Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on Aug 29, 2008


The Bandini Affair 18 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

From Chapter 17

"Bye Tony," Matt hugged his uncle.

"Bye Uncle David." Dave got a hug too.

"By the way," Dave interrupted. "I thought you agreed to drop the 'uncle' thing. What happened?"

"Oh that." Matt replied. "Yeah, I know I agreed but after thinking it over, it just doesn't seem right not to call you 'Uncle David.' I mean, like, you used to change my diapers, for God's sake! It would be disrespectful not to call you 'uncle.' Tony, on the other hand doesn't carry that burden."

"Oh, ha-ha, that makes a lot of sense!" Dave said sarcastically with a laugh.

"Well, that's the best I can do for now. Maybe in a few more years..." Matt grinned and Dave punched him in the shoulder. "Ouch!" Matt complained with a grin. "I should arrest you for nephew abuse."

"Be careful or I'll turn you over my knee... which I recall doing a time or two. Besides, you're no longer a cop, remember?"

"You two are incorrigible." Tony chided with a chuckle.

Dave and Tony gave Matt another hug and sent him on his way.

Chapter 18

              • The flight to Nashville was quiet. Leo spent the entire time looking out the window watching the clouds and the ground below pass by. He attempted to clear his mind of all thoughts of Matt. But Leo would soon learn that, like the proverbial genie who once released from the bottle refused to return, his sexual awakening would refuse to go back to sleep.

Between the airport and his apartment, Leo swung by the grocery store because he knew whatever food was still in his refrigerator would have to be tossed. He bought shredded wheat, Cheerios, corn flakes, milk, apples and bananas. The bananas were pretty green so he added a fresh peach for tomorrow's breakfast. Then he swung by the deli and got some sliced turkey beast and added a loaf of fresh bread; whatever he had in the house would certainly be stale. Then he picked up some Chinese carryout and proceeded to his apartment. He put the washing machine to work while he ate his dinner then turned on the TV and channel surfed. 'How can I get so many channels and not find anything interesting to watch?' he thought.

Aware of the time, Leo flipped open his cell phone and called Megan. In his haste to leave town he'd neglected to say goodbye and thank her for her support. In the thirty-five minutes they talked, Leo explained that he felt it best for everyone if he went back to his profession. To this point he had not explained his real reason for leaving.

After the call, he moved his clothes to the dryer then he opened his laptop and checked his E-mail and surfed the net for the latest sports update until his laundry was dry. Exhausted, Leo tumbled into bed and slept soundly through the night.

Friday, Leo was up early. He drove to his office down town and his first duty was to call Frank, his attorney. He wanted to know if there had been any further development regarding the annulment and there hadn't been; all was quiet and perhaps he should consider destroying those digital pictures. His next call was to his agent to find out what was involved in re-starting his career, which had been on hold now for three weeks, though it seemed longer. The agent said he'd get back to him on Monday.

Then Leo sat behind his desk and looked around the room. 'Whatever happens,' he thought, 'I won't need this office any more. I'd rather work out of my apartment anyway and can save some money in the process.' Leo still wasn't accustomed to thinking about the settlement money from Marsha's "Daddy." He called the building management office and gave notice that he would be vacating the office space. He also asked if they had any boxes he could use to pack his files and reference materials. They suggested he contact the superintendent. Thirty-five minutes later, the Super dropped off about two-dozen boxes. They had been broken down so Leo would have to re-fold them and tape the bottoms before he could use them.

Matt was in the office when Megan arrived at 9:00 AM. He greeted her with a smile and noticed her smile appeared restrained.

"What time is Leo coming in?" he asked.

"Well..." Megan hesitated just long enough for Matt to suspect he might not like her reply. "He's not." She looked away from Matt while putting her purse away.


"Yes, well, yesterday he decided to go back to Nashville and continue his journalism work."

"WHY!" Matt exclaimed loudly in stunned disbelief. When he saw Megan cringe, he knew he'd over reacted. "I'm sorry, Meg, I... I didn't mean to shout like that. It's just... just a total surprise. He said he'd call last night and when he didn't I wondered why not. I never imagined he'd run off like that without even saying goodbye." Matt was expressing much more emotion than Megan had ever seen. He was always cool and confident. Not at this moment.

