Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on Nov 6, 2008


The Bandini Affair 20 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

From Chapter 19

"God, I love you, Leo!" It's not always easy to attempt a kiss when you're grinning but Matt was certainly giving a good go. And although Matt's 'I love you' statement was more like the thing you'd say to a good friend, Matt wasn't the least bit sorry he's said it. "Your Pop and I have a strong relationship that goes way beyond that early understanding. In fact, last night, your sister and I sat down with your parents and they all convinced me I should drive up here and try to talk you into coming home."

"Really!?" Leo exclaimed in surprise. "All of them?!"

Matt just nodded and smiled. He remembered how Megan had insisted that Leo wouldn't be easy to convince.

"But wait! I'll have to find a place to live!" Leo stated. "I'm not going to move in with Mom and Pop; that was too awkward last time. Hmmm, there's that apartment over the office..."

"Is there any chance you'd consider moving in with me?" Matt interrupted. Leo looked at him. The expression on his face was a clear indication that he was considering the offer.


"Serious." Matt replied.

Leo didn't respond immediately. He quietly pondered the possibility while feeling Matt's hot body press against his. His mind was a blur with thousands of thoughts racing through it. He remembered that first evening when he'd gone willingly to Matt's bed and his disappointment at not having the opportunity to see Matt's naked body. He really wanted to get a good look at him. Those thoughts inspired the following response.

"I don't know," he said teasingly. "I'm not sure I could move in with someone until I'd see him naked." Leo had a devilish smile on his face when he said that and watched, as Matt seemed to be evaluating his statement.

Chapter 20

An almost faint smile crept across Matt's face. As he'd gotten to know his smaller friend, he'd discovered that Leo seemed to have a naturally inquisitive mind. He assumed it was natural but it could have been the result of his journalistic education. Whether natural or learned, that curiosity was one more attribute that Matt loved about Leo; it made him even more interesting. On the other hand, Matt struggled against his reluctance to 'bare it all.'

"I think we can solve that right now," Matt said as he slid out from under Leo, sat up and began removing his Timberland work boots. He apparently had come to grips with his nudity issue. When Matt stood, Leo pushed himself up to a sitting position to get a better view. The first thing he noticed was Matt's large feet and, yes, they were just as sexy as Leo remembered them.

Next, in a very masculine move, Matt pulled his Polo shirt over his head and draped it over the back of the loveseat. Leo studied Matt's nickel-sized areoles and prominent nipples and observed the tuft of light brown hair in the center of Matt's chest. It was shaped like a triangle that suggested it was thinking about fanning out across the top of his pecs. Leo looked forwarded to once again running his fingers through that hair.

Matt proceeded to unfasten his belt while Leo examined his flat, rippled abdomen and tightly sculpted pectorals. They were hard and flat, not round or bulky. Matt's long, sturdy neck flowed into a pair of broad, powerful shoulders. His upper body was definitely something to admire.

This wasn't a strip show Matt, methodically removed each article of clothing in a deliberate, business like manner. By now he had unfastened his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, and was slipping them over his narrow hips. He let them fall to the floor, then stepped out of them and draped them neatly over the back of the loveseat, on top of his Polo shirt. Leo got a quick look at Matt's very long legs. He hadn't thought much about them but now realized how really long they were. They were lean, hard, perfectly formed, and covered with a dusting of light brown hair.

Almost before Leo could finish admiring Matt's legs, Matt slipped his thumbs under the waistband of his Hilfiger boxer-briefs and slid them over his hips. He quickly bent over, picked them up and added them to the growing pile of clothing that was draped over the back of the loveseat. Leo watched Matt's long, flaccid member swing and wiggle as the boxer-briefs were added to the pile.

In less than sixty seconds, Matt stood directly in front of Leo in all his naked splendor. Leo stared. And he stared. Of course, Matt's most prominent feature was at eye-level. Although Leo had seen many cocks in locker rooms and porn videos, he thought Matt's equipment was the most beautiful he ever seen. It hung down about seven inches and looked to be about an inch and a half thick, maybe more. Reflecting on the expansion of his own penis, which was barely 3 inches flaccid and grew to about 6 inches when hard, Leo had difficulty imagining Matt's member at 14 inches. That thought frightened him for a moment but then he recalled that the last time he held it in his hands it didn't seem that long.

