took a deep breath, straightened his shoulders, and began to speak.

"Randy, I'm in a great relationship right now and I'm going to do everything to make it work. I guess that means I won't be traveling anytime soon, maybe never. So unless I can find a gig locally, I guess my writing days are over." A moment of silence followed and he was about to ask Randy if he was still there.

"Leo, that's great; congratulations! I'm really glad for you. You're a great guy who deserves the best. I hope she appreciates you."

"He." Leo corrected without hesitation and listened to the silence for a moment. A wave of excitement surged through his body. He realized how proud he felt about having Matt for a lover/partner and he had no reservations about admitting it publicly.

"Did you say ÔHE'?" Randy asked. Leo noted the tone of Randy's question didn't sound hostile.

"I did," Leo replied proudly. He was instantly curious to see Randy's full reaction.

"Wow, that's a surprise! I never would have guessed." Again, Randy sounded more accepting, like he was okay with it.

"Is that going to affect our business relationship?" Leo asked.

"No reason it should; I have other gay clients. But you're such a great writer it'll be a shame if you don't continue. Would you be open to me looking around for some opportunities locally for you? You never know what might turn up."

"Well..." Leo felt a new excitement. He loved to write and if he didn't have to travel maybe he wouldn't have to quit. "Tell ya what, Randy, I'll keep an open mind about that. I'm not in any hurry because I'm helping out at my family's nursery and my life is nice and comfortable and uncomplicated right now. So, yes, it's okay to look around for options."

"Good. Knowing that you're not in an emergency situation relieves a lot of pressure. I won't call you until I have something really good, okay?"

"Yes, thanks, Randy. Call me any time."

"Will do, and congratulations again, Leo."

"Bye, Randy." He heard Randy say Ôbye' and end the call. Leo smiled. He stood looking out the kitchen window at the sun shining on the lawn. He could see blue sky through the trees and felt that for the first time in a long time, his life was looking good. The washer buzzer interrupted his daydream, and he quickly placed the sheet in the dryer.

Leo walked around the house humming, the first time in like forever he could remember doing that. He had a smile on his face. He felt happy, really happy. He had the urge to call Matt and share his conversation with Randy and the decision he'd made. Leo could see the two of them working side by side, managing the nursery, not unlike his parents had done when they were younger. His excitement bubbled over.

"Hi, Stud Muffin," Matt answered his phone with a chuckle.

"Stud Muffin? Where did that come from?"

"Oh, I don't know, I'm just trying out different names for you until I find one that's perfect."

"Ha-ha," Leo laughed. "Well, while you're trying to do that, I'm finished here. Randy called and I kinda want to tell you everything."

"You wanna come here for lunch? We could have a private lunch in the storage shed."

"I think not," Leo chuckled. "You remember what happened the last time we took advantage of the storage shed privacy; how about the break room?"

"Yeah," Matt chuckled. "I guess we don't need the storage shed any more." It was a clear recognition that they now had the privacy of Matt's house. "Say," Matt began. "There's a Subway Shop on your way here; remember, I showed it to you."

"Yeah, I'll stop and get us something. What would you like?"

"Just tell whoever's working that it's for me and they'll know what I want." Matt sounded very confident, like he was a regular customer.

A chime sounded as Leo opened the door to the Subway Shop; the place appeared deserted. By the time Leo was halfway to the order counter a red-haired, young man stepped out of the back room.

"May I help you, Sir?" he asked politely.

"Yes, please; I'd like a couple of subs. One is for Matt Close; he said you'd know what he wants." Leo noticed the kid's nametag had "Logan" printed on it.

"Oh, yeah, that'll be easy. Matt like's a six-inch turkey on wheat." Logan replied with a smile. In his mind he wandered if Matt would be satisfied with only six inches; he smiled again. "And what can I get for you?" he asked as he began to prepare Matt's sub.

Leo looked up at the menu and felt his insecurity kick in. Rather than stand there and study the choices, he took the easy route. "Oh, just make the same for me." Logan put down the half-bun and picked up a foot-long version. He could make one big one and cut it in half.

Leo couldn't help notice how the young man kept glancing up at him like he was studying him for some reason. Just as he extended his hand with a $20 bill, Logan looked directly at him.

"You wouldn't be "Leo," would you?"

"Ah... yes," Leo hesitated, "how would you know that?" he replied with surprise.

"Oh, something my boyfriend said."

Leo's mind was processing what limited amount of information that had just been divulged. Logan had a boyfriend so he was probably gay. And he and his boyfriend probably knew Matt. Who did he know who was a friend of Matt's and was gay?

"Kyle?" Leo asked and watched the surprised look on Logan's face. The look morphed into a smile.

