Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on Aug 1, 2008


The Bandini Affair 16 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

From Chapter 15

"Night," Matt said softly.

"Night," Leo replied as he turned his head to his right and found Matt's waiting lips.

'The dreaded "Morning After" awaits,' Matt thought. 'Please Leo, remember this evening favorably.' Matt was asleep.

'I sure hope I didn't screw this up,' Leo thought as he heard Matt's breathing deepen. 'I was so easy Matt probably thinks I'm a slut. Wait a minute! He started it with that kiss in the kitchen! But we were playing games with each other all evening before we got to the kiss. And we did discuss everything before we did anything. But I... I was a little too eager. Oh Matt, thank you.' Leo slipped into a deep sleep.

Chapter 16

The sun came up on schedule Wednesday morning.

Matt immediately knew it was Leo who was pressed against him. 'How nice can it get! Leo, you feel so-o-o good in the morning.' When Matt fell asleep Leo was spooned back against him. Now Matt lay on his back and Leo was rolled up against his left side, somewhat chest to chest. Leo's arm draped across Matt's chest and his shoulder was wedged into Matt's armpit. That placed Leo's head on top of Matt's shoulder and when he exhaled through his nose, the warm breath stimulated Matt's left nipple. Matt was definitely aroused.

Matt smiled and dreaded hearing the alarm clock. 'ALARM CLOCK!' Matt thought with some degree of panic. There was already too much light in the room. He raised his head and looked. It was now 6:30 AM and the alarm should have gone off at 6:00. He and Leo had to be at work at 7:30. 'SHIT!' Matt scolded himself. He realized he'd forgotten to set the alarm. He normally didn't set it for Monday and Tuesday mornings because those were his days off. He now remembered that last night's more pressing activities had, shall we say, interrupted his routine.

"Leo, wake up! We overslept!" Matt exclaimed not too loudly as he placed his hand on Leo's shoulder and shook his sleeping companion. Leo groaned to indicate he was awake but didn't move and kept his eyes closed.

Matt quickly rolled out of bed and hurried to the bathroom to relieve his bladder. Moving even faster, he went back to the bedroom and pulled on some boxer briefs, tan shorts and a clean Bandini polo. Looking around, he saw Leo had rolled onto his stomach and placed his head under the pillow.

Matt grinned. Taking hold of the covers, he threw them back exposing Leo's sexy round globes to the morning light. Instantly Matt imagined his tongue plowing the desirable furrow between Leo's ass cheeks. A nano-second later he felt embarrassed. 'No time for that this morning,' he thought. However, Matt couldn't resist the temptation...



"C'mon, Leo, shake a leg. We've got less than an hour to get to work and the drive takes almost twenty-five minutes. Coffee's ready; I'll be in the kitchen." With that, Matt left the room.

The pillow covering Leo's head was hiding a big grin. Matt had actually given him a love slap on his butt. He thought back to his youth when he'd watch his brother and friends pop each other on their shoulders and give friendly butt taps. Even then he understood that they were only expressing a bond of deep friendship and trust of one another. Now he wondered it there had been any sexuality involved but quickly dismissed it. He'd never had that kind of relationship but always wanted one. Was Matt playing with him like that kind of friend?

"TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES!" Leo exclaimed as he sat bolt upright in the bed. The urgency of that information finally hit him.

Matt had poured juice, set two cereal bowls on the counter along with spoons and boxes of cereal. The coffee was ready because he'd set it up before dinner last evening and the timer had done its job this morning.

Seeing movement out of the corner of his eye, Matt looked up just in time to see Leo dash toward the front door, open it and run to his car. Matt laughed to see Leo run across the yard wearing only shorts and sneakers, no top and no socks. On his return, Leo was carrying a large brown paper sack as he dashed back to the bedroom.

'What was that all about?' Matt wondered. Moments later he got his answer when Leo emerged from the bedroom fully dressed in a clean Bandini outfit. 'That little fox!' Matt grinned. 'He came here last night fully prepared to stay. There's hope here,' he thought with a smile.