Moving on, Leo was intrigued by Matt's foreskin and the way it covered his glans. He remembered that from their first encounter but the memory needed refreshing. Leo wanted to reach out and take it in his hand but he resisted the temptation. He decided he should wait for Matt to give him permission.

That's when he noticed the tattoo. It measured about an inch and a half by an inch and a half and was placed just above the left corner of Matt's pubic bush. It was a red heart with two purple roses behind and a ribbon or banner furled across the front of the heart.

Without thinking, Leo reached out and placed his right index and middle fingers on the tattoo. Matt jumped almost imperceptibly and Leo felt the skin under his finger quiver slightly.

"Sorry," Leo said as he quickly withdrew his hand and looked up at Matt. "I should have asked for permission to do that, to touch you." The faint smile he saw assured him Matt was okay with it. But looking into Matt's eyes, he saw something else... what was it? His memory flashed back to that first morning following the robbery and hospital visit. Matt had fallen out of bed and when he got up he immediately grabbed his shorts to cover his nakedness. Leo remembered thinking how modest Matt was. Now he realized it was something else.

'He doesn't want to do this!' Leo felt a pang of guilt. 'Why did I ask him to do this? He's obviously having a problem with it. I was being playful; I thought he liked that. And he certainly has nothing to be ashamed of.'

"I'm sorry, you don't want to do this, do you?" Leo reached out and took Matt's hand in his as a gesture of concern.

"No, that's okay. And you don't need to be sorry; let me explain later. Besides, you have a nice touch. I'm standing here like this so that you can look at or touch whatever you like." Matt was now grinning, having worked through his reservations. He hoped Leo would take his invitation to touch him. Matt's arousal system was already activated and his member was beginning to grow, but slowly. Leo smiled at Matt and returned to looking at the tattoo. This time when he touched it, Matt didn't jump. And again, Leo felt Matt's skin quiver slightly under his touch. Gathering more courage, Leo slid the palm of his right hand up and felt Matt's hard abs. If he had any lingering doubts that he was gay, they were now erased forever. This turned him on more than he could ever remember.

"Did it hurt?"

"Not much," Matt replied, assuming that Leo was referring to the tattooing process. The response didn't surprise Leo; it's exactly what he expected.

Leo looked up to find Matt still smiling down at him. 'I think he's enjoying this as much as I am,' he thought. 'At least he's watching every move.' He studied Matt's smile for a moment. He had a large mouth, which gave him a wide smile with sparkling white teeth. Leo allowed himself to think about all the times he hoped to see that smile in the days, weeks and months to come.

Leo grinned up at Matt, held his hand in front of his face with his index finger pointing down and made a circling motion, a signal for Matt to turn around. Matt grinned back and began turning to his left, breaking eye contact only when his neck wouldn't turn any further.

Matt's shoulders and back were most impressive. Leo could more easily see how Matt's back tapered in a V to his narrow waist and equally narrow hips. Feeling brave, Leo reached out and placed his right hand at the top of Matt's small, firm right cheek. He heard Matt sigh. He allowed his hand to slid halfway up Matt's spine, feeling each vertebra as he went. Next, Leo's fingers stroked down over Matt's butt his thumb to sliding down the crevice separating Matt's cheeks, but without actually entering the crevice. Rapidly finishing his inspection, and before telling Matt to turn around again, Leo quickly repositioned his straining erection to a more comfortable position.

"Okay, turn around, please," Leo requested. Matt turned slowly to his left and stopped; he now faced the man he had moments earlier asked to live with him. Leo was once again staring directly at Matt's more than ample manhood. Only now it was considerably larger than when they started this 'examination.' Every male can relate to how difficult it is to control an erection when someone else is fondling your body.

Matt's shaft had grown from its beginning seven inches to a rather massive nine. And its thickness increased from about one and one-half inches to its now more than one and three-quarter inches. Also, it remained about forty-five degrees below horizontal. And although Matt's member wasn't standing completely tall and rigid, Leo would eventually learn that it had achieved its ultimate size. From that point on, it would only get harder and stand more upright without further growth. Leo noticed that Matt's foreskin still covered the glans. Looking behind the shaft, Matt's scrotal sack was filled with what appeared to be normal sized testicles. Leo wondered what they would feel like in his hands. 'I'm sure I could get one in my mouth, but not both,' he thought. 'The stories I've read all indicate that guys enjoy having them sucked.' Leo's dick was now painfully erect in his briefs.

