Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on Aug 21, 2009


The Bandini Affair 26 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

This story is a spin-off of an earlier story, "David's Initiation." If you haven't read "DI," that won't be a problem because this story can stand-alone. However, some of the characters from "DI" will appear throughout the story. "David's Initiation," along with earlier stories can be found in the Author's section of the Nifty Archive.

Reader comments are welcome, just be sure to include the title in your subject line (even "TBA" will do) so that it doesn't get dumped as spam.

From Chapter 25

"Let me fix you some more coffee." Mike stated as he rose from his chair. He held out his hand to take Leo's mug. He has a sense that a break in the conversation was needed at that moment. "Or I have iced tea, if that would be better."

"Yes, iced tea would be good, thank you. Can you point me toward the bathroom, please?" Leo felt that escaping to the bathroom would give him a couple of minutes to think.

"Down the hall, first door on the left." Mike went into the kitchen Mike while Leo walked toward where Mike pointed.

Mike had a strange feeling as he began pouring the tea into the glasses. His impression of last week was confirmed; he really liked Leo, and not necessarily in a sexual way. Oh, he was attractive, all right, but how had Dave put it? Adorable. Yes, he was adorable. But Mike also felt some greater connection. He and Leo seemed to click then they first met at Dave's house. He had a feeling something was bothering Leo and hoped he could get him to open up.

Chapter 26

Leo turned on the light and closed the door behind him. The toilet seat was already up so he proceeded to empty his bladder. ÔOh well, Mike's the kind of guy I think I can confide in; I felt that way the first time we met. Mike's different. He's like the friend I never had in high school whom I could discuss things with, private things, and not worry about them getting out.' Leo washed his hands, opened the door and turned off the light. "Okay, here goes nothing.'

"Just about ready," Mike announced as Leo walked into the kitchen. Let's just sit here for a while." The glasses of iced tea were already sitting on the table as Mike pulled out a chair and sat down. Leo sat in a chair on the opposite side of the table, facing Mike. This arrangement had a more intimate feel to it than the chairs in the living room, one more suitable for two males. Being separated by (or protected by) the table, and having something to lean on, seemed to make conversation flow easier.

"Mike," Leo began, looking into his glass. "The longer I'm here, the more questions I have." He looked across the table. "I don't know how much you know about me but I'm really new to this gay scene." Leo began, hoping to ease into his question. "I never had any gay experiences growing up, never even thought of any. And until last April I was even married." Leo watched Mike's reaction and was certain this was the first time he'd heard any of this. That was good because it was a signal that Leo was taking Mike into his confidence.

"That brings me to another issue I need information about and you're the only person I feel comfortable asking. Would you.... uh" He paused, not quite sure how to finish his question.

"Sure, Leo, I'm a good listener and I promise anything you say stays right here." He heard Leo exhale.

"This is embarrassing." Leo looked back into his glass with an embarrassed smile. He was waiting for Mike to say something, anything, but he didn't. "Ya see, I'm a...." he looked up at Mike then continued. "As I said, I'm new to the gay scene and I'm a virgin. I've yet to...." Leo always struggled with selecting the right words to describe his dilemma.

"You mean you've yet to make love with a man?"

"Yeah, that a very nice way to say it." He smiled somewhat embarrassedly. "Matt's been really great about it. He hasn't pressured me, or even asked me.... yet. And I've never said ÔNo' but we've talked about it and he knows I'm nervous so I'm sure he's waiting for me to find my courage. All the pornography I've read and the videos I've watched make it sound and look so wonderful. But I'm still hesitant. Why is that?"

"Fear of the unknown." Mike replied bluntly. Having seen Matt naked numerous times as a boy, a teen, and then an adult, he could just as easily have said Ôfear of Matt's monster cock.'

"Maybe.... maybe if you could tell me about your first time it might give me something I can relate to."

"Ho-ho-ho!" Mike leaned against the back of the chair and tilted his head back in laughter. "Trust me Leo, you don't want to go there, my first time I was raped."

"OH! MIKE!" Leo exclaimed in horror. "I'm sorry! I feel so stupid. I'm so sorry...."

