Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on Oct 14, 2009


The Bandini Affair 27 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

This story is a spin-off of an earlier story, "David's Initiation." If you haven't read "DI," that won't be a problem because this story can stand-alone. However, some of the characters from "DI" will appear throughout the story. "David's Initiation," along with earlier stories can be found in the Author's section of the Nifty Archive.

Reader comments are welcome, just be sure to include the title in your subject line (even "TBA" will do) so that it doesn't get dumped as spam.

From Chapter 26

"I missed you so much today and I wanted to show you how much." Leo reached up, wrapped his hands behind Matt's neck and pulled himself up into a kiss. Matt's hands went to Leo's gluts, lifting him so Leo could wrap his legs around Matt's waist. Feeling Leo's erection poking into his abdomen, Matt took the three steps necessary to reach the bed and gently lowered Leo to it.

They undressed each other slowly, something they had learned to enjoy, and the candlelight atmosphere made it even more exciting, erotic and enjoyable.

"Matt..." Leo said softly as he slipped his hand under a pillow.

"M-m-m?" Matt replied.

"It's time we consummated this deal," Leo said as he placed the bottle of lubricant in the middle of Matt's chest.

Matt glanced at the lube and his mouth gaped open in a surprised smile. Then he peered directly into Leo's eyes. "You mean..."

Chapter 27

"Um-hm... I... I want to feel you inside me." The phrase that Leo used to think sounded so corny had just come from his mouth and it sounded perfectly appropriate. Those words had a meaning so deep, so intense that there's no way they could be corny.

"Oh Leo!" Matt exclaimed softly and he tightened in his arms around his lover. "I've wanted to hear that forever. Are you sure?" He pulled his head back and looked into Leo's eyes again.

"Yes." There was no equivocation in Leo's reply.

"It's just that... I thought maybe... maybe you'd want to do me first, to see what it's like."

"No, I hadn't thought about that," Leo replied. That was true; he'd never even considered it. Then he thought of how he'd spent all day psyching himself up and the preparation he'd gone through earlier that evening and he knew his answer. "But no, I know this is what I want; I'm ready."

Matt drew them into a long, passionate kiss. Leo could almost feel his lover become more tender and loving and he wanted him even more.

"I'll be careful... I don't want to hurt you. If you have any pain you have to tell me." Leo only nodded and smiled, then slid off Matt and got on his hands and knees like he's seen in some of the videos.

"Here," he said as he handed Matt the lube. They smiled at each other like two conspirators about to launch a secret operation.

"We'll need a condom," Matt said almost sadly.

"If it's okay with you, I'd like my first experience to be totally natural. I got tested Monday and I'm clean... totally."

"Ha-ha-ha!" Matt rolled onto his back laughing then rolled back to face Leo. "So did I; ha-ha-ha!" Seeing the humor, Leo joined the laughter. "So yes, I vote for all natural." They kissed. Then Matt took control by pulling Leo on top of him and rolling them over so Leo was under him. His lips began a familiar journey down Leo's willing body. Leo enjoyed Matt exerting control. Matt's strength excited him. After servicing Leo's prick to remove all the precum that had leaked out, Matt then took first one, then the other testicle in his mouth. Leo's perineum was next then Matt lifted Leo's knees, pushing them back toward his chest.

How perfect, how beautiful!' Matt thought as he stared at Leo's pink entrance. It's almost a shame to breach it... but breach it I will.'

Leo gasped in pleasure as Matt's tongue tenderly treated his rosebud to more erotic and exciting stimulation than Leo thought possible. Reversing his track, Matt worked his way back to Leo's lips.

"Leo," Matt began; his hand stroked Leo's back, down his side, over his hip and behind his thigh. "You are the most lovable, desirable man I've ever known. I've wanted to hold you in my arms since the first day I saw you. I want to make love to you in a way that will bring you so much pleasure and happiness that you'll be happy we're together." By now Matt had rolled them on their sides facing each other Ð Matt on his left side and Leo on his right. As Matt spoke softly and sprinkled tender kisses over Leo's face, nose, and lips, he pulled Leo's left knee up and over his right hip exposing Leo's rosebud.