Matt half expected Leo to reach out and touch his cock. But when it looked like that wasn't going to happen, Matt pulled a trick of his own.

"Okay, now it's your turn," he said with an inviting grin. He saw Leo's mouth drop open slightly and knew he'd caught his little man in a surprise. Matt imagined that he could see the wheels turning in Leo's mind while he considered the challenge.

"Um..." Leo seemed to hesitate. "Okay... I guess what's fair is fair," Leo finally replied with a rather nervous smile. Matt stepped aside and Leo stood. Then a naked Matt took Leo's place on the loveseat.

Leo followed pretty much the same sequence as Matt: shoes, shirt, slacks, and briefs. (Leo wondered if Matt would notice the wet spot in the front of his briefs; Matt noticed.) And he added his clothes to Matt's pile that was draped over the back of the loveseat.

Finally, Leo stood before Matt feeling excited and less embarrassed than he thought he would. He rationalized that Matt had been confident enough to strip for him so the least he could was to return the favor. In fact, this is exactly what he wanted. Leo's nervousness faded quickly.

Matt excitedly studied Leo's body just as Leo had studied his. Leo was smooth, soft, and virtually hairless, except for his pits and his groin. He didn't have a six-pack but his belly was flat and firm. Of course, Leo's circumcised erection stood tall. At only six inches, it didn't require as much blood to fill as Matt's. 'It's beautify,' Matt thought. Not being as restrained as Leo, Matt reached out with his right hand and stroked Leo's chest. He heard Leo gasp and felt his body shudder but he remained focused. His hand then slid down Leo's torso and came to rest on Leo's hip. That's when he noticed a drop of liquid ooze from Leo's piss slit. It would have rolled off and landed on the floor if Matt hadn't intervened.

Just as the drop of Leo's precum was about to fall, Matt leaned forwarded, placed his lips against Leo's glans and allowed his tongue to remove the drop of liquid. He heard Leo gasp loudly and half expected him to jump back. Just the opposite happened. Leo thrust forward. Matt allowed the head of Leo's dick to slip past his lips and again let his tongue enjoy another taste of Leo's sex. Then Matt pulled back and looked up to see Leo with his mouth open and eyes closed.

"I'm sorry, I guess I should have ask permission to do that." Matt teased as he grinned up as a smiling Leo.

"Yeah, well, what's done is done." Leo certainly wasn't going to admonish his guest.

"So, I guess that's it? We're done?"

"Done? I thought we were just getting started!" Leo sounded disappointed. "I was just thinking about taking you to my bed and having my way with you." Leo had to grin at himself for making such a statement. Four weeks ago he never would have thought of saying such a thing.

"But earlier you said you didn't want to have sex with someone until you got to know him better." Matt was trying his best to sound innocent and not smile as he tossed Leo's words back in his face.

"Well I... you... didn't we just spent the best part of today getting to know each other, didn't we?" Leo was being serious and Matt was trying hard not to laugh.

"C'mon," Matt said as he stood and placed his arm around Leo's shoulder. "You're right, we did. How silly of me."

Leo wrapped his arm around Matt's waist and guided them toward the bedroom. Leo was very curious and excited about what they might do this time. Whatever Matt wanted to do was fine with him.

Leo was first on the bed and pulled Matt down after him. Matt noticed how the unmade bed smelled strongly of Leo and it turned him on just that much more. At first the two men lay kissing and enjoying the feel of each other's body. They would stop kissing for a moment, look into each other's eyes and then resume kissing and touching.

Unlike Leo's first experience, this time he was much more aware of what was happening. It's a lot like riding a rollercoaster. The first time you're attention is focused on holding on and looking straight ahead. With each subsequent ride your awareness expands to take in more of what is happening and the fun grows exponentially. Leo let his hands explore Matt's body like he was trying to remember it tactilely.

"You think you're ready to go to another level?" Matt asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," Leo practically gasped and resumed kissing.

"Just relax; I guarantee you're gonna like this. I'll bet you've never had a blow-job."

"Not much to guess about that, you'd be right."

"Just one request," Matt looked into Leo's eyes.