"Please, don't worry about it." Mike interrupted, turning the palm of his hand toward Leo. "It was a long time ago and it was my own fault." Mike had a memory flashback. He had avoided the topic all these years and perhaps now was a good time to discuss it. "Would you like to hear about it?" He made his decision.

"Not if it's going to cause you problems; I'm sorry I brought it up." Regardless of Leo's denial, he was definitely curious.

"If you don't mind listening, I'd kinda like to talk about it." Mike had an idea that he could use his experience to help Leo understand.

"Yes, I'm definitely interested, if you don't mind."

"I was living with Dave at the time. He had an apartment just off campus and the extra bedroom was mine." That bit if information was intended to clarify that he and Dave weren't lovers. He continued by explaining that one Sunday evening, while Dave was in Texas for the weekend, he decided to return to a gay bar they had visited a few weeks earlier. Mike even confessed to his own na•vetŽ. He thought he could waltz in to the bar, pick up some guy, have a good time, and then they could go some place and make out. He danced with a guy and had a couple of drinks. Then the guy invited Mike to the privacy of his van. Next thing Mike knew, he was handcuffed and spread-eagle in the back of the van. The action went way beyond what Mike had planned; it was nothing like Dave had told him; it was violent and painful. After the guy kicked Mike out of his van he was able to walk to a nearby gas station where he called Dave. Thankfully Dave was home, drove to pick him up, took him home and generally helped him deal with everything. "Dave is a terrific guy, if you haven't already figured that out."

"It's clear that everyone I've met extends him a tremendous amount of love and respect." Leo interjected.

"Well, things settled down and I thought I was over it. Then I met Todd. He swept me off my feet and...." Mike smiled. "I later found out the feeling was mutual. Things started to heat up and one Saturday night, about three weeks after we began dating, we were in bed at Todd's place and being really intimate. I was ready.... at least I thought I was. But at the moment he touched me back there I freaked. I must have had a flashback to the rape. I curled up into a ball and shook and cried."

Leo could see Mike's eyes get watery; telling this was tougher than Mike thought it would be; the painful memory lingered. Mike continued.

"Todd was great! He knew exactly how to comfort me and said all the right things. I told him about the rape and he couldn't have been more understanding and supportive. He held me until I calmed down and then I told him I was ready. I really loved Todd and wanted him inside me." (There was that phrase Leo thought sounded so corny.) "I still had to overcome some emotional resistance but Todd knew exactly what to do and what to say. He was so gentle and patient and together we worked through my issues and were able to make love that same night. Todd had quite a bit of experience and it was a big factor; we talked about every move. Buy the time we finished I wondered what I'd been afraid of. Making love with Todd was the most wonderful thing I'd ever done.... and it still is." Mike had a big grin on his face and under the table there was a tent in his pants.

"So, I guess the point of this story is that I don't think there's anything to be afraid of. I've known Matt since he was a little boy and I know that he's kind, caring, gentle, dependable, and honest."

"You make him sound like a Boy Scout." Leo chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess I do. But Matt's a little different from your average gay man. From the time he realized he was gay, at about age 13 or 14, he's had the benefit of a supportive family, two terrific gay uncles and a gay support system. I'm sure he'd never want to hurt you or anyone. And he's not without experience, either." Mike hoped he wasn't making Matt sound like a slut. "It's just that I believe you can trust him.... completely." As Mike finished, he looked across the table and thought how small Leo appeared compared to how big Matt was. Images of them coupling flashed through his mind and his erection, which had subsided, quickly returned.

"Thank you!" Leo responded with a smile after taking a few moments to think about Mike's story. "Just one more thing. Should I clean myself out before hand?"

ÔWow!' Mike thought. ÔHe's really given this a lot of thought.'

"It probably isn't necessary but if you want to do that, it certainly won't hurt." Mike remembered doing it a few times and it didn't seem to matter. And he told Leo what supplies he would need and suggested he could find it at the drug store on the corner. "It's not complicated, just follow the directions on the container," Mike concluded.

Leo was about to ask another question but he heard Trace calling "DAD" from his bedroom and it sounded urgent.