Megan was unable to offer a plausible explanation so they left the topic at that point because customers were arriving and needed attention.

Leo sat behind his desk moving files from a file drawer to a box when he heard a knock at the door and it began to open.

"Marsha..." it was more a surprised question than anything else. She was the last person he expected to see, in his office, or anywhere else for that matter.

"May I come in?" She asked somewhat meekly apologetic while proceeding into the office without waiting for the formal invitation. A thousand thoughts raced through Leo's mind. 'I don't owe her anything. She's on my territory now and I'm going to be in control. And I'll show her that, in spite of everything she'd done, I can still be a gentleman. That should disarm her some.'

"Yes, of course." Leo stood up but remained behind the desk. Walking around it to greet his former wife seemed like a courtesy he wasn't ready to extend. "I'm afraid that's the only seat I can offer you at the moment but your welcome to it." He pointed to a rather shabby club chair that the previous renter had left behind. "And I must admit this is quite a surprise."

"Oh, thank you, but I won't be staying." Marsha walked halfway to the desk and stopped, ignoring the offered chair. "I had asked Frank to let me know when you were back in town and where I might find you."

"Well, I guess he did his job. But I thought he was working for me." Leo's comment had a little bite to it and he was sure he saw Marsha grimace.

"I really came because I owe you an apology." Marsha began. "I know what I did was wrong and I want you to know that I never did it to hurt you. I've always thought the world of you, Leo and... I just wasn't thinking right."

Leo let the silence build for a few moments. He could think of hundreds of replies, all of them bordering on cruelty, so he chose to remain silent while he examined his ex-wife in a new light. She was pretty, no doubt about that. And she was dressed to kill. 'Why did she dress to the nines just to come apologize?' They had been good friends in the beginning... maybe the word 'lovers' might also apply.

"Thank you. I appreciate that." Leo remained standing behind the desk, making no move to approach her. "And if you haven't already found happiness, I sincerely hope you do in the near future." That was as far as Leo was willing to go at the moment. He thought Marsha appeared ready to approach him but instead, she only smiled.

"Well, I should be going; I'm sure you have things to do and I don't want to take any more of your time. Goodbye, Leo." Her smile was obviously forced. Was that to cover the sadness she felt? She turned around and walked toward the door and without looking back symbolically pulled it closed behind her.

Leo stood in stunned silence for over a minute. It was truly over. He collapsed into the chair and sat unmoving for several more minutes. A sadness came over him that he didn't understand - he should feel happy. But he had things to do. After about five minutes, Leo resumed his packing but the energy he'd felt earlier was gone. He borrowed a dolly from the Super and managed to load the boxes in his car, filling even the front passenger seat.

Moving the boxes from his car to his apartment proved more difficult than Leo had expected. He was dripping with sweat when he finished and took a much-needed shower. The rest of Friday evening seemed a waste. He drank two cans of beer while channel surfing again, but nothing caught his attention. He finally settled on a Cub's baseball game. As he crawled into bed, Leo realized that his encounter with Marsha had taken more out of him than he wanted to admit. There was something final about closing the door on what had once been a firm commitment that stirred some emotions deep in Leo's being. He certainly felt like a failure.

Saturday didn't hold much promise of improvement over Friday. Looking at the boxes stacked along one wall of the apartment, Leo realized he needed some kind of desk. He remembered the long table under the window of Matt's second bedroom - it was a folding table and... MATT! This was the first time Matt had entered Leo's consciousness. MATT! Leo closed his eyes and inhaled slowly and deeply, then exhaled slowly until his lungs were as empty as he could get them. Matt was gone.

Leo went to an office supply store and bought a long folding table. Brief thoughts of Matt flashed through his mind but he never allowed them to stay. He also bought a two-drawer lateral file and some hanging folders to hold most of the current material from his office. What was left over could remain in boxes. He already had a shredder and wastebasket that he salvaged from his office so he was well equipped for the moment.

The next trick would be to get it all home. For once, Leo was in luck. The store manager said his crew would be leaving soon to make a delivery and offered to drop the items off at Leo's apartment.