"Here's juice, there's a bowl and Cheerios, shredded wheat, or bran flakes; take your pick.

"No Fruit-Loops?" Leo asked trying to sound disappointed.

"You're kidding! Fruit-Loops?"

"Yeah, I'm kidding." Leo smiled and he downed the juice.

They sat across the table from each other silently eating cereal - Matt ate Cheerios and Leo chose the shredded wheat. Matt was very much aware of Leo's presence so when Leo stopped eating Matt noticed and looked up.

"Matt... about last night."

'Oh-oh, here it comes,' Matt thought as he looked directly into Leo's beautiful, almond shaped eyes.

"Uh..." Matt began but Leo cut him off.

"I want to thank you, thank you very much." Leo took another bite of cereal.

"Uh, it was all my pleasure, believe me." Matt was caught a little off guard. He'd been anticipating the opposite reaction.

"Well actually, you get only half of pleasure; the other half was mine." Leo grinned. Both men fell silent as they smiled at each other. Then Matt spoke

"Rather than divide it in half, suppose we each get one hundred percent." They grinned at each other and took another bite of cereal. Matt swallowed his bite, sipped his coffee and looked at Leo. "Does that mean you'd consider a repeat engagement?" This was moving faster than Matt had any reason to anticipate and he continued to smile hopefully at the recent developments.

" Absolutely," Leo responded then he thought, 'and if we didn't have to be at work in about thirty minutes we could do it right now.' He was getting hard and wondered if Matt was, too.

"Let's talk more about this later," Matt suggested as he placed his now empty cereal bowl in the dishwasher. "Right now I need to brush my teeth and put some shoes on. Then we need to hit the road." It was all said in a loving tone of voice and Leo followed Matt to the bathroom where they stood side-by-side brushing their teeth. Leo had remembered to put a toothbrush in his overnight bad, or brown paper sack.

For the drive to the nursery, Matt gave Leo a mug with fresh coffee because they hadn't been able to finish even one cup before leaving the house. Because Matt knew some short cuts to avoid the worst of the morning traffic, he led and Leo followed. Leo's mind was occupied with thoughts about last night and this morning.

'Wow! What a night! Matt was really quick on the draw. I suppose that qualifies as my first one-night-stand. But maybe not... he just asked for a "repeat engagement." Is it possible that we could be going somewhere with a real relationship? But why would he be interested in me? Just look at him. He can have about any guy he wants. Why me? But wait! Last night! Didn't he say he'd had a crush on me since he was fourteen? Did that mean that he still does? I was way too preoccupied last night to appreciate the promise of that statement. Is it safe to assume he's still interested? Well, I must admit he's being awfully friendly.'

As he followed behind Matt, Leo also became aware that his dick ached. It was a good kind of ache, not painful. Actually it was his prostate that ached but who's complaining. He'd never experienced that before; he'd never had orgasms as close together as he did last night. And the ache seemed to intensify each time he remembered last night and he started to get hard. That would repeat several times throughout the day. Leo took a sip of coffee then looked at the mug. 'And now I have another reason to go back - I need to return this cup.'

They both pulled into the nursery parking lot and parked side-by-side. Matt delayed and let Leo walk ahead of him, hoping not to draw attention to the fact that they were essentially arriving together.

The rest of the day proceeded normally, except that Leo and Matt went out of their way to find each other, exchange smiles and say 'Hi.'

"Are you okay? You're awfully chipper this morning," Megan commented at about 10:30. She'd arrived shortly after 9:00 AM and quickly noticed a change in her brother's demeanor.

"No, I'm fine." Leo's response was quick and brief in the hope that his sister would drop the subject. Then he admitted to himself that he'd been acting almost giddy all morning. He'd have to control that, act more normal.