"Tell me when you're about to cum." Matt had a reason for his question. There was never any doubt that he was going to swallow everything Leo had to give, and he was confident he would know when Leo was about to shoot - perhaps even before Leo knew. He wanted to give Leo something to think about, not as a distraction, but as a focus that would increase the intensity of the experience.

"Okay." Leo wandered why Matt asked for a warning but accepted that Matt knew what he was doing. Although intently excited, he was completely comfortable giving himself into Matt's control.

Matt gave Leo a reassuring kiss then rolled him onto his back but didn't climb on top. He remained by Leo's side and began very gently kissing Leo's neck. Matt's plan was to pleasure his little man and make his first blowjob one he'd remember for a long time. One thing Matt was certain of was that Leo would probably be fast on the trigger. He was already leaking profusely and Matt didn't want Leo to cum before he could get him inside his mouth.

Matt had turned and was now facing the opposite direction. Leo's right hand found and wrapped around Matt's endowment. There was too much going on in Leo's mind to even consider guiding Matt's cock to his own mouth, although that would have been easy to do.

Matt wasted no time. His journey south invested only a few nibbles on Leo's nipples. Then, his mouth opened and carefully swallowed Leo's pulsating prick all the way to its base. He pulled back once and let his experienced tongue create wild sensations on Leo's glans. Diving to Leo's base one more time and withdrawing was all that was needed. Matt's tongue had made one swipe when he felt Leo thrust his hips up off the mattress.

"OH MATT!" Leo exclaimed, arching his back and shoving his dick deeper into Matt's throat. Just as he was about to cry out his warning, Leo's orgasm struck fast and furious.

Matt was ready. Holding Leo's balls in his right hand, he felt them retract. He took Leo's first glob into his mouth and got a good taste before swallowing. His experienced tongue coaxed several more spurts from Leo's manhood before his orgasm subsided. Feeling Leo relax, Matt released him from his mouth, turned his body around, took Leo in his arms and cradled him until Leo opened his eyes.

Matt pressed his lips to Leo's and waited for a response. Instantly, Leo's lips parted and his tongue snaked into Matt's mouth. They lay kissing, exchanging more body fluids and holding each other as closely as possible.

"You okay?" Matt finally asked with a soft smile.

"MAN!" Leo gasped. "Beyond description! Nothing I've ever read does it justice." Leo was now fully recovered and was now enjoying the closeness of Matt's body in the afterglow of sex. As he became more aware of the world around him, Leo noticed Matt's still erect member pressed against his thigh.

"We agreed what's fair is fair, didn't we?"


"That means it's my turn, right?" Leo's excitement was obvious. He now knew what he wanted more than anything else was to hold Matt's member in his hands, examine it closely, feel it in his mouth and taste it.

"If you want to..." The two men lay looking into each other's eyes.

"Of course, it's my first time sucking cock so I may not be very good." Leo again felt a little embarrassed at using such language but at the same time it excited him. He also felt it necessary to handicap his performance but Matt wouldn't accept it.

"You'll be great. The worst blow-job I ever had was wonderful." Matt grinned and Leo knew he was making a joke. They both laughed. "Before you start, I have a question. What did you feel when I had you in my mouth?"

Leo thought that was an odd question but he considered it for a moment. "What did I feel?" That was a rhetorical question. Leo searched his memory and had his answer. "I mean, like my entire body was tingling. And my mind was somewhere else. It could have been like an out-of-body experience but never having had one of those I couldn't say for sure. Why do you ask?"

Matt grinned. "Early in my formative gay years, my uncles impressed upon me that you don't just suck the cock, you suck the entire man, mind and body all. Is that how it felt?"

"Amazing! That's exactly how it felt." Leo grinned at Matt. "Okay, get ready for a mind and body experience." He rolled Matt onto his back and began with a kiss. Pretty much duplicating what Matt did to him, Leo soon found himself looking down at Matt's dick. He thought it was an amazing thing. He moved it from side to side, getting a really close-up look at its size, shape and smoothness. Then he pointed it straight up and looked down at it. Matt's foreskin formed a kind of well, which appeared to be filled with fluid. Leo's lips parted and closed over the foreskin. Then he dipped his tongue into the well and tasted the liquid. It was delicious. Leo's tongue dipped into the well once more and proceeded to consume Matt's substance while he slowly slid Matt's foreskin back off the crown.