"That's pretty quick!" Logan said as he handed Leo his change with a grin. In mere minutes the two men had made important connections with scant information. "We should get together some time. I know Kyle misses seeing Matt; they've been friends for like forever."

"Yeah," Leo replied as he picked up two sacks full of subs, chips and cookies. He and Matt would drink Dr Peppers from the fridge in the break room. "I'll mention it to Matt." He smiled and took one more look at Logan before walking toward the door. His memory recorded a young man about five feet, eleven inches tall and rather skinny Ð overall, an attractive kid.

"Tell Matt I said ÔHi,'" Logan called out as Leo exited the shop; Leo waved.

As he walked to his car, Leo couldn't help thinking about Kyle and Logan having sex. Then he dismissed the thought, got into his car and drove off.

"Randy surprised me." Leo had just finished telling Matt about his phone conversation with his agent. "He was quite cool about everything."

"So you'd actually give up being a sports writer to work here with me?" Matt asked incredulously. "But you're so good at it. That piece you did about Mark was absolutely brilliant!"

"Thanks." Leo smiled at the compliment. "Look, I've been traveling for years and frankly, it's getting old. Of course I love to write and if something comes locally I could always consider it. But yes, I'd love to stay here and work with you. Since returning, I've discovered I like this work. After working here for so many years as a kid, I never realized how much satisfaction I get from working with plants." Leo smiled teasingly, "not to mention the satisfaction of sleeping with you." He quickly glanced around to confirm that they were alone in the break room.

"Well, what can I say?" Matt grinned. "I have to confess it would be really nice to see you around here every day... and at home every night."

They sat across the small table grinning at each other, thinking of the possibilities.

"Oh, by the way, Logan says ÔHi.'"

"So you met Logan! Whadda ya think?"

"Seems like a nice kid. He suggested we should get together some time." Leo left off the part about Kyle missing Matt.

"Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing. Maybe we could do some burgers on the grill, maybe some baked beans and some beer?"

"Sounds good." Leo thought about how quickly and easily they had just agreed to entertain in their home. Matt could just as easily have decided on his own, but he asked for Leo's opinion. Marsha never asked for his opinion concerning their social life. She decided and Leo went along. Now he felt good, felt part of a team by being asked. "I'm looking forward to it." That was as far as the conversation went; no specific plans were made.

After work, the two lovers went to the mall for dinner at Friday's then shopped for some extra sheets.

"Look, all these sheets are packaged as complete sets," Leo complained.

"Yeah, we only need bottom sheets," Matt added.

"Well, I suppose we can always use the top sheets on the bottom if we run out," Leo offered with a suggestive grin.

"Good grief, what have I got myself into?" Matt chuckled. He was about to find out when they got home.

Friday morning opened with bright sunlight streaming in through bedroom windows. It was hard to believe that Christmas was only three weeks away. Leo and Matt rolled out of bed ready of work. After a quick breakfast, they rode on Matt's truck and arrive early. Leo observed that their energy levels seemed quite high today and suggested it was the result of ingesting high quality protean last evening.

As planned, they raised the issue of their schedules with Pop, Mama, and Megan. Pop explained that early on, he and Mama worked seven days a week until they couldn't stand it any more. Then they began taking one day off each week together and one separately. Then after the kids arrived, Mama stayed home most of the time until the kids were in school. It was much like Megan was doing now. Mama strongly suggested that Matt and Leo take one day off together and then a second day off separately. Following a quick discussion, the two men agreed that Matt would take off Monday and Tuesday and Leo would take off Tuesday and Wednesday. They left open the possibility that circumstances might occasionally require adjustments but they at least had a plan.

"I feel better now that we'll have time off together," Leo said as he and Matt stood side-by-side in the sunny yard drinking a Dr. Pepper. Not only was this a normal slack time for customers but business was off since the recession began.

"Yeah, me too," Matt replied as he playfully bumped his hip against Leo's. Well, actually, his hip was much higher then Leo's but the message was the same. Leo bumped back with a chuckle. That was about the limit of their public display of affection; they purposely exercised self-restraint out of respect for the other employees.

"Say," Leo began. "We talked about inviting Kyle and Logan to the house some time; how about tomorrow night?" Inviting someone into his safe area was a big deal for Leo; his introvert nature caused him to want total privacy. But knowing how much it might mean to Matt was enough reason for him to do it.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Matt eagerly jumped on Leo's idea. "And tomorrow night is good. We don't have to be at work until noon Sunday so we could sleep in if we want."

"Sounds good. You like burgers? I can make a salad or beans or whatever..."

"Kyle will probably want to bring something so why don't I call him and see how it goes?"

"Okay," Leo replied as he began walking toward the office. "There's a customer who looks like he needs your help; I'll be inside." Matt approached the middle-aged lady who appeared to be looking at some holly bushes.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 29

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