'What are my motives here?' Matt wondered as he began to rearrange some Soft Touch hollies. A customer had just purchased a dozen and the remaining pots were scattered about. 'I have no doubt that Leo means much more than a quick fuck. He's much too nice, a real keeper. I wouldn't dream of using then tossing him. Plus, that's not the way I was raised to treat people. Leo deserves respect and I'm going to give it to him. But what does that mean? Just exactly what do I want? Well, one thing I know for sure, I've never felt so good as I did this morning when I awoke to find Leo intertwined with me. Nothing has ever felt that comfortable. With other guys I've always wanted to get out of there and never go back. But Leo's different. Take last night for example. He said he trusted me and then he proved it. He may have been anxious about what we were about to do but once we got started he was definitely a willing partner. And in the shower he wasn't afraid to "take things into his own hands" so to speak. Wow, that was hot. And yet, he wasn't aggressive either. Okay, I really need someone in my life. So Leo, let's approach this slowly and see where it goes.'

Meanwhile, in the office:

'Should I really believe this is happening. I really did spend last night with Matt... And we really did have sex. Well, a form of sex, anyway, and it was... way better than I ever imagined. Those stories I've read don't really do it justice. And those videos, wow, I'll just have to wait and see. Marcia and I never achieved such level of sexual pleasure and enjoyment. I guess I now know why. One thing's for certain, Matt was great about all of it, too. I always felt comfortable with him. I never felt like he was taking advantage of me. He was nice last night, he was nice this morning, and he's been nice today. It's like I finally found a good friend. And I do trust him, like I said. But there was more to it than just the sex. This morning when he popped my butt, I sure liked that. I think Matt respects me and that's very important. Now! Where is this going? I don't know but I'm determined to find out.'

At that moment, 3:15 PM, Leo's cell phone chirped, indicating he had a text message. Leo flipped the phone open and looked - it was from Matt. "Store shed 3:30?" He smiled and immediately sent the following reply: "C U @ 3:25!"

Leo turned to Megan and said he was going out into the yard for a while. Wednesday business was slow as usual and two people weren't needed in the office. Once outside, Leo wandered around trying to look busy while at the same time becoming very well aware of where Matt was. About five minutes later Leo caught Matt's eye. Matt looked at Leo, made a deliberate turn, and started walking in the direction of the storage shed. Leo then turned and walked the opposite direction around the house.

Megan had answered a phone call from a salesman who wanted to talk to Leo. Just then she saw him walk past the front door and disappear around the side of the building. She locked the register and walked outside to find her brother. When Meg rounded the corner of the house she saw him walk into the storage shed. Rather than shout at him, she decided to catch up and tell him the caller was waiting.

Leo walked into the shed and saw Matt standing at the far left side of the room near the sink. In a matter of seconds they were greeting each other with a long kiss.

Megan approached the entrance to the storage shed and came to a screeching halt. Two more paces and her foot would have landed on the wooden platform outside the shed and the noise would have announced her arrival. She watched in shock as Leo approached Matt, placed one arm lovingly around Matt's waist and the other around Matt's neck, rose on his tiptoes and engaged Matt in what Meg could only describe as a very hot kiss. Matt was obviously a willing participant because one hand was behind Leo's head and the other was under Leo's butt.

Slowly, carefully, Megan took two steps back, and with one more look, quietly turned and returned to the office. She told the caller that Leo would call him back. Then she sat down in shock.

It was a simple kiss. Lips parted and tongues caressed but there was no deep, frantic, throat probing, tongue thrusting. Respect for each other was the message. It lasted for over two minutes as hands wondered and petted and caressed. Finally their lips separated and they came up for air.

"Oh, I needed that." Matt gasped. "It's all I've been able to think about since this morning."

"Yeah, me too," Leo gasped. "This is harder than I thought."

"Hard?" Matt asked. "In what way?" And he gave Leo's erection a gentle squeeze.

"Uh... that's not what I meant," Leo replied and reciprocated with a squeeze of Matt's hardness. "I'm finding it difficult to be around you all day and not be able to do anything about it."