With great eagerness, Leo attacked Matt's cock, licking down one side and returning to the crown before licking down the other. Then he pulled back to examine Matt's crown. It was about the same thickness as the shaft it sat on, separated by a well-defined coronal ridge. The only other cocks he'd seen were ones on the Internet but this one was real. This was exciting!

One more thing caught his attention - Matt's smell. It was similar yet different, stronger and muskier from what he smelled before. Leo felt himself being aroused again. Later, when Leo had time to reflect on Matt's smell as compared to Marsha's, he would realize that he was repulsed by hers and attracted to Matt's. There had to be some naturally occurring cause for that to happen.

Leo wasted no more time. With his left hand wrapped firmly around the shaft, he once more slipped his lips over Matt's glans - the taste was exquisite. Leo began by licking Matt's glans, holding it into his mouth and feeling its smoothness. He was in no hurry. He pulled back slightly without breaking contact then slid past Matt's coronal ring and let his tongue explore around and under the ridge. At that moment he was aware of Matt's hand encircling and gently holding his dick.

Leo was no longer copying Matt's technique, he was inventing his own, using his imagination to do what seemed right. Remembering Matt's suggestion that he was sucking the whole Matt, Leo began making love to him. This was a new feeling and he followed it. Before long, Leo felt Matt's glans press against the back of his mouth, near the entrance of his throat. He held it there as he suppressed his gag reflex, just as he'd done with the banana. After a few seconds, he slowly pulled back until he held Matt's glans delicately between his lips and descended once more. With Matt pressed firmly against his throat, Leo looked down and saw about four to five more inches rigid flesh waiting to be swallowed. There was NO WAY, at least not this time.

Holding Matt's shaft steady with his left hand, Leo held of Matt's testicles gently with his right, all the while continuing sliding up and down Matt's member. He wasn't really thinking about what he was doing, it all seemed to happen naturally.

"Leo, I'm gonna cum!" Matt's quiet warning had an urgency to it. Leo was so engrossed in exploring Matt's cock with his mouth that the warning surprised him a little. He was glad Matt warned because it let him prepare by pulling back so that only Matt's head remained in his mouth; his tongue went after it with a vengeance.

"Oh-oh, Leo, Yes-s-s!" Leo felt Matt's cock stiffen even more as a warm, thick liquid began to fill his mouth. It wasn't a blast or shot like he'd read in so many stories and seen in videos; it sort of flowed smoothly. Leo stirred it with his tongue to get a good tasted. God it was exciting! Leo was almost overcome with a burst of erotic power by the realization that he could give Matt enough pleasure to cause him to cum. Three more globs of cum flowed into his oral cavity, filling it to the max. That too was thrilling and Leo almost didn't want to swallow it. Couldn't he just keep it there and savor the flavor? Ultimately he gave in and swallowed. Then he wished he'd swallowed each glob as it arrived. That way he could have enjoyed each one separately.

Leo held Matt's member tenderly between his lips and as it softened, carefully laid it flat on his abdomen. Then he turned around so he was lying pressed against Matt's side and looking at the contented expression on Matt's face. Laying his head on Matt's chest, Leo closed his eyes, listened to Matt's heartbeat and felt the rise and fall of his chest. How exciting! How erotic! How satisfying!

They must have lain like that for at least thirty minutes without speaking and without going to sleep. Eventually Matt lifted Leo's head, turned it toward him and they kissed.

"I think I need a shower," Matt finally broke the silence.

"Yeah, me too." It was all Leo could manage to say. His top leg was now between Matt's legs and Matt had turned his body so that their dicks were in direct contact. Normally that would have resulted in some movement down below, but not now. Neither man seemed to be in a hurry to disengage and get out of bed. Finally, Leo pushed himself up with his arms, looked down at Matt, gave him a peck on the lips then moved off to his right and off the bed. Once on his feet, he turned and offered Matt a hand. Matt took it and pulled himself out of bed.

The dual shower was quiet. They washed and dried each other with loving care then returned to the bedroom. Leo momentarily thought of the room as the 'scene of the crime.' And what a crime it was!

"I think we managed not to get anything on the sheets this time," Matt observed. "That's one of the good things about blow-jobs." Then he chuckled softly. The sheets were clean and Leo chuckled at the thought.