Once back at the apartment, Leo set up the table, positioned his laptop and printer on it, and placed the shredder and wastebasket under it. He now had plenty of workspace for his current files. For a chair, Leo dragged one from the kitchen. Finally, his office was complete. It was time to sit down and make a concerted effort to develop some plan for when he expected his agent to call Monday. But he found it very difficult to concentrate.

Leo logged on to the web to check his E-mail. That done, he watched, almost detached, as his hand moved the curser to his Favorites. Once selected, the curser moved down and clicked on the bookmark for one of his favorite sites, one that offered links to 300 gay videos. He could download video clips for his personal 'entertainment' later. Leo had told himself he wasn't going to do this any more. He couldn't seem to resist.

He watched the page load and as he scanned the images, he noticed that he'd seen most of the selections before and had actually downloaded a few of the clips. Each clip lasted only about twelve seconds but that was often long enough to inspire a man's libido to satisfaction.

Leo scrolled down the page, pausing long enough to consider the picture for each link. A particular scene caught his eye, one he'd not seen before. He clicked on it and a new window opened. Four videos appeared and the promised action looked like it would be hot. Without hesitation, Leo downloaded each clip in rapid succession. Then he logged off the web, shut down his browser and opened clip 01.wmv.

Two very healthy-looking young men, probably 20 or 21 years old, lay naked on a bed, one stretched out on top of the other. Leo clicked on 'View' in the menu bar and selected 'Fit to Screen,' then clicked the 'Play' button.

The two men began gyrating slowly, grinding their erect penises together while kissing. After twelve seconds the video stopped. Leo was excited and clicked the 'PLAY' button again. This time, as the camera pulled backed slightly, Leo could see that the man on top was not as tall as the man on the bottom - just like him and Matt. Matt! His effort to avoid thinking of him wasn't going so well. But there they were, or could have been. Leo moved the curser to the top menu, under 'View' he selected 'Loop,' then 'PLAY' again. This time after twelve seconds the action started over. Leo studied the two men. Their cocks were hard. They weren't wearing condoms. The taller man on the bottom was uncircumcised and owned an above average length prick, perhaps in the eight-inch range. Judging size on a computer screen was nearly impossible. The smaller man on top was cut and appeared to have a six-inch dick. It was like their cocks were making love. Their kisses looked genuine, too, like they really meant it. Either they were lovers or damned good actors.

Leo stopped the action, eager to see what was contained in 02.wmv. Now the two men were lying on their sides in the sixty-nine position, each with the other's dick about to enter his mouth. The camera angle was perfect. 'PLAY.' Slowly, each man took his partner's cock deeper and deeper into his mouth, so deep in fact that their noses pressed into their scrotums. They were deep-throating each other. They pulled back just as the twelve seconds expired and the loop feature took over. Leo sat and stared at the scene, enthralled by what we was witnessing. Time after time the pricks sank to their base, being devoured by the mouths, only to withdraw and start over again.

Difficult though it was to tear himself away, Leo closed that window and opened 03.wmv; what excitement it would bring? The picture showed the larger man on his back, his knees pulled up along his sides with the smaller man in position, ready to insert his prick in his partner's anus. In this position the larger man's cock appeared even longer. But it wasn't excessively thick. 'PLAY.' The smaller man's dick, without a condom, made contact with his partner's entrance, then immediately and effortlessly entered and disappeared. The smaller man withdrew his cock but not entirely and as he began to slide back in he leaned over and consumed about five inches of his partner's manhood. The video started over again. Leo was excited. He'd never considered that to be possible. But this didn't appear to be a video trick. Reluctantly, Leo closed 03.wmv and opened 04.wmv.

The opening scene showed the two lovers had reversed positions so that the smaller man was on the bottom, his legs pulled toward his chest, his hole waiting to receive his partner's cock. Leo examined the scene carefully and could see that the two men were smiling at each other. 'PLAY.' Slowly the above average length cock slid effortlessly into the waiting hole. When it was completely inserted, the taller man leaned forward, slid his arms under his partner's shoulders and held his lovers head in his hands. They kissed. Leo had never seen a more passionate kiss. Sadly the twelve seconds expired. Happily it instantly began all over again.