"Now, if you're ready, squirt some lube into my hand." Leo took the bottle of liquid lubricant and unhesitatingly squeezed a liberal amount into Matt's hand. "Now I'm going to apply it to..." Matt paused; he didn't want to use some crass euphemism. " you." He did exactly as he said. Matt's soft, slow strokes and caresses created such pleasure that Leo closed his eyes and moaned. He'd felt Matt's finger inside him before and was eager to feel it again. Matt could feel Leo relax under his touch and easily slipped one finger inside.

Leo responded with a kiss, a signal of approval. Then he opened his eyes and looked deeply into Matt's big blues. "That's nice."

"Okay, talk to me. Every time I do something, tell me what you're feeling." Matt's technique was to get Leo directly and intimately involved in his own deflowering on the theory that as a participant, Leo would find it more enjoyable.

"It feels strange... but in a good way. It's nice. I like the way it feels."

"Okay now, I think we're ready for another finger..."

"Yes." The two lovers continued to look into each other's eyes. Matt presented his hand and Leo added more lube.

"How does that feel now?" Leo seemed to accept Matt's two fingers without difficulty.

"Interesting... it feels good. Yes, I like it. This may not be as difficult as I thought." Leo remained totally relaxed and Matt could feel it. Matt offered his lips and Leo took them. As they touched, Leo opened his mouth and invited Matt's tongue inside. Being penetrated at both ends was a very wonderful sensation and Leo was breathing hard with excitement.

"That's good. We still have a way to go so try to stay nice and relaxed." Matt could relate to what Leo was experiencing and knew he couldn't yet fathom what lay ahead. "Think we're ready for another finger?"

"Um-hm," Leo replied. He was holding on to his lover trying to maintain maximum physical contact. Again Matt presented his hand and Leo added more lube.

"You okay?" Matt felt Leo tense up and inhale a little more sharply as his third finger joined the other two.

"It's good." Leo was beginning to breathe more deeply, indicating the third finger was adding more stress. "Okay... yes, it's good." Matt thought Leo sounded more like he was trying to convince himself than anyone else. But Leo did relax quickly.

"You know why we're doing this, don't you?" He wanted to keep Leo mentally involved while he prepared him physically.

"Yeah, I... I need to be stretched so I can accommodate you."

"That's right. I love you, Leo; I really love you. I just know we're going to make great love together Ð not just now but forever. You're doing great, just great." Nothing like a lot of positive encouragement as Matt continued massaging Leo's hole. He could feel that Leo was relaxed again and probably beginning to enjoy the massage.

"Now we're ready to make a little change. I'm going to remove my fingers and I want you to roll to your left so you wind up on your left side with your back to me. Think you can do that?"

"Sure." Leo was so focused on what was happening to his asshole he was down to one-word answers. He felt Matt's fingers withdraw from his body and was surprised that he missed them once they were removed. He wanted them back inside. But he rolled over and was immediately rewarded by feeling Matt move up behind him and reinsert his fingers. Leo instinctively pulled his knees toward his chest to give Matt easier access.

While Leo changed positions, Matt took the opportunity to coat his already straining cock with the excess lube that was dripping from his hand. Then he smoothly reinserted his fingers inside his lover.

"That's good, Matt, that's good." Leo turned his head and Matt leaned over so they could kiss. Leo felt safe and secure again. He relaxed.

"How we doing so far, Love? Comfortable?"

"Yeah..." Leo wasn't stupid; he knew what was coming next and he wanted it. "Okay, Matt; I'm ready; do it... please; I want it."

"Okay Love, we'll take this slowly. We're not in any hurry. Feel that?" Matt had removed his fingers and placed the head of his cock at Leo's rear entrance. Leo's ass lips were soft, supple and dilated and Matt's foreskin-covered head rested snuggly against them.