"I'm giving another class at the Police Academy tonight but we could get together later," Matt suggested hopefully.

"I think I'd better stay home tonight. I don't want the 'rents' to get suspicious. But I'm thinking about getting a place of my own and that'll give me more freedom." Matt leaned down and initiated another long kiss. Leo willingly participated.

"Ha!" Leo gasped for air when their lips separated. "I think I'm beginning to get a deeper understanding of that old saying: You can never go home."

"I've never had the experience but I'm sure it cramps your style," Matt chuckled.

"One more kiss and then you have to get back to work," Leo said sternly.

"Yes, Boss!" Matt replied. They both chuckled. The third kiss was even more passionate, leaving both men very hard and gasping for breath.

"I'll call you later tonight," Leo managed to say just a little breathlessly.

"I'll be waiting."

Matt was the first to leave the storage room and Leo followed about one minute later. As he entered the office Megan handed Leo a message.

"This guy called about an order you were interested in," she said. Megan could also see that her brother looked a little flushed and she chuckled to herself. Based on personal observation, she had to conclude that her brother was probably gay. Meg quickly got beyond that issue and thought the prospect of him hooking up with Matt was a wonderful idea.

Leo accepted the note and sat down at a desk to return the salesman's call. By the time he concluded the call, he was almost back to normal. Leo walked back behind the counter and stood next to his sister.

"If I were you," Megan began in a voice just above a whisper, "next time I'd close the door to the storage shed."

Leo almost went into shock. He'd been caught! He'd allowed his passion to cloud his judgment! He'd made a critical mistake, not closed the door, and Megan, his own sister, had seen him kissing Matt! In a split second Leo envisioned his entire safe, secure world crashing down around him! Nothing would ever be the same again! 'WHY DIDN'T I SHUT THAT DOOR?' He felt a hand on his shoulder and he was being turned toward his sister.

"Leo?" Meg asked as she looked into her brother's face. She saw the panic in his eyes and the water collecting at the corners. Her intuition told her that he was about to loose it. Like throwing a rope to a drowning man, she took him into her arms and whispered into his ear.

"It's okay, Leo. Everything's going to be okay. You're safe. It's okay. Here me?"

"Yeah, I hear you," he managed to get past the lump in his throat. "I'm sorry..." he started to say.

"Here, here, there'll be none of that." Meg admonished. "So what? If you're gay, you're gay. You're still my brother; I still love you. You're the same sweet brother now that you were fifteen minutes ago. So please don't beat yourself up. Please?" With that request Megan released Leo from her embrace and look directly into his face again.

Leo pulled away from his sister and sat down in a metal folding chair that was close by. He placed his elbows on his knees and buried his face in his hands. He took several slow, deep breaths and then looked up at Megan. She stood looking down at him in anticipation.

"I've really screwed this up, haven't I?" That was a rhetorical question and he didn't wait for a response. "It... it all happened so fast. I let things get away from me. Where do I go now? I don't know what to do." He again buried his face in his hands. He was thinking more of Matt than himself. Leo remembered the conversation with his father about Matt. Pop had said that Matt being gay wouldn't be a problem as long as didn't interfere with his work. Leo now felt that through his carelessness he may have crossed a line and placed Matt's job in jeopardy. That pained him. At that moment he was aware that Megan was talking to him. He looked up to find her kneeling in front of him with her hands on his arms.

"Leo? Leo?" she repeated until she was sure she had his attention. "Look, I have to leave in a few minutes. I want you to come to my house tonight for dinner. After the kids go to bed we can talk this out. I'll call Mom and tell her what we're doing so she won't worry. What do you say?"

Leo thought for a moment. "Okay, that'll be good. If I go home I know that Mom and Pop will know something is wrong."

"Yes, you've never been very good at hiding your emotions. One look at your face and they'll know you're troubled. You should see how you look right now." Meg smiled at him, hoping for some reaction. Leo smiled back faintly. Meg leaned forward and kissed her brother's forehead then stood up, confident they had made a start.