Leo didn't know how long he sat watching 04.wmv but it had to be close to ten minutes. He finally tore his eyes from the screen and closed the application. He could always come back to it because it was now in his laptop. He looked up and saw that it was dark outside. A check of his wristwatch showed it was after 8:00 PM and he was hungry. But he didn't feel like going out so he called for pizza delivery. What a disappointment when the delivery guy turned out to look like a homeless person, unkempt, hair a mess, and quite unattractive. After consuming the pizza and a beer, Leo was drawn back to his laptop and those scenes he'd just downloaded.

It was after 1:00 AM when Leo turned the light off. The eroticism of those new videos had worked their magic. He was still breathing heavily, his hand still gripped his dick, and his abdomen was covered with his thick cream. He lay on his back; his only thoughts were about Matt. He missed him more than he ever imagined he would. Leo could almost feel Matt's body against his, the feel of skin on skin, the taste of his mouth, the taste of his cum, and even the excitement of jerking Matt to orgasm in the shower. Leo dipped his finger in the thick cream that now covered his abdomen, made sure it was completely coated and placed the finger on his tongue. It was the same way Matt had done it. Having tasted every last drop, Leo rolled over and went to sleep.

Sunday morning broke to the sound of soft, rolling thunder. Leo jumped as a loud clap of thunder crashed outside his bedroom window. It must have been close. He rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling. Just moments before he'd been dreaming and he could still visualize the erotic scene. In the dream, his mind had connected the four video clips he spent so much time watching last evening. The result was a complete video of the two men engaging in the most erotic continuous expression of love Leo never thought possible. However, is mind had replaced the two lovers; he and Matt were the two lovers in his dream. Last night's masturbation had done little to quell his newfound desires. On the contrary, it actually seemed to accelerate a rapidly growing libido.

'I wish I'd had the chance to get a really good look at him,' Leo thought, referring to Matt's naked body. His only chance had been one brief moment that first morning when Matt fell out of bed.

Leo ignored his straining erection and hopped into the shower. Taking a piss with a hard-on was easier in the shower than trying to bend it down toward the toilet. And since Matt told him that urine was sterile... Matt again!

In the kitchen, wearing only his briefs, not even any socks, Leo poured some shredded wheat into the bowl and added milk. He picked up a not-quite-ripe banana and prepared to slice it on top of the cereal. Pealing the skin back, he stared at the exposed tip of the banana. Without thinking, Leo lifted the banana level with his eyes and turned it around slowly. 'One of nature's phalluses,' he thought. 'Or is it phalli?' He wondered. 'Now isn't that just like a writer, questioning the correct plural form of a word.' Consciously, Leo placed the tip of the phallus to his lips. Staring down the length of the white shaft, he parted his lips and accepted it into his mouth. His tongue seemed to know exactly what to do as it swirled around that tip, coating it with a liberal supply of saliva.

With eyes wide open and focused on the banana, Leo watched the white shaft slowly disappeared as he stuffed it deeper into his mouth. He hadn't pealed the banana far enough and the skin stopped his progress so he pealed back more and continued the insertion until the tip of the banana made contact with the entrance to his throat. He began to cough.

'Ah, the gag reflex,' he observed. 'I've read about that; how am I supposed to overcome it? Oh yes," he remembered. But he wanted to go slowly and work up to it. Removing the substitute prick from his mouth, Leo turned his head and began using his tongue and lips to coat the shaft with his saliva until it was fairly slick. It didn't occur to him to turn the banana sideways.

Leo made a fist and placed it on the table. He then inserted the banana in his fist and held it securely. It was time to experiment. Leaning down, Leo let his lips slip over the tip of the phallus and began sliding down the shaft. This time he was careful to use his lips to guard against scraping the meat with his teeth. After several cycles, he found the action erotically exciting, so much so that he got an erection. After a few strokes, Leo slowly let the tip of the banana press gently against back of his mouth - the entrance to his throat. He held it there until he could suppress the urge to gag. Then he pulled back and tried again, this time with more pressure. Again he held the position until his gag reflex dissipated.