Together they went through the apartment turning off lights; Leo turned the deadbolt on the door and followed Matt back to the bedroom. Leo pulled the blanket up from the foot of the bed, covering them both as he spooned back into the nice curved shape Matt's body had formed. They were out like two lights No conversation was needed about what had just happened. Both of them were completely comfortable with it and that was all that was necessary.

Leo's final thought before going to sleep was, 'He said he'd explain something later. What could that be?'

Tuesday morning, no alarm clock went off. The thick clouds on the sky prevented any sunlight from illuminating the bedroom. What a rare occurrence, the weatherman had been right. Before Leo's eyes fluttered open he took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. Matt lay on his back snoring softly and Leo was pressed against his left side, his head using Matt's shoulder as a pillow. How tranquil he felt! This was good, very good.

Leo could see Matt's morning wood pushing up the blanket and realized his own penis was soft. But he still needed to piss. He managed to get out of bed, relieve himself, and return to the bedroom before Matt awoke. He stepped into some clean, white briefs and was sat on the edge of the bed while putting his socks on. He turned and looked as Matt rolled onto his stomach, exposing his small, hard buns.

Leo couldn't resist. Remembering last Tuesday morning, he reached out and smacked Matt's nearest vulnerable butt cheek.

"OW!" Matt exaggerated his pain because Leo had been careful not to strike too hard. Then he rolled onto his side and reached out for his new sidekick.

"He-he-he," Leo giggled as Matt pulled him back, turned him around and administered a morning kiss.

"Now I need to piss," Matt announced as he released Leo and rolled out of bed.

Fifteen minutes later they sat eating Cheerios and bananas, drinking coffee and planning their trip home.

"We aught to be able to get this stuff loaded pretty fast and get on our way. Whadda ya think?" Matt asked.

"Fine by me; the sooner the better. I'll call the apartment management office and give notice. I don't even care if I don't get my deposit back; maybe they cam mail me a check. Electricity and water are part of the rent so the only thing left is to cancel the phone. I think from now on I'll go strictly with my cell phone anyway."

"I'm ready when you are." Matt grinned and Leo grinned back.

"Let's do it." And with that, they set about packing and loading everything that wouldn't be left behind. All the work gave them a good excuse for another shower but they decided to wait for two reasons: they could save time and they'd probably have to shower later after unloading everything.

Matt's truck led the way out of the parking lot with Leo's Camry close behind. Leo felt sad that all his worldly goods could fit so easily in those two vehicles. But he was happy and hopeful about his future. And Matt was now an important part of that future.

Each man, in the solitude of his own vehicle, toyed with what lay ahead. Leo realized he owed Matt an answer. When Matt had asked if he'd consider moving in with him, Leo had changed the subject. It was now time to decide.

Matt sat looking straight ahead allowing the cruise control to keep an even speed. He kept an eye on Leo through occasional glances in the side and rearview mirrors. The traffic was light and it wouldn't be too long before they would be exiting the Interstate and going... where? Just then Matt noticed Leo's car pull up along side. He glanced over and saw Leo holding his cell phone to his ear. Just then the radio silenced and he heard the Bluetooth phone ringing. The truck he was driving had been his Uncle David's and wasn't much more than a year old and Dave always bought a model loaded with extras. Although it had more than 85,000 miles on it, Uncle David sold it to him for a real bargain. They'd had that arrangement for years and Matt really liked getting a practically new truck every year, regardless of the mileage.

Matt pressed the phone button on the steering wheel and heard the speaker 'beep'. His mobile phone was resting in the fold-down cup holder under the center dashboard being recharged.

"Hello?" He was sure Leo was calling him.



"Ah, if that offer to move in with you is still on the table I'd like to do that..."

Leo watched Matt turn and grin at him. Then Matt raised his left hand, which formed a fist with his thumb sticking straight up, and he shook it emphatically a couple of time.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha!" Leo laughed loudly into his phone. "I'll call my family and tell them where they can find me. Okay?"

"Yeah, Babe, Yeah. Ya better hang up now before we both have a wreck." Then Matt added one more comment; he couldn't wait any longer. "Love ya, Leo." He looked across the lane

"Love ya, too, Matt." Leo close his cell phone then smiled back across the highway. Matt watched in his side and rear view mirrors as the Camry dropped back behind his truck.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 21

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