Meg left to go home and Leo hung around to lock up at 6:00 PM. Matt hung around to help as usual. When he walked into the office, one look at Leo told him something was wrong.

"Leo? Are you okay?"

Leo looked up, saw Matt, and bit his lower lip. He took a deep breath and spoke. "Matt, I've screwed up."

Matt could clearly see that Leo was in some kind of emotional pain and he walked around the counter and hugged him. "What's up?" he asked. Leo gently and politely pushed away and explained.

"Meg caught us in the shed; she saw us; she knows."

Matt experienced a moment of panic then relaxed. He'd learned how to handle situations like this but he was concerned more about Leo. How was it affecting Leo? First, he wanted to assure Leo that this wasn't the end of the world.

"How did she react?"

"Oh, she said it was okay, that everything would be fine." Leo paused briefly and Matt waited. "She doesn't have a problem with what I've done... but what about..." Leo stopped and changed directions. "I'm going to her house for dinner and we're going to try to talk this out before I go home and face Mom and Pop."

"Can I help? I want to help if I can, Leo. I want you to know that."

"Thanks, Matt, that means a lot right now." Leo wanted to end this conversation before he said something he might regret. He also wanted to feel the security of Matt's arms once more but thought better of it.

Matt sensed that Leo wanted to end the conversation. "Call me tonight... please? I don't care what time it is, call me. I'd really appreciate knowing what happens with Meg."

"Okay, I will." Matt stepped forward and embraced Leo once more just to show his support then he stepped back. Leo had not resisted the contact.

"Don't worry, Leo, everything's going to be okay. I believe that."

Leo reached out and gently touched Matt's right forearm. He smiled like he was trying to convince himself that he believed what Matt was saying, but there was more than a lingering doubt.

It was just after 8:00 PM when brother and sister sat down in the living room. William, Meg's husband, was putting the kids to bed and would retire to his office when he was finished. Meg had told him what happened that afternoon and he had hugged Leo when he arrive and offered his support.

It was a little after 10:00 when Leo left Meg's house. He felt much better after airing out the situation with his sister. Things didn't seem quite so complicated or threatening as they had earlier. Leo had decided he needed to tell his parents immediately that he was gay. Now that his secret was out, he wanted to make sure that his parents heard it directly from him, and he even had a plan for how he was going to do it.

Meg had said one thing that surprised him. She told Leo that she never felt that Marsha truly loved him but that she had collected him like some trophy. It was as though Marsha was making a statement like: "Look at me, I'm such a good person because I married a man of mixed race!"

The minute Meg said that, a light went on in Leo's head. Some pieces of the puzzle he'd been searching for suddenly fell into place. But he knew that was only part of the problem and he now had a better understanding of that too.

Sitting in his car, Leo flipped open his cell phone.

"Hi," Leo knew Matt knew it was him calling. "How did it go?"

"Fine. Good. Better than I expected." There was a pause in the conversation.

"And?" Matt asked as if on pins and needles.

"Ha-ha." Matt knew Leo was better when he heard the laugh. "Tomorrow I'm going to tell Mom and Pop that I'm gay. And Matt?"


"I'm going to keep you out of this. I don't want them to know you were involved in any way." Leo waited several seconds for a response from the other end. He could imagine Matt sitting in his front room or even on the edge of his bed thinking. Why not ask?

"It's okay, Leo. I don't mind if they know. In fact, I'll be happy to stand by you when you tell them."

"Thanks Matt, that's really sweet. But I think this is something I have to do by myself. That way, if there're any repercussions I don't want them coming down on you."

"Leo..." Matt was about to say the 'L-word' but didn't. "Okay, I understand. You WILL call me when it's over, right?"

"Yes... Sure. I'll call you tomorrow after my session with the 'rents.' Okay?"

"I'll be on pins and needles until I hear from you." Again, Matt desperately wanted to say the 'L-word' but held his tongue. "Night, Leo..."

"Night, Matt..."

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 17

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