The minute Leo felt Matt's cock pressing against his opening his sphincter instinctively and involuntarily clamped shut. He tried to relax but his sphincter seemed to think otherwise.

"I'm adding a little pressure, Babe, can you feel it? We should be together momentarily. Now just relax. I love you, Leo."

"It's... it's not working, I'm too tight." Leo sounded both discouraged and anxious. "Try pushing a little harder, Matt." Feeling Matt inside him had become a major objective for Leo's and he was determined to succeed. As he felt Matt apply more pressure, he remembered something Rolf had said during his Amsterdam interview. "I learned that when your partner is in position and ready to penetrate, it's important for you to push like you're taking a dump. That signals your sphincter to relax because something is about to pass through it - the direction doesn't matter."

Without considering the consequences, Leo pushed.

"Ohh," Leo moaned softly and exhaled. His moan didn't sound distressed or painful; it was more an expression of surprise as Matt slid past his sphincter.

Because Leo was pressing back while Matt pressed forward, Matt was three to four inches deep before he could stop his forward progress. He heard Leo exhale like he'd been punched in the gut. Despite his best intentions of maintaining control, Matt, too was surprised at the speed of his penetration. He'd heard Leo exhale and was gradually becoming aware that he was now waiting for him to inhale. He placed his right hand on Leo's abdomen just below his sternum and began to rub in circles.

"Breathe, Leo, breathe," he pleaded softly. It worked. Leo began inhaling, raggedly at first, and then exhaled. Inhale Ð exhale. Inhale Ð exhale. Matt stayed right where he was. Withdrawing would have been a mistake and he knew it. `Give him time; he'll be okay. I went in so fast it must have been a huge shock to his system.' he thought.

It took Leo about a minute before he seemed normal. Matt began to feel Leo's sphincter grip and release his shaft like it was measuring the nature of the invader. A few seconds later he felt Leo push back just a little. Matt slid his hand down Leo's abdomen where it encountered a ready erection.

"Sorry, Leo, that was a little rougher and faster than I intended. You okay?"

"Yeah..." Leo paused. "It happened so fast! I guess I wasn't ready... But I'm okay now."

"You okay to continue?"

"Yeah, I think the worst is over." Leo thought his comment sounded just like those made by characters in the stories he'd read and now they made more sense.

"I love you Leo." Leo turned his head to look at his lover and they kissed. As they held the kiss, Matt slowly slipped another inch inside. Their lips parted and they looked into each other's eyes then kissed. Another inch slipped inside. Matt felt he'd gone deep enough in this position.

"Leo, can you straighten you legs out?" Leo didn't say a word; he just slowly straightened his legs until they were parallel with Matt's. As his hips passed through several degrees of movement, he could feel different sensations inside his body caused by the displacement of Matt's cock.

"Okay, now we want to roll over onto your stomach with me on top. Think we can do that?" Matt intentionally said we' and us' to create the idea that they were a team.

"Ha-ha, you won't crush me, will you?"

"Not on your life, Babe." Leo was beginning to like being called `babe.' It was such a great term of endearment. Matt held Leo's erection when they rolled to protect it and make sure it was in a comfortable position when they completed the maneuver. Next, Matt moved his right leg on top of Leo's right hip and began the roll. When they finished, Matt was on top with his knees outside both of Leo's. This position actually limited the depth of Matt's penetration, something he wanted at this point. He supported most of his weight on his elbows and knees with just a small amount resting on his lover.

"Comfy?" Matt asked.

"Um-hm," Leo replied with a smile in his voice. "This is different." He pushed his butt back as if trying to get more of Matt inside him. Matt took the hint and withdrew about three inches then reentered. He did that three more times, each time withdrawing a little farther.

"Uh... Matt?"

"Yeah?" Matt stopped his movement wondering if Leo had a problem.