Leo was now totally turned on and could feel precum leaking into his briefs. Seeking relief, he stood up, phallus still in his mouth and walked rapidly to his bedroom. Stripping is easy when you're wearing only briefs. He lay across the bed on his back and began stroking his member with his right hand while withdrawing the banana from his mouth with his left hand and plunging it back in until it pressed against his throat The action was too sensational to last long.

"M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M!!!" Leo exploded cum all over his abdomen. At the same time, with a totally involuntary action, he closed his mouth, severing at least five inches of the banana, actually driving it about half an inch into his throat. As he lay panting heavily, Leo made an important discovery - he was able to breathe even though an object was lodged in his throat. Then came another startling realization, what if that had been Matt's dick? He was mortified. 'Could I really bite his dick off?' Imagining that, Leo proceeded to chew it up and swallow. He smiled. 'I don't think that would ever really happen. I could never bite Matt's dick off. But I sure as heck would like the opportunity to try. No, that won't happen.'

Following the rather unusual beginning to Matt's day, he seemed quite satisfied. Standing in the middle of his living room, he turned around and around, trying to decide what to do next. His life didn't seem to be coming together like he'd expected it would. He just couldn't seem to figure out what to do next. Finally, he decided to go to church; he had always found solace sitting in a pew listening to organ music. But where? He didn't know, but he got cleaned up, got in his car and began to drive. He remembered a large church not far from his apartment so he steered in that direction. The large, impressive structure turned out to be an Episcopal Church. Leo had never been to one but he immediately felt at home. The service had so many similarities to the Catholic Church he grew up in, but unlike in the Catholic Church, Leo felt welcome.

Regardless of how relaxed Leo felt when he began driving home, by the time he reached his apartment he felt lethargic. Back in his living room, he looked around for something to do. He stared at his laptop and fought the urge to sit down and surf the web. He knew that would only lead to looking at more porn and he was struggling hard to resist doing that. Giving up, Leo turned on the TV and plopped down on the loveseat. 'At least there's NFL football to watch,' he told himself. Maybe he'd get some ideas for his next gig.

He skipped lunch, wasn't hungry. Drank a beer instead. Dinner consisted of a PB&J sandwich and a couple more beers. When football was over he caught the local news and weather then brushed his teeth and went to bed.

'Maybe coming back here wasn't the best thing to do,' he thought after turning off the light. Leo didn't know it, but he was beginning to feel depressed. 'Why is it that when I finally decide to come out of my shell, drop my defenses, and get involved with people, everything turns to crap? I really hoped everything would work out - for once.

Sleep didn't come easily that night. He tossed and turned and tossed some more. He got up several times to dispose of the beer he'd consumed earlier. He'd also done a good job of not thinking of Matt, at least not consciously. Like an application that continues to run in the background, thoughts of Matt were split seconds from Leo's consciousness, ready to burst forth at any moment.

Monday morning, Leo awoke feeling more tired than when he went to bed. The apartment felt like it was beginning to close in on him. Breakfast consisted of cereal with a banana. But the banana didn't hold the same fascination it had yesterday. Trying to establish some kind of routine, Leo cycled through the shower and dressed for the day in business casual. That way, when his agent called, he'd be ready to go somewhere, anywhere. He needed an excuse to get out of the apartment.

Leo waited until 9:00 AM, before calling his agent. He got the voice mail and left a message. Looking for something to occupy his time and thoughts, he pulled some of his boxes close to the lateral drawer file cabinet, got on his knees and began moving files from a box to hanging folders in the cabinet.

About half way through the first box of files, a wave of melancholy seemed to sweep over him. Leo released the file he'd just picked up and let it fall back into the box. He sat back on his heels, straightened his back and shoulders, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. As he exhaled, tears began forming in his eyes and the corners of his mouth turned down. He felt terrible. Placing his hands on the tops of his thighs, Leo leaned forward and began to sob softly.

'No! Stop! I can't be doing this.' He thought as he tried to straighten up again. But he couldn't. His shoulders felt as though a large weight was pressing them down. Tears were now streaking down his cheeks and no matter how hard he tried, Leo couldn't seem to stop them. "Why is this happening?" Leo asked out loud. He reached into his pocket for a tissue and blew his nose, then used a dry corner of it to wipe the tears from his cheeks.

As Leo struggled to regain his composure, he heard a knock at the door.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 19

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