"I'd better go, Mike; we'll have to get together again, soon. And I hope Trace gets better." Both men were already standing and were moving toward the kitchen door.

"Thanks, Leo, I do too." He chuckled, then turned and walked to check on his son, leaving Leo to let himself out. Not until Leo was gone did Mike wish he'd tried to find out when Leo and Matt might try to move to Levels 9 and 10. And he was almost ashamed to admit that he found the idea exciting. Then he thought about Todd getting home from work and what was likely to happen when the lights were out.

Leo walked in the front door carrying the drug store bag and took it to the bathroom. Walking back to the kitchen, he checked his phone to make sure he hadn't missed a return call from Randy. No messages. And while he was looking at the display window, the phone rang. He immediately saw it was Matt.

"Hi Matt...." He wanted to say Ôhi stud' but changed his mind. "What's up?"

"I thought it would be nice to hear the sound of your voice.... and to tell you I'm going to shave a few minutes off the training time tonight and should be home by 8:30. Does that help your planning?"

"Yes it does, thanks." ÔIt helps in more ways than you can imagine,' Leo thought. "I'll have dinner ready. Any special requests?" Leo was fishing. He threw that in just to see what kind of response it would bring.

"Oh.... I can think of a thing or two but nothing you have to go out and buy." Leo could hear Matt chuckling lightly.

"Okay, Tell Kyle I said ÔHi.'"

"I would, but he's not in this class. However, if I see him I'll be sure to tell him. See ya when I get home."

"Bye, Matt." Leo closed his phone. He stood in the kitchen wondering if he should go with his instincts and follow through with his plan or save it for another day. "I'll think about this while I fix the chicken," he said out loud.

The recipe was simple and Leo quickly had the chicken pieces placed on the pan ready for baking. He covered them with plastic wrap and placed them in the refrigerator. The frozen broccoli would take about twelve minutes in the microwave and he would add a can of cranberry sauce while the chicken and broccoli were cooking.

ÔWine?' Leo thought. ÔNo, I don't want anything that might.... lessen or dull my first experience.' Then he thought, ÔI guess I just made my decision!' A glance at the clock showed the time to be 6:45 PM. Not knowing how long his preparation would take, he returned to the bathroom and read the instructions on the bottle. Mike was correct; it was simple.

Leo stripped. Then he got the lube that he knew was in the drawer of the nightstand. Back in the bathroom, he applied a liberal amount of lube to his anus, working some inside. He noted how much less exciting his finger felt than Matt's. It's probably like the difference between jacking your own cock and someone else doing it.

He picked up the bottle of enema fluid and, like the instructions said, got down on his hands and knees, reached around behind his butt and tried to insert the long nipple. That was a little more challenging than he first thought. But soon it was in and he began squeezing the bottle. Not knowing what to expect, Leo was somewhat surprised that he could feel the cold liquid flooding into his rectum and it also excited him. He then wished he'd soaked the bottle in a pan of hot water first, so that it wouldn't be so cold. But it still felt exciting and he realized he had an erection. That was a good sign.

After emptying the bottle as best he could, Leo removed it, leaned down, placed his head on the floor and hoped the position would help the enema fluid drain deeper into his rectum. He waited. And he waited. He'd never had an enema before and wasn't sure how it worked. Finally he began to feel pressure build in his gut. ÔHow long am I supposed to hold this?' he thought. He picked up the empty bottle and tried to read the directions but they were no help. He decided to hold it as long as he could. The pressure continued to increase. His body was beginning to shake and he knew if he didn't sit on the toilet soon he'd make a mess all over the bathroom.

When he was finished, Leo sat on the toilet with his head bowed and breathing deeply. He was also sweating but that was of no consequence because a shower was next. His first enema had been quite an experience and he'd have to think hard about it before he'd do that again.

By the time Leo finished his shower and dried off, he was feeling quite good. He dressed in sweats, commando, because he knew that's how Matt would be dressed. Now if he could just manage to keep his pecker from tenting his sweats, perhaps he'd be able to surprise his lover with the ultimate after-dinner desert.