"Can we change to a different position?"

"Sure Hon, whatever you want."

"I'd like to be on my back so I can see your face." Matt considered that for a few seconds, realizing it wouldn't as easy to control his depth that way. So far he had limited Leo to only six inches. But if that's what his lover wanted, that's what he would have.

"Okay, I'll have to pull out then you can turn over."

"Isn't there a way to do that without you pulling out?" Leo was definitely enjoying feeling Matt inside him.

"It can be done but it's a pretty athletic move and I don't recommend we try it at this point."

"Okay then, I'm ready." Matt sensed Leo was in a hurry to reposition so he slowly pulled all the way out, his cock making a slurping sound when it exited Leo's body. Leo flipped onto his back quickly and pulled his knees tightly against his chest, copying the position he'd seen in numerous videos. He looked at Matt who was already in position, resting on his knees just beyond Leo's hips, his large wand waving proudly in the air. Their eyes met and Leo nodded indicating he was ready.

Matt lifted Leo's hips onto his thighs. It was the perfect position. Then, leaning back, Matt wrapped his right hand around his shaft and carefully guided his glans to Leo's no longer virginal entrance. He then straightened up and watched his head slowly reenter his lover.

Leo was watching as best he could. He'd propped himself on his elbows and lifted his head until he was able to see Matt holding his dick and moving it into position. He actually wanted to witness his own penetration. Once Matt's dick head disappeared below his balls, Leo gave up watching and focused on Matt's face, which was the picture of careful concentration.

Leo felt Matt's head make contact and this time he was ready. He pushed. Matt slid inside him effortlessly and Leo felt true pleasure.

Matt watched his glans disappear and he continued slowly moving forward. His head took care of the first inch and inches two and three disappeared soon smoothly inside Leo's body. Matt lifted up slightly, placed his left hand on Leo's lower right abdomen and began leaning further forward. Four inches Ð five inches Ð six inches slowly entered. He paused.

Leo watched Matt's face very intently. He was moved by the degree of concentration he saw and sensed that Matt was truly being careful. Matt's beautiful body with his washboard abs was now only three inches from total penetration, a position that would completely unite them in the most intimate way two men can be joined.

Matt looked down at his partner before continuing. He then moved out over Leo's body and watched Leo's facial expression. He was now deep enough that he no longer needed to watch his dick to make sure it remained firm and straight. Placing both hands on the bed just under Leo's armpits, Matt leaned forward and slowly eased the final inches inside: seven inches Ð eight inches Ð nine inches.

Matt's face was now directly over Leo's and he looked down at his lover. Moments earlier Leo's eyes were wide open, now they were closed and his mouth was wide open and his face appeared very placid Ð there were no furrows of pain on his forehead.

Leo opened his eyes and gazed deeply into Matt's. He knew by the look of concern on Matt's face that his lover needed some feedback.

"Yesss..." Leo said softly, his smile adding to his message. He watched Matt's concerned look change to a smile then he reached up, placed both hands on either side of Matt's face and pulled him into a kiss. They were together at last; they were one. Mike was right; this was wonderful.

Matt slipped his arms under Leo's shoulder blades and cradled Leo's head in his hands. Their kiss was the most electrifying, most intense, most tender and most loving kiss either man could ever imagine. Their union was complete. There were no regrets. Except for some minor burning during initial penetration, Leo had experienced no pain.

`Incredible!' Leo thought; he was so totally focused on the hot, hard shaft of male flesh that probed deep into his core that he couldn't think about anything else. However, subconsciously he was bonding with Matt mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Leo was entering a realm of a true relationship, something he'd never experienced until now.

"Oh, Leo..." Matt moaned. "You feel so good," he continued.

"So do you," Leo replied. "It's... it's incredible!" Leo added, repeating his most recent thought.