Everything was ready. The chicken was in the oven, the broccoli was in the baking dish ready for the microwave and the cranberry sauce was on a small plate in the refrigerator ready to go on the table. It was almost 8:05 when he looked out the kitchen window and saw Matt's truck pull into the driveway. ÔHe's early!' Leo thought and felt his excitement and anxiety begin to rise.

"Hey Buddy," Matt said affectionately as he flashed Leo a big smile. Dropping his bag next to the wall and closing the door behind him, Matt approached his partner, swept him into his arms and pressed him in a passionate kiss.

"Hey yourself," Leo responded after coming up for air. Matt had lifted him and set him on the counter then pulled them tightly together as he continued with a moist but not sloppy kiss. Leo felt himself swoon at the heat radiating from Matt's body.

"You're early," he replied with the obvious.

"Yeah, I kept thinking about you all day. I've gotten used to seeing you in the office and out in the yard and I just missed that. And then...." Matt held Leo's head between his hands and planted a very tender and loving kiss on his lover's lips. "And I couldn't wait to get home and taste you."

"That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me." Leo said softly. It was true and Leo was overwhelmed with emotion as he returned Matt's kiss. He could also feel Matt's hardness pressing against his abdomen.

"So I skipped the shower and came straight home."

Leo then noticed Matt was wearing his sweats, which showed evidence of perspiration from his neck down the front of the shirt and under his arms.

"Yeah, I can tell." Leo chuckled.

"Do I stink?" Matt asked sounding concerned as he tried to get his nose under his armpits. As if it mattered!

"Ha-ha, no, it's just that you're still hot from all that activity in the gym." ÔYou smell like one hot man,' Leo thought. "There's time for a quick shower if you want one."

"Oh, I do." Matt said as he backed away and helped Leo slide off the counter. "Whatever you're cooking sure smells good! I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." Matt exclaimed. "I'll be quick."

Leo heard the shower stop and began placing the food on the table. He knew Matt would be there in no more than a minute or two.

Across the table the two lovers shared the events of their day. Leo told about running into Mike at the grocery store and having lunch at his house. He neglected to include any details about their conversation.

Matt talked about the project on the three houses Tony wanted landscaped and about his martial arts class at the gym. He also mentioned that he'd run into Kyle and told him Leo said hello.

"That was fabulous, Leo, even better than Megan's." Matt said as they finished placing the dishes in the dishwasher.

"I'm glad you liked it. Now, do you have room for desert?" Leo had a big smile on his face and Matt just stared at him.

"Of course! Any desert you prepare, I want."

"Okay, just sit here for a couple of minutes while I go into the bedroom."

"The desert is in the bedroom?" Matt asked tying to sound surprised. He didn't know what Leo had planned but appreciated Leo's attempt at intrigue.

"Just wait; I'll be right back." Leo turned and quickly disappeared behind the bedroom door. About three minutes later he opened the bedroom door and walked to where Matt was standing. "Come with me," he said as he took hold of his left hand and began leading him to the bedroom.

"Well, I'll be...." Matt didn't finish his sentence. If his mouth hadn't been gaping open he would have had a grin on his face. The only illumination in the room came from a half-dozen candles. Leo had seen the candles at the drug store and couldn't resist the temptation. The bed was turned down, ready for occupancy.

"I missed you so much today and I wanted to show you how much." Leo reached up, wrapped his hands behind Matt's neck and pulled himself up into a kiss. Matt's hands went to Leo's gluts, lifting him so Leo could wrap his legs around Matt's waist. Feeling Leo's erection poking into his abdomen, Matt took the three steps necessary to reach the bed and gently lowered both of them to it.

They undressed each other slowly, something they had learned to enjoy, and the candlelight atmosphere made it even more exciting, erotic and enjoyable.

"Matt...." Leo said softly as he slipped his hand under a pillow.

"M-m-m?" Matt replied.

"It's time we consumated this deal," Leo said as he placed the bottle of lubricant in the middle of Matt's chest.

Matt glanced at the lube and his mouth gaped open in a surprised smile. Then he peered directly into Leo's eyes. "You mean...."

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 27

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