They lay still for a couple of minutes, but it seemed much longer. As they kissed and caressed each other, their bodies were communicating. Matt had been inside other men but he'd never felt as welcomed as he was with Leo. His body sensed that and transmitted comforting feelings of love and desire to his subconscious mind.

Leo's body welcomed Matt with pleasure. It correctly sensed the invasion to be loving and sincere, a satisfaction of togetherness never before experienced. Signals of calm, acceptance and desire were transmitted to Leo's subconscious mind.

After a couple of minutes of listening to each other breathe, Matt and Leo both sensed when it was time to begin the dance of love. Matt began by rocking forwarded, pressing his pubic bone firmly against Leo's perineum. With Leo's prostate sandwiched between Matt's hard cock one side and by Matt's pubic bone on the other, waves of pleasure shot up Leo's spine. He gasped. Matt rocked back relieving the pressure then rocked forward again. Matt heard Leo moan with pleasure and he added a little sway to his hips as he rocked forwarded. Leo felt like his insides were being stirred by a giant swizzle stick. Leo gasped and twisted with pleasure. The only thing on his mind was that this was something he could shamelessly beg for, time after time, after time.

Slowly, Matt began adding some short strokes, gradually building to medium length strokes after a few minutes. He could feel Leo's erection between them, slick with precum. Yes, Matt knew he was succeeding in his attempt to provide Leo with the pleasure of his life. Matt's member filled Leo's inner space and the pressure against his prostate gave him the constant feeling that he was at the precipice but not quite able to leap. He moaned to express his pleasure.

Deep down in the inner recesses of both men's brains, in the primal center for lust and desire, something else was happening. Dopamine, that marvelous body fluid that delivers pleasure, was flooding their primal centers and turning lust and desire into intense love. Leo began meeting Matt thrust for thrust, encouraging Matt to continue his chosen plan and causing even greater arousal. Adding to his already intense sensations, Matt became aware of another feeling with Leo, one he's not experienced with any other man Ð passion. He could feel Leo's passion.

Leo opened his eyes to see Matt peering down at him, intense concentration reflected in Matt's face. And looking deep into Matt's eyes, Leo could see Matt's passion; his climax was beginning to build. Normally he would close his eyes in moments like this; but now he wanted to watch, to see it all, to watch Matt's face as they exploded.

Seeing Leo staring back at him brought a wide smile to the intensity of Matt's facial expression. He reached between them, took Leo's pre-cum doused stiffness in his hand and began to speed things along.

Suddenly it was upon them. Leo was first. He released his semen in unbelievably powerful spurts. His sphincter clamped down firmly around Matt's strong tool and his legs gripped tightly around his lover's waist. His head thrashed once to the left, once to the right, then he forced his eyes open so he could observe the rest of his first experience.

Watching Leo thrashing in orgasmic pleasure was Matt's ultimate trigger. He released Leo's cock to better support himself with both arms, then took two long, primal strokes, thrusting almost involuntarily as deep as he could, burying his member to its last centimeter. His sperm gushed deep into the man he loved, his mind and body seemingly exploding with passion.

Leo watched in amazement. With arms extended straight, abdominal muscles rippling, Matt, thrust forcefully. Leo felt Matt's hardness deep inside him and imagined he could actually feel Matt's seed flood his body. This was a form of intimacy he'd only dreamed of. Then he saw both the agony and the ecstasy of an intense orgasm play out across Matt's handsome face. Matt's head flew back, his mouth opened and he cried out uncontrollably in one long "AH-H-H-H-H-H." Then his head dropped down in exhaustion, sweat running from his forehead and dripping from his nose and chin onto Leo's chest.

Breathing hard, and with arms growing weak and shaky from exhaustion, Matt lowered himself onto his lover's body. Still gasping for air, he felt Leo kiss the side of his face.

"I love you," Matt confessed softly into Leo's ear; he couldn't remember ever feeling such love or having such a powerful orgasm.

"Love you, too," Leo replied softly. The words flowed so easily from his lips. At last, he knew what love was.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 28

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